974 resultados para non-Cartesian stimuli


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Les stimuli naturels projetés sur nos rétines nous fournissent de l’information visuelle riche. Cette information varie le long de propriétés de « bas niveau » telles que la luminance, le contraste, et les fréquences spatiales. Alors qu’une partie de cette information atteint notre conscience, une autre partie est traitée dans le cerveau sans que nous en soyons conscients. Les propriétés de l’information influençant l’activité cérébrale et le comportement de manière consciente versus non-consciente demeurent toutefois peu connues. Cette question a été examinée dans les deux derniers articles de la présente thèse, en exploitant les techniques psychophysiques développées dans les deux premiers articles. Le premier article présente la boîte à outils SHINE (spectrum, histogram, and intensity normalization and equalization), développée afin de permettre le contrôle des propriétés de bas niveau de l'image dans MATLAB. Le deuxième article décrit et valide la technique dite des bulles fréquentielles, qui a été utilisée tout au long des études de cette thèse pour révéler les fréquences spatiales utilisées dans diverses tâches de perception des visages. Cette technique offre les avantages d’une haute résolution au niveau des fréquences spatiales ainsi que d’un faible biais expérimental. Le troisième et le quatrième article portent sur le traitement des fréquences spatiales en fonction de la conscience. Dans le premier cas, la méthode des bulles fréquentielles a été utilisée avec l'amorçage par répétition masquée dans le but d’identifier les fréquences spatiales corrélées avec les réponses comportementales des observateurs lors de la perception du genre de visages présentés de façon consciente versus non-consciente. Les résultats montrent que les mêmes fréquences spatiales influencent de façon significative les temps de réponse dans les deux conditions de conscience, mais dans des sens opposés. Dans le dernier article, la méthode des bulles fréquentielles a été combinée à des enregistrements intracrâniens et au Continuous Flash Suppression (Tsuchiya & Koch, 2005), dans le but de cartographier les fréquences spatiales qui modulent l'activation de structures spécifiques du cerveau (l'insula et l'amygdale) lors de la perception consciente versus non-consciente des expressions faciales émotionnelles. Dans les deux régions, les résultats montrent que la perception non-consciente s'effectue plus rapidement et s’appuie davantage sur les basses fréquences spatiales que la perception consciente. La contribution de cette thèse est donc double. D’une part, des contributions méthodologiques à la recherche en perception visuelle sont apportées par l'introduction de la boîte à outils SHINE ainsi que de la technique des bulles fréquentielles. D’autre part, des indications sur les « corrélats de la conscience » sont fournies à l’aide de deux approches différentes.


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Malgré l’engouement pour les neurosciences cognitives des émotions et les nombreuses publications des dernières décennies tentant d’élucider les bases neurobiologiques des émotions, nos connaissances sur le domaine restent embryonnaires. Plusieurs questions importantes restent toujours sans réponses incluant s’il existe ou non un système unique pour le traitement de stimuli émotionnels et s’il y a ou non des différences entre les hommes et les femmes pour le traitement de stimuli émotionnels. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’apporter certains éléments de réponses à ces questions à travers une caractérisation du substrat neurobiologique impliqué dans le traitement de stimuli émotionnels visuels et dynamiques. Ce travail a été mené via l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) cérébrale. Le premier chapitre, subdivisé en quatre sections, permet de présenter la perspective dans laquelle s’inscrit la thèse. La première section de ce chapitre sert à établir certaines balises définitionnelles liées aux émotions. La seconde section, basée sur une lecture des textes originaux, retrace les faits historiques saillants de la neurobiologie des émotions allant de Charles Darwin à Joseph Ledoux. La troisième section débute où la seconde s’arrête et continue l’histoire de la neurobiologie des émotions à travers un résumé de toutes les principales méta-analyses d’imagerie fonctionnelle cérébrale des émotions. La dernière section du chapitre permet de présenter la problématique de recherche. La recherche, à proprement parler, qui constitue le corps de la thèse est ensuite présentée sous forme de trois articles. Enfin, les résultats de cette recherche et la manière dont ils s’inscrivent dans la continuité de nos connaissances actuelles font l’objet d’une discussion générale. Le premier article (chapitre II) rapporte, chez les hommes et les femmes, les régions du cerveau qui sont plus activées lors du traitement de films érotiques que lors du traitement de films dits ‘neutres’. Un chevauchement manifeste est observé entre les hommes et les femmes. Par contre, une activation significativement plus grande est observée chez les hommes pour l’hypothalamus, une région importante pour le comportement sexuel à travers la phylogénie. De plus, chez les hommes seulement, l’activation hypothalamique est corrélée à l’excitation sexuelle subjective. Comme la recherche présentée dans le premier article se sert de conditions expérimentales relativement longues pour l’IRMf (i.e. extraits de films de 3 minutes) et que ceci peut induire une nette diminution de signal en lien avec certaines contraintes de l’IRMf, le second article (chapitre III) examine les corrélats du traitement de stimuli sexuels en utilisant, cette fois, un paradigme d’IRMf classique où plusieurs extraits de films de 33 secondes sont présentés à la place. Cette étude démontre que, pour le traitement de stimuli sexuels, ce paradigme classique d’IRMf est beaucoup plus sensible que celui du premier article. De plus, comme ce paradigme mène à une reproduction des résultats du premier papier, ce travail soutient la perspective selon laquelle les paradigmes à époques courtes sont une alternative valide aux longues époques comme méthode d’étude du traitement de stimuli émotionnels. Le troisième article (chapitre IV) capitalise sur le protocole du second article et démontre que les patrons d’activation associés au visionnement de courts extraits de films induisant du dégoût, de l’amusement, ou de l’excitation sexuelle, sont très étendus. Une analyse de conjonction formelle démontre un large chevauchent de ces patrons à travers les différents affects étudiés. Enfin, le cinquième chapitre sert de discussion générale. Les questions des différences entre les hommes et les femmes dans le traitement des émotions, de l’existence ou non d’un système général pour le traitement des émotions, ainsi que de la manière dont un tel système pourrait être conçu, sont des points saillants de la discussion. Ces points sont abordés à la lumières des connaissances actuelles et des résultats des trois articles.


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Contexte: Plusieurs études ont démontré que les indices environnementaux associés à la cigarette peuvent provoquer des envies de consommer (« cravings ») chez les fumeurs, ce qui nuit aux efforts d’abandon de la substance et favorise le maintien du tabagisme. Un bon nombre d’études en imagerie cérébrale ont examiné les bases neurophysiologiques de cette caractéristique clinique. Le tabagisme se caractérise aussi par l’incapacité des représentations négatives de la consommation (méfaits médicaux et sociaux) d’influencer la consommation des fumeurs. Étonnamment toutefois, très peu de travaux de recherche se sont intéressés à examiner les bases neurophysiologiques de cette insouciance envers les méfaits de la cigarette chez les fumeurs. En utilisant l'imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle, l'objectif de cette étude était: d’examiner la réponse neurophysiologique des fumeurs chroniques à des images qui illustrent les effets négatifs de la cigarette (campagne anti-tabac); d’examiner le caractère affectif de cette réactivité utilisant des conditions contrôles (c.-à-d., images aversives non-liées au tabac et appétitives liées au tabac); d'examiner la connectivité fonctionnelle durant cette tâche entre les systèmes affectifs et exécutifs (une interaction qui peut favoriser ou entraver l'impact des évènements aversifs). Méthodes: 30 fumeurs chroniques ont passé une session de neuroimagerie durant laquelle ils devaient regarder des images appétitives et aversives de cigarettes, des images aversives non-reliées au tabac et des images neutres. Résultats: Les images aversives liés au tabagisme suscitent une plus grande activation dans le cortex médial préfrontal, l'amygdale, le gyrus frontal inférieur et le cortex orbitofrontal latéral en comparaison avec les images neutres, mais une moins grande activation dans des structures médiaux / sous-corticales comparé aux images aversives non-reliés et images appétitives reliées aux tabac. L’activité du système exécutif présente une connectivité fonctionnelle négative avec le système affectif lorsque les images aversives sont liées au tabac, mais pas quand elles ne le sont pas. Conclusions: Le modèle d'activation du cerveau observé suggère qu’il y a un biais dans la réactivité des fumeurs chroniques lorsqu’ils observent des représentations négatives de la consommation du tabac. L’activité du système exécutif cérébral semble promouvoir chez les fumeurs une baisse d’activité dans des régions impliquées dans la genèse d’une réponse physiologique affective; il s’agit d’un mécanisme qui permettrait de réduire l’impact persuasif de ces représentations des méfaits de la cigarette sur la consommation des fumeurs.


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A targeted, stimuli-responsive, polymeric drug delivery vehicle is being developed in our lab to help alleviate severe side-effects caused by narrow therapeutic window drugs. Targeting specific cell types or organs via proteins, specifically, lectin-mediated targeting holds potential due to the high specificity and affinity of receptor-ligand interactions, rapid internalization, and relative ease of processing. Dextran, a commercially available, biodegradable polymer has been conjugated to doxorubicin and galactosamine to target hepatocytes in a three-step, one-pot synthesis. The loading of doxorubicin and galactose on the conjugates was determined by absorbance at 485 nm and elemental analysis, respectively. Conjugation efficiency based on the amount loaded of each reactant varies from 20% to 50% for doxorubicin and from 2% to 20% for galactosamine. Doxorubicin has also been attached to dextran through an acid-labile hydrazide bond. Doxorubicin acts by intercalating with DNA in the nuclei of cells. The fluorescence of doxorubicin is quenched when it binds to DNA. This allows a fluorescence-based cell-free assay to evaluate the efficacy of the polymer conjugates where we measure the fluorescence of doxorubicin and the conjugates in increasing concentrations of calf thymus DNA. Fluorescence quenching indicates that our conjugates can bind to DNA. The degree of binding increases with polymer molecular weight and substitution of doxorubicin. In cell culture experiments with hepatocytes, the relative uptake of polymer conjugates was evaluated using flow cytometry, and the killing efficiency was determined using the MTT cell proliferation assay. We have found that conjugate uptake is much lower than that of free doxorubicin. Lower uptake of conjugates may increase the maximum dose of drug tolerated by the body. Also, non-galactosylated conjugate uptake is lower than that of the galactosylated conjugate. Microscopy indicates that doxorubicin localizes almost exclusively at the nucleus, whereas the conjugates are present throughout the cell. Doxorubicin linked to dextran through a hydrazide bond was used to achieve improved killing efficiency. Following uptake, the doxorubicin dissociates from the polymer in an endosomal compartment and diffuses to the nucleus. The LC₅₀ of covalently linked doxorubicin is 7.4 μg/mL, whereas that of hydrazide linked doxorubicin is 4.4 μg/mL.


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A semiochemical based push-pull strategy for control of oilseed rape pests is being developed at Rothamsted Research. This strategy uses insect and plant derived semiochemicals to manipulate pests and their natural enemies. An important element within this strategy is an understanding of the importance of non-host plant cues for pest insects and how such signals could be used to manipulate their behaviour. Previous studies using a range of non-host plants have shown that, for the pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), the essential oil of lavender, Lavandula angustifolia (Lamiaceae), was the most repellent. The aim of this study was to identify the active components in L. angustifolia oil, and to investigate the behaviour of M. aeneus to these chemicals, to establish the most effective use of repellent stimuli to disrupt colonisation of oilseed rape crops. Coupled gas chromatography-electroantennography (GC-EAG) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) resulted in the identification of seven active compounds which were tested for behavioural activity using a 4-way olfactometer. Repellent responses were observed with (±)-linalool and (±)-linalyl acetate. The use of these chemicals within a push-pull pest control strategy is discussed.


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Occupants’ behaviour when improving the indoor environment plays a significant role in saving energy in buildings. Therefore the key step to reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions from buildings is to understand how occupants interact with the environment they are exposed to in terms of achieving thermal comfort and well-being; though such interaction is complex. This paper presents a dynamic process of occupant behaviours involving technological, personal and psychological adaptations in response to varied thermal conditions based on the data covering four seasons gathered from the field study in Chongqing, China. It demonstrates that occupants are active players in environmental control and their adaptive responses are driven strongly by ambient thermal stimuli and vary from season to season and from time to time, even on the same day. Positive, dynamic, behavioural adaptation will help save energy used in heating and cooling buildings. However, when environmental parameters cannot fully satisfy occupants’ requirements, negative behaviours could conflict with energy saving. The survey revealed that about 23% of windows are partly open for fresh air when air-conditioners are in operation in summer. This paper addresses the issues how the building and environmental systems should be designed, operated and managed in a way that meets the requirements of energy efficiency without compromising wellbeing and productivity.


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Although dealing with pain is a vital goal to pursue, most individuals are also engaged in the pursuit of other goals. The aim of the present experiment was to investigate whether attentional bias to pain signals is inhibited when one is pursuing a concurrent salient but nonpain task goal. Attentional bias to pain signals was measured in pain-free volunteers (n=63) using a spatial cueing task with pain cues and neutral cues. The pursuit of a concurrent goal was manipulated by including additional trials in which a digit appeared at the middle of the screen. Half of the participants (goal group) were instructed to name these additional stimuli aloud. In order to increase the affective-motivational value of this non-pain-related goal, monetary reward and punishment were made contingent upon the performance of this task. Participants of the control group did not perform the additional task. As predicted, the results show attentional bias to pain signals in the control group, but not in the goal group. This indicates that attentional bias to signals of impending pain is inhibited when one is engaged in the pursuit of another salient but nonpain goal. The results of this study underscore a motivational view on attention to pain, in which the pursuit of multiple goals, including nonpain goals, is taken into account.


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To examine the neural circuitry involved in food craving, in making food particularly appetitive and thus in driving wanting and eating, we used fMRI to measure the response to the flavour of chocolate, the sight of chocolate and their combination in cravers vs. non-cravers. Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) analyses showed that the sight of chocolate produced more activation in chocolate cravers than non-cravers in the medial orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum. For cravers vs. non-cravers, a combination of a picture of chocolate with chocolate in the mouth produced a greater effect than the sum of the components (i.e. supralinearity) in the medial orbitofrontal cortex and pregenual cingulate cortex. Furthermore, the pleasantness ratings of the chocolate and chocolate-related stimuli had higher positive correlations with the fMRI blood oxygenation level-dependent signals in the pregenual cingulate cortex and medial orbitofrontal cortex in the cravers than in the non-cravers. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that there are differences between cravers and non-cravers in their responses to the sensory components of a craved food in the orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum and pregenual cingulate cortex, and that in some of these regions the differences are related to the subjective pleasantness of the craved foods. Understanding individual differences in brain responses to very pleasant foods helps in the understanding of the mechanisms that drive the liking for specific foods and thus intake of those foods.


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Arousing stimuli, either threat-related or pleasant, may be selected for priority at different stages within the processing stream. Here we examine the pattern of processing for non-task-relevant threatening (spiders: arousing to some) and pleasant stimuli (babies or chocolate: arousing to all) by recording the gaze of a spider Fearful and Non-fearful group while they performed a simple “follow the cross” task. There was no difference in first saccade latencies. Saccade trajectories showed a general hypervigilance for all stimuli in the Fearful group. Saccade landing positions corresponded to what each group would find arousing, such that the Fearful group deviated towards both types of images whereas the Non-fearful group deviated towards pleasant images. Secondary corrective saccade latencies away from threat-related stimuli were longer for the Fearful group (difficulty in disengaging) compared with the Non-fearful group. These results suggest that attentional biases towards arousing stimuli may occur at different processing stages.


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The estrogen receptor and glucocorticoid receptor are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily that can signal using both non-genomic and genomic transcriptional modes. Though genomic modes of signaling have been well characterized and several behaviors attributed to this signaling mechanism, the physiological significance of non-genomic modes of signaling has not been well understood. This has partly been due to the controversy regarding the identity of the membrane ER (mER) or membrane GR (mGR) that may mediate rapid, non-genomic signaling and the downstream signaling cascades that may result as a consequence of steroid ligands binding the mER or the mGR. Both estrogens and glucocorticoids exert a number of actions on the hypothalamus, including feedback. This review focuses on the various candidates for the mER or mGR in the hypothalamus and the contribution of non-genomic signaling to classical hypothalamically driven behaviors and changes in neuronal morphology. It also attempts to categorize some of the possible functions of non-genomic signaling at both the cellular level and at the organismal level that are relevant for behavior, including some behaviors that are regulated by both estrogens and glucocorticoids in a potentially synergistic manner. Lastly, it attempts to show that steroid signaling via non-genomic modes may provide the organism with rapid behavioral responses to stimuli.


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The present study origins from Diana Deutschs work with the octave illusion and investigates if musically trained subjects can give a more correct perception of the octave illusion if their visual senses also get stimulated in form of scores.Ten subjects, with over 20 years experience playing an instrument, participated in the investigation. The result shows that a more correct perception of the octave illusion depends on the educational level in scorereading. Four out of five subjects who valued their knowledge in scorereading as being good or very good reported that the score corresponded to what they could hear in the right ear, which is connected to the dominant hemisphere. When they were instructed to focus on both ears three of these subjects reported that the score corresponded to what they could hear in the left ear, but that they could not hear the lower tone in the right ear. As the scores for the right ear were equal for the identical soundexamples this perception could be an indication that stimuli are percieved as being complex and the interpretation is alternated to the non dominant hemisphere.


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Birds cause considerable damage to horticultural crops in Australia each year. The playback of species-specific bioacoustic alarm stimuli has been one of the most promising methods suggested to deal with bird-problems. However, no published studies have tested this method on species of parrots, one of the main avian pests of crops in Australia and globally. Furthermore the effectiveness of this method might be reduced if alarm calls were played back that came from a non-local population. The Crimson Rosella species complex (Platycercus elegans), a parrot with considerable acoustic variation throughout its range, is considered a pest species of several commercial fruit crops. This study tested whether alarm calls from Crimson Rosellas were effective in reducing the activity of Rosellas in apple orchards. Three groups of bioacoustic stimuli were compared: control stimuli, local alarm calls and non-local alarm calls. Our results indicate that the playback of alarm calls from Crimson Rosellas is effective in reducing the activity of Rosellas in orchards over the period of study, and we did not find any difference between the use of local and non-local alarm calls. Our study suggests that playback of alarm calls may be an effective deterrent of rosellas over a broad distribution, at least for short- to medium-term use.


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Pedestrian steering activity is a perception-based decision making process that involves interaction with the surrounding environment and insight into environmental stimuli. There are many stimuli within the environment that influence pedestrian wayfinding behaviour during walking activities. However, compelling factors such as individual physical and psychological characteristics and trip intention cause the behaviour become a very fuzzy concept. In this paper pedestrian steering behaviour is modelled using a fuzzy logic approach. The objective of this research is to simulate pedestrian walking paths in indoor public environments during normal and non-panic situations. The proposed algorithm introduces a fuzzy logic framework to predict the impact of perceived attractive and repulsive stimuli, within the pedestrian's field of view, on movement direction. Environmental stimuli are quantified using the social force method. The algorithm is implemented in a simulated area of an office corridor consist of a printer and exit door. Stochastic simulation using the proposed fuzzy algorithm generated realistic walking trajectories, contour map of dynamic change of environmental effects in each step of movement and high flow areas in the corridor.


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Bio-molecular non-covalent interactions provide a powerful platform for material-specific self-organization in aqueous media. Here, we introduce a strategy that integrates a synthetic optically-responsive motif with a materials-binding peptide to enable remote actuation. Specifically, we linked a photoswitchable azobenzene moiety to either terminus of a Au-binding peptide. We employed these hybrid molecules as capping agents for synthesis of Au nanoparticles. Integrated experiments and molecular simulations showed that the hybrid molecules maintained both of their functions, i.e. binding to Au and optically-triggered reconfiguration. The azobenzene unit was optically switched reversibly between trans and cis states while adsorbed on the particle surface. Upon switching, the conformation of the peptide component of the molecule also changed. This highlights the interplay between the surface adsorption and conformational switching that will be pivotal to the creation of actuatable nanoparticle bio-interfaces, and paves the way toward multifunctional peptide hybrids that can produce stimuli responsive nanoassemblies.


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Laminar forced convection inside tubes of various cross-section shapes is of interest in the design of a low Reynolds number heat exchanger apparatus. Heat transfer to thermally developing, hydrodynamically developed forced convection inside tubes of simple geometries such as a circular tube, parallel plate, or annular duct has been well studied in the literature and documented in various books, but for elliptical duct there are not much work done. The main assumption used in this work is a laminar flow of a power flow inside elliptical tube, under a boundary condition of first kind with constant physical properties and negligible axial heat diffusion (high Peclet number). To solve the thermally developing problem, we use the generalized integral transform technique (GITT), also known as Sturm-Liouville transform. Actually, such an integral transform is a generalization of the finite Fourier transform where the sine and cosine functions are replaced by more general sets of orthogonal functions. The axes are algebraically transformed from the Cartesian coordinate system to the elliptical coordinate system in order to avoid the irregular shape of the elliptical duct wall. The GITT is then applied to transform and solve the problem and to obtain the once unknown temperature field. Afterward, it is possible to compute and present the quantities of practical interest, such as the bulk fluid temperature, the local Nusselt number and the average Nusselt number for various cross-section aspect ratios. (C) 2006 Elsevier. SAS. All rights reserved.