608 resultados para multifunctional
In this research, strain-sensing and damage-sensing functional properties of cement composites have been studied on a conventional reinforced concrete (RC) beam. Carbon nanofiber (CNFCC) and fiber (CFCC) cement composites were used as sensors on a 4 m long RC beam. Different casting conditions (in situ or attached), service location (under tension or compression) and electrical contacts (embedded or superficial) were compared. Both CNFCC and CFCC were suitable as strain sensors in reversible (elastic) sensing condition testing. CNFCC showed higher sensitivities (gage factor up to 191.8), while CFCC only reached gage factors values of 178.9 (tension) or 49.5 (compression). Furthermore, damage-sensing tests were run, increasing the applied load progressively up to the RC beam failure. In these conditions, CNFCC sensors were also strain sensitive, but no damage sensing mechanism was detected for the strain levels achieved during the tests. Hence, these cement composites could act as strain sensors, even for severe damaged structures near to their collapse.
Both strain and damage sensing properties on carbon nanofiber cement composites (CNFCC) are reported in the present paper. Strain sensing tests were first made on the material’s elastic range. The applied loading levels have been previously calculated from mechanical strength tests. The effect of several variables on the strain-sensing function was studied, e.g. cement pastes curing age, current density, loading rate or maximum stress applied. All these parameters were discussed using the gage factor as reference. After this first set of elastic experiments, the same specimens were gradually loaded until material’s failure. At the same time both strain and resistivity were measured. The former was controlled using strain gages, and the latter using a multimeter on a four probe setup. The aim of these tests was to prove the sensitivity of these CNF composites to sense their own damage, i.e. check the possibility of fabricating structural damage sensors with CNFCC’s. All samples with different CNF dosages showed good strain-sensing capacities for curing periods of 28 days. Furthermore, a 2%CNF reinforced cement paste has been sensitive to its own structural damage.
The direction, complexity and pace of rural change in affluent, western societies can be conceptualized as a multifunctional transition, in which a variable mix of consumption and protection values has emerged, contesting the former dominance of production values, and leading to greater complexity and heterogeneity in rural occupance at all scales. This transition is propelled by three dominant driving forces, namely: agricultural overcapacity; the emergence of market-driven amenity values; and growing societal awareness of sustainability and preservation issues. Australia's generous supply of land and sparse investment in agriculture has facilitated local transitions towards enhanced consumption and protection values, enabling a clearer delineation of emerging differentiated modes of rural occupance than in more contested locales. In Australia seven distinctive modes of occupance can be identified, according to the relative precedence given to production, consumption or protection values. These modes are described as: productivist agricultural; rural amenity; small farm (or pluriactive); peri-metropolitan; marginalized agricultural; conservation; and indigenous. Within these seven modes, alternative trajectories are identified, indicating variability in the intensity and type of resource use. Articulation of the transition concept may provide synergy between discrete discourses in rural research. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Marked differences exist between the institutional and social context for innovation in the UK and Germany. The question addressed here is how these different contexts affect the objectives and organisation of innovation in UK and German manufacturing. In particular, the paper examines the extent to which UK and German plants engage in inter-plant collaboration and cooperation and multifunctional working as part of their innovative activity, and explores the reasons for differences in these patterns of involvement. The investigation is based on a large-scale, comparative survey of manufacturing plants in the two countries. In Germany, institutional and social norms are found to encourage collaborative inter-plant innovation, but aspects of the German skills training and industrial relations systems make the adoption of more flexible internal systems more difficult. In the UK, by contrast, the more adversarial nature of inter-firm relations makes it more difficult to establish external collaborations based on mutual trust, but less restrictive labour market structures make it easier for UK plants to adopt multifunctional working. This is linked to differences in attitudes to the property rights and transaction cost problems inherent in innovation.
A new family of multifunctional scaffolds, incorporating selected biopolymer coatings on basic Bioglass® derived foams has been developed. The polymer coatings were investigated as carrier of vancomycin which is a suitable drug to impart antibiotic function to the scaffolds. It has been proved that coating with PLGA (poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)) with dispersed vancomycin-loaded microgels provides a rapid delivery of drug to give antibacterial effects at the wound site and a further sustained release to aid mid to long-term healing. Furthermore, the microgels also improved the bioactivity of the scaffolds by acting as nucleation sites for the formation of HA crystals in simulated body fluid. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The devising of a general engineering theory of multifunctional diagnostic systems for non-invasive medical spectrophotometry is an important and promising direction of modern biomedical engineering. We aim in this study to formalize in scientific engineering terms objectives for multifunctional laser non-invasive diagnostic system (MLNDS). The structure-functional model as well as a task-function of generalized MLNDS was formulated and developed. The key role of the system software for MLNDS general architecture at steps of ideological-technical designing has been proved. The basic principles of block-modules composition of MLNDS hardware are suggested as well. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
A photonic crystal fiber (PCF) interferometer that exhibits record fringe contrast (~40 dB) is demonstrated along with its sensing applications. The device operates in reflection mode and consists of a centimeter-long segment of properly selected PCF fusion spliced to single mode optical fibers. Two identical collapsed zones in the PCF combined with its modal properties allow high-visibility interference patterns. The interferometer is suitable for refractometric and liquid level sensing. The measuring refractive index range goes from 1.33 to 1.43 and the maximum resolution is ~1.6 × 10-5. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
We report a distributed multifunctional fiber sensing network based on weak-fiber Bragg gratings (WFBGs) and long period fiber grating (LPG) assisted OTDR system. The WFBGs are applied for temperature, strain, and vibration monitoring at key position, and the LPG is used as a linear filter in the system to convert the wavelength shift of WFBGs caused by environmental change into the power change. The simulation results show that it is possible to integrate more than 4472 WFBGs in the system when the reflectivity of WFBGs is less than {10}^{-5}. Besides, the back-Rayleigh scattering along the whole fiber can also be detected which makes distributed bend sensing possible. As an experimental demonstration, we have used three WFBGs UV-inscribed with 50-m interval at the end of a 2.6-km long fiber, which part was subjected for temperature, strain, and vibration sensing, respectively. The ratio of the intensity of output and input light is used for temperature and strain sensing, and the results show strain and temperature sensitivities are 4.2 \times {10}^{-4}{/\mu \varepsilon } and 5.9 \times {10}^{-3}{{/ {^{\circ }}\textrm {C}}} , respectively. Detection of multiple vibrations and single vibration with the broad frequency band up to 500 Hz are also achieved. In addition, distributed bend sensing which could be simultaneously realized in this system has been proposed.
A compact Θ shaped microfiber resonator for multifunctional, tunable and wideband filter is proposed. The filtering performance of reflection and transmission spectra depending on coupling coefficients and cavity length is theoretically investigated and experimentally demonstrated. © 2015 OSA.
Receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs) are single pass membrane proteins initially identified by their ability to determine the pharmacology of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR), a family B G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). It is now known that RAMPs can interact with a much wider range of GPCRs. This review considers recent developments on the structure of the complexes formed between the extracellular domains (ECDs) of CLR and RAMP1 or RAMP2 as these provide insights as to how the RAMPs direct ligand binding. The range of RAMP interactions is also considered; RAMPs can interact with numerous family B GPCRs as well as examples of family A and family C GPCRs. They influence receptor expression at the cell surface, trafficking, ligand binding and G protein coupling. The GPCR-RAMP interface offers opportunities for drug targeting, illustrated by examples of drugs developed for migraine.
The role of TG2 in fibrosis is reported to be related to two important effects. The first in mediating the deposition and accumulation of the fibrotic extracellular matrix (ECM) via its cross-linking of proteins like fibronectin, collagen I and collagen III; and the second, the activation of latent matrix bound TGFβ1. We report here that the role of TG2 in fibrosis progression can be much more complex. We also report a new family of TG2-specific inhibitors that can not only inhibit protein cross-linking, but also regulate other functions of TG2, thus increasing their potency which can be demonstrated by their effectiveness in inhibiting fibrosis in two different fibrotic in vivo models.
A novel biocompatible and biodegradable polymer, termed poly(Glycerol malate co-dodecanedioate) (PGMD), was prepared by thermal condensation method and used for fabrication of nanoparticles (NPs). PGMD NPs were prepared using the single oil emulsion technique and loaded with an imaging/hyperthermia agent (IR820) and a chemotherapeutic agent (doxorubicin, DOX). The size of the void PGMD NPs, IR820-PGMD NPs and DOX-IR820-PGMD NPs were approximately 90 nm, 110 nm, and 125 nm respectively. An acidic environment (pH=5.0) induced higher DOX and IR820 release compared to pH=7.4. DOX release was also enhanced by exposure to laser, which increased the temperature to 42°C. Cytotoxicity of DOX-IR820-PGMD NPs was comparable in MES-SA but was higher in Dx5 cells compared to free DOX plus IR820 (p<0.05). The combination of hyperthermia (HT) and chemotherapy improved cytotoxicity in both cell lines. We also explored the cellular response after rapid, short-term and low thermal dose (laser/Dye/NP) induced-heating, and compared it to slow, long-term and high thermal dose cell incubator heating by investigating the reactive oxygen species (ROS) level, hypoxia-inducible factor-1&agr; (HIF-1&agr;) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression. The cytotoxicity of IR820-PGMD NPs after laser/Dye/NP HT resulted in higher cancer cell killing compared to incubator HT. ROS level, HIF-1&agr; and VEGF expression were elevated under incubator HT, while maintained at the baseline level under the laser/Dye/NP HT. In vivo mouse studies showed that NP formulation significantly improved the plasma half-life of IR820 after tail vein injection. Significant lower IR820 content was observed in kidney in DOX-IR820-PGMD NP treatment as compared to free IR820 treatment in our biodistribution studies (p<0.05). In conclusion, both IR820-PGMD NPs and DOX-IR820-PGMD NPs were successfully developed and used for both imaging and therapeutic purposes. Rapid and short-term laser/Dye/NP HT, with a low thermal dose, did not up-regulate HIF-1&agr; and VEGF expression, whereas slow and long-term incubator HT, with a high thermal dose, can enhance expression of both HIF-1&agr; and VEGF.^
In questo lavoro abbiamo sperimentato due modi diversi per ottenere un monolayer di C60 su La,Sr manganite (LSMO): desorbendo C60 da un campione di 5nm cresciuto su un substrato di LSMO e crescendo, sempre su LSMO, sei campioni di C60 a diversi spessori nominali. Il campione desorbito è stato analizzato mediante misure STS ed STM, mentre i campione cresciuti a diversi spessori sono stati misurati mediante non-cntact AFM. Ciò che è emerso in entrambi i casi è che le molecole di C60 non interagiscono con il substrato di LSMO. Nel primo caso infatti si è visto che è stato desorbito quasi tutto il C60 presente sul campione; la superficie della manganite risulta solo parzialmente ricoperta da molecole di C60. Nel secondo caso invece si nota che il C60 cresce formando isole che arrivano a ricoprire la superficie di LSMO solo per film dallo spessore nominale superiore a 30nm.