976 resultados para new procedure
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A new procedure is given for the study of stability and asymptotic stability of the null solution of the non autonomous discrete equations by the method of dichotomic maps, which it includes Liapunov's Method asa special case. Examples are given to illustrate the application of the method.
Facial injuries with the retention of foreign bodies inside the tissues, both in soft and hard ones, can cause major functional and aesthetic damage. Among the different etiological agents, cutting tools, fragments of a firearm, the splinter of wood, steel, or iron, launched by misuse, or even caused by defects in equipment, are the main cause of these injuries. The aim of this study was to discuss the peculiarity of the multidisciplinary approach in caring of a 33-year-old man, victim of an accident at work, by the rupture of an emery disc and consequent penetration of the fragments in violation of the tissues in the orbital and zygomatic region of the left side, with perforation of the eyeball and orbital-zygomatic fracture. Urgent treatment consisted of debridement of wounds, bleeding control, removal of foreign bodies, fracture reduction with rigid internal fixation, and suture, performed by the oral and maxillofacial surgical team. Reconstruction of orbital tissues by the ophthalmology team consisted of suture of the injuries. About 1 month after the trauma, phthisis bulbi was noted, and the patient underwent a new procedure under general anesthesia for eye evisceration and installation of an alloplastic prosthesis associated with the homogenous sclera. Facial harmony was restored, especially in aesthetics and function of the zygomatic-orbital complex.
We report the successful fabrication of planar waveguides in rare-earth doped fluoroindate glass substrates. A new procedure for waveguide fabrication using a thermally evaporated AgF nonmetallic film was developed. The refractive index changes of more than 0.03, associated to low propagation losses achieved, open new perspectives and show the potentiality of using this glass family toward further developments in fabrication and design of integrated optical devices for optical communication wavelengths.© 1995 American Institute of Physics.
We introduce a new hybrid approach to determine the ground state geometry of molecular systems. Firstly, we compared the ability of genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) to find the lowest energy geometry of silicon clusters with six and 10 atoms. This comparison showed that GA exhibits fast initial convergence, but its performance deteriorates as it approaches the desired global extreme. Interestingly, SA showed a complementary convergence pattern, in addition to high accuracy. Our new procedure combines selected features from GA and SA to achieve weak dependence on initial parameters, parallel search strategy, fast convergence and high accuracy. This hybrid algorithm outperforms GA and SA by one order of magnitude for small silicon clusters (Si6 and Si10). Next, we applied the hybrid method to study the geometry of a 20-atom silicon cluster. It was able to find an original geometry, apparently lower in energy than those previously described in literature. In principle, our procedure can be applied successfully to any molecular system. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
The designs of filters made by granular material or textile are mainly based on empirical or semi empirical retention criteria according to Terzaghi proposal, which compares particle diameter of the soil base with the filter porous spaces. Silveira in 1965, proposed one rational design retention criteria based on the probability of a particle from the soil base, carried by one dimensional flow, be restrained by the porous of the filter while trying to pass through its thickness. This new innovating theory, besides of being very simple, it is not frequently used for granular filters since the necessary parameters for the design has to be determine for each natural material. However, for textile this problem no longer exists because it has quality control during manufacturing and the necessary characteristics properties of the product are specify in the product catalog. This work presents one adaptation of the Silveira theory for textile filters and the step-by-step procedure for the determination of the characteristics properties of the textile products necessary for the design. This new procedure permits the determination of the confiability level of retention that one specific particle diameter form the soil base has for one specified textile. One complete example is presented to demonstrate the simplicity of the method proposed and how the textile characteristics are obtained.
The reuse of materials has as its main objective to minimize environmental impacts and to rationalize the use of energy chains. In the present work, samples of scraps of 316 stainless steel mixed with powder of the same material were sintered. For this case, the percentage of scrap was varied from zero to 25% in weight, with 5% increases. After compacting, under a pressure of 600MPa, the samples were sintered simultaneously at a temperature of 1473 K. The mechanical behavior of the final product was evaluated through Assays of Transversal Rupture recommended and normalized by the MPIF - Metal Powder Industries Federation. Using Conventional Quantitative Metallography, the analyses of the sintered samples demonstrated regions of intense diffusion, therefore, regions of sufficiently intense sintering. The mechanical resistance of the samples was compared with the mechanical resistance of the sintered stainless steel with no scrap. The results were greater than expected, demonstrating the viability of this new procedure.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O Feixe Gaussiano (FG) é uma solução assintótica da equação da elastodinâmica na vizinhança paraxial de um raio central, a qual se aproxima melhor do campo de ondas do que a aproximação de ordem zero da Teoria do Raio. A regularidade do FG na descrição do campo de ondas, assim como a sua elevada precisão em algumas regiões singulares do meio de propagação, proporciona uma forte alternativa na solução de problemas de modelagem e imageamento sísmicos. Nesta Tese, apresenta-se um novo procedimento de migração sísmica pré-empilhamento em profundidade com amplitudes verdadeiras, que combina a flexibilidade da migração tipo Kirchhoff e a robustez da migração baseada na utilização de Feixes Gaussianos para a representação do campo de ondas. O algoritmo de migração proposto é constituído por dois processos de empilhamento: o primeiro é o empilhamento de feixes (“beam stack”) aplicado a subconjuntos de dados sísmicos multiplicados por uma função peso definida de modo que o operador de empilhamento tenha a mesma forma da integral de superposição de Feixes Gaussianos; o segundo empilhamento corresponde à migração Kirchhoff tendo como entrada os dados resultantes do primeiro empilhamento. Pelo exposto justifica-se a denominação migração Kirchhoff-Gaussian-Beam (KGB). As principais características que diferenciam a migração KGB, durante a realização do primeiro empilhamento, de outros métodos de migração que também utilizam a teoria dos Feixes Gaussianos, são o uso da primeira zona de Fresnel projetada para limitar a largura do feixe e a utilização, no empilhamento do feixe, de uma aproximação de segunda ordem do tempo de trânsito de reflexão. Como exemplos são apresentadas aplicações a dados sintéticos para modelos bidimensionais (2-D) e tridimensionais (3-D), correspondentes aos modelos Marmousi e domo de sal da SEG/EAGE, respectivamente.
O Feixe Gaussiano (FG) é uma solução assintótica da equação da elastodinâmica na vizinhança paraxial de um raio central, a qual se aproxima melhor do campo de ondas do que a aproximação de ordem zero da Teoria do Raio. A regularidade do FG na descrição do campo de ondas, assim como a sua elevada precisão em algumas regiões singulares do meio de propagação, proporciona uma forte alternativa no imageamento sísmicos. Nesta dissertação, apresenta-se um novo procedimento de migração sísmica pré-empilhamento em profundidade com amplitudes verdadeiras, que combina a flexibilidade da migração tipo Kirchhoff e a robustez da migração baseada na utilização de Feixes Gaussianos para a representação do campo de ondas. O algoritmo de migração proposto é constituído por dois processos de empilhamento: o primeiro é o empilhamento de feixes (“beam stack”) aplicado a subconjuntos de dados sísmicos multiplicados por uma função peso definida de modo que o operador de empilhamento tenha a mesma forma da integral de superposição de Feixes Gaussianos; o segundo empilhamento corresponde à migração Kirchhoff tendo como entrada os dados resultantes do primeiro empilhamento. Pelo exposto justifica-se a denominação migração Kirchhoff-Gaussian-Beam (KGB).Afim de comparar os métodos Kirchhoff e KGB com respeito à sensibilidade em relação ao comprimento da discretização, aplicamos no conjunto de dados conhecido como Marmousi 2-D quatro grids de velocidade, ou seja, 60m, 80m 100m e 150m. Como resultado, temos que ambos os métodos apresentam uma imagem muito melhor para o menor intervalo de discretização da malha de velocidade. O espectro de amplitude das seções migradas nos fornece o conteúdo de frequência espacial das seções das imagens obtidas.
Human population growth and increased industrial activity in recent decades have contributed to a range of environmental problems, including the contamination of groundwater and surface water. In order to help in the management of these resources, water quality indices are used as tools to summarize multiple parameters and express them in the form of a single number. The ability to provide both an integrated assessment of changes in environmental variables, as well as performance tracking, has resulted in such indices being increasingly employed in surface water monitoring programs. The aim of this study was to develop an Index for Public Supply Water Quality (IPS) using a fuzzy inference methodology. Linguistic systems generally provide satisfactory tools for qualitative purposes, enabling the inclusion of descriptive variables with reduced loss of individual information. Validation of the technique was achieved by analysis of measurement data obtained for the Sorocaba River, provided by CETESB. The new procedure proved more rigorous, compared to classical IPS. It could be readily applied in the evaluation of other water bodies, or be adjusted to incorporate additional parameters also considered important for the assessment of water quality.