993 resultados para operations services
This paper examines trends in the practice of Operations Management and in teaching the field in major Business Schools. Operations Management has been defined as the design and management of transformation processes that create value for society. The operations function is the one function directly involved in that transformation, and hence is directly responsible for the activities that justify the existence of the firm, both economically and as a value-creating organization in society. The top rated schools in Operations Management are the top-rated research-intensive Business Schools in the world. Operations Management is an area that has been undergoing rapid change in response to changes in business practices worldwide. It is at the heart of changes of which the AACSB report Management Education at Risk, August 2002 (p 20), comments of Business Schools in general: ‘With regard to global relevance (of Business Schools), the complex opportunities and challenges that emanate from the world scope of operations, outsourcing, supply chains, partnerships, and financial and consumer markets – all linked in real time through the Internet – are not reflected adequately in curricula and learning approaches.’ Products, and even services, depend increasingly on advanced technology. This is true globally and especially so for countries in South East and East Asia, from which Australian Universities draw a significant number of students. Services operations management has become much more important, while there are both educational and industrial needs in management science or operations research.
Operations management (OM) represents a dynamic and significant field of scholarly research and writing. Changes in the business environment over the last fifteen years has driven rapid developments in OM practice so that the production of goods and provision of services are now more market focused rather than technology led.This collection defines the nature and meaning of operations management. It draws together leading-edge papers that reveal the state of operations management today and classic articles that chart the development of practice to the present. These three volumes assemble the work of internationally renowned scholars and look at the following key areas: Volume One: Operations Management Concepts and Strategy Volume Two: The Design of Operations Systems Volume Three: Operations Planning and Control
Operations management deals with the management of the creation of goods and the delivery of services to the customer. It plays an essential role in the success of any organization. In this book, Andrew Greasley provides a clear and accessible introduction to this important area of study, focusing on all key areas of operations in both manufacturing and service industries. Operations Management, Second Edition covers the main areas of operations strategy, the design of the operations system and the management of operations over time. Yet, its concise nature of the text means students are not overwhelmed by the amount of material presented. This new edition also features: New content in such areas such as the quality gap model, enterprise systems and business process management. Expanded case studies, to include more global and European cases and longer cases at the end of each chapter. Greater clarity in chapter material organization. Worked Examples providing a step–by–step guide to the procedure to solve quantitative problems. Visual redesign in full colour. More support material for students and lecturers, including an interactive WileyPLUS course. All lecturers can access supporting resources on the companion website at www.wiley.com/college/greasley including an Instructor’s Manual with suggested solutions for all case study questions and end of chapter exercises, a Test Bank and PowerPoint slides for each chapter. Students will find multiple–choice test quizzes, web–links and an online glossary. Operations Management is essential reading for all students studying operations management, whether on undergraduate, postgraduate or continuing professional development courses.
Purpose – This paper aims to present a framework that will help manufacturing firms to configure their internal production and support operations to enable effective and efficient delivery of products and their closely associated services. Design/methodology/approach – First, the key definitions and literature sources directly associated with servitization of manufacturing are established. Then, a theoretical framework that categorises the key characteristics of a manufacturer's operations strategy is developed and this is populated using both evidence from the extant literature and empirical data. Findings – The framework captures a set of operations principles, structures and processes that can guide a manufacturer in the delivery of product-centric servitized offering. These are illustrated and contrasted against operations that deliver purely product (production operations) and those which deliver purely services (services operations). Research limitations/implications – The work is based on a review of the literature supported by data collected from an exploratory case study. Whilst it provides an essential platform, further research will be needed to validate the framework. Originality/value – The principal contribution of this paper is a framework that captures the key characteristics of operations for product-centric servitized manufacture.
Purpose – The debate about services-led competitive strategies continues to grow, with much interest emerging around the differing practices between production and servitized operations. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to this discussion by investigating the vertical integration practice (in particular the micro-vertical integration, otherwise known as the supply chain position) of manufacturers who are successful in their adoption of servitization. Design/methodology/approach – To achieve this the authors have investigated a cross-section of four companies which are successfully delivering advanced services coupled to their products. Findings – Manufacturers who have embraced the servitization trend tend to retain capabilities in design and production, and do so because this benefits their speed, effectiveness and costs of supporting assets on advanced services contracts. Research limitations/implications – These are preliminary findings from a longer term research programme. Practical implications – Through this research note the authors seek to simultaneously contribute to the debate in the research community and offer guidance to practitioners exploring the consequences of servitization. Originality/value – Successful servitization demands that manufacturers adopt new and alternative practices and technologies to those traditionally associated with production operations. A prevailing challenge is to understand these differences and their underpinning rationale. Therefore, in this research note, the authors report on the practices of four case companies, explore the rationale underpinning these, and propose an hypothesis for the impact on vertical integration of successful servitization.
A view has emerged within manufacturing and service organizations that the operations management function can hold the key to achieving competitive edge. This has recently been emphasized by the demands for greater variety and higher quality which must be set against a background of increasing cost of resources. As nations' trade barriers are progressively lowered and removed, so producers of goods and service products are becoming more exposed to competition that may come from virtually anywhere around the world. To simply survive in this climate many organizations have found it necessary to improve their manufacturing or service delivery systems. To become real ''winners'' some have adopted a strategic approach to operations and completely reviewed and restructured their approach to production system design and operations planning and control. The articles in this issue of the International journal of Operations & Production Management have been selected to illustrate current thinking and practice in relation to this situation. They are all based on papers presented to the Sixth International Conference of the Operations Management Association-UK which was held at Aston University in June 1991. The theme of the conference was "Achieving Competitive Edge" and authors from 15 countries around the world contributed to more than 80 presented papers. Within this special issue five topic areas are addressed with two articles relating to each. The topics are: strategic management of operations; managing change; production system design; production control; and service operations. Under strategic management of operations De Toni, Filippini and Forza propose a conceptual model which considers the performance of an operating system as a source of competitive advantage through the ''operation value chain'' of design, purchasing, production and distribution. Their model is set within the context of the tendency towards globalization. New's article is somewhat in contrast to the more fashionable literature on operations strategy. It challenges the validity of the current idea of ''world-class manufacturing'' and, instead, urges a reconsideration of the view that strategic ''trade-offs'' are necessary to achieve a competitive edge. The importance of managing change has for some time been recognized within the field of organization studies but its relevance in operations management is now being realized. Berger considers the use of "organization design", ''sociotechnical systems'' and change strategies and contrasts these with the more recent idea of the ''dialogue perspective''. A tentative model is suggested to improve the analysis of different strategies in a situation specific context. Neely and Wilson look at an essential prerequisite if change is to be effected in an efficient way, namely product goal congruence. Using a case study as its basis, their article suggests a method of measuring goal congruence as a means of identifying the extent to which key performance criteria relating to quality, time, cost and flexibility are understood within an organization. The two articles on production systems design represent important contributions to the debate on flexible production organization and autonomous group working. Rosander uses the results from cases to test the applicability of ''flow groups'' as the optimal way of organizing batch production. Schuring also examines cases to determine the reasons behind the adoption of ''autonomous work groups'' in The Netherlands and Sweden. Both these contributions help to provide a greater understanding of the production philosophies which have emerged as alternatives to more conventional systems -------for intermittent and continuous production. The production control articles are both concerned with the concepts of ''push'' and ''pull'' which are the two broad approaches to material planning and control. Hirakawa, Hoshino and Katayama have developed a hybrid model, suitable for multistage manufacturing processes, which combines the benefits of both systems. They discuss the theoretical arguments in support of the system and illustrate its performance with numerical studies. Slack and Correa's concern is with the flexibility characteristics of push and pull material planning and control systems. They use the case of two plants using the different systems to compare their performance within a number of predefined flexibility types. The two final contributions on service operations are complementary. The article by Voss really relates to manufacturing but examines the application of service industry concepts within the UK manufacturing sector. His studies in a number of companies support the idea of the ''service factory'' and offer a new perspective for manufacturing. Harvey's contribution by contrast, is concerned with the application of operations management principles in the delivery of professional services. Using the case of social-service provision in Canada, it demonstrates how concepts such as ''just-in-time'' can be used to improve service performance. The ten articles in this special issue of the journal address a wide range of issues and situations. Their common aspect is that, together, they demonstrate the extent to which competitiveness can be improved via the application of operations management concepts and techniques.
Operations Management, 3rd Edition provides a clear and accessible introduction to this important area of study, focusing on all key areas of operations in both manufacturing and service industries. Features: Focuses on the subject from a European perspective. Deals with the management of the creation of goods and the delivery of services to the customer. Covers the main areas of operations strategy, the design of operations system and the management of operations over time. Incorporates more strategic and international commentary. Includes a strategy link section consisting of a paragraph relating each chapter topic to operations strategy. Includes more end of chapter and quantitative exercises. Cases have been updated throughout and now include: Service including public sector, international, a mix of mini–cases and a longer case for each chapter. Accompanied by a comprehensive package of online learning support materials including: A robust testbank featuring 1500 questions, PowerPoint slides and a comprehensive instructor's manual An interactive e–Book is included with every new copy of this text, featuring a wealth of embedded media, including: Animated worked examples, simulations, virtual tours, videos, flashcards and practice quizzes.
The need for global logistics services has increased dramatically and become extremely complex and dynamic as a result of a number of changes in manufacturing and in industrial production. In response, the logistics industry is changing in a variety of ways, including mergers to form integrated transportation service providers, outsourcing and increased use of information technology. The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the evolution and the most important trends in the logistics services provider (LSP) industry. Specific emphasis will be given to the role of Internet-based applications. Within this context, the chapter will also present the role of logistics e-marketplaces. In particular, based on the secondary research of currently existing logistics on-line marketplaces, an analysis and classification of them is provided with the aim of identifying service gaps. The analysis reveals that logistics electronic marketplaces, despite the increased range of services currently offered, still face limitations with reference to integrated customs links or translation services, which both reduce the efficiency of global operations.
Purpose - This "research note" sets out to fuel the debate around the practices and technologies within operations that are critical to success with servitization. It presents a study of four companies which are delivering advanced services and reports on the organisation and skill-sets of people within these. Design/methodology/approach - This has been case-based research at four manufacturers leading in their delivery of services. Findings - It describes the desirable behaviour of people in the front-line of service delivery, identifies the supporting skill-sets, how these people are organised, and explains why all these factors are so important. Originality/value - This paper contributes to the understanding of the servitization process and, in particular, the implications to broader operations of the firm. © 2013 Emerald Group Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.
The debate about services-led competitive strategies continues to grow with much interest emerging around the differing practices between production and servitised operations. This paper contributes to this discussion byinvestigating the vertical integration practice (in particular the micro-vertical integration otherwise known as the supply chain position)of manufacturers who are successful in their adoption of servitization.Although these are preliminary findings from a longer-term research programme, through this technical note we seek to simultaneously contribute to the debate in the research community and offer guidance to practitioners exploring the consequences of servitization. Keyword: Servitization, Product-Service Systems, Through-life Services.
This short paper sets out to further develop the debate around the practices and technologies within operations that are critical to success with servitization. This paper draws findings from four companies that are leading in their delivery of advanced services, and reports on the organisation and skill-sets of people within these organisations. In particular it examines the roles and activities of people within the front-office, identifies the skill-sets that are espoused as being critical, and then seeks to present the rational that explains this importance. It concludes by proposing a working hypothesis for future studies in this field.