992 resultados para mud-logging


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In this paper, taking Madong district of Huanghua depression as a case, based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, reservoir geology and geophysics, according to core analysis, seismic attribute analysis, logging constrained inversion, multi-data correlation of strata, reservoir modeling, etc. the lower and middle first member of Shahejie formation of the study area was forecasted and evaluated. As a result, a number of reservoir prediction and remaining oil distribution methods suitable to oil exploitation of gravity flow channel reservoir are presented. Scientific foundation is provided to the next adjustment of development program and exploitation of the remaining oil. According to high resolution sequence stratigraphy theory, precise stratigraphic framework was founded, the facies types and facies distribution were studied under the control of stratigraphic framework, the technologies of seismic attribute abstraction and logging constrained inversion. Result shows that gravity flow channel, as the main facies, developed in the rising period of base-level cycle, and it was formed during the phase of contemporaneous fault growth. As the channel extends, channel width was gradually widened but thickness thined. The single channels were in possession of a great variety of integrated modes, such as isolated, branching off, merging and paralleling, forming a kind of sand-mud interblending complex sedimentary units. Reservoir quality differs greatly in vertical and horizontal direction, and sedimentary microfacies is main controlling factor of the reservoir quality. In major channel, deposition thickness is great, and petrophysical property is well. While in marginal channel, reservoir is thinner, and petrophysical property is unfavorable. Structure and reservoir quality are main factors which control the oil and gas distribution in the study area. On the basis of the research about the reservoir quality, internal, planar and 3-D reservoir heterogeneities are characterized, and the reservoir quality was sorted rationally. At last, based on the research of reservoir numerical simulation of key well group, combined with reservoir performance analysis and geological analysis above, remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by internal rhythm of gravity flow channel were set up. Through this research, a facies-restrained reservoir prediction method integrating multi-information was presented, and potential orientation of remaining oil distribution in gravity flow channel reservoir is clarified.


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The exploration in recent years shows that the Yanchang Formation in the southwest of Ordos Basin is of great resource potential and good exploration and exploitation prospect. In the thesis ,sedimentary source analysis,sedimentary system,sedimentary microfacies,sandstones distribution and reservoir characteristic are studied and favorable oil area are forecasted in Chang6-Chang8 of Yanchang formation in HuanXian region, by mainly study on the data of field section observation ,core observation, well logging explaination and routine microscope slice identification,scanning Electron Microscope and reservoir analysis of lithology and physical property , Under the guidance of such advanced theories and methods as sedimentology,reservoir sedimentology,lithological oil pool and so on. The stratum of Chang6-Chang8 of Yanchang formation could be divided into pieces of member following the principles that firstly contrasting the big segments, then contrasting the small segments, being controlled by cycle and consulting the thickness etc.And the characteristic of stratum are detailed discussed , respectively. Based on the source direction of the central basin, heavy and light minerals are used to analyse source direction of Chang6 and Chang8 member, in HuanXian area. Research result shows that the source of Chang6 and Chang8 member is mixed provenance,including west-south,west and east-north. By the study of rock types、 sedimentary conformation、lithology and electromotive curve combination and palaeo-biology,lake、delta and braided delta mianly developed in study area are recognized, Subaqueous distributary channels in delta front and in braided delta front, and sand body in deep-lake turbidite, are the main reservoir.forthermore,the characteristic of depositional system and sandy body in space are discussed. Applied with routine microscope slice identification, Scanning Electron Microscope, reservoir lithology and physical property analysis and other analytic machinery, Feldspar-lithic fine-sandstone and feldspar fine-sandstone are mainly sandstone of Y Chang6-Chang8 in Huanxian area, small pore and tiny pore are the main pore types, tiny throat type and micro-fine throat type are widely developed , secondary dissolution porosity, intercrystal porosity, tiny pore and micro-crack are main pore types.Intergranular porosity and dissolution porosity secondary is the main pore secondary. The dominant diagenesis types in the area are compaction, cementation, replacement and dissolution. Chlorite films cementation facies, carbonate cementation facies ,mud cementation compaction facie, compaction 、pressure solution facies are the main diagenetic facies,in which Chlorite films cementation facies is the best diagenetic facies in study area. Reservoir influence factor analysis ,rock types are the main factor forming this low-pore and low-permeability of Chang6-Chang8 member in study area,and relatively higher permeability area are cortrolled by sedimentary facies distribution, diagenesis improved reservoir physical property. According to the distributing of sedimentary micro-facies and sandy body , and the test oil, favorable region in Chang6-Chang8 are forecasted.


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Abstract: Hejiaji area lies on eastern part of Shanbei Slope in Ordos Basin and the primary oil-bearing bed is Chang 4+5 and Chang 6 of Yanchang Formation. It is indicated that the sedimentary facies and reservoir characteristics restricted the hydrocarbon accumulation regularity by the geological information. Therefore, Applied with outcrop observation,core description, geophysical logging interpretation, thin section determination, Scanning Electron Microscope, reservoir lithology and physical property analysis and other analytic machinery, the sedimentary facies ,micro-characteristic and master control factors on hydrocarbon reservoir of Yanchang Formation in Hejiaji area are studied deeply by means of sedimentology,reservoir geology and petroleum geology and provide a reliably reference for later prospect . Delta facies are identified in Hejiaji area and of which distributary channels in delta plain microfacies controlled the distribution of sand bodies and accumulation of oil and gas.The distribution of sand bodies distributed from northeast to southwest are dominated by sedimentary facies . It was shown that the sandstones are medium to granule arkose,which the mud matrix is r and including,calcite,the content of matrix is lower and that mostly are cements which are mainly quartz and feldspar overgrowths and chlorite films, in the second place are hydromica and ferrocalcite. All the sandstones have entered a period of late diagenetic stage in which the dominant diagenesis types in the area are compaction, cementation and dissolution. Remnant intergranular porosity and feldspar dissolved pore are main pore types which are megalospore and medium pore. Medium-fine throat, fine throat and micro-fine throat are the mainly throat type. Pore texture can be classified as megalospore and fine throat type, medium-pore and micro-fine throat type mainly, and they are main accumulate interspace in research region. The reservoir of Yanchang Formation in Hejiaji area is low- pore and low- permeability in the mass which have strong heterogeneity in bed, interbedded and plane. Studying the parameter of pore and permeability comprehensively and consulting prevenient study results of evaluation of reservoir, the reservoir is classifiedⅡ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ three types in which the Ⅱand Ⅲ can be divided into Ⅱa and Ⅱb, Ⅲa and Ⅲb respectively. Ⅱb and Ⅲa are the main reservoir type in Hejiaji area which are about 72.73%and 80%percent of whole reservoir and effective reservoir respectively.


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Glutenite reservoir is one of the most important reservoir types in china. Because of its particularity of rock structure and pore structure, it is usually difficult in development, especially for its serious heterogeneity. On the basis of seismic, well logs, core data and production performance, the lower Wuerhe group can be divided into one second-order sequences, two third-order sequences and twenty two subsequences, corresponding to the five stages and twenty two minlayers. In addition, the fault systems are interpreted and the control action of fault systems to reservoir development is also described. The lower Wuerhe formation of 8th district belongs to fluvial-dominated fan delta sedimentation, according to the analysis of well logs, logging data and core data. It can be subdivided into two kinds of subfacies and nine kinds of microfacies. The fan delta plain subfacies mainly consist of braided channel, unconcentrated flow, mud flow and sieve deposit microfacies. The fan delta front subfacies include subaqueous distributary channel, subaqueous interdistributary channel, debris flow, subaqueous barrier and grain flow microfacies. Combined with the regional geological characteristics, the porosity model of lower Wuerhe formation is performed using core data. A permeability model based on the flow zone index is also formed according to the pore throat characteristics and flow property. Finally, the heterogeneity is analyzed. The result shows that the lower Wuerhe formation has a feature of middle-high heterogeneity, and it is controlled by material sources and sedimentary facies belt.


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Based on the principle and method of sequence, the author describes the sequence-filling model of the rifting basin of Xujiaweizi and its gas exploration potential. The object of this paper belongs to the area around Shengping-Wangjiatun anticline. Its srtatigraphy includes Huoshiling Formation (neutral and basic volcanic rocks), Shahezi Formation (coal bedding and mud and some sandstone) and Yingcheng Formation from bottom to top. These stratigraphy units are defined by author as mesosequences respectively. The author emphasizes that the main control factors of sequence change with the types of basin and stage of basin. So the sequence is researched according to the types of basin. This viewpoint is very new, and it is consistent with the principle of sequence. Volcanic action is very frequent and acute, topography difference is obvious. Between the volcanic events, Shahezi Formation is formed, which mainly consists-of sedimentary rocks. Based on the datum from seismic section and drilling core and well-logging, the author analyzes the single unit and unit set and system tract and sedimentary fancies, then, according to the accommodation space change and marking of sequence boundary, Shahezi Formation is divided into two Third-scale sequences. The sedimentary fancies and depth distribution are described. The author also pointed out that the volcanic rocks consume the accommodation space, so volcanic rocks can influence the development of sequence. Based on the concept of accommodation space, the author put volcanic rocks into sequence frame, which normally consists of sedimentary rocks. The topography of volcanic is controlled by lithology of volcanic rocks, the pattern of volcanic eruption and the topography before volcanic eruption. The topography of volcanic can influence sedimentation and the filling pattern of sedimentary rocks. The author describes the composition and lithology fancies and depth distribution of volcanic rocks. The volcanic rocks and Volcanic building, volcanic structure is recognized on seismic section. The author paid a special attention to the relationship between sedimentation and volcanism. Finally, the author analyses the combination of source-reservoir-cover unit in sequence frame. The mudstone of Shahezi Formation has a great depth, the Kerogene in it belongs to type II and III, which tends to produce gas. The Yingcheng Formation lies between Shahezi Formation and Denglouku Formation, belonging to good reservoir. The volcanic rocks of Huoshiling Formation often formed high building, which can capture the gas produced from Shahezi Formation. The stratigraphy of rifting basin of Xujiaweizi has the great potential of gas exploration. This paper claims the following creative points: 1. The author applied the principle and method of sequence to rifting basin, greatly extending its research area and topic issues. 2. The author pointed out that basin of different type and of different stage has a different type of sequence. This is caused by the different main control factors of sequence. 3. Put volcanic rocks into the sequence frame, discussing the probability of regarding the volcanic rocks as the component of sequence, dealing with the relationship between sedimentation and volcanism and its influence to the source-reservoir-cover system. 4. The author pointed out that the filling pattern of rifting basin are determined by the filling pattern of megasequence, whose filling pattern is determined by the filling pattern of system tract and the change of accommodation space.


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In recent years, chimney structure has been proved one of important indicators and a useful guide to major petroleum fields exploration through their exploration history both at home and abroad. Chimney structure, which has been called "gas chimney" or "seismic chimney", is the special fluid-filled fracture swarm, which results from the boiling of active thermal fluid caused by abruptly decreasing of high pressure and high temperature in sedimentary layers of upper lithosphere. Chimney structure is well developed in continental shelf basin of East China Sea, which indicates the great perspectives of petroleum resources there. However, the chimney structure also complicated the petroleum accumulation. So the study of chimney structure on its formation, its effect on occurrence and distribution of petroleum fields is very important not only on theoretical, but also on its applied research. It is for the first time to make a clear definition of chimney structure in this paper, and the existence and practical meaning of chimney structure are illustrated. Firstly, on the viewpoint of exploration, this will amplify exploration area or field, not only in marine, but also on continent. Secondly, this is very important to step-by-step exploration and development of petroleum fields with overpressure. Thirdly, this will provide reference for the study on complex petroleum system with multi-sources, commingled sources and accumulation, multi-stage accumulations, and multi-suits petroleum system in the overlay basin. Fourthly, when the thermal fluid enters the oceanic shallow layer, it can help form gas hydrate under favorable low-temperature and high-pressure conditions. Meanwhile, the thermal fluid with its particular component and thermal content will affect the physical, chemical and ecological environments, which will help solving the problem of global resources and environment. Beginning from the regional tectonic evolution characteristics, this paper discussed the tectonic evolution history of the Taibei depression, then made an dynamical analysis of the tectonic-sedimentary evolution during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic for the East China Sea basin. A numerical model of the tectonic-thermal evolution of the basin via the Basin-Mod technique was carried out and the subsidence-buried history and thermal history of the Taibei depression were inverse calculated: it had undergone a early rapid rift and sag, then three times of uplift and erosion, and finally depressed and been buried. The Taibei depression contains a huge thick clastic sedimentary rock of marine facies, transitional facies and continental facies on the complex basement of ante-Jurassic. It is a part of the back-arc rifting basins occurred during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The author analyzed the diagenesis and thermal fluid evolution of this area via the observation of cathodoluminescence, scanning electron microscope and thin section, taking advantage of the evidences of magma activities, paleo-geothermics and structural movement, the author concluded that there were at least three tectonic-thermal events and three epochs of thermal-fluid activities; and the three epochs of thermal-fluid activities were directly relative to the first two tectonic-thermal events and were controlled by the generation and expulsion of hydrocarbon in the source rock simultaneously. Based on these, this paper established the corresponding model between the tectonic-thermal events and the thermal-fluid evolution of the Taibei Depression, which becomes the base for the study on the chimney structures. According to the analyses of the gas-isotope, LAM spectrum component of fluid inclusion, geneses of CO_2 components and geneses of hydrocarbon gases, the author preliminarily verified four sources of the thermal fluid in the Taibei Depression: ① dehydration of mud shale compaction, ② expulsion of hydrocarbon in the source rock; ③ CO_2 gas hydro-thermal decomposition of carbonatite; ④magma-derived thermal fluid including the mantle magma water and volatile components (such as H_2O, CO_2, H_2S, SO_2, N_2 and He etc.). On the basis of the vitrinite reflectance (Ro), homogenization temperature of fluid inclusion, interval transit time of major well-logging, mud density of the wells, measured pressure data and the results of previous studies, this paper analyzed the characteristics of the geothermal fields and geo-pressure fields for the various parts in this area, and discussed the transversal distribution of fluid pressure. The Taibei depression on the whole underwent a temperature-loss process from hot basin to cold basin; and locally high thermal anomalies occurred on the regional background of moderate thermal structure. The seal was primarily formed during the middle and late Paleocene. The overpressured system was formed during the middle and late Eocene. The formation of overpressured system in Lishui Sag underwent such an evolutionary process as "form-weaken-strengthen-weaken". Namely, it was formed during the middle and late Eocene, then was weakened in the Oligocene, even partly broken, then strengthened after the Miocene, and finally weakened. The existence of the thermal fluid rich in volatile gas is a physical foundation for the boiling of the fluid, and sharply pressure depletion was the major cause for the boiling of the fluid, which suggests that there exists the condition for thermal fluid to boil. According to the results of the photoelastic simulation and similarity physical experiments, the geological condition and the formation mechanism of chimnestructures are summarized: well compartment is the prerequisite for chimney formation; the boiling of active thermal fluid is the original physical condition for chimney formation; The local place with low stress by tension fault is easy for chimney formation; The way that thermal fluid migrates is one of the important factors which control the types of chimney structures. Based on where the thermal fluid come from and geometrical characteristics of the chimney structures, this paper classified the genetic types of chimney structures, and concluded that there existed three types and six subtypes chimney structures: organic chimney structures generated by the hydrocarbon-bearing thermal fluid in middle-shallow layers, inorganic and commingling-genetic chimney structures generated by thermal fluid in middle-deep layers. According to the seismic profiles interpretations, well logging response analysis and mineralogical and petrological characteristics in the study area, the author summarized the comprehensive identification marks for chimney structures. Especially the horizon velocity analysis method that is established in this paper and takes advantage of interval velocity anomaly is a semi-quantitative and reliable method of chimney structure s identification. It was pointed out in this paper that the occurrence of the chimney structures in the Taibei depression made the mechanism of accumulation complicated. The author provided proof of episodic accumulation of hydrocarbon in this area: The organic component in the boiling inclusion is the trail of petroleum migration, showing the causality between the boiling of thermal fluid and the chimney structures, meanwhile showing the paroxysmal accumulation is an important petroleum accumulation model. Based on the evolutionary characteristics of various types of chimney structures, this paper discussed their relationships with the migration-accumulation of petroleum respectively. At the same time, the author summarized the accumulating-dynamical models associated with chimney structures. The author analyzed such accumulation mechanisms as the facies state, direction, power of petroleum migration, the conditions of trap, the accumulation, leakage and reservation of petroleum, and the distribution rule of petroleum. The author also provides explanation for such practical problems the existence of a lot of mantle-derived CO_2, and its heterogeneous distribution on plane. By study on and recognition for chimney structure, the existence and distribution of much mantle-derived CO_2 found in this area are explained. Caused by tectonic thermal activities, the deep magma with much CO_2-bearing thermal fluid migrate upward along deep fault and chimney structures, which makes two wells within relatively short distance different gas composition, such as in well LF-1 and well LS36-1-1. Meanwhile, the author predicted the distribution of petroleum accumulation belt in middle-shallow layer for this area, pointed out the three favorable exploration areas in future, and provided the scientific and deciding references for future study on the commingling-genetic accumulation of petroleum in middle-deep layer and the new energy-gas hydrate.


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Jiyang depression is one of the most important petroleum production basins in China. The petroleum pools, found easier, have been densely explored and developed. At present, the subtle traps are becoming the main exploring aims. A lot of Tertiary sand-conglomerate body petroleum pools, as one of the important subtle pools, have been discovered recently. It is necessary and urgent to study deeply the developing characteristics and petroleum pool distribution of Tertiary sand-conglomerate bodies in Jiyang Depression. The present dissertation has concluded the main developing characteristics of the Tertiary sand-conglomerate bodies in Jiyang Depression, and studied the sand-conglomerate bodies in Chengnan Fault Zone in detail. Depending on the synthesized studies of geology, geophysics and logging data, the following conclusions have been arrived at. Four criterion layers in Member 3 of Shahejie Formation, according to the depositional cycle analyses, have been established for the subdivision of different layers of sand-conglomerate bodies and the correlation of different sand-conglomerate bodies. It indicated that the alluvial delta, delta-fan, alluvial fan, shallow water fan , deep water turbidite , fan-front turbidite are the six kinds of sand-conglomerate bodies, which have been distinguished in Jiyang Depression with the study of genetic types, characteristics and distribution of sand-conglomerate bodies. The shallow water fan, steep slope deep water turbidite and fan-front turbidite were the main types of sand-conglomerate bodies developed in Chengnan steep slope. Their identification and distribution have been described in detail. The development and distribution of sand-conglomerate bodies were resulted by fault depressing, palco-climate change and channel or trough on the uplift. The fault depressing is the most important-factor to the episodic developing of sand-conglomerate bodies. An episodic developing genetic mode has been established by the contrast analyses between episodic fault depressing and climate change cycles. The hydrocarbon accumulation in the sand-conglomerate bodies in the steep slope was correlated with fan types, depositional phases, fault depressing and diagenesis. Sand-conglomerate wedge out (include up-oblique and onlap), lithological wedge out, mud screen (for anticline), fault plugging (by mud opposite sand, mud daubing) are the 5 possible mechanisms of oil accumulation. Lithological pool, stratigraphic pool and tectonic pool and lithologic-tectonic complex pool, and 9 subtypes of petroleum pools have been detected. It is easy for different pools to be combined as a complex reservoir, which was distributed along the syn-depositional fault slopes. The sand-conglomerate bodies in deep sag were usually evaluated as pore zone for hydrocarbon accumulation before. In fact, they are potential. Because of fan-front turbidite sands were especially developed in these zones, the sands have a close connection with the oil mud, and lithological pools can be expected to find in these zones. Chengnan fault slope was main channel of oil migration, and mud screen is the principle key for the oil accumulation in the sand-conglomerate bodies. If there was no mud between the sand-conglomerate bodies or on the top of sand-conglomerate bodies, the sand-conglomerate bodies would connect each other and there would be no dense material to hold up the oil migration along the slope. As the sand-conglomerate bodies could not been taken as a screen, the mud screen is the key for developing pool in this slope. According to this principle, about 6 potential traps, such as C915 block, C913 block, C916 block, south of Y109 well block, Y104 block and Y153 block, were selected for exploration and development.


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With the growing development and perfection of reservoir describing technology, its research achievements have played an increasingly important role in old oilfields in recent years. Reservoir description quantitatively describes, characterizes and predicts every kind of reservoir characters in 3D space. The paper takes Banbei block reservoir as an object, studies the reservoir characters and residual oil distributing characteristics of gravity flow genetic reservoir, and definitudes potential adjustment direction of reservoir development. Main achievements are gained as follows. Through fine correlation of strati graphic sequence, the classification of layers and single sands of main payzones in Banbei block is ascertained, the classifying methods of sedimentary unit in gravity flow reservoir characterized with picked cyclical marker bed are formed. On the basis of comprehensive logging evaluation, depositional characters of Banbei block are studied, and classifying methods of sedimentary microfacies in gravity flow reservoir are described. The sedimentary background of main oil layers in Banbei block is open lake with shallow water, and belongs to lacustrine underwater gravity flow- lacustrine phase depositional system. Main microfacies types are underwater water course^ water course side-wing, underwater floodplain, between two water courses, and lacustrine mud, etc. Reservoir sands mainly are underwater water course sands. Influenced by distributing characters of gravity flow underwater water course, sand shapes in plane mainly are stripe, finger-shape, tongue-shape. Sand distribution shows obvious split property. Sands overlap each other. According to comprehensive analysis of lithologic data, logging parameters, and dynamic production data, the researching threads and methods of reservoir heterogeneous characters are perfected. The depositional characters of gravity flow underwater water course in Banbei block determine its high reservoir heterogeneity. Macroscopic heterogeneity is studied in many aspects such as the scale of layers, the scale of single sands, in-situ scale, the distribution of interlayer types, the interlayer scale, and heterogeneity in plane. Thus, heterogeneous characters of reservoir are thoroughly analyzed. Through microscopic research of reservoir, the types of porous structure and related parameters are determined. According to the analysis of dynamic production data, the reaction and inner influential factors of reservoir heterogeneity in waterflood development are further revealed. Started with the concept and classifying methods of flow unit, clustering classification which can better meet the requirements of production is formed. The flow unit of Banbei block can be classified into four types. According to comprehensive evaluation, the first and second type of flow unit have better percolating capability and reserving capability. Research thread of 3D model-building and reservoir numerical simulation combined as an integral is adopted. The types and characters of residual oil distribution are determined. Residual oil of Banbei block mainly distributes in the boundary of sands, near the faults, areas with non-perfect injection-production well pattern , undeveloped sands, vertically poor developed layers. On the basis of comprehensive reservoir study, the threads and methods of improving development effect towards reservoir with high water cut, high recovery percent, serious heterogeneity are ascertained. The whole waterflood development effect of Banbei block reservoir is good. Although its water cut and recovery percent is relatively high, there is still some potential to develop. According to depositional characters of gravity flow and actual production situation? effective means of further improving development level are as follows. We should drill new wells in every kind of areas abounding with residual oil, implement comprehensive measures such as increasing liquid discharge, cyclic waterflood, changing fluid direction when injection-production well pattern is perfected, improve water quality, enhance displacement efficiency in flooding.


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Formation resistivity is one of the most important parameters to be evaluated in the evaluation of reservoir. In order to acquire the true value of virginal formation, various types of resistivity logging tools have been developed. However, with the increment of the proved reserves, the thickness of interest pay zone is becoming thinner and thinner, especially in the terrestrial deposit oilfield, so that electrical logging tools, limited by the contradictory requirements of resolution and investigation depth of this kinds of tools, can not provide the true value of the formation resistivity. Therefore, resitivity inversion techniques have been popular in the determination of true formation resistivity based on the improving logging data from new tools. In geophysical inverse problems, non-unique solution is inevitable due to the noisy data and deficient measurement information. I address this problem in my dissertation from three aspects, data acquisition, data processing/inversion and applications of the results/ uncertainty evaluation of the non-unique solution. Some other problems in the traditional inversion methods such as slowness speed of the convergence and the initial-correlation results. Firstly, I deal with the uncertainties in the data to be processed. The combination of micro-spherically focused log (MSFL) and dual laterolog(DLL) is the standard program to determine formation resistivity. During the inversion, the readings of MSFL are regarded as the resistivity of invasion zone of the formation after being corrected. However, the errors can be as large as 30 percent due to mud cake influence even if the rugose borehole effects on the readings of MSFL can be ignored. Furthermore, there still are argues about whether the two logs can be quantitatively used to determine formation resisitivities due to the different measurement principles. Thus, anew type of laterolog tool is designed theoretically. The new tool can provide three curves with different investigation depths and the nearly same resolution. The resolution is about 0.4meter. Secondly, because the popular iterative inversion method based on the least-square estimation can not solve problems more than two parameters simultaneously and the new laterolog logging tool is not applied to practice, my work is focused on two parameters inversion (radius of the invasion and the resistivty of virgin information ) of traditional dual laterolog logging data. An unequal weighted damp factors- revised method is developed to instead of the parameter-revised techniques used in the traditional inversion method. In this new method, the parameter is revised not only dependency on the damp its self but also dependency on the difference between the measurement data and the fitting data in different layers. At least 2 iterative numbers are reduced than the older method, the computation cost of inversion is reduced. The damp least-squares inversion method is the realization of Tikhonov's tradeoff theory on the smooth solution and stability of inversion process. This method is realized through linearity of non-linear inversion problem which must lead to the dependency of solution on the initial value of parameters. Thus, severe debates on efficiency of this kinds of methods are getting popular with the developments of non-linear processing methods. The artificial neural net method is proposed in this dissertation. The database of tool's response to formation parameters is built through the modeling of the laterolog tool and then is used to training the neural nets. A unit model is put forward to simplify the dada space and an additional physical limitation is applied to optimize the net after the cross-validation method is done. Results show that the neural net inversion method could replace the traditional inversion method in a single formation and can be used a method to determine the initial value of the traditional method. No matter what method is developed, the non-uniqueness and uncertainties of the solution could be inevitable. Thus, it is wise to evaluate the non-uniqueness and uncertainties of the solution in the application of inversion results. Bayes theorem provides a way to solve such problems. This method is illustrately discussed in a single formation and achieve plausible results. In the end, the traditional least squares inversion method is used to process raw logging data, the calculated oil saturation increased 20 percent than that not be proceed compared to core analysis.


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This report addresses the problem of fault tolerance to system failures for database systems that are to run on highly concurrent computers. It assumes that, in general, an application may have a wide distribution in the lifetimes of its transactions. Logging remains the method of choice for ensuring fault tolerance. Generational garbage collection techniques manage the limited disk space reserved for log information; this technique does not require periodic checkpoints and is well suited for applications with a broad range of transaction lifetimes. An arbitrarily large collection of parallel log streams provide the necessary disk bandwidth.


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The proliferation of inexpensive workstations and networks has created a new era in distributed computing. At the same time, non-traditional applications such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided software engineering (CASE), geographic-information systems (GIS), and office-information systems (OIS) have placed increased demands for high-performance transaction processing on database systems. The combination of these factors gives rise to significant challenges in the design of modern database systems. In this thesis, we propose novel techniques whose aim is to improve the performance and scalability of these new database systems. These techniques exploit client resources through client-based transaction management. Client-based transaction management is realized by providing logging facilities locally even when data is shared in a global environment. This thesis presents several recovery algorithms which utilize client disks for storing recovery related information (i.e., log records). Our algorithms work with both coarse and fine-granularity locking and they do not require the merging of client logs at any time. Moreover, our algorithms support fine-granularity locking with multiple clients permitted to concurrently update different portions of the same database page. The database state is recovered correctly when there is a complex crash as well as when the updates performed by different clients on a page are not present on the disk version of the page, even though some of the updating transactions have committed. This thesis also presents the implementation of the proposed algorithms in a memory-mapped storage manager as well as a detailed performance study of these algorithms using the OO1 database benchmark. The performance results show that client-based logging is superior to traditional server-based logging. This is because client-based logging is an effective way to reduce dependencies on server CPU and disk resources and, thus, prevents the server from becoming a performance bottleneck as quickly when the number of clients accessing the database increases.


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Selenium (Se) is a micronutrient necessary for the function of a variety of important enzymes; Se also exhibits a narrow range in concentrations between essentiality and toxicity. Oviparous vertebrates such as birds and fish are especially sensitive to Se toxicity, which causes reproductive impairment and defects in embryo development. Selenium occurs naturally in the Earth's crust, but it can be mobilized by a variety of anthropogenic activities, including agricultural practices, coal burning, and mining.

Mountaintop removal/valley fill (MTR/VF) coal mining is a form of surface mining found throughout central Appalachia in the United States that involves blasting off the tops of mountains to access underlying coal seams. Spoil rock from the mountain is placed into adjacent valleys, forming valley fills, which bury stream headwaters and negatively impact surface water quality. This research focused on the biological impacts of Se leached from MTR/VF coal mining operations located around the Mud River, West Virginia.

In order to assess the status of Se in a lotic (flowing) system such as the Mud River, surface water, insects, and fish samples including creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) and green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) were collected from a mining impacted site as well as from a reference site not impacted by mining. Analysis of samples from the mined site showed increased conductivity and Se in the surface waters compared to the reference site in addition to increased concentrations of Se in insects and fish. Histological analysis of mined site fish gills showed a lack of normal parasites, suggesting parasite populations may be disrupted due to poor water quality. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy techniques were used to determine the speciation of Se in insect and creek chub samples. Insects contained approximately 40-50% inorganic Se (selenate and selenite) and 50-60% organic Se (Se-methionine and Se-cystine) while fish tissues contained lower proportions of inorganic Se than insects, instead having higher proportions of organic Se in the forms of methyl-Se-cysteine, Se-cystine, and Se-methionine.

Otoliths, calcified inner ear structures, were also collected from Mud River creek chubs and green sunfish and analyzed for Se content using laser ablation inductively couple mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Significant differences were found between the two species of fish, based on the concentrations of otolith Se. Green sunfish otoliths from all sites contained background or low concentrations of otolith Se (< 1 µg/g) that were not significantly different between mined and unmined sites. In contrast creek chub otoliths from the historically mined site contained much higher (≥ 5 µg/g, up to approximately 68 µg/g) concentrations of Se than for the same species in the unmined site or for the green sunfish. Otolith Se concentrations were related to muscle Se concentrations for creek chubs (R2 = 0.54, p = 0.0002 for the last 20% of the otolith Se versus muscle Se) while no relationship was observed for green sunfish.

Additional experiments using biofilms grown in the Mud River showed increased Se in mined site biofilms compared to the reference site. When we fed fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) on these biofilms in the laboratory they accumulated higher concentrations of Se in liver and ovary tissues compared to fathead minnows fed on reference site biofilms. No differences in Se accumulation were found in muscle from either treatment group. Biofilms were also centrifuged and separated into filamentous green algae and the remaining diatom fraction. The majority of Se was found in the diatom fraction with only about 1/3rd of total biofilm Se concentration present in the filamentous green algae fraction

Finally, zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos were exposed to aqueous Se in the form of selenate, selenite, and L-selenomethionine in an attempt to determine if oxidative stress plays a role in selenium embryo toxicity. Selenate and selenite exposure did not induce embryo deformities (lordosis and craniofacial malformation). L-selenomethionine, however, induced significantly higher deformity rates at 100 µg/L compared to controls. Antioxidant rescue of L-selenomethionime induced deformities was attempted in embryos using N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Pretreatment with NAC significantly reduced deformities in the zebrafish embryos secondarily treated with L-selenomethionine, suggesting that oxidative stress may play a role in Se toxicity. Selenite exposure also induced a 6.6-fold increase in glutathione-S-transferase pi class 2 gene expression, which is involved in xenobiotic transformation. No changes in gene expression were observed for selenate or L-selenomethionine-exposed embryos.

The findings in this dissertation contribute to the understanding of how Se bioaccumulates in a lotic system and is transferred through a simulated foodweb in addition to further exploring oxidative stress as a potential mechanism for Se-induced embryo toxicity. Future studies should continue to pursue the role of oxidative stress and other mechanisms in Se toxicity and the biotransformation of Se in aquatic ecosystems.