961 resultados para medical outcomes


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A depressão é um termo que descreve uma série de comportamentos complexos e tem sido empregada para designar tanto um estado afetivo normal, quanto um sintoma, uma síndrome e uma ou várias doenças. É caracterizada por um conjunto de sintomas relacionados a uma dada situação, ou ainda pelo aparecimento destes, de forma repetida e/ou sem nenhuma causa aparente. Os principais sintomas para o diagnóstico da depressão são alteração do apetite, agitação ou retardo psicomotor, diminuição da energia ou cansaço excessivo, sensação de culpa, dificuldade de concentração e pensamentos recorrentes de morte ou suicídio. A qualidade de vida está relacionada ao completo bem-estar físico, psíquico e social do indivíduo. Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a presença de depressão em pacientes portadores de doenças reumatológicas e neurológicas, que estão em tratamento fisioterapêutico na Clínica Escola de Fisioterapia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo e analisar o impacto da depressão sobre a qualidade de vida dos mesmos. Foram selecionados indivíduos nos setores de neurologia e reumatologia, em atendimento no período de junho a agosto de 2003, os quais responderam a dois questionários, Inventário de Beck para investigar a presença de depressão e, o SF-36 para avaliar a qualidade de vida. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste T-Student, de correlação de Pearson, análise de Cluster, e Lambda de Wilks. Os dados foram analisados no programa STATISTICA, foi adotado um nível de significância de 5% (p≤ 0,05). Concluiu-se que durante o período de reabilitação física dos indivíduos participantes deste estudo, um número significativo de pacientes apresentou depressão em diferentes níveis, com provável incidência no grupo reumatológico e este mesmo grupo, apresentou qualidade de vida inferior a dos indivíduos do grupo neurológico avaliados neste estudo


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Patients experience considerable difficulties in making and sustaining health-related lifestyle changes. Many Type 2 diabetes patients struggle to follow disease risk-management advice even when they receive extensive information and support. Drawing on a qualitative study of patients with Type 2 diabetes, the paper uses discourse analysis to examine their accounts about disease causation and disease management, and the implications for how they respond to their condition and health services advice. As it is a multifactorial disease, biomedical discourse around Type 2 diabetes is complex. Patients are encouraged to grasp the complicated message that both cause and medical outcomes related to their condition are partly, but not wholly, within their control. Discursive constructions identified from respondent accounts indicate how these two messages are deployed variously by respondents when accounting for disease causation and management. While these constructions (identified in respondent accounts as 'Up to me' and 'Down to them') are a valuable resource for patients, equally they may be deployed in a selective and detrimental way. We conclude that clear messages from health professionals about effective disease management may help patients to position themselves more effectively in relation to their condition. More importantly, they might serve to hinder the availability of inappropriate and potentially harmful patient positions where patients either relinquish responsibility for disease management or reject all input from health professionals. © The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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The rationale for carrying out this research was to address the clear lack of knowledge surrounding the measurement of public hospital performance in Ireland. The objectives of this research were to develop a comprehensive model for measuring hospital performance and using this model to measure the performance of public acute hospitals in Ireland in 2007. Having assessed the advantages and disadvantages of various measurement models the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model was chosen for this research. DEA was initiated by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes in 1978 and further developed by Fare et al. (1983) and Banker et al. (1984). The method used to choose relevant inputs and outputs to be included in the model followed that adopted by Casu et al. (2005) which included the use of focus groups. The main conclusions of the research are threefold. Firstly, it is clear that each stakeholder group has differing opinions on what constitutes good performance. It is therefore imperative that any performance measurement model would be designed within parameters that are clearly understood by any intended audience. Secondly, there is a lack of publicly available qualitative information in Ireland that inhibits detailed analysis of hospital performance. Thirdly, based on available qualitative and quantitative data the results indicated a high level of efficiency among the public acute hospitals in Ireland in their staffing and non pay costs, averaging 98.5%. As DEA scores are sensitive to the number of input and output variables as well as the size of the sample it should be borne in mind that a high level of efficiency could be as a result of using DEA with too many variables compared to the number of hospitals. No hospital was deemed to be scale efficient in any of the models even though the average scale efficiency for all of the hospitals was relatively high at 90.3%. Arising from this research the main recommendations would be that information on medical outcomes, survival rates and patient satisfaction should be made publicly available in Ireland; that despite a high average efficiency level that many individual hospitals need to focus on improving their technical and scale efficiencies, and that performance measurement models should be developed that would include more qualitative data.


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Het doel van dit onderzoek is te onderzoeken welke psychosociale determinanten een voorspellende waarde hebben voor het resultaat vier maanden na deelname aan een multidisciplinair behandelprogramma gebaseerd op Cognitief Gedragsmatige Therapie (CGT) voor verzuimende werknemers met Somatisch Onvoldoende verklaarde Lichamelijke Klachten (SOLK). Het onderzoek betreft een within-subject quasi-experiment van een retrospectieve selecte steekproef (n=1685) met twee meetmomenten: tijdens baseline en vier maanden na start interventie. De hoofdmaat voor het bepalen van behandelsucces is het percentage werkhervatting en de verschilscore op de Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). De potentiële voorspellende variabelen zijn leeftijd, verzuimduur distress, klachteninterferentie, werkgerelateerde stressoren, vermijding, perfectionisme en een belastende thuissituatie (als gevolg van kleine dagelijkse irritaties en levensgebeurtenissen) Uit de analyse blijken alleen de variabelen verzuimduur en klachteninterferentie een klein negatief verband te hebben met het te bereiken resultaat wat betreft werkhervattingspercentage en SF-36 verschilscore. Deze twee determinanten voorspellen het werkhervattingspercentage bij gedeeltelijk verzuim voor 2.7% en bij volledig verzuim voor 11.9%. Overige onderzochte psychosociale variabelen blijken geen evidente voorspellende waarde te hebben op de uitkomst van de behandeling. De verschilscore op de VAR-schalen heeft slechts een beperkte samenhang met het werkhervattingspercentage.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate quality of life in Portuguese patients with Systemic Lupus Erithematosus (SLE) and its correlation with disease activity and cumulative damage. METHODS: We included consecutive SLE patients, fulfilling the 1997 ACR Classification Criteria for SLE and followed at the Rheumatology Department of the University Hospital of Coimbra, Portugal at time of visit to the outpatient clinic. Quality of life was evaluated using the patient self-assessment questionnaire Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form-36 (SF-36) (validated Portuguese version). The consulting rheumatologist fulfilled the SLE associated indexes for cumulative damage (Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics- Damage Index: SLICC/ACR-DI) and disease activity (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index: SLEDAI 2000). Correlation between SLEDAI and SLICC and SF-36 was tested with the Spearman Coefficient. Significant level considered was 0.05. RESULTS: The study included 133 SLE patients (90.2% female, mean age - 40.7 years, mean disease duration - 8.7 years). Most patients presented low disease activity (mean SLEDAI = 4.23) and limited cumulative damage (mean SLICC = 0.76). Despite that, SF-36 mean scores were below 70% in all eight domains of the index. Physical function domains showed lower scores than mental function domains. The QoL in this group of patients is significantly impaired when compared with the reference Portuguese population (p<0.05 in all domains). There was no correlation between clinical activity or cumulative damage and quality of life. CONCLUSION: QoL is significantly compromised in this group of SLE patients, but not related with disease activity or damage. These findings suggest that disease activity, cumulative damage and QoL are independent outcome measures and should all be used to assess the full impact of disease in SLE patients.


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Enquadramento: O carácter inovador da Cirurgia de Ambulatório reside no seu modelo organizativo específico, centrado no doente, que o envolve num circuito independente do de internamento, procurando-se ganhos em eficiência e em qualidade e obtendo-se níveis de maior humanização e satisfação dos utentes e seus familiares. Objetivos: Analisar de que forma as variáveis sociodemográficos influenciam a qualidade percebida dos utentes de uma Unidade de Cirurgia de Ambulatório de um Hospitalar Central; verificar se existem efeitos significativos das variáveis circunstanciais na qualidade percebida dos utentes de uma Unidade de Cirurgia de Ambulatório de um Hospitalar Central; verificar a existência de efeitos significativos das variáveis sociofamiliares na qualidade percebida nos utentes. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, com corte transversal, descritivo e correlacional; enquadra-se num estudo descritivo analítico-correlacional porque o mesmo tem por objetivo explorar as relações entre variáveis e descrevê-las. Os dados foram colhidos junto dos utentes tendo como base escalas e questionários. A amostra é não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 140 utentes de uma Unidade de Cirurgia de Ambulatório de um Hospitalar Central, na maioria, do sexo masculino (60,7%), com uma idade mínima de 19 anos e uma máxima de 94 anos, ao que corresponde uma idade média de 58,01 (±19.26 anos). Foi aplicado um Questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e sociofamiliar, incluindo-se o Questionário (Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey) MOS-SSS (Fachado et al., 2007) e o Questionário Service Quality (SERVQUAL) (Parasuraman et al., 1988). Resultados: Os utentes do sexo feminino manifestam mais satisfação em relação à UCA (cortesia/empatia p=0.000; compreensão do utente p=0.000; fiabilidade p=0.005; acessibilidade p=0.010; qualidade global p=0.001; os utentes idosos obtiveram valores mais elevados em quase todas as dimensões e na qualidade global (aspetos físicos p=0.006); os participantes com o ensino básico manifestaram mais satisfação (fiabilidade p<0,016); os que possuem um rendimento familiar até 1000€ apresentaram maior nível de satisfação (cortesia/empatia p=0,033); os utentes que não se deslocam em meio de transporte próprio atribuem mais qualidade à UCA (fiabilidade p=0,028); aqueles cuja residência está situada a uma distância superior a 15 km do hospital revelam índices mais elevados de qualidade (cortesia/simpatia p=0.037; compreensão do utente p=0.044; fiabilidade p=0.022; acessibilidade p=0.001; qualidade global p=0.013); os participantes cuja distância de casa ao centro de saúde é superior a 9 km revelam mais satisfação (fiabilidade p=0.038); os utentes com tempos de espera para a cirurgia entre 6-12 meses atribuem mais qualidade à UCA (cortesia/empatia p=0.000; compreensão do utente p=0.011; fiabilidade p=0.007; acessibilidade p=0.001; qualidade global p=0.001). Conclusão: A maioria dos utentes atribui qualidade à UCA, tendo em conta a cortesia/empatia, a compreensão do utente, fiabilidade, acessibilidade e aspetos físicos, pode afirmar-se que a referida Unidade adequa os serviços prestados às suas necessidades, garantindo, deste modo, a satisfação dos utentes. Palavras-chave: Cirurgia de Ambulatório; Satisfação dos utentes; Qualidade; Atendimento.


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A presente dissertação visa contribuir para a compreensão do impacto da realização da Fisioterapia na recuperação clínica do doente submetido a uma Prótese Total da Anca (PTA). Objetivos: Estimar a contribuição das características individuais e clínicas para o estado de saúde de indivíduos sujeitos a artroplastia total da anca. Materiais e métodos: Criou‐se um questionário composto pela versão portuguesa do questionário Hip Ostheoarthritis Outcomes Score (HOOS), a versão portuguesa do Medical Outcomes Score – Short Form Version 36 v2 (MOS SF‐36 v2) e por um questionário sobre as características individuais (sexo, idade, IMC, profissão, situação profissional, habilitações literárias e estado civil) e clínicas (duração artrose antes da cirurgia; anca operada; existência de artrose na anca não operada; tempo desde a cirurgia e tempo de internamento hospitalar; tratamento de fisioterapia realizado no internamento e número de sessões realizadas por semana; internamento em Unidade de Cuidados Continuados, número de semanas e número de sessões de fisioterapia realizadas por semana; tratamento de fisioterapia realizado em ambulatório, tempo entre a alta e o início do tratamento, número de semanas e número de sessões realizadas por semana). Este questionário foi aplicado a 161 doentes que haviam sido submetidos a uma PTA há mais de três e menos de seis meses. Resultados: A análise de regressão múltipla passo a passo revelou que as características estudadas explicam entre 10,9% e 16% da variância das subescalas do HOOS e explicam de 6,6% a 28,8% da variância das subescalas do SF‐36. O principal preditor do melhor estado de saúde da anca é a realização de fisioterapia no internamento. O tempo de internamento relaciona‐se de forma negativa com os resultados obtidos no HOOS e no SF – 36. Conclusões: Esta investigação revelou dados que permitem destacar a Fisioterapia no internamento como o preditor do melhor estado de saúde no indivíduo submetido a PTA. Pelo contrário, o tempo de internamento mais elevado é o preditor do pior estado de saúde. O tempo médio de internamento é mais baixo em doentes que fizeram fisioterapia no internamento hospitalar por PTA (5,6 dias vs 8,5 dias).


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas, 2016.


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The purpose of this study was to describe patterns of medical and nursing practice in the care of patients dying of oncological and hematological malignancies in the acute care setting in Australia. A tool validated in a similar American study was used to study the medical records of 100 consecutive patients who died of oncological or hematological malignancies before August 1999 at The Canberra Hospital in the Australian Capital Territory. The three major indicators of patterns of end-of-life care were documentation of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders, evidence that the patient was considered dying, and the presence of a palliative care intention. Findings were that 88 patients were documented DNR, 63 patients' records suggested that the patient was dying, and 74 patients had evidence of a palliative care plan. Forty-six patients were documented DNR 2 days or less prior to death and, of these, 12 were documented the day of death. Similar patterns emerged for days between considered dying and death, and between palliative care goals and death. Sixty patients had active treatment in progress at the time of death. The late implementation of end-of-life management plans and the lack of consistency within these plans suggested that patients were subjected to medical interventions and investigations up to the time of death. Implications for palliative care teams include the need to educate health care staff and to plan and implement policy regarding the management of dying patients in the acute care setting. Although the health care system in Australia has cultural differences when compared to the American context, this research suggests that the treatment imperative to prolong life is similar to that found in American-based studies.


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To report the outcomes of a randomised educational trial of a new methodology for extended immersion in medical simulation for senior medical students. Clinical Learning through Extended Immersion in Medical Simulation (CLEIMS) is a new methodology for medical student learning. It involves senior students working in teams of 4-5 through the clinical progress of one or more patients over a week, utilising a range of simulation methodologies (simulated patient assessment, simulated significant other briefing, virtual story continuations, pig-trotter wound repair, online simulated on-call modules, interprofessional simulated ward rounds and high fidelity mannequin-based emergency simulations), to enhance learning in associated workshops and seminars. A randomised educational trial comparing the methodology to seminars and workshops alone began in 2010 and interim results were reported at last year’s conference. Updated results are presented here and final primary endpoint outcomes will be available by the time of the conference.


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Decisions to withhold or withdraw medical hydration and nutrition are amongst the most difficult that confront patients and their families, medical
and other health professionals all over the world. This article discusses two cases relating to lawful withdrawal and withholding of a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube (PEG) from incompetent patients with no hope of recovery. Victoria and Florida have statutory frameworks that provide for advance directives, however in both Gardner; Re BWV and Schindler v Schiavo; Re Scliiavo the respective patients did not leave documented instructions. The article analyses the two cases and their outcomes from legal, medical and ethical perspectives.


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Recently, two seemingly divergent approaches have emerged in outcomes-based medical research. Proponents of evidence-based medicine (EBM) argue that the most effective treatments will be found by adopting a hierarchical approach that gives pre-eminence to randomized controlled clinical trials, where these are available. Proponents of participatory medical research argue that research undertaken with consumers and other partners in the community will produce the best outcomes. While one approach marginalizes consumer experience the other approach draws consumers into it. EBM assumes a high level of consensus in a scientific community, while participatory medical research relies on co-opting consumer experience. This paper indicates that each approach involves a particular view of social structure in science. The paper uses theories of social relations among scientists for the purpose of critically assessing EBM and the participatory model.


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Medical students experience various stresses and many poor health behaviours. Previous studies consistently show that student wellbeing is at its lowest pre-exam. Little core-curriculum is traditionally dedicated to providing self-care skills for medical students. This paper describes the development, implementation and outcomes of the Health Enhancement Program (HEP) at Monash University. It comprises mindfulness and ESSENCE lifestyle programs, is experientially-based, and integrates with biomedical sciences, clinical skills and assessment. This study measured the program’s impact on medical student psychological distress and quality of life. A cohort study performed on the 2006 first-year intake measured effects of the HEP on various markers of wellbeing. Instruments used were the depression, anxiety and hostility subscales of the Symptom Checklist-90-R incorporating the Global Severity Index (GSI) and the WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL) questionnaire. Pre-course data (T1) was gathered mid-semester and post-course data (T2) corresponded with pre-exam week. To examine differences between T1 and T2 repeated measures ANOVA was used for the GSI and two separate repeated measures MANOVAs were used to examine changes in the subscales of the SCL-90-R and the WHOQOL-BREF. Follow-up t-tests were conducted to examine differences between individual subscales. A total of 148 of an eligible 270 students returned data at T1 and T2 giving a response rate of 55%. 90.5% of students reported personally applying the mindfulness practices. Improved student wellbeing was noted on all measures and reached statistical significance for the depression (mean T1 = 0.91, T2 = 0.78; p = 0.01) and hostility (0.62, 0.49; 0.03) subscales and the GSI (0.73, 0.64; 0.02) of the SCL-90, but not the anxiety subscale (0.62, 0.54; 0.11). Statistically significant results were also found for the psychological domain (62.42, 65.62; p < 0.001) but not the physical domain (69.11, 70.90; p = 0.07) of the WHOQOL. This study is the first to demonstrate an overall improvement in medical student wellbeing during the pre-exam period suggesting that the common decline in wellbeing is avoidable. Although the findings of this study indicate the potential for improving student wellbeing at the same time as meeting important learning objectives, the limitations in study design due to the current duration of follow-up and lack of a control group means that the data should be interpreted with caution. Future research should be directed at determining the contribution of individual program components, long-term outcomes, and impacts on future attitudes and clinical practice.