886 resultados para national health service
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of nutritional attention on the lipid profile and nutritional status of hypercholesterolemic patients attended in health centers of Belo Horizonte. METHODS: Using nutritional attendance patient record cards from two health units, the evolution of the lipid profile and the nutritional state (BMI) was monitored of 96 hypercholesterolemic patients who received diet. The patients were appraised at the following moments: initial (1st consultation), after 3 months (2nd consultation) and last consultation (variable for each patient). RESULTS: On the first attendance, 44,4% of the patients presented not only high total cholesterol and LDL-c, but also hypertriglyceridemia and 70.3% were overweight or obese, but most patients (75.6%) presented adequate HDL-c levels. There was significant reduction in the BMI, total cholesterol, LDL-c values (p < 0.01) and also in the triglyceride levels (p < 0.05) in the first three months, without alteration in the HDL-c levels. A significant reduction (p < 0.01) was observed in the frequency of individuals with high cholesterol (from 89.6% down to 47.9%), high and very high LDL-c (from 82.6% down to 45.7%), as well as high and very high triglyceride (from 43.6% down to 16.7%). The observed reduction in frequency of the low HDL-c was statistically meaningless. CONCLUSION: This study evidences the effect of the nutritional attention on lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic patients, reinforcing the need for a multiprofessional team to attend them at the public health services.
Management of Private Practice in Health Services Hospitals in Northern Ireland: A Handbook
A Consultation Document
Social Variations
The National Health and Lifestyle Surveys 2003 Two baseline surveys of health related behaviours among adults and school-going young people were carried out across the Republic of Ireland in 1998 and again in 2002. The main aims of these surveys are to: Click here to download PDF 4.5mb
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Two baseline surveys of health related behaviours among adults and school-going young people were carried out across the Republic of Ireland in 1998. The main aims of the surveys were to: Produce reliable baseline data for a representative cross-section of the Irish population which will inform the Department of Health and Childrenâ?Ts future policy and programme planning Establish a survey protocol which will enable lifestyle factors to be re-measured so that trends can be identified and changes monitored to assist national and regional setting of priorities in health promotion activities. Download the Report here
This strategy will cover the years 2000 to 2005 and is intended as a resource and guide for all relevant stakeholders and interested parties concerned with promoting health in the new millennium. It also fulfils the important commitment to health promotion development set out in the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness, and addresses Irelandâ?Ts obligations set out in the Mexico Ministerial Statement for the Promotion of Health endorsed by Ministers for Health at the 5th Global conference on Health Promotion held in Mexico in June 2000 Download the Report here
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The National Health Strategy Consultative Forum took place on 2nd December 2005 in Dublin Castle. This was the fourth National Forum and it was chaired by Dr. John Bowman. This Report gives a general account of the proceedings on the day and contains extracts from the various presentations made to the Forum. Read the Report (PDF, 270kb)
The Government Decision1 on the Structural, Organisational, Financial Management and Systems Reform of the Health Sector of June, 2003 acknowledged that in order to increase the effectiveness of the health service generally, and its capacity to deliver the reform agenda, it was important that the service was fully concentrated on addressing its core health objectives. The Minister for Health and Children and Minister for Finance felt that there could be scope to transfer certain functions out of the health service and locate them more appropriately within other functional areas of Government. As part of the overall decision, it was agreed that a working group would be established, to include the Departments of Health and Children, Finance and An Taoiseach, to examine the scope for transfer of certain activities to other, more appropriate, Departments and agencies and that on completion of this review, the Minister for Health and Children would bring proposals to Government. Read the Report (PDF, 70kb) Â
Report of the National Health Consultative Forum 2006 Ms. Mary Harney, T.D., the Minister for Health and Children convened the National Health Consultative Forum 2006 to advise her on matters relating to the provision of health and personal social services. This was the first National Consultative Forum to be convened under Part 8 of the Health Act, 2004, which provides for Public Representation and User Participation. Click here to download PDF 601kb
Report of the the National Health Consultative Forum 2008 The National Health Consultative Forum was convened by the Minister under Part 8 of The Health Act, 2004. This was the second National Health Consultative to be convened under the Act, to advise the Minister on matters relating to the provision of health and personal social services. The theme for the 2008 Forum, which was chaired by Dr. John Bowman was: Best practice in change programmes having particular regard to the move from hospital to community based health services, incorporating current thinking on innovative practices and flexible working ways. Click here to download PDF 1.7mb