994 resultados para maize leaf disease


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The objective of this work was to assess the potential impact of climate change on the spatial distribution of coffee nematodes (races of Meloidogyne incognita) and leaf miner (Leucoptera coffeella), using a Geographic Information System. Assessment of the impacts of climate change on pest infestations and disease epidemics in crops is needed as a basis for revising management practices to minimize crop losses as climatic conditions shift. Future scenarios focused on the decades of the 2020's, 2050's, and 2080's (scenarios A2 and B2) were obtained from five General Circulation Models available on Data Distribution Centre from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Geographic distribution maps were prepared using models to predict the number of generations of the nematodes and leaf miner. Maps obtained in scenario A2 allowed prediction of an increased infestation of the nematode and of the pest, due to greater number of generations per month, than occurred under the climatological normal from 1961-1990. The number of generations also increased in the B2 scenario, but was lower than in the A2 scenario for both organisms.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate changes in the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) interception efficiency and PPFD extinction coefficient for maize crop subjected to different soil tillage systems and water availability levels. Crops were subjected to no-tillage and conventional tillage systems combined with full irrigation and non-irrigation treatments. Continuous measurements of transmitted PPFD on the soil surface and incoming PPFD over the canopy were taken throughout the crop cycle. Leaf area index and soil water potential were also measured during the whole period. Considering a mean value over the maize cycle, intercepted PPFD was higher in the conventional tillage than in the no-tillage system. During the initial stages of plants, intercepted PPFD in the conventional tillage was double the PPFD interception in the no-tillage treatment. However, those differences were reduced up to the maximum leaf area index, close to tasseling stage. The lowest interception of PPFD occurred in the conventional tillage during the reproductive period, as leaf senescence progressed. Over the entire crop cycle, the interception of PPFD by the non-irrigated plants was about 20% lower than by the irrigated plants. The no-tillage system reduced the extinction coefficient for PPFD, which may have allowed a higher penetration of solar radiation into the canopy


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of increased air-CO2 concentration on plant growth and on leaf-spot caused by Cylindrocladium candelabrumin Eucalyptus urophylla. Seedlings were cultivated for 30 days at 451, 645, 904, and 1,147 µmol mol-1 CO2 ; then, they were inoculated with the pathogen and kept under the same conditions for seven days. Increased CO2concentration increased plant height and shoot dry matter mass, and decreased disease incidence and severity. Stem diameter was not affected by the treatments. Increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2 favorably affect eucalypt growth and reduce leaf-spot severity.


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Abstract:The objective of this work was to evaluate the suitability of the multivariate method of principal component analysis (PCA) using the GGE biplot software for grouping sunflower genotypes for their reaction to Alternaria leaf spot disease (Alternariaster helianthi), and for their yield and oil content. Sixty-nine genotypes were evaluated for disease severity in the field, at the R3 growth stage, in seven growing seasons, in Londrina, in the state of Paraná, Brazil, using a diagrammatic scale developed for this disease. Yield and oil content were also evaluated. Data were standardized using the software Statistica, and GGE biplot was used for PCA and graphical display of data. The first two principal components explained 77.9% of the total variation. According to the polygonal biplot using the first two principal components and three response variables, the genotypes were divided into seven sectors. Genotypes located on sectors 1 and 2 showed high yield and high oil content, respectively, and those located on sector 7 showed tolerance to the disease and high yield, despite the high disease severity. The principal component analysis using GGE biplot is an efficient method for grouping sunflower genotypes based on the studied variables.


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Apple leaf spot (ALS) caused by Colletotrichum spp. is a major disease of apple (Malus domestica) in Southern Brazil. The epidemiology of this disease was studied in experiments carried out in the counties of Passo Fundo and Vacaria, State of Rio Grande do Sul, from February 1998 to October 2000. The disease was found in all the six apple orchards sampled in the growing seasons of 1997/98 and 1998/99. The fungus isolates associated with ALS fit the characteristics of C. gloeosporioides (75%), C. acutatum (8%), and Colletotrichum sp. (17%). The pathogen overwintered in dormant buds and twigs but not in dropped leaves or fruit mummies. Two sprays of copper oxychloride (at 0.3%) reduced the fungus initial inoculum by 65-84.6% in buds and 85.6-93.7% in twigs, but had no effect on the early season progress of the disease. Disease severity increased proportionally to elevation of temperature from 14 to 26-28 °C. At 34 °C, however, infection was completely inhibited. The duration of leaf wetness required for infection ranged from two hours at 30 °C to 32 h at 16 °C. The relationship of temperature (T) and leaf wetness (W) to disease severity (Y) was represented by the model equation Y = 0.00145[((T-13)1.78)((34.01-T )1.09)] * 25/[1+14 exp(-0.137W)], R² = 0.73 and P < 0.0001. Currently, this information is being used to manage the disease and to validate a forecast system for ALS.


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The tomato cv. Fukuju nº. 2 was used for studying the effect of single and double infections with Potato virus X (PVX) and Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Mixed infection resulted in a synergistic increase of disease severity, where more growth reduction was seen with simultaneous inoculations than with sequential inoculations at four-day intervals. At five and 12 days post-inoculation, the increased severity of the disease coincided with enhancement of virus accumulation in the rapidly expanding upper leaves. The PVX concentration in leaves nº 5 to 7 of doubly infected plants was three to six fold that of singly infected ones, as determined by DAS-ELISA. Mixed infection with the L strain led to higher enhancement of PVX than with the TMV-L11A strain. The concentration of TMV-L was lower in double infection and significantly higher than TMV-L11A in both singly and doubly infected plants. Analyses of the PVX ORF2 by Western blot and Northern hybridization revealed the pattern of accumulation of the 25 kDa protein and the RNAs, respectively, following those of the virion and coat protein. The strain TMV-L11A overcame the resistance gene in cv. GCR 237 (Tm-1). In the upper leaf nº. 8, the concentration of PVX was three times higher in plants with mixed infection than with L11A. The concentrations of the L and OM (TMV strains) in both singly and doubly infected plants were at very low levels, and the synergistic effect on PVX concentration and disease severity was not observed.


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This is a description of the new species Mycovellosiella robsii, a cercosporoidal hyphomycete, associated with leaf spots on Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, an important hedge plant with multiple uses in Brazil. The new species was compared to other cercosporoid species associated with plants of the genus Mimosa and other species of the genus Mycovellosiella described on legumes, and is recognized as a distinct taxon. Koch's postulates were carried out and the disease was reproduced by inoculating healthy plants with mycelial suspension or disk, confirming the pathogenicity. This is the first report of a fungal disease on this host.


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The black spot of citrus (Citrus sp.) is caused by Guignardia citricarpa with ascospore production depending on temperature, leaf wetness, and rainfall. The number of ascospores produced was monitored using a spore trap and climatic factors were recorded using an automated meteorological station of 'Natal' and 'Valencia' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) orchards in Mogi Guaçu in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from November 2000 to March 2001. The fruits were bagged to prevent infection and the bags removed from different sets of fruit for one week during each of the 18 weeks of the season in both orchards. Ascospores were produced during the entire experimental period, from spring through summer, primarily after rain events. In both orchards, ascospore production reached a peak in January and February. Ascospore production was related to leaf wetness only in the Natal orange orchard but was not related to total rainfall or temperature in either orchard. Disease was most severe on fruit exposed the 7th, 8th, and 13th weeks after beginning the experiment in both cultivars as well as after the 16th week for 'Natal'. There was a strong relationship between disease severity and total rainfall for both orchards and a weak correlation between temperature and severity in the 'Natal' block only. There was no relationship between severity and leaf wetness or ascospore numbers.


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Aqueous extracts of the leaves of Ocimum gratissimum at 10, 25, 40 and 50% (w/v) concentrations induced the production of phytoalexins in soybean cotyledons and sorghum mesocotyls. The aqueous extracts also induced systemic resistance in cucumber to Colletotrichum lagenarium, reflected by reduction in disease incidence and an increase in chitinase production. Modes of action and the existence of possible elicitors of defense response in O. gratissimum leaf extracts are discussed.


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Leaf blight and defoliation of Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh and Eugenia patrisii Vahl, caused respectively by Cylindrocladium candelabrum (Calonectria scoparia) and C. spathiphylli (Calonectria spathiphylli) are reported in the state of Pará, Brazil. On both host species, the disease is characterized by dark brown lesions of different sizes and shapes. A whitish bright sporulation, resembling Cylindrocladium is observed on the necrotic lesions by using a stereomycroscope or a pocket lense (10-20 X). Under favorable conditions and depending on the level of infection, intense premature tree defoliation may also be found.Although the conidial germination and mycelial growth were higher at 25ºC for both species, C. candelabrum was more sensitive to the variation of temperature (10, 20, 30 and 40 ºC) than C. spathiphylli. This is the first report of C. candelabrum and C. spathiphylli on Eugenia stipitata (araçá-boi) and on Eugenia patrisii (ubaia-da-amazônia), respectively in Brazil.


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Data available in the literature were used to develop a warning system for bean angular leaf spot and anthracnose, caused by Phaeoisariopsis griseola and Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, respectively. The model is based on favorable environmental conditions for the infectious process such as continuous leaf wetness duration and mean air temperature during this subphase of the pathogen-host relationship cycle. Equations published by DALLA PRIA (1977) showing the interactions of those two factors on the disease severity were used. Excell spreadsheet was used to calculate the leaf wetness period needed to cause different infection probabilities at different temperature ranges. These data were employed to elaborate critical period tables used to program a computerized electronic device that records leaf wetness duration and mean temperature and automatically shows the daily disease severity value (DDSV) for each disease. The model should be validated in field experiments under natural infection for which the daily disease severity sum (DDSS) should be identified as a criterion to indicate the beginning and the interval of fungicide applications to control both diseases.


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ABSTRACT In the present study, the influence of temperature (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C) and leaf wetness period (6, 12, 24 and 48 hours) on the severity of Cercospora leaf spot of beet, caused by Cercospora beticola, was studied under controlled conditions. Lesion density was influenced by temperature and leaf wetness duration (P<0.05). Data were subjected to nonlinear regression analysis. The generalized beta function was used for fitting the disease severity and temperature data, while a logistic function was chosen to represent the effect of leaf wetness on the severity of Cercospora leaf spot. The response surface resultant of the product of the two functions was expressed as ES = 0.0001105 * (((x-8)2.294387) * ((36-x)0.955017)) * (0.39219/(1+25.93072 * exp (-0.16704*y))), where: ES represents the estimated severity value (0.1); x, the temperature (ºC) and y, the leaf wetness duration (hours). This model should be validated under field conditions to assess its use as a computational forecast system for Cercospora leaf spot of beet.


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ABSTRACT In the present study, onion plants were tested under controlled conditions for the development of a climate model based on the influence of temperature (10, 15, 20 and 25°C) and leaf wetness duration (6, 12, 24 and 48 hours) on the severity of Botrytis leaf blight of onion caused by Botrytis squamosa. The relative lesion density was influenced by temperature and leaf wetness duration (P <0.05). The disease was most severe at 20°C. Data were subjected to nonlinear regression analysis. Beta generalized function was used to adjust severity and temperature data, while a logistic function was chosen to represent the effect of leaf wetness on the severity of Botrytis leaf blight. The response surface obtained by the product of two functions was expressed as ES = 0.008192 * (((x-5)1.01089) * ((30-x)1.19052)) * (0.33859/(1+3.77989 * exp (-0.10923*y))), where ES represents the estimated severity value (0.1); x, the temperature (°C); and y, the leaf wetness (in hours). This climate model should be validated under field conditions to verify its use as a computational system for the forecasting of Botrytis leaf blight in onion.


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Glomerella cingulata was found causing severe leaf blight on Talauma ovata, a common tree species in the Atlantic tropical rain forest floodplains of Southern Brazil. The disease and pathogen are described and illustrated and patogenicity is also demonstrated. This is the first report of this disease.


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Maize is a C4 plant that shows few or no response to high [CO2]. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the photosynthetic rate and yield of maize under high [CO2] and develop open-top chambers (OTC) to create an atmosphere enriched with CO2. The experiment was conducted between October 2008 and March 2009. The OTCs were developed in modular scheme. Measurement of photosynthetic rates, transpiration, stomata conductance, grain yield and dry matter were performed. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications and three treatments: P1 - plants grown in OTC with 700 ppm [CO2], P2 - plants grown in OTC with environmental [CO2], and P3 - control, cultivated in open field. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (Pr< 0.05). The chambers can reduce by 25% the photosynthetically active radiation and increase the air and leaf temperatures. Plants under high [CO2] (P1) showed the highest photosynthetic rates and the lowest stomata conductance and transpiration. The total weight of grains (g) and dry mass of shoots (g) showed no increases for P1, despite their higher photosynthetic rates.