981 resultados para online participation


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The way that we build the foundations of our intellectual capital in management has changed. One example is the steady move in management research from the use of traditional paper-based survey questionnaires to online technology-based formats. This paper considers this shift, particularly focusing on the question of whether the advantages of online survey questionnaires outweigh their potential problems. The historical use of paper-based survey questionnaires has produced a large body of literature on both the advantages and disadvantages in their use, which are reviewed here alongside those of online survey questionnaires. In addition, welI-tested methods are available for increasing survey response rates in paper format, and these should not be thrown out in the quest to utilise online survey methodology. Rather, researchers should aim to exploit the potential benefits of online technologies and increase response rate by thoughtfully combining traditional and new methods. This paper argues for further discussion and research attention on electronic methods of data collection to ensure potential cost savings are not outweighed by either financial or participation costs involved in online survey questionnaire design.


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Teaching online and facilitating effective discussion with students requires adapting existing patterns of traditional classroom discussion techniques. This paper examines the life and times of a number of online discussions in both graduate and undergraduate papers for eduction students at the University of Waikato. Key features examined include the creation of an effective online environment model, the level and type of participation, along with modes of effective discussion assessment. The impact and development of the conversational style software environment that includes pictures of the participants has proved to be a critical aspect of discussion development and innovation.


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While there is agreement that participation in online asynchronous discussions can enhance student learning, it has also been identified that there is a need to investigate the impact of participation in online discussions on student course performance. This paper presents a case study based on an undergraduate engineering management unit employing a formally assessed online discussion area. It was observed that while many students read a significant number of discussion postings, generally, the posting of new and reply messages occurred at the minimum level required to qualify for the assignment marks. Based on correlation and multiple regression analysis, it was observed that two variables were significantly related to a student's final unit mark—prior academic ability and the number of new postings made to the online discussion. Each new posting contributed three times as much to the final unit mark as its nominal assessment value, suggesting that the work in preparing their new discussion postings assisted students in the completion of a range of assessable tasks for the unit. The number of postings read was not significantly correlated with the final unit mark, suggesting that passive lurking in this online discussion did not significantly contribute to student learning outcomes.


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Whereas user participation has been embraced worldwide as a means to provide better patient outcomes, the implementation of formative, action research approaches in online health information has remained under-explored. The purpose of this study is to present an action research-based methodology that allows the scoping of health information and design needs in complex, multi-user online environments. The project's four main stages were informed by an iterative, formative approach involving continuous expert and user evaluation. The study suggests that an action research-inspired formative approach can be successfully employed to generate user-participation. Moreover, sustained user-participation effectively addresses most quality issues regarding content, language, and accessibility raised in the recent literature. The paper concludes that an action research approach geared to develop online health resources deserves more attention.


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For many social work educators, the debate about whether social work education should be delivered using online technology has, as a result of institutional imperatives, moved on to how best this can be done. In this article, the process of designing and delivering part of a social work course using asynchronous online discussion is described and reflected upon. Student participation in the online environment is also compared with final course grades and the findings discussed in relation to existing literature. Recommendations for the future delivery of social work courses using online technology emerging from this discussion are offered.


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The use of discussion forums in education has long been a hot topic in tertiary education. Discussion forums’ activities help learners to share and gain knowledge from each other. However, setting up discussion forums does not ensure that learners interact with each other actively and grading of discussion forum participation is done to ensure qualitative learner participation. Currently, a major focus has been put onto the better use of discussion forums, but the way in which quality of participation can be evaluated has yet to be adequately investigated. This paper presents a conceptual model, based on an extensive review of current literature in related areas, as a way forward in looking at the assessment of quality in online discussion forums. The main benefits of the proposed framework are towards facilitators, as a way to assess learners’ online contributions, while students may use it to understand what is expected of them as participants in online discussion forums


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This paper reports on Information Technology (IT) secondary school educators in Victoria and their involvement in an online community of practice. It examined the social effects of the online mailing list technology on their participation and factors that influenced their collaboration with other colleagues. In mapping these elements, the motivations of educators and the effects on online communities of practice can be distilled and then used to build and sustain other architectures of participation. It was found that mailing list subscribers seem to trade a currency of support, thoughts, ideas and answers, which helped them in their day-to-day teaching. Online communities of practice provide a convenient way to keep up professional networks while continuing to stay abreast with subject specific knowledge and skills. The findings of this case study may be generalised to other educational mailing lists to guide designers and managers and inspire educators to join and ultimately benefit from these text based online environments.


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The dataset contains quantitative information concerning university students' usage of online discussion areas and the impact of the students' participation on their final results.

The data includes the following categories of information:
• student age (whole years at the end of semester);
• student gender (male or female);
• student normal mode of study (on-campus or off-campus);
• student course of study (BTech, BE or other);
• student prior general academic performance (measured at Deakin University by the weighted average mark [WAM]);
• the total number of discussion messages read (or at least opened) by the student;
• the total number of new/initial discussion postings made by the student;
• the total number of follow-up/reply discussion postings made by the student; and
• the final unit mark obtained by the student.


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Discussion is usually considered a powerful tool for the development of pedagogical skills such as critical thinking, collaboration and reflection. In the last few years, an online asynchronous discussion forum has become an integral part of teaching and learning in tertiary education. However, there are considerable challenges involved in designing discussion forum for learning and teaching arrangements that can support desired learning outcomes. The study analysed the factors that affect the level of the student participation in the online discussion forums with emphases on some of the critical issues that should be taken into account when designing online discussions forums that can support desired learning outcomes. We show that the course instructor roles and level of participations in the discussion forum particularly determines the overall level of discussion among the learning communities.


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This study aims to examine, for people treated for multiple myeloma, (1) differences between prediagnosis and postdiagnosis levels of physical activity, (2) perceived barriers and likelihood of attending a physical activity program, and (3) factors that influence whether or not respondents are meeting physical activity guidelines.

This was a quantitative cross-sectional study; data were gathered from a larger Australian population-wide survey. Respondents completed the survey in hard copy, online, or over the telephone. Demographic and clinical variables included age, gender, locality, time since diagnosis, and marital status. The Godin Leisure-Time Questionnaire measured physical activity; barriers and likelihood of participating in a physical activity program were assessed using a five-point Likert scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses.

Of the 229 respondents, 53.1 % were male, 42 % aged 60–69 years, and 75.7 % were married or in a de facto relationship. Participation in physical activity declined significantly from prediagnosis levels. Fatigue, injuries, and pain were the strongest perceived barriers to participation; 41 % reported they were likely to attend an exercise program if offered. Respondents who were sufficiently active before diagnosis were 4.79 times more likely to be sufficiently active posttreatment.

People with multiple myeloma reported very low levels of physical activity across all levels of intensity; however, they were interested in attending a physical activity program. To increase physical activity among people with multiple myeloma, interventions should target perceived barriers with a particular focus on those who were not physically active prior to diagnosis.


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Citizen participation, enabled by electronic means, grows, in parallel with government's apparent failure to promote it. Organisations such as Getup and Moveon flourish; the BBC announced in 2003 that 'Internet-based political activism is happening...The BBC wants to help a wider audience find their voice by tackling obstacles to greater participation' (http://www.opendemocracy.net). (Kevill, 2003). Such actions echo, perhaps, the enthusiastic adoption of the Internet by activist media groups, particularly Indymedia. This paper presents a response to this situation. It provides a richer account of the contradictory rise of e-government without e-governance, and examines the potential for media-based participatory engagement to complement e-government. It presents two models of the future of electronically mediated citizen engagement: the first involving agonistic relations between government and citizenry, with civic participation occurring outside of government-approved forums; the second involving the intimate linking of governmental transactions to participation by those citizens engaged in them. Finally it will outline mechanisms for researching the capacity of either or both models to sustain effective participation.


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Social capital indicative of community interaction and support is intrinsically linked to mental health. Increasing online presence is now the norm. Whilst social capital and its impact on social networks has been examined, its underlying connection to emotional response such as mood, has not been investigated. This paper studies this phenomena, revisiting the concept of “online social capital†in social media communities using measurable aspects of social participation and social support. We establish the link between online capital derived from social media and mood, demonstrating results for different cohorts of social capital and social connectivity. We use novel Bayesian nonparametric factor analysis to extract the shared and individual factors in mood transition across groups of users of different levels of connectivity, quantifying patterns and degree of mood transitions. Using more than 1.6 million users from Live Journal, we show quantitatively that groups with lower social capital have fewer positive moods and more negative moods, than groups with higher social capital. We show similar effects in mood transitions. We establish a framework of how social media can be used as a barometer for mood. The significance lies in the importance of online social capital to mental well-being in overall. In establishing the link between mood and social capital in online communities, this work may suggest the foundation of new systems to monitor online mental well-being.


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The 1 in 4 Poll project seeks to increase understanding of the views and needs of people with a disability by developing an accessible survey method. It is being conducted by Deakin University in partnership with the Victorian disability service provider, Scope. To address this goal, the 1 in 4 Poll method has focused on three key strategies: an accessible Internet-based survey; use of an assisted and proxy report; and a ‘standard’ and Easy English version of the survey. A bespoke online survey design seeks to overcome the limitations in accessibility of available online survey tools. Positive evaluative comments, from respondents across a wide-range of disabilities, suggests that the combination of the three major strategies used in the 1 in 4 Poll has resulted in a valuable and accessible method of large scale surveying of people with a disability.


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This paper reviews the current literature regarding Muslim young people’s online social networking and participatory practices with the aim of examining whether these practices open up new spaces of civic engagement and political par-ticipation. The paper focuses on the experiences of young Muslims living in western societies, where, since September 11, the ability to assert claims as citizens in the public arena has diminished. The paper draws upon Isin & Nielsen’s (2008) “acts of citizenship” to define the online practices of many Muslim youth, for whom the internet provides a space where new performances of citizenship are enacted outside of formal citizenship rights and spaces of participa-tion. These “acts" are evaluated in light of theories which articulate the changing nature of publics and the public sphere in a digital era. The paper will use this conceptual framework in conjunction with the literature review to ex-plore whether virtual, online spaces offer young Muslims an opportunity to create a more inclusive discursive space to interact with co-citizens, engage with social and political issues and assert their citizen rights than is otherwise afforded by formal political structures; a need highlighted by policies which target minority Muslim young people for greater civ-ic participation but which do not reflect the interests and values of Muslim young people.


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O objetivo desta tese é contribuir com a análise das emoções, a partir dos papéis da valência e da excitação emocional, como influenciadoras do compartilhamento de informação entre consumidores online. Pessoas compartilham onversando ou utilizando ferramentas de compartilhamento de conteúdo na internet, como as redes sociais virtuais. O compartilhamento de conteúdo na internet leva a uma maior difusão, fazendo com que eles se viralizem, ou seja, sejam retransmitidos diversas vezes, atingindo diferentes públicos (HO; DEMPSEY, 2010). Ainda há dúvidas na literatura sobre as causas desta viralização, e o quanto as emoções influenciam o processo, articularmente se as pessoas tendem a compartilhar mais o que lhes é positivo, o que lhes causa mais excitação (BERGER; MILKMAN, 2012) ou se há um perfil específico de consumidor que se engaja mais nessas ações, como os chamados advogados de marca, e como tal perfil se comporta. Para investigar isso, foram conduzidos quatro experimentos: o primeiro comparou a propensão a compartilhar notícias de valências emocionais e excitações diferentes, o segundo relacionou a propensão a compartilhar propagandas e notícias com valências diferentes, o terceiro analisou como advogados de marca declarados agem com relação a conteúdo de diferentes valências e o quarto comparou a propensão a compartilhar de propagandas com diferentes valências e estímulos ao compartilhamento (nenhum, dica de um amigo ou participação em um sorteio). Os conteúdos de valência positiva que geraram maior excitação ou tidos como mais úteis seriam mais compartilhados, enquanto advogados de marca deram ênfase em suas respostas ao conteúdo negativo, negando-o, justificando-o ou se abstendo, e foram mais intensos ao reclamar de problemas que eles próprios sofreram. Os principais achados desta tese são que a) conteúdo online de valência positiva e de alta excitação tem maior probabilidade de ser compartilhado, porém b) conteúdo online de valência negativa é tido como mais útil e gera maior excitação. Além disso, c) se o conteúdo for referente a uma marca com que o consumidor é engajado, ele reagirá com respostas mais circunstanciadas e d) se o conteúdo lhe for indicado por um amigo, ele tem maior chance de compartilhar. A principal contribuição desta tese é auxiliar na compreensão, teórica e gerencial, do compartilhamento entre usuários, avaliando o 9 impacto de conteúdo excitante ou útil, seja de valência positiva ou negativa, permitindo às organizações dimensionar seus esforços de comunicação e de relacionamento com clientes, com vistas a selecionar as abordagens mais adequadas às mensagens