998 resultados para null cell


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The common cytokine receptor γ chain (γc), a shared component of the receptors for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15, is critical for the development and function of lymphocytes. The cytoplasmic domain of γc consists of 85 aa, in which the carboxyl-terminal 48 aa are essential for its interaction with and activation of the Janus kinase, Jak3. Evidence has been provided that Jak3-independent signals might be transmitted via the residual membrane-proximal region; however, its role in vivo remains totally unknown. In the present study, we expressed mutant forms of γc, which lack either most of the cytoplasmic domain or only the membrane-distal Jak3-binding region, on a γc null background. We demonstrate that, unlike γc or Jak3 null mice, expression of the latter, but not the former mutant, restores T lymphopoiesis in vivo, accompanied by strong expression of Bcl-2. On the other hand, the in vitro functions of the restored T cells still remained impaired. These results not only reveal the hitherto unknown role of the γc membrane-proximal region, but also suggest the differential requirement of the cytoplasmic subregions of γc in T cell development and function.


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Induction of wild-type p53 in the ECV-304 bladder carcinoma cell line by infection with a p53 recombinant adenovirus (Ad5CMV-p53) resulted in extensive apoptosis and eventual death of nearly all of the cells. As a strategy to determine the molecular events important to p53-mediated apoptosis in these transformed cells, ECV-304 cells were selected for resistance to p53 by repeated infections with Ad5CMV-p53. We compared the expression of 5,730 genes in p53-resistant (DECV) and p53-sensitive ECV-304 cells by reverse transcription–PCR, Northern blotting, and DNA microarray analysis. The expression of 480 genes differed by 2-fold or more between the two p53-infected cell lines. A number of potential targets for p53 were identified that play roles in cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, redox control, cell adhesion, apoptosis, and differentiation. Proline oxidase, a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the proline/pyrroline-5-carboxylate redox cycle, was up-regulated by p53 in ECV but not in DECV cells. Pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C), a proline-derived metabolite generated by proline oxidase, inhibited the proliferation and survival of ECV-304 and DECV cells and induced apoptosis in both cell lines. A recombinant proline oxidase protein tagged with a green fluorescent protein at the amino terminus localized to mitochondria and induced apoptosis in p53-null H1299 non-small cell lung carcinoma cells. The results directly implicate proline oxidase and the proline/P5C pathway in p53-induced growth suppression and apoptosis.


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Functional inactivation of the tumor susceptibility gene tsg101 in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts results in cellular transformation and the ability to form metastatic tumors in nude mice. The N-terminal region of tsg101 protein is structurally similar to the catalytic domain of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, suggesting a potential role of tsg101 in ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. The C-terminal domain of TSG101 can function as a repressor of transcription. To investigate the physiological function of tsg101, we generated a null mutation of the mouse gene by gene targeting. Homozygous tsg101−/− embryos fail to develop past day 6.5 of embryogenesis (E6.5), are reduced in size, and do not form mesoderm. Mutant embryos show a decrease in cellular proliferation in vivo and in vitro but no increase in apoptosis. Although levels of p53 transcripts were not affected in tsg101−/− embryos, p53 protein accumulated dramatically, implying altered posttranscriptional control of p53. In addition, transcription of the p53 effector, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21WAF-1/CIP-1, was increased 5- to 10-fold, whereas activation of MDM2 transcription secondary to p53 elevation was not observed. Introduction of a p53 null mutation into tsg101−/− embryos rescued the gastrulation defect and prolonged survival until E8.5. These results demonstrate that tsg101 is essential for the proliferative burst before the onset of gastrulation and establish a functional connection between tsg101 and the p53 pathway in vivo.


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Profilins are thought to play a central role in the regulation of de novo actin assembly by preventing spontaneous actin polymerization through the binding of actin monomers, and the adding of monomeric actin to the barbed actin-filament ends. Other cellular functions of profilin in membrane trafficking and lipid based signaling are also likely. Binding of profilins to signaling molecules such as Arp2/3 complex, Mena, VASP, N-WASP, dynamin I, and others, further implicates profilin and actin as regulators of diverse motile activities. In mouse, two profilins are expressed from two distinct genes. Profilin I is expressed at high levels in all tissues and throughout development, whereas profilin II is expressed in neuronal cells. To examine the function of profilin I in vivo, we generated a null profilin I (pfn1ko) allele in mice. Homozygous pfn1ko/ko mice are not viable. Pfn1ko/ko embryos died as early as the two-cell stage, and no pfn1ko/ko blastocysts were detectable. Adult pfn1ko/wt mice show a 50% reduction in profilin I expression with no apparent impairment of cell function. However, pfn1ko/wt embryos have reduced survival during embryogenesis compared with wild type. Although weakly expressed in early embryos, profilin II cannot compensate for lack of profilin I. Our results indicate that mouse profilin I is an essential protein that has dosage-dependent effects on cell division and survival during embryogenesis.


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Chemically induced skin carcinomas in mice are a paradigm for epithelial neoplasia, where oncogenic ras mutations precede p53 and INK4a/ARF mutations during the progression toward malignancy. To explore the biological basis for these genetic interactions, we studied cellular responses to oncogenic ras in primary murine keratinocytes. In wild-type keratinocytes, ras induced a cell-cycle arrest that displayed some features of terminal differentiation and was accompanied by increased expression of the p19ARF, p16INK4a, and p53 tumor suppressors. In ARF-null keratinocytes, ras was unable to promote cell-cycle arrest, induce differentiation markers, or properly activate p53. Although oncogenic ras produced a substantial increase in both nucleolar and nucleoplasmic p19ARF, Mdm2 did not relocalize to the nucleolus or to nuclear bodies but remained distributed throughout the nucleoplasm. This result suggests that p19ARF can activate p53 without overtly affecting Mdm2 subcellular localization. Nevertheless, like p53-null keratinocytes, ARF-null keratinocytes were transformed by oncogenic ras and rapidly formed carcinomas in vivo. Thus, oncogenic ras can activate the ARF-p53 program to suppress epithelial cell transformation. Disruption of this program may be important during skin carcinogenesis and the development of other carcinomas.


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FADD/Mort1, initially identified as a Fas-associated death-domain containing protein, functions as an adapter molecule in apoptosis initiated by Fas, tumor necrosis factor receptor-I, DR3, and TRAIL-receptors. However, FADD likely participates in additional signaling cascades. FADD-null mutations in mice are embryonic-lethal, and analysis of FADD−/− T cells from RAG-1−/− reconstituted chimeras has suggested a role for FADD in proliferation of mature T cells. Here, we report the generation of T cell-specific FADD-deficient mice via a conditional genomic rescue approach. We find that FADD-deficiency leads to inhibition of T cell development at the CD4−CD8− stage and a reduction in the number of mature T cells. The FADD mutation does not affect apoptosis or the proximal signaling events of the pre-T cell receptor; introduction of a T cell receptor transgene fails to rescue the mutant phenotype. These data suggest that FADD, through either a death-domain containing receptor or a novel receptor-independent mechanism, is required for the proliferative phase of early T cell development.


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We characterized the novel Schizosaccharomyces pombe genes myo4+ and myo5+, both of which encode myosin-V heavy chains. Disruption of myo4 caused a defect in cell growth and led to an abnormal accumulation of secretory vesicles throughout the cytoplasm. The mutant cells were rounder than normal, although the sites for cell polarization were still established. Elongation of the cell ends and completion of septation required more time than in wild-type cells, indicating that Myo4 functions in polarized growth both at the cell ends and during septation. Consistent with this conclusion, Myo4 was localized around the growing cell ends, the medial F-actin ring, and the septum as a cluster of dot structures. In living cells, the dots of green fluorescent protein-tagged Myo4 moved rapidly around these regions. The localization and movement of Myo4 were dependent on both F-actin cables and its motor activity but seemed to be independent of microtubules. Moreover, the motor activity of Myo4 was essential for its function. These results suggest that Myo4 is involved in polarized cell growth by moving with a secretory vesicle along the F-actin cables around the sites for polarization. In contrast, the phenotype of myo5 null cells was indistinguishable from that of wild-type cells. This and other data suggest that Myo5 has a role distinct from that of Myo4.


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The expression of distinct keratin pairs during epidermal differentiation is assumed to fulfill specific and essential cytoskeletal functions. This is supported by a great variety of genodermatoses exhibiting tissue fragility because of keratin mutations. Here, we show that the loss of K10, the most prominent epidermal protein, allowed the formation of a normal epidermis in neonatal mice without signs of fragility or wound-healing response. However, there were profound changes in the composition of suprabasal keratin filaments. K5/14 persisted suprabasally at elevated protein levels, whereas their mRNAs remained restricted to the basal keratinocytes. This indicated a novel mechanism regulating keratin turnover. Moreover, the amount of K1 was reduced. In the absence of its natural partner we observed the formation of a minor amount of novel K1/14/15 filaments as revealed by immunogold electron microscopy. We suggest that these changes maintained epidermal integrity. Furthermore, suprabasal keratinocytes contained larger keratohyalin granules similar to our previous K10T mice. A comparison of profilaggrin processing in K10T and K10−/− mice revealed an accumulation of filaggrin precursors in the former but not in the latter, suggesting a requirement of intact keratin filaments for the processing. The mild phenotype of K10−/− mice suggests that there is a considerable redundancy in the keratin gene family.


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Mutations in the gene encoding the endothelin receptor type B (EDNRB) produce congenital aganglionic megacolon and pigment abnormalities in mice and humans. Here we report a naturally occurring null mutation of the EDNRB gene in spotting lethal (sl) rats, which exhibit aganglionic megacolon associated with white coat color. We found a 301-bp deletion spanning the exon 1-intron 1 junction of the EDNRB gene in sl rats. A restriction fragment length polymorphism caused by this deletion perfectly cosegregates with the sl phenotype. The deletion leads to production of an aberrantly spliced EDNRB mRNA that lacks the coding sequence for the first and second putative transmembrane domains of the G-protein-coupled receptor. Radioligand binding assays revealed undetectable levels of functional EDNRB in tissues from homozygous sl/sl rats. We conclude that EDNRB plays an essential role in the normal development of two neural crest-derived cell lineages, epidermal melanocytes and enteric neurons, in three mammalian species--humans, mice, and rats. The EDNRB-deficient rat may also prove valuable in defining the postnatal physiologic role of this receptor.


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Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1)-null mice die fro complications due to an early-onset multifocal inflammatory disorder. We show here that cardiac cells are hyperproliferative and that intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is elevated. To determine which phenotypes are primarily caused by a deficiency in TGF beta 1 from those that are secondary to inflammation, we applied immunosuppressive therapy and genetic combination with the severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mutation to inhibit the inflammatory response. Treatment with antibodies to the leukocyte function-associated antigen 1 doubled longevity, reduced inflammation, and delayed heart cell proliferation. TGF beta 1-null SCID mice displayed no inflammation or cardiac cell proliferation, survived to adulthood, and exhibited normal major histocompatibility complex II (MHC II) and ICAM-1 levels. TGF beta 1-null pups born to a TGF beta 1-null SCID mother presented no gross congenital heart defects, indicating that TGF beta 1 alone does not play an essential role in heart development. These results indicate that lymphocytes are essential for the inflammatory response, cardiac cell proliferation, and elevated MHC II and ICAM-1 expression, revealing a vital role for TGF beta 1 in regulating lymphocyte proliferation and activation, which contribute to the maintenance of self tolerance.


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To examine the in vivo role(s) of type I interferons (IFNs) and to determine the role of a component of the type I IFN receptor (IFNAR1) in mediating responses to these IFNs, we generated mice with a null mutation (-/-) in the IFNAR1 gene. Despite compelling evidence for modulation of cell proliferation and differentiation by type I IFNs, there were no gross signs of abnormal fetal development or morphological changes in adult IFNAR1-/- mice. However, abnormalities of hemopoietic cells were detected in IFNAR1 -/- mice. Elevated levels of myeloid lineage cells were detected in peripheral blood and bone marrow by staining with Mac-1 and Gr-1 antibodies. Furthermore, bone marrow macrophages from IFNAR1 -/- mice showed abnormal responses to colony-stimulating factor 1 and lipopolysaccharide. IFNAR1 -/- mice were highly susceptible to viral infection: viral titers were undetected 24 hr after infection of IFNAR1 +/+ mice but were extremely high in organs of IFNAR1 -/- mice, demonstrating that the type I IFN system is a major acute antiviral defence. In cell lines derived from IFNAR1 -/- mice, there was no signaling in response to IFN-alpha or -beta as measured by induction of 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase, antiviral, or antiproliferative responses. Importantly, these studies demonstrate that type I IFNs function in the development and responses of myeloid lineage cells, particularly macrophages, and that the IFNAR1 receptor component is essential for antiproliferative and antiviral responses to IFN-alpha and -beta.


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The homologous LAG-2 and APX-1 membrane proteins are putative signaling ligands in the GLP-1/LIN-12 signal-transduction pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans. Normally, LAG-2 and APX-1 mediate distinct cell interactions. Here, we demonstrate that APX-1, which normally interacts with GLP-1 in the early embryo, can substitute for LAG-2 throughout development. When expressed under control of the lag-2 promoter, an apx-1 cDNA can completely rescue a lag-2 null mutant. To substitute for LAG-2, APX-1 must be able to interact with both GLP-1 and LIN-12 receptors and to mediate a variety of cell interactions during development. Therefore, APX-1 and LAG-2 are essentially equivalent in their ability to influence receptor activity. On the basis of this result, we suggest that the existence of multiple-signaling ligands in the LIN-12/GLP-1 signal transduction pathway does not reflect the evolution of functionally distinct proteins but rather the imposition of distinct controls of gene expression upon functionally similar proteins. Finally, we propose that the specification of distinct cell fates by the LIN-12/GLP-1 signal-transduction pathway relies on activities functioning downstream of the ligand and receptor, rather than on specific ligand-receptor interactions.


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Vinculin, a major constituent of focal adhesions and zonula adherens junctions, is thought to be involved in linking the microfilaments to areas of cell-substrate and cell-cell contacts. To test the role of vinculin in cell adhesion and motility, we used homologous recombination to generate F9 embryonal carcinoma and embryonic stem cell clones homozygous for a disrupted vinculin gene. When compared to wild-type cells, vinculin-mutant cells displayed a rounder morphology and a reduced ability to adhere and spread on plastic or fibronectin. Decreased adhesion of the mutant cells was associated with a reduction in lamellipodial extensions, as observed by time-lapse video microscopy. The locomotive activities of control F9 and the vinculin-null cells were compared in two assays. Loss of vinculin resulted in a 2.4-fold increase in cell motility. These results demonstrate an important role for vinculin in determining cell shape, adhesion, surface protrusive activity, and cell locomotion.


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Disruption of retinoic acid receptor (RAR) gamma in F9 embryonal carcinoma cells leads to aberrent differentiation and reduced activation of expression of several all-trans-retinoic acid (RA)-induced genes. We have analyzed the expression of several additional RA-responsive genes in RAR alpha- and RAR gamma-null F9 cells. The RA-induced activation of Cdx1, Gap43, Stra4, and Stra6 was specifically impaired in RAR gamma-null cells, supporting the idea that each RAR may regulate distinct subsets of target genes. To further investigate the role of RAR gamma in F9 cell differentiation, "rescue" cell lines reexpressing RAR gamma 2 or overexpressing either RAR alpha 1 or RAR beta 2 were established in RAR gamma-null cells. Reexpression of RAR gamma or overexpression of RAR alpha restored both target-gene activation and the differentiation potential. In contrast, over-expression of RAR beta only poorly restored differentiation, although it could replace RAR gamma for the activation of target genes. Functional redundancy between the various RARs is discussed.


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Mutant mice produced by gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells often have a complex or embryonic lethal phenotype. In these cases, it would be helpful to identify tissues and cell types first affected in mutant embryos by following the contribution to chimeras of ES cells homozygous for the mutant allele. Although a number of strategies for following ES cell development in vivo have been reported, each has limitations that preclude its general application. In this paper, we describe ES cell lines that can be tracked to every nucleated cell type in chimeras at all developmental stages. These lines were derived from blastocysts of mice that carry an 11-Mb beta-globin transgene on chromosome 3. The transgene is readily detected by DNA in situ hybridization, providing an inert, nuclear-localized marker whose presence is not affected by transcriptional or translational controls. The "WW" series of ES lines possess the essential features of previously described ES lines, including giving rise to a preponderance of male chimeras, all of which have to date exhibited germ-line transmission. In addition, clones selected for single or double targeting events form strong chimeras, demonstrating the feasibility of using WW6 cells to identify phenotypes associated with the creation of a null mutant.