792 resultados para metal hexacyanoferrate


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Extracellular copper regulates the DNA binding activity of the CopY repressor of Enterococcus hirae and thereby controls expression of the copper homeostatic genes encoded by the cop operon. CopY has a CxCxxxxCxC metal binding motif. CopZ, a copper chaperone belonging to a family of metallochaperones characterized by a MxCxxC metal binding motif, transfers copper to CopY. The copper binding stoichiometries of CopZ and CopY were determined by in vitro metal reconstitutions. The stoichiometries were found to be one copper(l) per CopZ and two copper(l) per CopY monomer. X-ray absorption studies suggested a mixture of two- and three-coordinate copper in Cu(1)CopZ, but a purely three-coordinate copper coordination with a Cu-Cu interaction for Cu(1)(2)CopY. The latter coordination is consistent with the formation of a compact binuclear Cu(l)-thiolate core in the CxCxxxxCxC binding motif of CopY. Displacement of zinc, by copper. from CopY was monitored with 2,4-pyridylazoresorcinol. Two copper(l) ions were required to release the single zinc(II) ion bound per CopY monomer. The specificity of copper transfer between CopZ and CopY was dependent on electrostatic interactions. Relative copper binding affinities of the proteins were investigated using the chelator, diethyldithiocarbamic acid (DDC). These data suggest that CopY has a higher affinity for copper than CopZ. However, this affinity difference is not the sole factor in the copper exchange: a charge-based interaction between the two proteins is required for the transfer reaction to proceed. Gain-of-function mutation of a CopZ homologue demonstrated the necessity of four lysine residues on the chaperone for the interaction with CopY. Taken together, these results suggest a mechanism for copper exchange between CopZ and CopY.


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Organic microcavity light-emitting diodes typically exhibit a blueshift of the emitting wavelength with increasing viewing angle. We have modeled the shift of the resonance wavelength for several metal mirrors. Eight metals (Al, Ag, Cr, Ti, Au, Ni, Pt, and Cu) have been considered as top or bottom mirrors, depending on their work functions. The model fully takes into account the dependence of the phase change that occurs on reflection on angle and wavelength for both s and p polarization, as well as on dispersion in the organic layers. Different contributions to the emission wavelength shift are discussed. The influence of the thickness of the bottom mirror and of the choice and thickness of the organic materials inside the cavity has been investigated. Based on the results obtained, guidelines for a choice of materials to reduce blueshift; are given. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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Iron chelators of the 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde isonicotinoylhydrazone (HPCIH) class show high potential for the treatment of iron overload diseases. In the present study, selected first-row transition metal (from Mn to Zn) complexes with HPCIH and 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde (4'-aminobenzoyl)hydrazone (HPCAH) were synthesised and characterised. Crystallography reveals that HPCAH exclusively forms bis complexes with divalent transition metals, with each ligand coordinating meridionally through its pyridine-N, imine-N and carbonyl-O atoms, forming distorted octahedral cis-MN4O2 complexes. Complexes of HPCIH were more varied and unpredictable, with metal/ligand ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 2:2 and 3:2 obtained with different metal ions. The isonicotinoyl ring N-atom in HPCIH was found to be an effective ligand, and this resulted in the varied metal/ligand ratios observed. The formation constants of divalent metal complexes with HPCIH were determined by potentiometric titrations and the values obtained were consistent with similar tridentate ligands and with the Irving-Williams order. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2003).


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Heavy metals can accumulate in soil and cause phytotoxicity in plants with some specific symptoms. The present study evaluated the specific symptoms on rice and soybeans plants caused by excess of heavy metals in soil. Rice and soybean were grown in pots containing soil with different levels of heavy metals. A completely randomized design was used, with four replications, using two crop species and seven sample soils with different contamination levels. Rice and soybean exhibited different responses to the high concentrations of heavy metals in the soil. Rice plants accumulated higher Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn concentrations and were more sensitive to high concentrations of these elements in the soil, absorbing them more easily compared to the soybean plants. However, high available Zn concentrations in the soil caused phytotoxicity symptoms in rice and soybean, mainly chlorosis and inhibited plant growth. Further, high Zn concentrations in the soil reduced the Fe concentration in the shoots of soybean and rice plants to levels considered deficient.


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We discuss the operation of a new type of optical sensor (MISCam) based on a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structure. The operation principle relies on light-induced changes of the band bending and barrier height at the interface between semiconductor and insulator. An image is obtained from the quenching of the ac signal in analogy to the principle of the laser-scanned photodiode (LSP). Lateral resolution depends on the semiconductor material chosen. We have characterised the MIS structures by C-V, I-V, and spectral response measurements testing different types of insulators like a-Si3N4, SiO2, and AlN. The presence of slow interface charges allows for image memory. Colour sensors can be realised by controlling sign and magnitude of the electric fields in the base and the interface region.


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The scaling exponent of 1.6 between anomalous Hall and longitudinal conductivity, characteristic of the universal Hall mechanism in dirty-metal ferromagnets, emerges from a series of CrO2 films as we systematically increase structural disorder. Magnetic disorder in CrO2 increases with temperature and this drives a separate topological Hall mechanism. We find that these terms are controlled discretely by structural and magnetic defect populations, and their coexistence leads to apparent divergence from exponent 1.6, suggesting that the universal term is more prevalent than previously realized.


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The aim of this work was to devise a one-step purification procedure for monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) of IgG class by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). Therefore, several stationary phases were prepared containing immobilized metal chelates in order to study the chromatographic behaviour of MAbs against wild-type amidase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Such MAbs adsorbed to Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Co(II)-IDA agarose columns. The increase in ligand concentration and the use of longer spacer arms and higher pH values resulted in higher adsorption of MAbs into immobilized metal chelates. The dynamic binding capacity and the maximum binding capacity were 1.33 +/- 0.015 and 3.214 +/- 0.021 mg IgG/mL of sedimented commercial matrix, respectively. A K(D) of 4.53 x 10(-7) M was obtained from batch isotherm measurements. The combination of tailor-made stationary phases of IMAC and the correct selection of adsorption conditions permitted a one-step purification procedure to be devised for MAbs of IgG class. Culture supernatants containing MAbs were purified by IMAC on commercial-Zn(II) and EPI-30-IDA-Zn(II) Sepharose 6B columns and by affinity chromatography on Protein A-Sepharose CL-4B. This MAb preparation revealed on SDS-PAGE two protein bands with M(r) of 50 and 22 kDa corresponding to the heavy and light chains, respectively. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Metals are ubiquitous in the environment and accumulate in aquatic organisms and are known for their ability to enhance the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In aquatic species, oxidative stress mechanisms have been studied by measuring antioxidant enzyme activities and oxidative damages in tissues. The aim of this study was to apply and validate a set of oxidative stress biomarkers and correlate responses with metal contents in tissues of common octopus (Octopus vulgaris). Antioxidant enzyme activity (catalase — CAT, superoxide dismutase — SOD and glutathione S-transferases — GST), oxidative damages (lipid peroxidation — LPO and protein carbonyl content — PCO) andmetal content (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and As) in the digestive gland and armof octopus, collected in the NWPortuguese coast in different periods, were assessed after capture and after 14 days in captivity. CAT and SOD activitieswere highly responsive to fluctuations inmetal concentrations and able to reduce oxidative damage, LPO and PCO in the digestive gland. CAT activity was also positively correlated with SOD and GST activities, which emphasizes that the three enzymes respond in a coordinated way to metal induced oxidative stress. Our results validate the use of oxidative stress biomarkers to assess metal pollution effects in this ecological and commercial relevant species.Moreover, octopus seems to have the ability to control oxidative damage by triggering an antioxidant enzyme coordinated response in the digestive gland.


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There is an interest to create zinc/tin alloys to replace cadmium as a corrosion protective coating material. Existing aqueous electroplating systems for these alloys are commercially available but have several limitations. Dangerous and highly toxic complexing agents are uses e.g. cyanides. To overcome these problems, ionic liquids could provide a solution to obtain an alloy containing 20 to 30% of zinc. Ionic liquids (IL’s) often have wider electrochemical windows which allow the deposition of e.g. refractive metals that can not be deposited from aqueous solutions. In IL’s it is often not necessary to add complexing agents. The Zn/Sn alloy deposition from IL’s is therefore a promising application for the plating industry. Nevertheless, there are some issues with this alternative for aqueous systems. The degradation of the organic components, the control of the concentration of two metals and the risk of a two phase deposition instead of an alloy had to be overcome first. It is the main purpose of this thesis to obtain a Zn/Sn alloy with 20% zinc using IL’s as an electrolyte. First a separate study was performed on both the zinc and the tin deposition. Afterwards, an attempt to deposit a Zn/Sn alloy was made. An introduction to a study about the electrodeposition of refractive metals concludes this work. It initiated the research for oxygen-free IL’s to deposit molybdenum or tungsten. Several parameters (temperature, metal source and concentration, organic complexing agents,…) were optimized for both the zinc, tin and zinc/tin deposition. Experiments were performed both in a parallel plate cell and a Hull cell, so as to investigate the effect of current density as well. Ethaline200 was selected as electrolyte. As substrate, brass and iron were selected, while as anode a plate of the metal to deposit was chosen, tin for the alloy. The best efficiencies were always obtained on brass; however the iron substrate resulted in the best depositions. A concentration of 0.27M ZnCl2, 0.07M SnCl2 with 0.015M of K3-HEDTA as complexant resulted in a deposition containing the desired alloy with the amount of 20% zinc and 80% tin with good appearance. Refractory metals as molybdenum and tungsten cannot be electrodeposited from aqueous solutions without forming a co-deposition with Ni, Co or Fe. Here, IL’s could again provide a solution. A first requirement is the dissolution of a metal source. MoO3 could be suitable, however there are doubts about using oxides. Oxygen-free IL’s were sought for. A first attempt was the combination of ZnCl2 with chlormequat (CCC), which gave liquids below 150°C in molar ratios of 2 : 1 and 3 : 1. Unfortuna tely, MoO3 didn’t dissolve in these IL’s. Another route to design oxygen-free IL’s was the synthesis of quaternary ammonium salts. None of the methods used, proved viable as reaction time was long and resulted in very low yields. Therefore, no sufficient quantities were obtained to perform the possible electrochemical behavior of refractive metals.


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Hoje em dia, a prevenção dos resíduos de metais é uma questão muito importante para um grande número de empresas, pois necessitam optimizar o seu sistema de tratamento de águas residuais a fim de alcançarem os limites legais dos teores em iões metálicos e poderem efectuar a descarga das águas residuais no domínio hídrico público. Devido a esta problemática foram efectuados estudos inovadores relacionados com a remoção de iões metálicos de águas residuais, verificando-se que as tecnologias de membrana oferecem uma série de vantagens para o efeito. Uma dessas tecnologias, referida como Membrana Líquida de Suporte (SLM), é baseada num mecanismo de extracção. A membrana hidrofóbica, impregnada com uma solução extractora, funciona como barreira entre a água residual e uma solução, geralmente ácida. A diferença de pH entre a água residual e a solução actua como força motriz para o transporte de iões metálicos da água residual para a referida solução. Poderá ocorrer um problema de falta de estabilidade, resultante da possível fuga da solução extractora para fora dos poros das membranas. Estudos anteriores mostraram que os ácidos alquilfosfóricos ou ácidos fosfónicos, como os reagentes D2EHPA e CYANEX e hidroxioximas como o LIX 860-I podem ser muito úteis para a extração de iões metálicos como ferro, cobre, níquel, zinco e outros. A clássica extracção líquido-líquido também tem mostrado que a mistura de diferentes extractores pode ter um efeito sinergético. No entanto, não é claro que haja um efeito óptimo da razão de extractor ou que tipo de complexo é formado durante o processo de extracção. O objectivo deste projecto é investigar este comportamento sinergético e as complexas formações por meio de um método espectrofotométrico, o “Job’s method” e “Mole-ratio method”. Estes métodos são utilizados para estimar a estequiometria dos vários complexos entre dois solutos, a partir da variação de absorvância dos complexos quando comparado com a absorvância do soluto. Com este projecto, o Job’s method e mole-ratio method serão aplicados a um sistema de três componentes, para conseguir mais informações sobre a complexação de níquel (II) e a fim de determinar a razão extractor: metal dos complexos formados durante a aplicação de mistura de extractores D2EHPA e LIX 860-I. Segundo Job’s method a elavada absorvância situa-se na região de 0,015-0,040 M de LIX 860-I e uma baixa concentração de D2EHPA. Quando as diferentes experiências são encontradas num conjunto experimental foram avaliadas de acordo com o método de trabalho, o valor máximo do gráfico foi encontrado para uma baixa fração molar do ião metálico e uma maior concentração de D2EHPA. Esta mudança foi encontrado de 0,50 até 0,30, que poderia apontar para a direção da formação de diferentes complexos. Para o Mole-Ratio method, a estequiometria dos complexos metal pode ser determinada a partir do ponto de intersecção das linhas tangente do gráfico da absorbância versus a concentração do ligante. Em todos os casos, o máximo foi obtido em torno de uma concentração total de 0,010 M. Quando D2EHPA foi aplicado sozinho, absorvâncias muito baixos foram obtidas.


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This study is focused on the characterization of particles emitted in the metal active gas welding of carbon steel using mixture of Ar + CO2, and intends to analyze which are the main process parameters that influence the emission itself. It was found that the amount of emitted particles (measured by particle number and alveolar deposited surface area) are clearly dependent on the distance to the welding front and also on the main welding parameters, namely the current intensity and heat input in the welding process. The emission of airborne fine particles seems to increase with the current intensity as fume-formation rate does. When comparing the tested gas mixtures, higher emissions are observed for more oxidant mixtures, that is, mixtures with higher CO2 content, which result in higher arc stability. These mixtures originate higher concentrations of fine particles (as measured by number of particles by cm 3 of air) and higher values of alveolar deposited surface area of particles, thus resulting in a more severe worker's exposure.


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In this work we isolated from soil and characterized several bacterial strains capable of either resisting high concentrations of heavy metals (Cd2+ or Hg2+ or Pb2+) or degrading the common soil and groundwater pollutants MTBE (methyl-tertbutyl ether) or TCE (trichloroethylene). We then used soil microcosms exposed to MTBE (50 mg/l) or TCE (50 mg/l) in the presence of one heavy metal (Cd 10 ppm or Hg 5 ppm or Pb 50 or 100 ppm) and two bacterial isolates at a time, a degrader plus a metalresistant strain. Some of these two-membered consortia showed degradation efficiencies well higher (49–182% higher) than those expected under the conditions employed, demonstrating the occurrence of a synergetic relationship between the strains used. Our results show the efficacy of the dual augmentation strategy for MTBE and TCE bioremediation in the presence of heavy metals.


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In this work, tin selenide thin films (SnSex) were grown on soda lime glass substrates by selenization of dc magnetron sputtered Sn metallic precursors. Selenization was performed at maximum temperatures in the range 300 °C to 570 °C. The thickness and the composition of the films were analysed using step profilometry and energy dispersive spectroscopy, respectively. The films were structurally and optically investigated by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and optical transmittance and reflectance measurements. X-Ray diffraction patterns suggest that for temperatures between 300 °C and 470 °C, the films are composed of the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase. By increasing the temperature, the films selenized at maximum temperatures of 530 °C and 570 °C show orthorhombic-SnSe as the dominant phase with a preferential crystal orientation along the (400) crystallographic plane. Raman scattering analysis allowed the assignment of peaks at 119 cm−1 and 185 cm−1 to the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase and those at 108 cm−1, 130 cm−1 and 150 cm−1 to the orthorhombic-SnSe phase. All samples presented traces of condensed amorphous Se with a characteristic Raman peak located at 255 cm−1. From optical measurements, the estimated band gap energies for hexagonal-SnSe2 were close to 0.9 eV and 1.7 eV for indirect forbidden and direct transitions, respectively. The samples with the dominant orthorhombic-SnSe phase presented estimated band gap energies of 0.95 eV and 1.15 eV for indirect allowed and direct allowed transitions, respectively.


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Thin films of Cu2SnS3 and Cu3SnS4 were grown by sulfurization of dc magnetron sputtered Sn–Cu metallic precursors in a S2 atmosphere. Different maximum sulfurization temperatures were tested which allowed the study of the Cu2SnS3 phase changes. For a temperature of 350 ◦C the films were composed of tetragonal (I -42m) Cu2SnS3. The films sulfurized at a maximum temperature of 400 ◦C presented a cubic (F-43m) Cu2SnS3 phase. On increasing the temperature up to 520 ◦C, the Sn content of the layer decreased and orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4 was formed. The phase identification and structural analysis were performed using x-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis. Raman scattering analysis was also performed and a comparison with XRD and EBSD data allowed the assignment of peaks at 336 and 351 cm−1 for tetragonal Cu2SnS3, 303 and 355 cm−1 for cubic Cu2SnS3, and 318, 348 and 295 cm−1 for the Cu3SnS4 phase. Compositional analysis was done using energy dispersive spectroscopy and induced coupled plasma analysis. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the layers. Transmittance and reflectance measurements permitted the estimation of absorbance and band gap. These ternary compounds present a high absorbance value close to 104 cm−1. The estimated band gap energy was 1.35 eV for tetragonal (I -42m) Cu2SnS3, 0.96 eV for cubic (F-43m) Cu2SnS3 and 1.60 eV for orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4. A hot point probe was used for the determination of semiconductor conductivity type. The results show that all the samples are p-type semiconductors. A four-point probe was used to obtain the resistivity of these samples. The resistivities for tetragonal Cu2SnS3, cubic Cu2SnS3 and orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4 are 4.59 × 10−2 cm, 1.26 × 10−2 cm, 7.40 × 10−4 cm, respectively.