148 resultados para microbic invaders


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The human skin not only provides passive protection as a physical barrier against external injury, but also mediates active surveillance via epidermal cell surface receptors that recognize and respond to potential invaders. Primary keratinocytes and immortalized cell lines, the commonly used sources to investigate immune responses of cutaneous epithelium are often difficult to obtain and/or potentially exhibit changes in cellular genetic make-up. Here we investigated the possibility of using salivary epithelial cells (SEC) to evaluate the host response to cutaneous microbes. Elevated secretion of IFN-γ and IL-12 was observed in the SEC stimulated with Staphylococcus aureus, a transient pathogen of the skin, as mono species biofilm as compared to SEC stimulated with a commensal microbe, the Staphylococcus epidermidis. Co-culture of the SEC with both microbes as dual species biofilm elicited maximum cytokine response. Stimulation with S. aureus alone but not with S. epidermidis alone induced maximum toll-like receptor-2 (TLR-2) expression in the SEC. Exposure to dual species biofilm induced a sustained upregulation of TLR-2 in the SEC for up to an hour. The data support novel application of the SEC as efficient biospecimen that may be used to investigate personalized response to cutaneous microflora. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Aiming at the assessment of the production parameters and leaf tissues morph anatomical possible changes of the sugar cane RB 86 7515 variety in its establishment phase in the conditions of weed competition, a study over vases has been accomplished in the city of Dracena, São Paulo State, from April to June, 2010, at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. The species Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria decumbens, which are regarded as invaders, were used. It was also used the Completely Randomized Design with seven treatments and five repetitions, totalizing 35 lots or vases. The treatments ranged according to the number of Brachiaria brizantha and Brachiaria decumbens seeds, as it follows: T1 - no occurrence of weed competition; T2 - low occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria brizantha; T3 - medium occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria brizantha; T4 - high occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria brizantha; T5 - low occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria decumbens; T6 - medium occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria decumbens, and T7 - high occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria decumbens. There was an evaluation over the following issues after 60 days of the sugar cane plantation and the invading plants: the weight of the total dry matter of the plants, the thickness of the upper surface epidermis or adaxial, the thickness of the lower surface or abaxial, the thickness of the mesophill, the thickness of the limbo, the diameter of the xylematic vessels and the diameter of the phloem vessels. The weed competition of the species Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria decumbens, which are considered as invaders, provoked some reduction of the morph anatomical characteristics and of the sugar cane production. In general, the Brachiaria decumbens was the species which mostly influenced the leaf thickness of the sugar cane in negative aspects.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Anthrax is not commonly considered so important a menace to swine as it is to other forms of live stock, in which the disease is apt to declare itself with terrifying severity. In comparison with the marked mortality frequently observed in cattle, the tangible losses caused by anthrax in swine seem negligible. As recent as 25 years ago, there still were observers who sincerely doubted the occurrence of the disease in hogs and this opinion found some support in the many reported failures to induce the infection in that animal species by artificial methods.


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From the very beginning of Nebraska's agricultural development its farmers have recognized that the production of swine must of necessity accompany the growing of corn. The latter, one of the state's most important staples, cannot be marketed in a more economical manner than after having been transformed into pork, bacon, and lard. As a result the state has for many years maintained a rather dense swine population mainly divided into large herds kept on relatively small areas of land. This density of population, as well as certain practices in management and selective breeding, has brought about conditions favorable for the propagation of a number of microbic or parasitic diseases which, in a costly manner, force themselves to our attention. The various factors which affect the incidence of swine diseases are numerous and in a given situtation may be so intricately interwoven as to baffle the observer. This extension circular discusses these factors and how to prevent the spread throughout the swine population.


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Background: Bugula is a speciose genus of marine bryozoans, represented by both endemic and cosmopolitan species distributed in tropical and temperate waters and important to marine biologists because of the occurrence of many species in harbor and fouling communities, therefore as potential invaders. The southeastern Brazilian coast in the southern Atlantic hosts the highest known diversity of the genus, a status intimately associated with the intensity of collecting efforts. Methodology: Morphological data based on the examination of living specimens, scanning electron and light microscopic images, and morphometric analyses were used to assess the diversity of Bugula along the coastal areas of southern, northeastern, and southeastern Brazil. In this study, morphological species boundaries were based mainly on avicularian characters. For two morphologically very similar species, boundaries are partially supported by 16 S rDNA molecular data. Results: Nine species are newly described from Brazil, as follows: Bugula bowiei n. sp. (= Bugula turrita sensu Marcus, 1937) from the southern, northeastern, and southeastern coasts; Bugula foliolata n. sp. (= Bugula flabellata sensu Marcus, 1938), Bugula guara n. sp., Bugula biota n. sp. and Bugula ingens n. sp from the southeastern coast; Bugula gnoma n. sp. and Bugula alba n. sp. from the northeastern coast; Bugula rochae n. sp. (= Bugula uniserialis sensu Marcus, 1937) from the southern coast; and Bugula migottoi n. sp., from the southeastern and southern coasts. Conclusion: The results contribute to the morphological characterization and the knowledge of the species richness of the genus in the southwestern Atlantic (i.e., Brazil), through the description of new species in poorly sampled areas and also on the southeastern coast of that country. Additionally, the taxonomic status of the Brazilian specimens attributed to B. flabellata, B. turrita and B. uniserialis are clarified by detailed studies on zooidal and avicularia morphology.


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Invasive species are known to affect native species in a variety of ways, but the effect of acoustic invaders has not been examined previously. We simulated an invasion of the acoustic niche by exposing calling native male white-banded tree frogs (Hypsiboas albomarginatus) to recorded invasive American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) calls. In response, tree frogs immediately shifted calls to significantly higher frequencies. In the post-stimulus period, they continued to use higher frequencies while also decreasing signal duration. Acoustic signals are the primary basis of mate selection in many anurans, suggesting that such changes could negatively affect the reproductive success of native species. The effects of bullfrog vocalizations on acoustic communities are expected to be especially severe due to their broad frequency band, which masks the calls of multiple species simultaneously.


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The ability to discriminate nestmates from non-nestmates in insect societies is essential to protect colonies from conspecific invaders. The acceptance threshold hypothesis predicts that organisms whose recognition systems classify recipients without errors should optimize the balance between acceptance and rejection. In this process, cuticular hydrocarbons play an important role as cues of recognition in social insects. The aims of this study were to determine whether guards exhibit a restrictive level of rejection towards chemically distinct individuals, becoming more permissive during the encounters with either nestmate or non-nestmate individuals bearing chemically similar profiles. The study demonstrates that Melipona asilvai (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) guards exhibit a flexible system of nestmate recognition according to the degree of chemical similarity between the incoming forager and its own cuticular hydrocarbons profile. Guards became less restrictive in their acceptance rates when they encounter non-nestmates with highly similar chemical profiles, which they probably mistake for nestmates, hence broadening their acceptance level.


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Aufgrund ihrer Lebensweise und -umgebung sind effiziente Strategien zur Abwehr bedrohender Einflüsse essentiell für die Porifera. Eine dieser Strategien stellen die Apoptose in höheren Metazoen, sowie ein effizientes Immunsystem dar. Diese sichern sowohl das Überleben des Organismus als auch die Entfernung beschädigter, infizierter oder redundanter Zellen. Bei Untersuchungen der Porifera auf Moleküle, die an diesen Prozessen beteiligt sind, konnten in den letzten Jahren beachtliche Erfolge erzielt werden. So konnten das in der Apoptose involvierte Protein GCDD2 (proapoptotisch), die antiapoptotischen GCBHP1 und GCBHP2 Proteine (Wiens et al., 2001), sowie ein LPS induzierbarer TNF (Wiens et al., 2007) und zwei Caspasen (Wiens et al., 2003) in Schwämmen identifiziert werden. Um diese essentiellen Mechanismen besser verstehen zu können, sollte ein möglicher Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor-Rezeptor identifiziert werden. Hierzu wurde die SpongeBase Datenbank nach Proteinen mit Todesdomänen durchsucht und diese unter Anwendung von PCR- und Screening-Techniken in einer cDNA-Bank des marinen Schwammes S. domuncula komplettiert. Im Anschluss an ihre Sequenzierung wurde ein Klon ausgewählt, dessen Todesdomäne größte Homologie zu einem TNFR zeigte. Dieser Klon SD_TNFR-like (Suberites domuncula TNFR-homologes Protein) wurde anschließend diversen Sequenz- und Strukturanalysen unterzogen. Diese offenbarten die Existenz zweier funktional bedeutsamer Domänen (Ubiquitin-like und Todesdomäne). Vor allem die Todesdomäne impliziert eine Beteiligung des Proteins an apoptotischen Prozessen. Über einen „Yeast Two Hybrid Screen“ sollten Proteine identifiziert werden, welche mit dem Ausgangsprotein interagieren. Hierbei wurde ein Protein identifiziert, das Ähnlichkeit mit einem antimikrobiellen Peptid aufweist. Dieses Protein kann analog zu einer Gruppe von antimikrobiellen Peptiden, den α-helikalen kationischen Peptiden, in drei Teile gespalten werden. Das Signalpeptid sowie ein anionisches Propeptid werden abgespalten und es entsteht ein kationisches, antimykotisch wirksames Peptid. Beide Proteine sollten, sofern sie in die Abwehrreaktionen involviert sind, durch Inkubation mit mikrobiellen Strukturen vermehrt exprimiert werden. Eine Überprüfung der Transkription mittels Northern Blot Analysen bestätigte dies für das SD_TNFR-like nach Inkubation mit LPS und TNF- α sowie für SD_Brevinin-like nach Inkubation mit LPS, PAM und Hefe. Mit der Herstellung eines rekombinanten SD_TNFR-like-Proteins wurde die Immunisierung von Kaninchen und die folgende Gewinnung eines polyklonalen SD_TNFR-like-Antikörpers ermöglicht. Dieser gestattete den Nachweis der SD_TNFR-like -Expression mittels Western Blot-Analysen sowie die stressinduzierte erhöhte Expression mittels Dot Blot-Analysen auch auf Proteinebene. Um die Funktion des SD_TNFR-like Proteins zu charakterisierten, wurde ein Test mit RAW-Blue™-Zellen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse implizieren, dass das Protein Teil der Immunreaktion analog der der TLR- bzw. NLR- Reaktion ist. Auch die Interaktion mit einem antimikrobiellen Protein, welches für das Überleben des Organismus und die Bekämpfung der Mikroorganismen sorgt, deutet auf eine solche Beteiligung hin. Zusätzlich wird diese These durch ein Ergebnis der Strukturanalysen unterstützt, nämlich die Identifizierung einer TRAF2 Bindestelle. TRAF2 ist ein Adapterprotein der TNFR und aktiviert Überlebensfaktoren über den NF - B-Weg. Immunohistochemische Analysen zeigten, dass das SD_TNFR-like Protein im Organismus vor allem um die Bakteriozysten, um verschiedene Mikroorganismen und am Rand des Schwammes exprimiert wird, was ebenfalls für eine immunologische Funktionsweise spricht. Auch im restlichen Gewebe wird es kontinuierlich, auch ohne vorherige LPS Inkubation exprimiert. Diese Akkumulation zeigt deutlich, dass das Protein in einen Schutzmechanismus gegen äußere Bedrohungen involviert ist. Es scheint dabei direkt an den eindringenden Mikroorganismen zu wirken. Das SD_TNFR-like ist demnach ein potentieller Bestandteil der Immunantwort des Schwammes, welches Apoptose verhindern und Überlebensmechanismen aktivieren kann. Das SD_Brevinin-like Protein besitzt antimykotische Aktivität, wie in einem antimikrobiellen Test gezeigt werden konnte. Weiterhin scheint es für das SD_TNFR-like Protein als positiver bzw. negativer Regulator von Bedeutung zu sein, der eine Reaktion entweder beendet oder die Expression von Überlebensfaktoren verstärkt. Die in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen demonstrieren somit die Identifizierung eines neuen Schwammproteins, welches eine Rolle in der Immunantwort spielt, sowie eines neuen antimikrobiellen Peptids, welches die Wirkung des TNFR-like moduliert. Es müssen jedoch noch weitere Funktionsanalysen folgen, um den Mechanismus des SD_TNFR-like Proteins und seine Regulation genauer charakterisieren zu können


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Workers from social insect colonies use different defence strategies to combat invaders. Nevertheless, some parasitic species are able to bypass colony defences. In particular, some beetle nest invaders cannot be killed or removed by workers of social bees, thus creating the need for alternative social defence strategies to ensure colony survival. Here we show, using diagnostic radioentomology, that stingless bee workers (Trigona carbonaria) immediately mummify invading adult small hive beetles (Aethina tumida) alive by coating them with a mixture of resin, wax and mud, thereby preventing severe damage to the colony. In sharp contrast to the responses of honeybee and bumblebee colonies, the rapid live mummification strategy of T. carbonaria effectively prevents beetle advancements and removes their ability to reproduce. The convergent evolution of mummification in stingless bees and encapsulation in honeybees is another striking example of co-evolution between insect societies and their parasites.