903 resultados para occupational therapy theory


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The inter-subjectivity is the answer in the search for the solution of complex problems, which concerns interfaces of knowledge, respecting their borders. This paradigm is essential in the author's work. So, the search on screen is based on this perspective, by using inter-subject groups of work conduced by professionals of Computer Science, Social Communication, Architecture and Urbanism, Pedagogy, Psicopegagogy, Nutritional Science, Endocrinology, Occupational Therapy and Nursing, it was also part of this group an 8 year old child, daughter of one of the professional who took part of the group. This thesis aims to present the course of investigation developed, analyzing the action of inter-subject Occupational Therapy and Nutrition on the promotion of learning nutritional concepts through educative-nutritional games in order to prevent child's obesity in an educative context. The research was analytic, interventionist and almost experimental. It took place in a public school in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, between August and December 2004. It was selected a sample non-probabilistic, by convenience, of 200 children, born from 1994 to 1996. It was selected almost nonprobabilistically, by convenience, 200 children born between 1994 and 1996. To analyze the results it was used a triangulation, associated by quantitative and qualitative approaches. The basis collect happened through games specially manufactured to these research- video-games, board games, memory games, puzzles, scramble, searching words and iterative basics. There were semi-structured interviews, direct and structured observations and focus in-groups. It was noticed the efficiency of educativenutritional games in the learning process, which lead to a changing of attitude towards the eating choices. These games gave similar results in relation to the compared variations preferences, experience and attitudes, theses attitudes were observed through the game; and the categories to compare the possibility of learning by playing, the fantasy in the learning process, learning concepts of nutritional education and the need of help in the learning process (mediation). It was proved that educativenutritional games could be used to teach nutritional concepts, in an inter-subjective action of Occupational Therapy and Nutrition in schools. The simultaneous application of these games lead to the optimization of child s learning process. It should be emphasized the need of studies about the adaptation of tools used in a child s Nutritional Education, with the help of inter-subjective action. Because just one subject, in a fractionated way can give an answer to complex problems and help to a change of the reality with effectiveness and resolution


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Esta pesquisa qualitativa de orientação fenomenológica existencial gestáltica, procura desvelar alguns significados atribuídos ao fenômeno do abuso sexual intrafamiliar, por meio de um estudo de caso em que a informante, dos 9 aos 11 anos, foi vitimizada pelo pai e ainda hoje, no seu campo existencial, é influenciada pela vivência dessa experiência. A violência contra a criança, em suas diversas modalidades, é um problema de saúde pública e de relações interpessoais entre família ou cuidador e a criança. Em se tratando do abuso sexual, em que o agressor é o responsável pelos cuidados primários, geralmente, há negação pela vítima, agressor e a família, e quase sempre, ocorre, envolvendo mais de uma modalidade de violência. Mesmo não havendo um consenso entre os autores, a maioria destaca os efeitos nocivos desses acontecimentos sobre a saúde psíquica, ocupacional, física e desenvolvimental das vítimas. Os dados foram coletados na ONG República de Emaús abrangendo leitura de documentos, relatos informais, observação participante e entrevista com a adolescente, sendo esta última, a principal fonte de apreciação. A análise da entrevista conjugou, na medida do possível, a teoria da interpretação de Ricoeur, alguns conceitos da gestalt-terapia como o de contato, figura-fundo, e nutrição psicológica; e da Terapia Ocupacional, como áreas, componentes e os contextos de desempenho. Da entrevista foram criadas unidades de significação que nortearam as reflexões acerca dos significados do discurso da adolescente. Alguns resultados são: apresentação do peso da vivência do abuso sexual ora como figura ora como fundo; repercussões disfuncionais de auto-contato e contato com o outro; na auto-imagem, auto-estima e em algumas áreas de desempenho: aprendizagem e socialização. O ajustamento criativo pode ser identificado na abertura em revelar a experiência, o que sugere expansão de suas fronteiras de contato. Uma conclusão que o estudo apontou foi sobre a relação da adolescente com o pai que, ainda, destaca-se enquanto uma gestalt aberta.


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Este artigo trata dos resultados de uma Pesquisa qualitativa de orientação fenomenológico-existencial gestáltica, que objetivou desvelar alguns significados atribuídos à violência sexual intrafamiliar. Configurou-se como um estudo de caso, em que a informante, dos 9 aos 11 anos, foi vitimizada pelo pai. Os dados foram Coletados na ONG República de Emaús, contemplando leitura de documentos, relatos informais, observação participante e entrevista. A análise conjugou, sempre que possível, a teoria da interpretação de Ricoeur, conceitos da Gestalt-terapia (contato, figura-fundo e nutrição psicológica) e da Terapia Ocupacional (áreas, componentes e contextos de desempenho). Unidades de significação aglutinaram os significados do discurso, que revelaram aspectos positivos (abertura em revelar a experiência, expansão de algumas fronteiras de contato e apresentação do peso da experiência vivenciada ora como figura, ora como fundo) e negativos (repercussões disfuncionais de autocontato, no contato com o outro e em algumas áreas de desempenho).


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A sobrevida da população tem aumentado de forma progressiva e atribui-se à melhoria da qualidade dos serviços de saúde e das condições gerais de vida, sendo marcante, sobretudo nos países industrializados. Este aumento da expectativa de vida repercute no aumento da incidência de doenças comuns em idades avançadas. O envelhecimento é considerado fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças neurodegenerativas como a doença de Alzheimer (DA). Uma das teorias para a patogênese da DA postula que a neurodegeneração é o resultado de alterações no metabolismo oxidativo com acometimento do tecido cerebral vulnerável. O fato de o envelhecimento ser um fator de risco na DA, reforça também a hipótese da participação dos radicais livres, pois os efeitos de sua ação podem se acumular durante anos. A DA é uma doença insidiosa e progressiva e caracteriza-se clinicamente por uma perda progressiva da memória e de outras funções cognitivas, além de mudanças comportamentais e sociais. O déficit de memória é o principal e usualmente o primeiro sintoma da DA, com comprometimento especialmente da retenção e recordação de novas informações. O presente trabalho visa avaliar se ocorrem alterações no metabolismo oxidativo detectáveis no sangue de pacientes com a DA, e se estas podem ser relacionadas com os diferentes estágios da doença e com o quadro cognitivo dos pacientes. Foram avaliados 30 pacientes com a doença de Alzheimer e 28 indivíduos no grupo controle atendidos na Unidade de Ensino e Assistência de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEAFTO-UEPA). O metabolismo oxidativo foi avaliado através da medida da capacidade antioxidante total equivalente ao Trolox (TEAC) e da mensuração dos níveis das substâncias que reagem ao ácido tiobarbitúrico - TBARS. Também foram realizados testes neuropsicológicos em todos os sujeitos participantes do estudo. Não foram observadas correlações significativas no desempenho dos testes neuropsicológicos com os níveis de TBARS e TEAC nos pacientes com a DA. Observou-se que a capacidade antioxidante total (CAOT) estava significativamente diminuída nos pacientes com a DA em comparação com o grupo controle independentemente do estágio da doença, mostrando uma possível relação entre a CAOT e a DA. Na avaliação de TBARS houve uma tendência para maiores concentrações nos pacientes com DA do que no grupo controle, porém a diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa, apenas a fase moderada foi significativa quando comparada com o grupo controle. A avaliação da peroxidação lipídica através dos níveis de TBARS provavelmente não seria um biomarcador adequado para a doença de Alzheimer.


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This study's objective was to understand how occupational roles of individuals with anorexia nervosa are configured. The sample was composed of a control group and 11 adult women with anorexia nervosa being cared for by the Eating Disorders Care Group in a hospital in Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil. Socio-demographic and anthropometric data were collected and the Role Checklist was applied. The results revealed a significant loss of roles for women with anorexia nervosa in relation to the performance of the roles worker, friend, and amateur/hobbyist, supporting the idea that psychosocial harm may arise from this eating disorder. The evaluation of occupational roles in the treatment of eating disorders is an important strategy for planning Occupational Therapy activities and supporting the creation of healthier spaces to enable individuals to resume occupational roles, and acquire independence and autonomy.


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This study employed a qualitative research design to explore therapists' and parents' perspectives of paediatric occupational therapy and speech pathology assessment reports. Aims of the study were to explore the intentions of therapists when writing reports, to expand upon existing literature on parental satisfaction and preferences with respect to paediatric clinical reports, to highlight documentation practices that would serve to maximize parental use of allied health reports, and to develop specific guidelines on how reports can be written to ensure they are useful and beneficial to therapists and parents. Participants were 15 parents of children who had been assessed at 1 of 2 university clinics and subsequently received a written report, and 11 therapists employed at the same university clinics. Questionnaires were used to seek information from therapists concerning the purpose of assessment reports and essential aspects to include when writing reports for parents. In-depth interviews were used to seek information about how understandable and beneficial clinical reports were to parents. The data were subjected to thematic analysis. From comments of therapists' intentions and parents' stated needs, and in accordance with literature reviewed, guidelines were identified for the production of parent-oriented reports. Conclusions drawn from this study can be specifically applied to services producing paediatric occupational therapy or speech pathology assessment reports, but are widely relevant to paediatric allied health services. (author abstract)


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There has been an increase in the use of cognitive frameworks in occupational therapy with children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Investigations into the utility of one such cognitive approach, namely Cognitive Orientation to (daily) Occupational Performance (CO-OP), with children with DCD have shown the intervention to be effective with children over 7 years. However, there has been limited research into its utility with younger children. This paper presents two case studies to demonstrate the use of CO-OP with children aged 5-7 years. Two boys with DCD engaged in 10 sessions of CO-OP. These younger children were found to be able to use the global framework (Goal, Plan, Do, Check) to improve their task performance, to develop plans using domain-specific strategies and to engage in checking strategies. Issues relating to attention, motivation and goal setting are discussed in the context of the two case studies.


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OBJECTIVE. The match between the reading level of occupational therapy education materials and older clients' reading ability and comprehension was determined. The sociodemographic and literacy characteristics that influenced clients' reading ability and comprehension were investigated. METHOD. The reading level of 110 written education materials (handouts, brochures, and information leaflets), distributed to older clients (65 years of age and older) by occupational therapists working in Queensland hospitals, was analyzed using the Flesch formula. The reading ability of 214 older persons (mean age 77 years, 63% female) was assessed using the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine. Participants' comprehension of information of increasing reading difficulty was measured using the Cloze procedure. RESULTS. The written materials required a mean reading level between the ninth and tenth grades. Participants' mean reading ability was seventh to eighth grade. Therefore some materials may have been too difficult for participants to read and understand. Participants with a managerial or professional or clerical background (p = 0.001) and those who perceived they read well (p = 0.001) had a significantly higher reading ability, Older age was significantly related to poorer comprehension (p = 0.018), with participants 75 years of age and over having a mean comprehension score of 25.6 compared to 30.3 for those 65 to 74 years of age. CONCLUSION. Occupational therapists must analyze the reading level of the written education materials they develop for and use with clients by applying readability formulas. There should be a match between the reading level of written materials and clients' reading ability. Clients' reading ability may be assessed informally by discussing years of education and literacy habits or formally using reading assessments. Content and design characteristics should be considered when developing written education materials for clients.


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Two hundred and eighty-five occupational therapists were surveyed to determine their general attitudes toward homosexuality, and whether certain demographic variables and means of exposure affected these attitudes. Attitudes ranged from neutral to positive. Those demographic variables that did affect respondents' attitudes were: sexual orientation, gender, and educational level. Those respondents who identified themselves as homosexual or bisexual had more positive attitudes than those who were heterosexual. Female respondents had more positive attitudes than male respondents and those respondents who held a Master's degree had more positive attitudes than those who held a Bachelor's degree. It was determined that respondents who had a family member or friend who was gay had more positive attitudes than those who did not. An unexpected finding was that respondents who had received adequate information about homosexuality in their occupational therapy curriculum had more negative attitudes than those who did not receive adequate information. It was therefore concluded that those occupational therapists who had not been provided with adequate information on homosexuality in their occupational therapy curriculum but had more positive attitudes toward homosexuality, were older and had more years of experience in occupational therapy. ^


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The purpose of this study was to examine pediatric occupational therapists attitudes towards family-centered care. Specific attributes identified by the literature (professional characteristics, educational experiences and organizational culture) were investigated to determine their influence on these attitudes. Study participants were 250 pediatric occupational therapists who were randomly selected from the American Occupational Therapy Association special interest sections. ^ Participants received a mail packet with three instruments to complete and mail back within 2 weeks. The instruments were (a) the Professional Attitude Scale, (b) the Professional Characteristics Questionnaire, and (c) the Family-Centered Program Rating Scale. There was a 50% return rate. Data analysis was conducted in SPSS using descriptive statistics, correlations and regression analysis. ^ The analysis showed that pediatric occupational therapists working in various practice settings demonstrate favorable attitudes toward family-centered care as measured by the Professional Attitude Scale. There was no correlation between professional characteristics and educational experiences to therapists' attitudes. A moderate correlation (r = .368, p < .05) was found between the occupational therapists attitudes and the organizational culture of their workplaces. A factor analysis was conducted on the organizational culture instrument (FamPRS) as this sample was exclusively pediatric occupational therapists and the original sample was interdisciplinary professionals. Two factors were extracted using a principal components extraction and varimax rotation, in addition to examination of the scree plot. These two factors accounted for 50% of the total variance of the scores on the instrument. Factor 1, called empowerment accounted for 45.6% of the variance, and Factor 2, responsiveness accounted for 4.3% of the variance of the entire instrument. Stepwise regression analysis demonstrated that these two factors accounted for 16% of the variance toward attitudes clinicians hold toward family-centered care. These factors support the tenets of family-centered care; empowering parents to be leaders in their child's health care and helping organizations become more responsive to family needs. ^ These study findings suggest that organizational culture has some influence on occupational therapists attitudes toward family-centered care (R 2 = .16). These findings suggest educators should consider families as valuable resources when considering program planning in family-centered care at preservice and workplace settings. ^


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Little research has been done on how well prepared occupational therapists feel to perform the role of consultant. This study investigated the perceptions of occupational therapists acting as consultants in Florida schools, how much education/training they have received and how they perceive their consultation skills. Participants in the study were sent a questionnaire and measures of central tendency were calculated on each item. Crosstabulations using Fisher's exact test were completed to investigate any relationship between type of consultation model used and relationships with educators. A one way ANOVA was conducted to investigate any relationship between self-perceived consultant skills and age, amount of experience, and training. The results indicate that occupational therapists providing consultative services rate their abilities as more than adequate and believe formal training in consultation is only mildly important. No significant relationships were found between training and skills or model used and relationships with educators.


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The entire population of Icelandic occupational therapists were surveyed concerning characteristics and attitudes toward professionalism and educational goals. There were 87 questionnaires sent out and 80 (92%) were returned and used for analysis. This data will have a positive impact upon the development of the first Icelandic occupational therapy curriculum. Icelandic occupational therapists, in general, value academic skills over technical skills, are active in their association, willing to take on duties for the advancement of the profession and are interested in conducting research. The attitudes of the Icelandic occupational therapists were generally quite uniform. T- tests and one-way ANOVAs (p < .05) revealed some significant differences in a number of attitudes by education level, length of professional experience and country of education. The results show the importance of providing Icelandic occupational therapy practitioners with the opportunity to take part in research. This study will serve as a foundation for future studies on Icelandic occupational therapists and provide reference data for later comparison.