134 resultados para malware


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Mobile malwares are increasing with the growing number of Mobile users. Mobile malwares can perform several operations which lead to cybersecurity threats such as, stealing financial or personal information, installing malicious applications, sending premium SMS, creating backdoors, keylogging and crypto-ransomware attacks. Knowing the fact that there are many illegitimate Applications available on the App stores, most of the mobile users remain careless about the security of their Mobile devices and become the potential victim of these threats. Previous studies have shown that not every antivirus is capable of detecting all the threats; due to the fact that Mobile malwares use advance techniques to avoid detection. A Network-based IDS at the operator side will bring an extra layer of security to the subscribers and can detect many advanced threats by analyzing their traffic patterns. Machine Learning(ML) will provide the ability to these systems to detect unknown threats for which signatures are not yet known. This research is focused on the evaluation of Machine Learning classifiers in Network-based Intrusion detection systems for Mobile Networks. In this study, different techniques of Network-based intrusion detection with their advantages, disadvantages and state of the art in Hybrid solutions are discussed. Finally, a ML based NIDS is proposed which will work as a subsystem, to Network-based IDS deployed by Mobile Operators, that can help in detecting unknown threats and reducing false positives. In this research, several ML classifiers were implemented and evaluated. This study is focused on Android-based malwares, as Android is the most popular OS among users, hence most targeted by cyber criminals. Supervised ML algorithms based classifiers were built using the dataset which contained the labeled instances of relevant features. These features were extracted from the traffic generated by samples of several malware families and benign applications. These classifiers were able to detect malicious traffic patterns with the TPR upto 99.6% during Cross-validation test. Also, several experiments were conducted to detect unknown malware traffic and to detect false positives. These classifiers were able to detect unknown threats with the Accuracy of 97.5%. These classifiers could be integrated with current NIDS', which use signatures, statistical or knowledge-based techniques to detect malicious traffic. Technique to integrate the output from ML classifier with traditional NIDS is discussed and proposed for future work.


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Die zunehmende Vernetzung der Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme führt zu einer weiteren Erhöhung der Komplexität und damit auch zu einer weiteren Zunahme von Sicherheitslücken. Klassische Schutzmechanismen wie Firewall-Systeme und Anti-Malware-Lösungen bieten schon lange keinen Schutz mehr vor Eindringversuchen in IT-Infrastrukturen. Als ein sehr wirkungsvolles Instrument zum Schutz gegenüber Cyber-Attacken haben sich hierbei die Intrusion Detection Systeme (IDS) etabliert. Solche Systeme sammeln und analysieren Informationen von Netzwerkkomponenten und Rechnern, um ungewöhnliches Verhalten und Sicherheitsverletzungen automatisiert festzustellen. Während signatur-basierte Ansätze nur bereits bekannte Angriffsmuster detektieren können, sind anomalie-basierte IDS auch in der Lage, neue bisher unbekannte Angriffe (Zero-Day-Attacks) frühzeitig zu erkennen. Das Kernproblem von Intrusion Detection Systeme besteht jedoch in der optimalen Verarbeitung der gewaltigen Netzdaten und der Entwicklung eines in Echtzeit arbeitenden adaptiven Erkennungsmodells. Um diese Herausforderungen lösen zu können, stellt diese Dissertation ein Framework bereit, das aus zwei Hauptteilen besteht. Der erste Teil, OptiFilter genannt, verwendet ein dynamisches "Queuing Concept", um die zahlreich anfallenden Netzdaten weiter zu verarbeiten, baut fortlaufend Netzverbindungen auf, und exportiert strukturierte Input-Daten für das IDS. Den zweiten Teil stellt ein adaptiver Klassifikator dar, der ein Klassifikator-Modell basierend auf "Enhanced Growing Hierarchical Self Organizing Map" (EGHSOM), ein Modell für Netzwerk Normalzustand (NNB) und ein "Update Model" umfasst. In dem OptiFilter werden Tcpdump und SNMP traps benutzt, um die Netzwerkpakete und Hostereignisse fortlaufend zu aggregieren. Diese aggregierten Netzwerkpackete und Hostereignisse werden weiter analysiert und in Verbindungsvektoren umgewandelt. Zur Verbesserung der Erkennungsrate des adaptiven Klassifikators wird das künstliche neuronale Netz GHSOM intensiv untersucht und wesentlich weiterentwickelt. In dieser Dissertation werden unterschiedliche Ansätze vorgeschlagen und diskutiert. So wird eine classification-confidence margin threshold definiert, um die unbekannten bösartigen Verbindungen aufzudecken, die Stabilität der Wachstumstopologie durch neuartige Ansätze für die Initialisierung der Gewichtvektoren und durch die Stärkung der Winner Neuronen erhöht, und ein selbst-adaptives Verfahren eingeführt, um das Modell ständig aktualisieren zu können. Darüber hinaus besteht die Hauptaufgabe des NNB-Modells in der weiteren Untersuchung der erkannten unbekannten Verbindungen von der EGHSOM und der Überprüfung, ob sie normal sind. Jedoch, ändern sich die Netzverkehrsdaten wegen des Concept drif Phänomens ständig, was in Echtzeit zur Erzeugung nicht stationärer Netzdaten führt. Dieses Phänomen wird von dem Update-Modell besser kontrolliert. Das EGHSOM-Modell kann die neuen Anomalien effektiv erkennen und das NNB-Model passt die Änderungen in Netzdaten optimal an. Bei den experimentellen Untersuchungen hat das Framework erfolgversprechende Ergebnisse gezeigt. Im ersten Experiment wurde das Framework in Offline-Betriebsmodus evaluiert. Der OptiFilter wurde mit offline-, synthetischen- und realistischen Daten ausgewertet. Der adaptive Klassifikator wurde mit dem 10-Fold Cross Validation Verfahren evaluiert, um dessen Genauigkeit abzuschätzen. Im zweiten Experiment wurde das Framework auf einer 1 bis 10 GB Netzwerkstrecke installiert und im Online-Betriebsmodus in Echtzeit ausgewertet. Der OptiFilter hat erfolgreich die gewaltige Menge von Netzdaten in die strukturierten Verbindungsvektoren umgewandelt und der adaptive Klassifikator hat sie präzise klassifiziert. Die Vergleichsstudie zwischen dem entwickelten Framework und anderen bekannten IDS-Ansätzen zeigt, dass der vorgeschlagene IDSFramework alle anderen Ansätze übertrifft. Dies lässt sich auf folgende Kernpunkte zurückführen: Bearbeitung der gesammelten Netzdaten, Erreichung der besten Performanz (wie die Gesamtgenauigkeit), Detektieren unbekannter Verbindungen und Entwicklung des in Echtzeit arbeitenden Erkennungsmodells von Eindringversuchen.


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As part of the INFO2009 coursework; an interactive resource set to teach students about the Computer Misuse Act, encompassing an explanation of the law and multiple-choice questions.


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Created for INFO2009 coursework.


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Content related to the second INFO2009 assignment for Group 6's radio interview on data security and the DPA


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Coursework 2, Security Sock-puppet Show


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An E-Learning Gateway for the latest news and information relating to Computer Crime for INFO2009


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El siguiente trabajo es una recopilación de información sobre la tecnología digital y su proceso de evolución hasta nuestros días. Pretende mostrar como la innovación ha sido un motor de cambio en este sector, ideando un nuevo modelo de negocio donde su cadena de valor para llegar al cliente es más rápida, flexible y rentable. El mundo digital abarca múltiples conocimientos y ha revolucionado la sociedad de conocimiento a través de las tecnologías de comunicación, tanto en la academia, el entretenimiento y todas las ciencias. En Colombia la industria digital ha tenido un gran impulso a través del ministerio de tecnología y comunicación y empresas que han motivado e impulsado a emprendedores a desarrollar aplicaciones e incursionar en este mercado que ofrece grandes ventajas competitivas.


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Worms and other forms of malware have been considered by IT Security firms and large companies for many years as one of the leading threats to the integrity of their data and security. However, several researchers over recent years have been working on creating worms which, instead of causing harm to machines which they infect, or the networks on which the machines reside, actually aid the network and systems administrators. Several uses of these worms have been proposed by these researchers, including, but not limited to, rapid remote patching of machines, network and system administration through use of their unique discovery and propagation methods, actively hunting, and defending against, other forms of malware such as "malevolent" worms, viruses, spyware, as well as increasing reliable communication of nodes in distributed computing. However, there has been no hint of commercial adoption of these worms, which one researcher has described as being due to a fear factor'. This paper concentrates on assessing and delivering the findings of user attitudes towards these worms in an attempt to find out how users feel about these worms, and to try and define and overcome the factors which might contribute to the fear factor'.


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Classifying malware correctly is an important research issue for anti-malware software producers. This paper presents an effective and efficient malware classification technique based on string information using several wellknown classification algorithms. In our testing we extracted the printable strings from 1367 samples, including unpacked trojans and viruses and clean files. Information describing the printable strings contained in each sample was input to various classification algorithms, including treebased classifiers, a nearest neighbour algorithm, statistical algorithms and AdaBoost. Using k-fold cross validation on the unpacked malware and clean files, we achieved a classification accuracy of 97%. Our results reveal that strings from library code (rather than malicious code itself) can be utilised to distinguish different malware families.


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The design of multiple classification and clustering systems for the detection of malware is an important problem in internet security. Grobner-Shirshov bases have been used recently by Dazeley et al. [15] to develop an algorithm for constructions with certain restrictions on the sandwich-matrices. We develop a new Grobner Shirshov algorithm which applies to a larger variety of constructions based on combinatorial Rees matrix semigroups without any restrictions on the sandwich matrices.


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Since its establishment, the Android applications market has been infected by a proliferation of malicious applications. Recent studies show that rogue developers are injecting malware into legitimate market applications which are then installed on open source sites for consumer uptake. Often, applications are infected several times. In this paper, we investigate the behavior of malicious Android applications, we present a simple and effective way to safely execute and analyze them. As part of this analysis, we use the Android application sandbox Droidbox to generate behavioral graphs for each sample and these provide the basis of the development of patterns to aid in identifying it. As a result, we are able to determine if family names have been correctly assigned by current anti-virus vendors. Our results indicate that the traditional anti-virus mechanisms are not able to correctly identify malicious Android applications.


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Wire is a intermediate language to enable static program analysis on low level objects such as native executables. It has practical benefit in analysing the structure and semantics of malware, or for identifying software defects in closed source software. In this paper we describe how an executable program is disassembled and translated to the Wire intermediate language. We define the formal syntax and operational semantics of Wire and discuss our justifications for its language features. We use Wire in our previous work Malwise, a malware variant detection system. We also examine applications for when a formally defined intermediate language is given. Our results include showing the semantic equivalence between obfuscated and non obfuscated code samples. These examples stem from the obfuscations commonly used by malware.


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Recent investigations have determined that many Android applications in both official and non-official online markets expose details of the user's mobile phone without user consent. In this paper, for the first time in the research literature, we provide a full investigation of why such applications leak, how they leak and where the data is leaked to. In order to achieve this, we employ a combination of static and dynamic analysis based on examination of Java classes and application behaviour for a data set of 123 samples, all pre-determined as being free from malicious software. Despite the fact that anti-virus vendor software did not flag any of these samples as malware, approximately 10% of them are shown to leak data about the mobile phone to a third-party; applications from the official market appear to be just as susceptible to such leaks as applications from the non-official markets.