244 resultados para monoterpene glycoside


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The effect of additives on methane gas hydrate formation was tested. The induction time of methane hydrate formation was reduced, gas hydrate could grow rapidly, and the methane consumption was improved during hydrate formation in a quiescent cell with micella surfactants. The effect of an anionic surfactant ( sodium dodecyl sulfate) on gas hydrate formation is more pronounced compared to a nonionic surfactant (dodecyl polysaccharide glycoside). Cyclopentane reduced the induction time of hydrate formation, but could not improve the methane consumption during gas hydrate formation in a quiescent cell.


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A new nortriterpenoid, 20-hydroxymicrandilactone D (1) and a novel lignan glycoside, lancilignanside A (2) were isolated from leaves and stems of Schisandra lancifolia, together with three known nortriterpenoids (3—5) and nine known phenolics (6—14). The structures of new compounds 1 and 2 were determined by detailed analysis of their 1D and 2D NMR spectra, and chemical evidences. In addition, compounds 1—2, 6—7, and 9—11 showed anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 activities with 50% effective concentration (EC50) in the range of 3.0—99.0m g/ml. Compound 12 was not bioactive in this assay with EC50 more than 200m g/ml.


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本论文由三章组成。第一章阐述了藏药水菖蒲的化学成分研究,共分离鉴定了39个化学成分,其中6个为新化合物。第二章报道了几种忍冬属植物的HPLC、HPLC-MS、GC分析以及抑菌活性、重金属含量测定结果。第三章概述了菖蒲属植物的研究进展。 第一章报道了水菖蒲(Acorus calamus L.)化学成分的分离纯化与结构鉴定。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离方法,从水菖蒲的根中共分离出41个化合物,通过红外、质谱、核磁共振及X-ray单晶衍射等波谱方法和模拟计算方法鉴定了其中39个化合物的结构,主要为倍半萜、苯丙素、甾体类化合物。其中含有5个新的倍半萜类化合物和1系列新的甾体皂苷衍生物。经波谱分析将它们的结构鉴定为 1b, 7a(H)-cadinane-4a, 6a, 10a-triol (1), (2R,6R,7S,9S)-1(10), 4-cadinadiene-2, 9-diol (2), 1a, 5b-guaiane-10a-O-ethyl-4b, 6b-diol (7), 6b, 7b(H)-cadinane-1a, 4a, 10a-triol (13),(1R,4R,6S,10R)-1-hydroxy-7(11)-cadinen-5, 8-dione (14), 4′-O-正n碳酰基-3-O- β-D-葡萄糖基谷甾醇(n=14, 16, 18, 22) (15)。 第二章包括四个部分。第一部分报道了忍冬属三种植物40个样品的HPLC测定和对主要活性成分绿原酸的定量分析结果,以及运用HPLC-MS技术对色谱图中8个峰进行指认。在此基础上,考察了种植和采收多个因素对绿原酸含量的影响。第二部分报道了忍冬属三种植物27个样品的GC分析,根据样品的挥发性成分的保留时间对不同样品进行了定性比较,并考察了花期及海拔高度对植物挥发性成分的影响。第三、四部分分别阐述了灰毡毛忍冬和红腺忍冬的体外抑菌活性研究和重金属含量测定结果。 第三章全面系统地概述了菖蒲属植物的化学成分和药理活性研究进展。 This dissertation is composed by three chapters. The first chapter elaborates the phytochemical investigation of Acorus calamus L. Thirty-nine compounds including six new compounds were isolated and identified. The second chapter reports the research on genus Lonicera by HPLC, HPLC-MS and GC. Antifungal activity and heavy metals measurement of genus Lonicera were reported. The third chapter is a review about the research progress on the plant family of Acorus. The first chapter focuses on the isolation and identification of chemical constituents from Acorus calamus L.. Forty-one compounds were isolated from the root of Acorus calamus L. by repeat column chromatography over normal and reversed phase silica gel, the structure of thirty-nine compounds was identified by spectroscopic methods and computational methods, including IR, MS, NMR and X-ray. Those compounds mainly belonged to sesquiterpene, phenylpropanoid and steroid. Among them, five are new sesquiterpenes and one series are new steroid glycoside derivatives. Their structure were suggested as 1b, 7a(H)-cadinane-4a, 6a, 10a-triol (1), (2R,6R,7S,9S)-1(10), 4-cadinadiene-2, 9-diol (2), 1a, 5b-guaiane-10a-O-ethyl-4b, 6b- diol (7), 6b, 7b(H)-cadinane-1a, 4a, 10a-triol (13), (1R,4R,6S,10R)-1-hydroxy-7(11)- cadinen-5, 8-dione (14), 4′-O-carbonyl-3-O-β-D-glucosyl-sitosterol (carbonyl = tetradecanoyl, hexadecanoyl, octadecyl, docosanoyl) (15). The second chapter consists of four parts. The first part reports the HPLC analysis of forty samples of the genus Lonicera, and the quantitative investigation of chlorogenic acid in these samples by HPLC analysis. Relationship between the content of chlorogenic acid in different samples and their planting conditions and harvesting time were discussed. Furthermore, eight compounds were identified or tentatively characterized based on their mass spectra and UV spectra profiles. The second part is about qualitative analysis of the volatile constituent in twenty-seven samples of genus Lonicera by GC. The effect of planting altitude and harvesting time on the volatile constituent was also investigated. The third and fourth parts describe the antifungal activity and content of some kinds of heavy metals of L. macranthoides Hand.-Mazz. and L. hypoglauca Miq.. The third chaspter is a review about the research progress of the plant family of Acorus.


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首次从野桂花(Osmanthus yunnanensis Fr. P. S. Green)地上部分95%乙醇提取物中通过色谱分离得到20个化合物, 其中化合物20为新化合物。基于波谱数据它们被鉴定为(E)-阿魏酸二十烷基酯(1)、β-谷甾醇(2)、羽扇豆醇(3)、齐墩果酸(4)、7-oxo-β-sitosterol(5)、乙酰齐墩果酸(6)、(6′-O-palmitoyl)-sitosterol 3-O-β-D-glucoside(7)、rotundioic acid(8)、地榆糖甙Ⅱ(9)、27-O-(E)-对羟基肉桂酰-28-齐墩果酸(10)、27-O-(Z)-对羟基肉桂酰-28-齐墩果酸(11)、hycandinic acid ester(12)、绿原酸丁酯(13)、4,5-二咖啡酰奎尼酸丁酯(14)、4,5-dihydroxyprenyl caffeate(15)、28-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl rotundioic acid (16)、4-(6-O-caffeoyl-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-5-hydroxyprenyl caffeate (aohada-glycoside C, 17)、 4-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-5-hydroxy-prenyl caffeate (aohada-glycoside A, 18)、β-胡萝卜甙(19)以及3-[O-β-D-(6-O-咖啡酰吡喃葡萄糖)]-甲基-2-烯-γ-内酯 (20)。化合物13、14、15和17有较强的α-葡萄糖甙酶抑制活性。当浓度为1 mg/ml时,它们对α-葡萄糖甙酶的抑制分别为61.5%、95.5%、72.1%、62.6%,活性高于阿卡波糖。 综述了木犀属植物化学成分及1993年以来苯丙素甙类化合物活性研究进展。 Twenty compounds were isolated from the 95% ethanol extract of the aerial parts of Osmanthus yunnanensis Fr. P. S. Green by chromatography for the first time. On the basis of spectral data, they were identified as (E)-ferulic acid eicosyl ester (1), β-sitosterol (2), lupenol (3), oleanolic acid (4), 7-oxo-β-sitosterol (5), acetyloleanolic acid (6), (6′-O-palmitoyl)-sitosterol 3-O-β-D-glucoside (7), rotundioic acid (8), ziyu glycosideⅡ (9), 3β-hydroxy-27-p-(E)-coumaroyloxy-olean-12-en-28-oic acid (10), 3β-hydroxy-27-p-(Z)-coumaroyloxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid (11), hycandinic acid ester (12), chlorogenic acid butyl ester (13), 4,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid butyl ester (14), 4,5-dihydroxyprenyl caffeate (15), 28-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl rotundioic acid (16), 4-(6-O-caffeoyl-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-5-hydroxyprenyl caffeate (aohada- glycoside C, 17), 4-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-5-hydroxyprenyl caffeate (aohada- glycoside A, 18), β-daucosterol(19) and 3-[O-β-D-(6-O-caffeoylglucopyranosyl)]- methyl-2-en-γ-lactone (20). Compound 20 is a new one. Compounds 13, 14, 15 and 17 inhibit α-glucosidase with corresponding inhibitory rate of 61.5%, 95.5%, 72.1% and 62.6% at a concentration of 1 mg/ml, higher than acarbose. The chemical studies on Osmanthus genus and bioactivities of phenylpropanoid glycosides were summarized.


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本论文由四部分组成,前三部分为实验论文,第四部分为文献综述。第一、二部分分别报道了中药西藏胡黄连和鸡矢藤的化学成分研究结果。从两种药用植物中共分离和鉴定了32个化学成分,其中3个为新化合物。第三部分为黄芪多糖的提取工艺研究。第四部分概述了近年来植物多糖的研究进展。 第一章为西藏胡黄连化学成分研究。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离方法从药用植物西藏胡黄连(Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora Pennell)的根茎中共分离纯化出7个化合物。运用MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、HSQC和HMBC等现代谱学方法,结合理化分析对这些化合物的结构进行了分析鉴定。7个化合物中有两个是酚性的葡萄糖苷类成分:西藏胡黄连酚苷D (1)、4-O-β-D-(6-O-vanilloyl glucopyranosyl) vanillic acid (6);四个苯乙基苷类化合物:plantamajoside (2)、plantainoside D (3)、西藏胡黄连苷A (4) 和西藏胡黄连苷F (5);一个苯基小分子化合物:香豆酸甲酯 (7)。其中化合物1和5未见文献报道,确定为新化合物;化合物3为首次从该种植物中分到。 第二章为鸡矢藤化学成分研究。从鸡矢藤(Paederia scandense (Lour) Merrill)全草中分离出25个化合物,通过理化常数和波谱数据鉴定了它们的结构。25个化合物中包括一个蒽醌类成分:茜根定-1-甲醚 (1);两个香豆素:异东莨菪香豆素 (2)和5-羟基-8-甲氧基吡喃香豆素 (3);两个香豆素-木脂素化合物:臭矢菜素 B (4)和臭矢菜素 D (5);一个木脂素:异落叶松树脂醇 (6);两个黄酮:diadzein (7)和蒙花苷 (8);三个三萜类化合物:齐墩果酸 (9)、乌苏酸 (10)和 3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖基乌苏烷 (11);三个甾体及其糖苷:b-谷甾醇 (12)、胡萝卜苷 (13)和(24R)-豆甾-4-烯-3-酮 (14);六个小分子化合物:对羟基苯甲酸 (15),咖啡酸 (16),香豆酸 (17),丁烯二酸 (18),3,5-二甲氧基-4-羟基苯甲酸(19),咖啡酸-4-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(20);五个环烯醚萜类化合物:鸡矢藤苷 (21),鸡矢藤酸 (22),鸡矢藤酸甲酯 (23),saprosmoside E (24)和paederoside B (25)。其中化合物25未见文献报道,为新化合物。化合物1~8、11、14、15~20为首次从该化合物中分离得到。同时对鸡矢藤中环烯醚萜类化合物做了高效液相-串联质谱(HPLC-MSn)分析,探讨了这类化合物的质谱裂解规律。 第三章为黄芪多糖的提取工艺研究。首先确定了黄芪多糖含量的测定方法,并进行了方法学验证;其次探讨了黄芪中黄芪多糖的提取工艺,确定以酶法-Sevag法联用来去除黄芪多糖中的蛋白质,可使其提取物中黄芪多糖总含量达到70%以上。 第四章为近年来植物多糖的研究进展。主要包括植物多糖的提取纯化、多糖的定性定量检测方法、多糖的结构分析和多糖的药理活性。 This dissertation consists of four parts. The first and second parts reports the studies on the chemical constituents of medicinal plants of Picrorhiza Scrophulariiflora and Paederia scandens. The third part is about the extract technique of Astragalan Polysaccharide (APS). The last part reviews the progress of the studies on plant polysaccharides.   The first chapter is about the chemical constituents of P. Scrophulariiflora which is widely used as an important medicine to treat various immune-related diseases. A new phenyl glycoside, scrophenoside D (1) and a new phenylethyl glycoside, scroside F (5), together with five known compounds, plantamajoside (2), plantainoside D (3), scroside A (4), 4-O-β-D-(6-O-vanilloylglucopyranosyl) vanillic acid (6); and methyl-p-coumarate (7) were isolated from the stems of P. scrophulariiflora. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic and chemical methods. The second chapter is about the chemical constituents of medicinal herb of P. scandens. Twenty-five compounds were isolated and purified by normal and reversed phase silica gel column chromatography. By physicochemical properties and spectral analysis, their structures were identified as rubiadin-1-methylether (1), isoscopoletin (2), 5-hydroxyl-8-methoxyl-coumarin (3), cleomiscosin B (4), cleomiscosin D (5), isolariciresinol (6), diadzein (7), linarin (8), oleanolic acid (9), ursolic acid (10), 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyloxyl-ursane (11), b-sitosterol (12), b-daucosterol (13), (24R)-stigmast-4-ene-3-one (14), p-hydroxyl-benzoic acid (15), caffic acid (16), coumaric acid (17), trans-butenedioic acid (18), 3,5-dimethoxyl-4-hydroxylbenzoic acid (19), caffeic acid 4-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (20), paederoside (21), paederosidic acid (22), paederosidic acid methyl ester (23), saprosmoside E (24), paederoside B (25). Among them, compound 25 is a new compound. Compounds 1~8、11、14、15~20 were isolated from this plant for the first time. Futhermore, we studied the HPLC-MSn analysis and investigation of fragmentation behavior of the sulfur-containing iridoid glucosides. The third chapter is about the extracting process of Astragalan Polysaccharide (APS). The method of the content determination is built. The optimum condition of extraction of polysaccharides from Radix Astragali is defined and the more effective way to remove protein is combined enzyme method with Sevag method, by which the content of polysaccharides extract can be up to 70%. The last part is a review of the research progress of the plant polysaccharides, which includes its extraction, isolation, purification, determination, structure analysis, and pharmacology.


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多羟基哌啶类化合物通常称为氮杂糖,由于与糖结构的相似性,亚胺基环醇表现出强的糖苷酶和糖基转移酶抑制活性,可调控在生物识别及酶结构控制中起到重要作用的糖蛋白的生物合成与水解。因此这类抑制剂有望成为与糖代谢紊乱有关的疾病的治疗药物,如:抗糖尿病、抗肿瘤、抗溶酶体贮积症及抗病毒感染(包括艾滋病)等药物。正是由于氮杂糖的重要生物活性及诱人的药用开发前景,近年来,有关氮杂糖及其衍生物的合成、生物活性及应用研究备受关注。 本论文探索了一系列的作为潜在的迈克加成中间体1-C-乙酰甲基/甲氧羰基甲基-5-N-取代呋喃核糖碳苷衍生物在碱的作用下先发生β-消除反应,接着发生分子内的迈克加成反应生成1-C-乙酰甲基-N-取代氮杂吡喃糖碳苷衍生物及1-C-甲氧羰基甲基-N-取代氮杂吡喃糖碳苷衍生物的方法,该转变过程为先通过β-消除得到非环状的α/β不饱和共轭酮或酯的中间体,接着5-N-取代氨基与分子内的α/β不饱和共轭酮或酯发生分子内的1,4-亲核加成,其中,2'-酯的环加成立体选择性的得到β型1-C-乙酰甲基-N-取代氮杂吡喃糖碳苷衍生物,而2'-酮的环加成得到立体异构体1-C-乙酰甲基-N-取代氮杂吡喃糖碳苷衍生物。此外,该类N-取代氮杂吡喃糖碳苷衍生物进一步脱除保护基,得到了一系列新的N-取代氮杂吡喃糖衍生物,拓展了氮杂吡喃糖碳苷分子库。 中间体1-C-(2'-oxoalkyl)-5-N-alkylated glycoribofuranoside的合成是由核糖为原料,通过对其结构修饰,在C-5氮原子上先引入不同的取代基,在C-1上引入乙酰甲基或甲氧羰基甲基。C-5取代氨基的引入通过两种方法:(a) 5-取代链状脂肪氨基可由链状的伯胺直接与5-甲磺酰基发生SN2亲核取代得到;(b) 5-取代芳香氨基可通过芳香醛与C-5氨基缩合再由硼氢化钠还原得到。2'-酰基的引入通过烯丙基氧化得到:2'-酮羰基由醋酸汞和琼斯试剂氧化得到;2'-酯基由高锰酸钾氧化再碘甲烷的作用下得到。 The polyhydroxylated piperidines, commonly be called azasugars. Iminocyclitols and their derivatives have exhibited remarkable biological activity to inhibit glycosidase-processing enzymes, with resulting potential chemotherapeutic applications against diabetes, cancer, lysosomal storage disorders and viral infections including AIDS. Recently, because of the important biological activity and excellent foreground on pharmaceutical application, great attention has been attracted to the synthesis of the new derivatives and analogues. In this dissertation, 1-C-(2'-oxoalkyl)-5-N-substituted-glycoribofuranosides, which used as latent substrates for intramolecular hetero-Michael addition, were converted to 2-ester and 2-ketone aza-C-glycopyranosides by base treatment. The transformation was achieved through β-elimination to an acyclic α/β-conjugated ketone or ester, followed by an intramolecular hetero-Michael addition by the 5-N-alkylated amino group. The 2-ester cycloaddition was highly stereoselective in favor of an equatorial 1-C-substitution while the 2-ketone cycloaddition was produced a pair of stereoisomers of 2′-ketonyl aza-C-glycoside. Additionally, the resultant different N-alkylated aza-C-glycopyranosides could be further prepared for various azasugar library constructions by removal of protecting groups. Synthesis of the key intermediate 1-C-(2'-oxoalkyl)-5-N-alkylated glycoribo- furanoside involved the introduction of 5-substituted amino and 1-C-2′-oxoalkyl groups from D-ribose. The 5-alkylated amino was introduced through two methods: (a) the 5-aliphatic series amino synthesized by the nucleophilic substitution of 5-mesylate using neat ethylamine, propylamine, butylamine, and hexylamine, (b) the 5-aromatic series amino synthesized by various aromatic aldehydes with C-5 amino under NaBH4 reduction. The 1-C-2′-oxoalkyl groups were introduced through oxidation of the ally group: the 1-C-allyl group was oxidized with Hg(OAc)2 and Jones reagent to the 2-ketonyl C-glycoside; the 1-C-allyl group was oxidized with KMnO4 and CH3I/NaHCO3 to 1-C-methyl acetate glycoside.


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The isoflavonoids in Radix astragali were determined and identified by HPLC-photodiode array detection-MS after extraction employing matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD). As a new sample preparation method for R. astragali, the MSPD procedure was optimized, validated and compared with conventional methods including ultrasonic and Soxhlet extraction. The amounts of two major components in this herb, formononetin (6) and ononin (2), were determined based on their authentic standards. Four major isoflavonoids, formononetin (6), ononin (2), calycosin (5) and its glycoside (1), and three minor isoflavonoids, (6aR,11aR)-3-hydroxy-9, 10-dimethoxypterocarpan (7), its glycoside (3), and (3R)-7,2'-dihydroxy-3',4'-dimethoxyisoflavone-7-O-beta-D-glycoside (4), were identified based on their characteristic two-band UV spectra and [M + H](+), [aglycone + H](+) and [A1 + H](+) ions, etc. The combined MSPD and HPLC-DAD-MS method was suitable for quantitative and qualitative determination of the isoflavonoids in R. astragali. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The non-covalent complexes between three flavonoid glycosides (quercitrin, hyperoside and rutin) and heptakis(2,6-di-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin (DM-beta-CD) were investigated by electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS). The 1:1 complexation of each flavonoid glycoside (guest) to the DM-beta-CD (host) was monitored in the negative ion mode by mixing each guest with an up to 30-fold molar excess of the host. The binding constants for all complexes were calculated by a linear equation in the order: DM-beta-CD:quercitrin > DM-beta-CD:rutin > DM-beta-CD:hyperoside. A binding model for the complexes has also been proposed based on the binding constants and tandem mass spectrometric data of these complexes.


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Two flavonol glycoside isomers of Icariside Ⅰ and Caohuoside C were differentiated by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) method.In the negative ion mode,the two compounds with different glycosyl moieties showed the same ESI-MS spectrum,but obvious different MS2 spectra and thus they can be distinguished rapidly,accurately and easily by ESI-MS.


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The underivatized saponins from Tribulus terrestris and Panax ginseng have been investigated by electrospray ionization multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). In ESI-MS spectra, a predominant [M + Na](+) ion in positive mode and [M - H](-) ion in negative mode were observed for molecular mass information. Multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry of the molecular ions was used for detailed structural analysis. Fragment ions from glycoside cleavage can provide information on the mass of aglycone and the primary sequence and branching of oligosaccharide chains in terms of classes of monosaccharides. Fragment ions from cross-ring cleavages of sugar residues can give some information about the linkages between sugar residues. It was found that different alkali metal-cationized adducts with saponins have different degrees of fragmentation, which may originate from the different affinity of a saponin with each alkali metal in the gas phase. ESI-MSn has been proven to be an effective tool for rapid determination of native saponins in extract mixtures, thus avoiding tedious derivatization and separation steps.


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There is considerable interest in the isolation of potent radical scavenging compounds from natural resources to treat diseases involving oxidative stress. In this report, four new fungal metabolites including one new bisdihydroanthracenone derivative (1, eurorubrin), two new seco-anthraquinone derivatives [3, 2-O-methyl-9-dehydroxyeurotinone and 4, 2-O-methyl4-O-(alpha-D-ribofuranosyl)-9-dehydroxyeurotinone], and one new anthraquinone glycoside [6,3-O-(alpha-D-ribofuranosyl)questin], were isolated and identified from Eurotium rubrum, an endophytic fungal strain that was isolated from the inner tissue of the stem of the marine mangrove plant Hibiscus tiliaceus. In addition, three known compounds including asperflavin (2), 2-O-methyleurotinone (5), and questin (7) were also isolated and identified. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic analysis. All of the isolated compounds were evaluated for 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity.


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A new phenyl glycoside, 2-(3'-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl) benzoyloxygentisic acid (1), along with seven known glycosides 2-8 was isolated from Tibetan herbal medicine Lomatogonium rotatum. The structures of the compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic methods including 1D and 2D NMR techniques and MS data.


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Two new xanthone glycosides, tetraswerosides A and B, were isolated from the whole plant of Swertia tertraptera. Their structures were determined as 3-O-beta -D-glucopyranosyl-1-hydroxy-4,7-dimethoxyxanthone and 3-O-[beta -D-xylopyranosyl-(1-->6)-beta -D-glucopyranosyl]-1- hydroxy-4,7-dimethoxyxanthone by spectroscopic methods.


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Two new iridoid glycosides designated as senburiside III (2) and senburiside IV (3), together with one known iridoid glycoside senburiside I (1) and three known secoiridoid glucosides swertiamarin (4), gentiopicroside (5) and sweroside (6), were isolated from the whole plant of Swertia franchetiana. The structures of the two new compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic methods.


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Two isomeric flavonol 3-O-glycosides, tamarixetin and isorhamnetin 3-O-neohesperido side (1 and 2), were synthesized. The natural product from Costus spicatus assigned as the former compound is revised to the latter structure. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.