913 resultados para medical staff
Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) cause significant morbidity and mortality and account for around 6.5% of hospital admissions. Patient experiences of serious ADRs and their long-term impact on patients' lives, including their influence on current attitudes towards medicines, have not been previously explored. Objective: The aim of the study was to explore the experiences, beliefs, and attitudes of survivors of serious ADRs, using drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) as a paradigm. Methods: A retrospective, qualitative study was undertaken using detailed semi-structured interviews. Fourteen adult survivors of SJS and TEN, admitted to two teaching hospitals in the UK, one the location of a tertiary burns centre, were interviewed. Interview transcripts were independently analysed by three different researchers and themes emerging from the text identified. Results: All 14 patients were aware that their condition was drug induced, and all but one knew the specific drug(s) implicated. Several expressed surprise at the perceived lack of awareness of the ADR amongst healthcare professionals, and described how the ADR was mistaken for another condition. Survivors believed that causes of the ADR included (i) being given too high a dose of the drug; (ii) medical staff ignoring existing allergies; and (iii) failure to monitor blood tests. Only two believed that the reaction was unavoidable. Those who believed that the condition could have been avoided had less trust in healthcare professionals. The ADR had a persisting impact on their current lives physically and psychologically. Many now avoided medicines altogether and were fearful of becoming ill enough to need them. © 2011 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Conclusions: Life-threatening ADRs continued to affect patients’ lives long after the event. Patients’ beliefs regarding the cause of the ADR differed, and may have influenced their trust in healthcare professionals and medicines. We propose that clear communication during the acute phase of a serious ADR may therefore be important.
The present paper discusses the experience of a psychological emergency attendance in Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC) in Natal and has as main objective to investigate the limits and possibilities of this practice in offering psychological care to women in abortion situation. The Ministry of Health considers the abortion a serious medical problem in Brazil and acknowledge the repercussions it causes in personal life and between the women’s family, most of all among the younger ones, in fully productive and reproductive age, that if not supported may suffer deep psychological and physical wounds. This research inserts itself in the field of psychological practices in institutions, by many ways, and aim to offer, by different approaches, among then the psychological emergency attendance, a psychological attention at the institutions. This attention refers to a care during the suffering at the time of crisis and in the many ways that the problem is present. The results were analyzed at a heideggerian hermeneutics optics, which search a determined aspect of reality that intends to know/understand, accompanied by the man’s own movement in existence. The cartography and the logbook were chosen in narrative form as a resource to allow the approximation of daily experience. The emergency psychological attendance was realized on curettage setor of MEJC between march of 2013 and february 2014 at tuesdays and Thursdays from 9h to 12h. The existential plot unveiled at this experience showed some possibilities and limits of emergency psychological attendance as studied. Among the possibilities, the emergency attendance helped the women that suffered an abortion to find new meanings, as: realize the need to self-care; see in the attendance a way to cope with the lost or other issues in their life’s; to enlarge the possibilities of her choice; to rethink her sex e reproductive life, and rethink her relationships and life projects. The attendance has proven itself as a health care mechanism showing the women the need to search for the necessary condition to self-care and to question what in that environment was saw as natural. The attendance showed itself as a suitable practice to the health care demand by creating/inventing ways of meet the woman needs. The attendance promoted an opening at the technical horizons of women’s, what was realized when the complaints moved past the physical health. As refered to the limits, some needs was beyond the emergency attendance service and demanded forwarding to regular psychological care or others specialized services. The service was not able to attend all of the demands of the sector. The attendance did not touched the medical staff to its need or made a change in posture to act beyond the technicality. The attendance, although has not made change in this context, was able to show the main difficulties, like the lack on prepare of the medical staff to deal with the abortion past beyond the technical procedure and the precariousness of the infrastructure of the services offered. At last, the attendance represented a shelter to the women in abortion situation, allowing the suffering to have a place.
Patient/carers' recollection of medicines related information from an out-patient clinic appointment
AIM: To identify what medicines related information children/young people or their parents/carers are able to recall following an out-patient clinic appointment. METHOD: A convenience sample of patients' prescribed at least one new long-term (>6 weeks) medicine were recruited from a single UK paediatric hospital out-patient pharmacy. A face-to-face semi-structured questionnaire was administered to participants when they presented with their prescription. The questionnaire included the following themes: names of the medicines, therapeutic indication, dose regimen, duration of treatment and adverse effects.The results were analysed using Microsoft Excel 2013. RESULTS: One hundred participants consented and were included in the study. One hundred and forty-five medicines were prescribed in total. Participants were able to recall the names of 96 (66%) medicines and were aware of the therapeutic indication for 142 (97.9%) medicines. The dose regimen was accurately described for 120 (82.8%) medicines with the duration of treatment known for 132 (91%). Participants mentioned that they had been advised about side effects for 44 (30.3%) medicines. Specific counselling points recommended by the BNFc1, were either omitted or not recalled by participants for the following systemic treatments: cetirizine (1), chlorphenamine (1), desmopressin (2), hydroxyzine (2), itraconazole (1), piroxicam (2), methotrexate (1), stiripentol (1) and topiramate (1). CONCLUSION: Following an out-patient consultation, where a new medicine is prescribed, children and their parents/carers are usually able to recall the indication, dose regimen and duration of treatment. Few were able to recall, or were told about, possible adverse effects. This may include some important drug specific effects that require vigilance during treatment.Patients, along with families and carers, should be involved in the decision to prescribe a medicine.2 This includes a discussion about the benefits of the medicine on the patient's condition and possible adverse effects.2 Treatment side effects have been shown to be a factor in treatment non-adherence in paediatric long-term medical conditions.3 Practitioners should explain to patients, and their family members or carers where appropriate, how to identify and report medicines-related patient safety incidents.4 However, this study suggests that medical staff may not be comfortable discussing the adverse effects of medicines with patients or their parents/carers.Further research in to the shared decision making process in the paediatric out-patient clinic when a new long-term medicine is prescribed is required to further support medicines adherence and the patient safety agenda.
Brain injury due to lack of oxygen or impaired blood flow around the time of birth, may cause long term neurological dysfunction or death in severe cases. The treatments need to be initiated as soon as possible and tailored according to the nature of the injury to achieve best outcomes. The Electroencephalogram (EEG) currently provides the best insight into neurological activities. However, its interpretation presents formidable challenge for the neurophsiologists. Moreover, such expertise is not widely available particularly around the clock in a typical busy Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Therefore, an automated computerized system for detecting and grading the severity of brain injuries could be of great help for medical staff to diagnose and then initiate on-time treatments. In this study, automated systems for detection of neonatal seizures and grading the severity of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) using EEG and Heart Rate (HR) signals are presented. It is well known that there is a lot of contextual and temporal information present in the EEG and HR signals if examined at longer time scale. The systems developed in the past, exploited this information either at very early stage of the system without any intelligent block or at very later stage where presence of such information is much reduced. This work has particularly focused on the development of a system that can incorporate the contextual information at the middle (classifier) level. This is achieved by using dynamic classifiers that are able to process the sequences of feature vectors rather than only one feature vector at a time.
Bakgrund: Glaukom är en kronisk progressiv ögonsjukdom och en av den främsta orsaken till blindhet i världen. Intraockulärt trycksänkande ögondroppar är den vanligaste behandlingsmetoden och följsamhet är mycket viktigt för att minska progression av sjukdomen och risken att bli blind. Tidigare studier har visat att det finns en bristande följsamhet hos patienter med denna behandling. Syfte: Att belysa de faktorer som påverkar patientens följsamhet så att sjuksköterskan ska få en bättre förståelse och kunna vägleda patienten till en bättre följsamhet. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes baserad på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Resultat: Det finns många olika faktorer som påverkar patientens följsamhet i behandlingen med ögondroppar. Det kan vara faktorer som är orsakade av sjukvårdspersonal, av patienten själv samt av miljö/socioekonomiska skäl. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att fortsätta forska på de faktorer som påverkar patienters följsamhet vid ögondroppsbehandling för att sjuksköterskan ska kunna vägleda till en ökad följsamhet.
Det har forskats mycket om fysisk aktivitets positiva effekter på människokroppen rent fysiskt. Tidigare har det inte varit en naturlig del av behandlingen inom psykiatrin vilket gjorde författarna nyfikna på hur det kan lyftas fram i vården av personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hälsoeffekterna av fysisk aktivitet för personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar och sjuksköterskans stöd genom handledning. Metod: Litteraturstudie. Resultat: Under sammanställningen av resultatet framkom att sjuksköterskor kan ge stöd genom Motiverande samtal (MI) som var av central betydelse. Då patienten själv hörsammas och bygger upp sina mål som ska vara mätbara tillsammans med utbildad vårdpersonal, men även genom stöd i patienternas egen utbildning och kunskap av den fysiska aktivitetens positiva inverkan på psykisk ohälsa. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskans metod att stödja och motivera personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar till att utöva fysisk aktivitet visade sig vara flera. Då det var viktigt med personcentrarad metod, var viktigt att de behärskade och kände till olika vägar att kunna motivera personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Andra betydelsefulla tillvägagångssätt var god vårdrelation, individualiserade träningsprogram, samt stöd och utbildning i de positiva hälsoeffekterna som fysisk aktivitet gav.
This year is the 10th anniversary of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Junior Members and Affiliates (JMAs). The aim of this review is to highlight the work and activities of EAACI JMAs. To this end, we have summarized all the initiatives taken by JMAs during the last 10 yr. EAACI JMAs are currently a group of over 2380 clinicians and scientists under the age of 35 yr, who support the continuous education of the Academy's younger members. For the past decade, JMAs enjoy a steadily increasing number of benefits such as free online access to the Academy's journals, the possibility to apply for Fellowships and the Mentorship Program, travel grants to attend scientific meetings, and many more. In addition, JMAs have been involved in task forces, cooperation schemes with other scientific bodies, organization of JMA focused sessions during EAACI meetings, and participation in the activities of EAACI communication platforms. EAACI JMA activities represent an ideal example of recruiting, training, and educating young scientists in order for them to thrive as future experts in their field. This model may serve as a prototype for other scientific communities, several of which have already adapted similar policies.
Poor hospital indoor air quality (IAQ) may lead to hospital-acquired infections, sick hospital syndrome and various occupational hazards. Air-control measures are crucial for reducing dissemination of airborne biological particles in hospitals. The objective of this study was to perform a survey of bioaerosol quality in different sites in a Portuguese Hospital, namely the operating theater (OT), the emergency service (ES) and the surgical ward (SW). Aerobic mesophilic bacterial counts (BCs) and fungal load (FL) were assessed by impaction directly onto tryptic soy agar and malt extract agar supplemented with antibiotic chloramphenicol (0.05%) plates, respectively using a MAS-100 air sampler. The ES revealed the highest airborne microbial concentrations (BC range 240-736 CFU/m(3) CFU/m(3); FL range 27-933 CFU/m(3)), exceeding, at several sampling sites, conformity criteria defined in national legislation [6]. Bacterial concentrations in the SW (BC range 99-495 CFU/m(3)) and the OT (BC range 12-170 CFU/m(3)) were under recommended criteria. While fungal levels were below 1 CFU/m(3) in the OT, in the SW (range 1-32 CFU/m(3)), there existed a site with fungal indoor concentrations higher than those detected outdoors. Airborne Gram-positive cocci were the most frequent phenotype (88%) detected from the measured bacterial population in all indoor environments. Staphylococcus (51%) and Micrococcus (37%) were dominant among the bacterial genera identified in the present study. Concerning indoor fungal characterization, the prevalent genera were Penicillium (41%) and Aspergillus (24%). Regular monitoring is essential for assessing air control efficiency and for detecting irregular introduction of airborne particles via clothing of visitors and medical staff or carriage by personal and medical materials. Furthermore, microbiological survey data should be used to clearly define specific air quality guidelines for controlled environments in hospital settings.
Objetivo. Determinar el grado de satisfacción de las pacientes con la atención médica y de enfermería recibida en el Área de Hospitalización del Departamento de Gineco - Obstetricia del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga. Metodología. Con un diseño descriptivo de corte transversal se recopiló información de 628 pacientes ingresadas a los servicios de Ginecología y Obstetricia entre marzo y mayo del 2014. Se analizó edad, instrucción, estado civil, residencia, diagnóstico al ingreso, al egreso y procedimiento realizado en los dos servicios y grado de satisfacción de las pacientes con el personal médico y el personal de enfermería. Resultados. Las pacientes del servicio de Ginecología representaron el 26.11 %, con un promedio de edad de 41.46 ± 11.41 años y las de Obstetricia el 73.89 % con una edad media de 28.62 ± 6.12 años. La instrucción más frecuente fue la secundaria, en la mayoría casadas y residen en el área urbana. El diagnóstico ginecológico más frecuente al ingreso y al egreso fue la hiperplasia endometrial con el 26.1 % en ambos casos. En el área Obstétrica, el embarazo a término sin complicaciones representó más del 50% de los diagnósticos tanto al ingreso como al egreso. La histerectomía fue el procedimiento ginecológico realizado con mayor frecuencia (25 %). La cesárea es el procedimiento obstétrico más frecuente (45.26 %). Conclusiones. Se obtienen valoraciones altas en la satisfacción de la atención médica en más del 65 % de las pacientes encuestadas tanto del personal médico como del personal de enfermería.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade Gama, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica, 2015.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética, 2016.
Objective: To determine whether a falls prevention program reduces the incidence of falls within a hospital. Materials and methods: Each patient admitted to the Internal Medicine ward was classiied into a risk category (high, medium, low) according to the scale of J.H. Downton, and then various general and speciic measures were applied by risk group. Interventions included appointments, teaching materials, and training of medical staff and family. Furthermore, a registration system was developed that allowed adverse event fe edback to the program and identiicat ion of the causes of the fall. The SPSS version 20.0 was used for the data analysis. Descriptive analysis was used for quantitative variables, and qualitative variables were expressed as proportions. To compare the rate of pre- and post-program implementation falls, x 2 was used, with a = 0.05 determining a signiicant statistical value. Results: Since the implementation of the program, the rate of falls per 1000 days/patient decreased from 1.9 in 2007 to 0.67 in the period 2008-2013, representing a decrease of the rate of falls of up to 70%, with a statistically signiicant difference (P=.02). Conclusions: The implementation of a falls prevention program is an effective tool and reduces the rate and complications associated with them.
Dyspnea is a common and disabling symptom of respiratory and heart diseases, which is growing in incidence. During hospital admission, breathlessness is under-diagnosed and under-treated, although there are treatments available for controlling the symptom. We have developed a tailored implementation strategy directed to medical staff to promote the application of these pharmacological and non-pharmacological tools in dealing with dyspnea. The primary aim is to decrease the rate of patients that do not receive an adequate relief of dyspnea. This is a four-stage quasi-experimental study. The intervention consists in two teaching talks that will be taught in Cardiology and Respiratory Medicine Departments. The contents will be prepared by Palliative Care specialists, based on available tools for management of dyspnea and patients' needs. A cross-sectional study of dyspnea in hospitalized patients will be performed before and after the intervention to ascertain an improvement in dyspnea intensity due to changes in medical practices. The last phase consists in the creation of consensus protocols for dyspnea management based in our experience. The results of this study are expected to be of great value and may change clinical practice in the near future and promote a changing for the better of dyspnea care.
Surgical interventions are usually performed in an operation room; however, access to the information by the medical team members during the intervention is limited. While in conversations with the medical staff, we observed that they attach significant importance to the improvement of the information and communication direct access by queries during the process in real time. It is due to the fact that the procedure is rather slow and there is lack of interaction with the systems in the operation room. These systems can be integrated on the Cloud adding new functionalities to the existing systems the medical expedients are processed. Therefore, such a communication system needs to be built upon the information and interaction access specifically designed and developed to aid the medical specialists. Copyright 2014 ACM.
"Las cinco cartas imaginarias a Freud recogidas en este libro son su columna vertebral y los efectos que producirán en la comunidad psicoanalítica están aún por verse. Pero las cartas no agotan los aportes de esta obra. Alberto Fergusson, médico, psiquiatra y psicoanalista, tiene toda una historia vital dedicada al estudio y el tratamiento de pacientes psicóticos. En los años ochenta creó el Instituto de Autorrehabilitación Acompañada, inspirado en las premisas del freudomarxismo de la Escuela de Frankfurt y en el mal llamado "movimiento antipsiquiátrico" (mal llamado en la medida en que no se opone a la psiquiatría, sino más bien a una mala práctica psiquiátrica) y en los trabajos y experiencias de Laing, Cooper, Basaglia y Szasz. La materialización de los conceptos del Instituto se produjo en una singular experiencia denominada Fungrata, pero conocida en el mundo académico y profesional como "La granja". Esa institución, pionera en nuestro país, sigue produciendo asombro en varias partes del mundo por haber llegado, desde ya hace décadas, adonde muchos otros dispositivos dedicados a la intervención psicosocial con pacientes psicóticos hoy aspiran llegar". (Extracto del "prólogo") Miguel Gutiérrez-Peláez