883 resultados para local-scale variation
Although salamanders are characteristic amphibians in Holarctic temperate habitats, in tropical regions they have diversified evolutionarily only in tropical America. An adaptive radiation centered in Middle America occurred late in the history of a single clade, the supergenus Bolitoglossa (Plethodontidae), and large numbers of species now occur in diverse habitats. Sublineages within this clade decrease in number from the northern to southern parts of Middle America, and in Costa Rica, there are but three. Despite this phylogenetic constraint, Costa Rica has many species; the number of salamander species on one local elevational transect in the Cordillera de Talamanca may be the largest for any such transect in the world. Extraordinary variation in sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b within a clade of the genus Bolitoglossa in Costa Rica reveals strong phylogeographic structure within a single species, Bolitoglossa pesrubra. Allozymic variation in 19 proteins reveals a pattern largely concordant with the mitochondrial DNA phylogeography. More species exist than are currently recognized. Diversification occurs in restricted geographic areas and involves sharp geographic and elevational differentiation and zonation. In their degree of genetic differentiation at a local scale, these species of the deep tropics exceed the known variation of extratropical salamanders, which also differ in being less restricted in elevational range. Salamanders display “tropicality” in that although speciose, they are usually local in distribution and rare. They display strong ecological and physiological differentiation that may contribute importantly to morphological divergence and species formation.
O lobo-guará é uma espécie de ampla distribuição na América do Sul, tendo no Brasil sua maior área de ocorrência. No entanto, as modificações das áreas naturais principalmente destinadas à agropecuária tornam a espécie vulnerável à extinção. A investigação objetivou conhecer em larga escala a área de distribuição potencial gerada por atributos ambientais favoráveis e áreas adequadas à sua ocorrência nos biomas brasileiros e investigar como a espécie responde à estrutura da paisagem, avaliando os efeitos de ambientes modificados pelo homem na sua ecologia espacial, nos padrões de atividade e na movimentação. Modelos de distribuição de espécie foram gerados pelo Maxent, utilizando uma base de pontos de localização de presença a partir de 2000 para o Cerrado (Ce), Pantanal (Pa), Mata Atlântica (MA) e Pampas (Pp) e um conjunto de onze variáveis ambientais não correlacionadas (topográficas, climáticas e paisagísticas). Para análises de ecologia espacial, das atividades e de movimentação, utilizou-se localizações de telemetria (GPS) de animais habitantes de áreas protegidas (AP), e indivíduos em paisagens modificados (AM). Análises de áreas de vida (AV) foram realizadas utilizando o estimador AKDE e associadas com classificação da paisagem local. Os modelos de distribuição do lobo-guará apresentaram uma área de distribuição potencial de 78% do total dos biomas. Apesar de possuírem grandes proporções de áreas adequadas (Ce, 90%; Pa, 93%; MA, 65% e Pp, 6%), somente um pequeno percentual (4,4% do Ce e 4,7% da MA) possui adequabilidade ambiental acima de 50%. Dos atributos que favorecem sua presença, a altitude (para todos os biomas), a precipitação (Ce e Pa), diferenças de temperatura e uso e cobertura do solo (Ma e Pp) foram os mais importantes. Em nível local, animais apresentaram média de AV de 90Km2 em AP e 41Km2 em AM, uma diferença significativa (p<0,01) com áreas diretamente proporcionais ao percentual de áreas naturais na paisagem. Ainda, apesar dos padrões regulares de atividade não mostrarem grandes mudanças, o período de repouso foi significativamente maior (p<0,01) entre os animais AM (46% do dia) que em animais AP (25% do dia). Lobos-guarás de AP e AM não apresentaram grandes diferenças no deslocamento diário com média geral de 14km caminhados por dia, com comprimentos de passos de 1Km. Diferenças no comprimento de passo foram relacionadas à composição da diversidade de contato de classes da paisagem com a proporção de ambientes naturais no passo (quanto maior as variáveis, maior o passo). Passos menores refletem menor persistência de movimento interferindo no deslocamento diário. Com os resultados desse estudo identificou-se a MA e Pa muito importantes, mas o Ce como bioma mais adequado à espécie. Foram encontrados indícios de que a estrutura de suas AV, o uso da paisagem, as atividades e movimentação são afetados pela paisagem modificada. Isso pode comprometer a viabilidade populacional, interferindo na presença em uma área e refletindo no seu potencial de distribuição. As estratégias de manejo de uso do solo, e a recuperação e conexão de áreas adequadas são urgentes e necessárias para que o lobo-guará permaneça presente e funcional nas paisagens dos biomas brasileiros.
Conservation of genetic resources is a recognised necessity for the long term maintenance of evolutionary potential. Effective assessment and implementation Strategies are required to permit rapid evaluation and protection of resources. Here we use information from the chloroplast, total genome and quantitative characters assayed across wide-ranging populations to assess genetic resources in a Neotropical tree, Cedrela odorata. A major differentiation identified for organelle, total genomic and quantitative variation was found to coincide with an environmental gradient across Costa Rica. However, a major evolutionary divergence between the Yucatan region and Honduras/Nicaragua identified within the chloroplast genome was not differentiated using quantitative characters. Based on these and other results, a three-tiered conservation genetic prioritisation process is recommended. In order of importance, and where information is available, conservation units should be defined using quantitative (expressed genes), nuclear (genetic connectivity) and organellar (evolutionary) measures. Where possible, information from range wide and local scale studies should be combined and emphasis should be placed on coincidental disjunctions for two or more measures. However, if only rapid assessments of diversity are possible, then assessment of organelle variation provides the most cautious assessment of genetic resources, at least for C. odorata, and can be used to propose initial conservation units. When considering effective implementation of genetic resource management strategies a final tier should be considered, that of landuse/geopolitical divisions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Il presente lavoro ha lo scopo di comprendere i processi sottesi ai pattern di coesistenza tra le specie di invertebrati sorgentizi, distinguendo tra dinamiche stocastiche e deterministiche. Le sorgenti sono ecosistemi complessi e alcune loro caratteristiche (ad esempio l’insularità, la stabilità termica, la struttura ecotonale “a mosaico”, la frequente presenza di specie rare ed endemiche, o l’elevata diversità in taxa) le rendono laboratori naturali utili allo studio dei processi ecologici, tra cui i processi di assembly. Al fine di studiare queste dinamiche è necessario un approccio multi-scala, per questo motivi sono state prese in considerazione tre scale spaziali. A scala locale è stato compiuto un campionamento stagionale su sette sorgenti (quattro temporanee e tre permanenti) del Monte Prinzera, un affioramento ofiolitico vicino alla città di Parma. In questa area sono stati valutati l’efficacia e l’impatto ambientale di diversi metodi di campionamento e sono stati analizzati i drivers ecologici che influenzano le comunità. A scala più ampia sono state campionate per due volte 15 sorgenti della regione Emilia Romagna, al fine di identificare il ruolo della dispersione e la possibile presenza di un effetto di niche-filtering. A scala continentale sono state raccolte informazioni di letteratura riguardanti sorgenti dell’area Paleartica occidentale, e sono stati studiati i pattern biogeografici e l’influenza dei fattori climatici sulle comunità. Sono stati presi in considerazione differenti taxa di invertebrati (macroinvertebrati, ostracodi, acari acquatici e copepodi), scegliendo tra quelli che si prestavano meglio allo studio dei diversi processi in base alle loro caratteristiche biologiche e all’approfondimento tassonomico raggiungibile. I campionamenti biologici in sorgente sono caratterizzati da diversi problemi metodologici e possono causare impatti sugli ambienti. In questo lavoro sono stati paragonati due diversi metodi: l’utilizzo del retino con un approccio multi-habitat proporzionale e l’uso combinato di trappole e lavaggio di campioni di vegetazione. Il retino fornisce dati più accurati e completi, ma anche significativi disturbi sulle componenti biotiche e abiotiche delle sorgenti. Questo metodo è quindi raccomandato solo se il campionamento ha come scopo un’approfondita analisi della biodiversità. D’altra parte l’uso delle trappole e il lavaggio della vegetazione sono metodi affidabili che presentano minori impatti sull’ecosistema, quindi sono adatti a studi ecologici finalizzati all’analisi della struttura delle comunità. Questo lavoro ha confermato che i processi niche-based sono determinanti nello strutturare le comunità di ambienti sorgentizi, e che i driver ambientali spiegano una rilevante percentuale della variabilità delle comunità. Infatti le comunità di invertebrati del Monte Prinzera sono influenzate da fattori legati al chimismo delle acque, alla composizione e all’eterogeneità dell’habitat, all’idroperiodo e alle fluttuazioni della portata. Le sorgenti permanenti mostrano variazioni stagionali per quanto riguarda le concentrazioni dei principali ioni, mentre la conduttività, il pH e la temperatura dell’acqua sono più stabili. È probabile che sia la stabilità termica di questi ambienti a spiegare l’assenza di variazioni stagionali nella struttura delle comunità di macroinvertebrati. L’azione di niche-filtering delle sorgenti è stata analizzata tramite lo studio della diversità funzionale delle comunità di ostracodi dell’Emilia-Romagna. Le sorgenti ospitano più del 50% del pool di specie regionale, e numerose specie sono state rinvenute esclusivamente in questi habitat. Questo è il primo studio che analizza la diversità funzionale degli ostracodi, è stato quindi necessario stilare una lista di tratti funzionali. Analizzando il pool di specie regionale, la diversità funzionale nelle sorgenti non è significativamente diversa da quella misurata in comunità assemblate in maniera casuale. Le sorgenti non limitano quindi la diversità funzionale tra specie coesistenti, ma si può concludere che, data la soddisfazione delle esigenze ecologiche delle diverse specie, i processi di assembly in sorgente potrebbero essere influenzati da fattori stocastici come la dispersione, la speciazione e le estinzioni locali. In aggiunta, tutte le comunità studiate presentano pattern spaziali riconoscibili, rivelando una limitazione della dispersione tra le sorgenti, almeno per alcuni taxa. Il caratteristico isolamento delle sorgenti potrebbe essere la causa di questa limitazione, influenzando maggiormente i taxa a dispersione passiva rispetto a quelli a dispersione attiva. In ogni caso nelle comunità emiliano-romagnole i fattori spaziali spiegano solo una ridotta percentuale della variabilità biologica totale, mentre tutte le comunità risultano influenzate maggiormente dalle variabili ambientali. Il controllo ambientale è quindi prevalente rispetto a quello attuato dai fattori spaziali. Questo risultato dimostra che, nonostante le dinamiche stocastiche siano importanti in tutte le comunità studiate, a questa scala spaziale i fattori deterministici ricoprono un ruolo prevalente. I processi stocastici diventano più influenti invece nei climi aridi, dove il disturbo collegato ai frequenti eventi di disseccamento delle sorgenti provoca una dinamica source-sink tra le diverse comunità. Si è infatti notato che la variabilità spiegata dai fattori ambientali diminuisce all’aumentare dell’aridità del clima. Disturbi frequenti potrebbero provocare estinzioni locali seguite da ricolonizzazioni di specie provenienti dai siti vicini, riducendo la corrispondenza tra gli organismi e le loro richieste ambientali e quindi diminuendo la quantità di variabilità spiegata dai fattori ambientali. Si può quindi concludere che processi deterministici e stocastici non si escludono mutualmente, ma contribuiscono contemporaneamente a strutturare le comunità di invertebrati sorgentizi. Infine, a scala continentale, le comunità di ostracodi sorgentizi mostrano chiari pattern biogeografici e sono organizzate lungo gradienti ambientali principalmente collegati altitudine, latitudine, temperatura dell’acqua e conducibilità. Anche la tipologia di sorgente (elocrena, reocrena o limnocrena) è influente sulla composizione delle comunità. La presenza di specie rare ed endemiche inoltre caratterizza specifiche regioni geografiche.
The present study gives a contribution to the knowledge on the Na-feldspar and plagioclases, extending the database of the Raman spectra of plagioclases with different chemical compositions and structural orders. This information may be used for the future planetary explorations by “rovers”, for the investigation of ceramics nanocrystal materials and for the mineralogical phase identification in sediments. Na-feldspar and plagioclase solid solution have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy in order to determine the relationships between the vibrational changes and the plagioclase crystal chemistry and structure. We focused on the Raman micro-spectroscopy technique, being a non-destructive method, suited for contactless analysis with high spatial resolution. Chemical and structural analyses have been performed on natural samples to test the usefulness of Raman spectroscopy as a tool in the study of the pressure-induced structural deformations, the disordering processes due to change in the Al-Si distribution in the tetrahedral sites and, finally, in the determination of the anorthitic content (Anx) in plagioclase minerals. All the predicted 39 Ag Raman active modes have been identified and assigned to specific patterns of atomic vibrational motion. A detailed comparison between experimental and computed Raman spectra has been performed and previous assignments have been revised, solving some discrepancies reported in recent literature. The ab initio calculation at the hybrid HF/DFT level with the WC1LYP Hamiltonian has proven to give excellent agreement between calculated and experimentally measured Raman wavenumbers and intensities in triclinic minerals. A short digression on the 36 infrared active modes of Na-feldspar has been done too. The identification of all 39 computed Raman modes in the experimentally measured spectra of the fully ordered Na-feldspar, known as low albite, along with the detailed description of each vibrational mode, has been essential to extend the comparative analysis to the high pressure and high temperature structural forms of albite, which reflect the physical–chemical conditions of the hosting rocks. The understanding of feldspar structure response to pressure and temperature is crucial in order to constrain crustal behaviour. The compressional behaviour of the Na-feldspar has been investigated for the first time by Raman spectroscopy. The absence of phase transitions and the occurrence of two secondary compression mechanisms acting at different pressures have been confirmed. Moreover, Raman data suggest that the internal structural changes are confined to a small pressure interval, localized around 6 GPa, not spread out from 4 to 8 GPa as suggested by previous X-rays studies on elasticity. The dominant compression mechanisms act via tetrahedral tilting, while the T-O bond lengths remain nearly constant at moderate compressional regimes. At the spectroscopic level, this leads to the strong pressure dependencies of T-O-T bending modes, as found for the four modes at 478, 508, 578 and 815 cm-1. The Al-Si distribution in the tetrahedral sites affects also the Raman spectrum of Na-feldspar. In particular, peak broadening is more sensitive than peak position to changes in the degree of order. Raman spectroscopy is found to be a good probe for local ordering, in particular being sensitive to the first annealing steps, when the macroscopic order parameter is still high. Even though Raman data are scattered and there are outliers in the estimated values of the degree of order, the average peak linewidths of the Na-feldspar characteristic doublet band, labelled here as υa and υb, as a function of the order parameter Qod show interesting trends: both peak linewidths linearly increase until saturation. From Qod values lower than 0.6, peak broadening is no more affected by the Al-Si distribution. Moreover, the disordering process is found to be heterogeneous. SC-XRD and Raman data have suggested an inter-crystalline inhomogeneity of the samples, i.e., the presence of regions with different defect density on the micrometric scale. Finally, the influence of Ca-Na substitution in the plagioclase Raman spectra has been investigated. Raman spectra have been collected on a series of well characterized natural, low structural plagioclases. The variations of the Raman modes as a function of the chemical composition and the structural order have been determined. The number of the observed Raman bands at each composition gives information about the unit-cell symmetry: moving away from the C1 structures, the number of the Raman bands enhances, as the number of formula units in the unit cell increases. The modification from an “albite-like” Raman spectrum to a more “anorthite-like” spectrum occurs from sample An78 onwards, which coincides with the appearance of c reflections in the diffraction patterns of the samples. The evolution of the Raman bands υa and υb displays two changes in slope at ~An45 and ~An75: the first one occurs between e2 and e1 plagioclases, the latter separates e1 and I1 plagioclases with only b reflections in their diffraction patterns from I1 and P1 samples having b and c reflections too. The first variation represents exactly the e2→e1 phase transitions, whereas the second one corresponds in good approximation to the C1→I1 transition, which has been determined at ~An70 by previous works. The I1→P1 phase transition in the anorthite-rich side of the solid solution is not highlighted in the collected Raman spectra. Variations in peak broadening provide insights into the behaviour of the order parameter on a local scale, suggesting an increase in the structural disorder within the solid solution, as the structures have to incorporate more Al atoms to balance the change from monovalent to divalent cations. All the information acquired on these natural plagioclases has been used to produce a protocol able to give a preliminary estimation of the chemical composition of an unknown plagioclase from its Raman spectrum. Two calibration curves, one for albite-rich plagioclases and the other one for the anorthite-rich plagioclases, have been proposed by relating the peak linewidth of the most intense Raman band υa and the An content. It has been pointed out that the dependence of the composition from the linewidth can be obtained only for low structural plagioclases with a degree of order not far away from the references. The proposed tool has been tested on three mineralogical samples, two of meteoric origin and one of volcanic origin. Chemical compositions by Raman spectroscopy compare well, within an error of about 10%, with those obtained by elemental techniques. Further analyses on plagioclases with unknown composition will be necessary to validate the suggested method and introduce it as routine tool for the determination of the chemical composition from Raman data in planetary missions.
Biological diversity is threatened worldwide and it is a priority to generate more information that can be used both for understanding ecological processes and determining conservation strategies. For my dissertation, I focused on amphibian diversity patterns in lowland rainforests of southwestern Amazonia to evaluate the importance of habitat heterogeneity in the region. My main purpose was to test the hypothesis that amphibian communities in different forest types differ in species richness, composition, and abundance. I used standardized visual encounter surveys to quantify the species composition and abundance of amphibians at four sites, each containing four forest types (floodplain, terra firme, bamboo, and palm swamp). I used leaf-litter plots to evaluate the effect of soil and leaf-litter characteristics on species richness and abundance of leaf-litter frogs. I intensively sampled at one site and then sampled three other sites (distance among sites varied 3.5–105 km) to evaluate whether the patterns observed at one site were similar elsewhere. I also updated the information on threatened and potentially threatened amphibians in Peru and my study region. I found that no species appears to have experienced population declines in southeastern Peru, suggesting that the region still contains the original species pool. My results support the hypothesis that amphibian communities differ across forest types and that patterns observed at the local scale (one site) are similar at the regional scale (four sites). My data also indicate that there is no correlation between species composition and geographic distance among sites. Instead, an important proportion of the gamma diversity is represented by habitat-related beta diversity. My leaf-litter plot data showed that part of the variation in the leaf-litter community structure is explained by soil and litter characteristics. I found that soil total phosphorus and, to a lesser extent, humidity, leaf-litter mass, and pH is linked to species presence/absence and abundance. My study provides the first standardized, quantitative comparison of amphibian community structure across four major forest types in southwestern Amazonia and highlights the fact that forest types are complementary and necessary for maintaining high species richness in the region.
We evaluated metacommunity hypotheses of landscape arrangement (indicative of dispersal limitation) and environmental gradients (hydroperiod and nutrients) in structuring macroinvertebrate and fish communities in the southern Everglades. We used samples collected at sites from the eastern boundary of the southern Everglades and from Shark River Slough, to evaluate the role of these factors in metacommunity structure. We used eigenfunction spatial analysis to model community structure among sites and distance-based redundancy analysis to partition the variability in communities between spatial and environmental filters. For most animal communities, hydrological parameters had a greater influence on structure than nutrient enrichment, however both had large effects. The influence of spatial effects indicative of dispersal limitation was weak and only periphyton infauna appeared to be limited by regional dispersal. At the landscape scale, communities were well-mixed, but strongly influenced by hydrology. Local-scale species dominance was influenced by water-permanence and nutrient enrichment. Nutrient enrichment is limited to water inflow points associated with canals, which may explain its impact in this data set. Hydroperiod and nutrient enrichment are controlled by water managers; our analysis indicates that the decisions they make have strong effects on the communities at the base of the Everglades food web.
Biological diversity is threatened worldwide and it is a priority to generate more information that can be used both for understanding ecological processes and determining conservation strategies. For my dissertation, I focused on amphibian diversity patterns in lowland rainforests of southwestern Amazonia to evaluate the importance of habitat heterogeneity in the region. My main purpose was to test the hypothesis that amphibian communities in different forest types differ in species richness, composition, and abundance. I used standardized visual encounter surveys to quantify the species composition and abundance of amphibians at four sites, each containing four forest types (floodplain, terra firme, bamboo, and palm swamp). I used leaf-litter plots to evaluate the effect of soil and leaf-litter characteristics on species richness and abundance of leaf-litter frogs. I intensively sampled at one site and then sampled three other sites (distance among sites varied 3.5-105 km) to evaluate whether the patterns observed at one site were similar elsewhere. I also updated the information on threatened and potentially threatened amphibians in Peru and my study region. I found that no species appears to have experienced population declines in southeastern Peru, suggesting that the region still contains the original species pool. My results support the hypothesis that amphibian communities differ across forest types and that patterns observed at the local scale (one site) are similar at the regional scale (four sites). My data also indicate that there is no correlation between species composition and geographic distance among sites. Instead, an important proportion of the gamma diversity is represented by habitat-related beta diversity. My leaf-litter plot data showed that part of the variation in the leaf-litter community structure is explained by soil and litter characteristics. I found that soil total phosphorus and, to a lesser extent, humidity, leaf-litter mass, and pH is linked to species presence/absence and abundance. My study provides the first standardized, quantitative comparison of amphibian community structure across four major forest types in southwestern Amazonia and highlights the fact that forest types are complementary and necessary for maintaining high species richness in the region.
Although soil algae are among the main primary producers in most terrestrial ecosystems of continental Antarctica, there are very few quantitative studies on their relative proportion in the main algal groups and on how their distribution is affected by biotic and abiotic factors. Such knowledge is essential for understanding the functioning of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems. We therefore analyzed biological soil crusts from northern Victoria Land to determine their pH, electrical conductivity (EC), water content (W), total and organic C (TC and TOC) and total N (TN) contents, and the presence and abundance of photosynthetic pigments. In particular, the latter were tested as proxies for biomass and coarse-resolution community structure. Soil samples were collected from five sites with known soil algal communities and the distribution of pigments was shown to reflect differences in the relative proportions of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta in these sites. Multivariate and univariate models strongly indicated that almost all soil variables (EC, W, TOC and TN) were important environmental correlates of pigment distribution. However, a significant amount of variation is independent of these soil variables and may be ascribed to local variability such as changes in microclimate at varying spatial and temporal scales. There are at least five possible sources of local variation: pigment preservation, temporal variations in water availability, temporal and spatial interactions among environmental and biological components, the local-scale patchiness of organism distribution, and biotic interactions.
El 5º Informe del IPCC (Panel Intergubernamental de Cambio Climático, 2014) señala que el turismo será una de las actividades económicas que mayores efectos negativos experimentará en las próximas décadas debido al calentamiento térmico del planeta. En España, el turismo es una fuente principal de ingresos y de creación de puestos de trabajo en su economía. De ahí que sea necesaria la puesta en marcha de medidas de adaptación a la nueva realidad climática que, en nuestro país, va a suponer cambios en el confort climático de los destinos e incremento de extremos atmosféricos. Frente a los planes de adaptación al cambio climático en la actividad turística, elaborados por los gobiernos estatal y regional, que apenas se han desarrollado en España, la escala local muestra interesantes ejemplos de acciones de adaptación al cambio climático, desarrolladas tanto por los municipios (energía, transporte, vivienda, planificación urbanística) como por la propia empresa turística (hoteles, campings, apartamentos). Medidas de ahorro de agua y luz, fomento del transporte público y de las energías limpias, creación de zonas verdes urbanas y adaptación a los extremos atmosféricos destacan como acciones de mitigación del cambio climático en los destinos turísticos principales de nuestro país.
This paper develops an integrated optimal power flow (OPF) tool for distribution networks in two spatial scales. In the local scale, the distribution network, the natural gas network, and the heat system are coordinated as a microgrid. In the urban scale, the impact of natural gas network is considered as constraints for the distribution network operation. The proposed approach incorporates unbalance three-phase electrical systems, natural gas systems, and combined cooling, heating, and power systems. The interactions among the above three energy systems are described by energy hub model combined with components capacity constraints. In order to efficiently accommodate the nonlinear constraint optimization problem, particle swarm optimization algorithm is employed to set the control variables in the OPF problem. Numerical studies indicate that by using the OPF method, the distribution network can be economically operated. Also, the tie-line power can be effectively managed.
Existem vários estudos sobre a dieta de predadores de topo a uma escala local, mas o estudo da dieta de uma espécie ao longo de diferentes regiões geográficas poderá permitir a deteção de certos padrões e variações ecológicas. Para estudar a variação biogeográfica da dieta do bufo-real (Bubo bubo) ao longo do Paleártico criou-se uma base de dados baseada em 192 estudos. Pretendia-se analisar padrões em macro-escala de descritores da dieta e avaliar o efeito de diferentes condições ambientais, de descritores da paisagem e da disponibilidade de presas. Registaram-se 346813 presas de 698 espécies distintas. As principais presas são os lagomorfos e os roedores, enquanto que as aves constituem importantes presas alternativas. Temperaturas mais elevadas favorecem a diversidade trófica, mas esta diminui com a latitude e a longitude. Os resultados revelam a natureza oportunista do bufo-real e a sua elevada adaptabilidade trófica a diferentes habitats e condições ambientais; Biogeographic analysis of a top predator's diet across the Paleartic Region Summary: There are several studies about top predators' diet at a local scale, but studying a species diet across different geographic regions may allow the detection of certain patterns and variations which might influence its ecological features. We created a database of 192 papers to study the diet of the Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) across the Palearctic region. We analysed large scale biogeographical patterns of diet descriptors in relation to different environmental conditions, including climate, landscape and prey availability. We recorded 346816 preys from 698 different species. The main prey groups are lagomorphs and rodents, whereas birds represent important alternative prey. Higher temperatures favour a higher trophic diversity, which in turn decreases at lower latitudes and longitudes. The results reveal the opportunistic nature of the Eurasian Eagle Owl and its high trophic adaptability to different habitats and environments.
Underwater video transect methods using small remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and diveroperated video (DOV) are commonly used in benthic biodiversity assessments. Constraints posed by deeper waters have made surveys of the circalittoral zone ([30 m depth), a particularly challenging problem. Here we compare benthic diversity metrics and cluster analyses obtained with ROV and DOV between 45 and 65 m depth off southwest Iberia, across local (tens to hundreds of meters) and regional scales (tens of kilometers). Results showed no difference between methods in terms of the benthic species richness, taxonomic distinctness, and beta diversity, but only minor differences in the spatial structure depicted at the regional level. At the local scale, DOV performed better at discriminating patterns likely because of the divers visual acuity. We found that small ROV and DOV are reliable and comparable methods for the study of circalittoral benthic assemblages and can be used in a complimentary way to detect the greatest amount of variation in benthic ecosystems. Our study facilitates the understanding of capabilities and limitations of two underwater video methods and provides important insight into choice of the most appropriate technique.
Brazil's Low Carbon Agriculture is one the initiatives that puts the climate in the agricultural agenda towards a more sustainable and adapted agriculture under global changes. Among the several practices listed and supported by the ABC Plan, zero tillage and integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems including the recovery of degraded pasture are the most relevant ones. The objective of this paper is to present the Geo-ABC Project, a procedure to monitor the implementation of the Brazil?s Low Carbon Agriculture (ABC Plan) and aiming at the development of remote sensing methods to monitor agricultural systems listed in the ABC Plan and adopted at local scale.
Dengue fever is one of the world’s most important vector-borne diseases. The transmission area of this disease continues to expand due to many factors including urban sprawl, increased travel and global warming. Current preventative techniques are primarily based on controlling mosquito vectors as other prophylactic measures, such as a tetravalent vaccine are unlikely to be available in the foreseeable future. However, the continually increasing dengue incidence suggests that this strategy alone is not sufficient. Epidemiological models attempt to predict future outbreaks using information on the risk factors of the disease. Through a systematic literature review, this paper aims at analyzing the different modeling methods and their outputs in terms of accurately predicting disease outbreaks. We found that many previous studies have not sufficiently accounted for the spatio-temporal features of the disease in the modeling process. Yet with advances in technology, the ability to incorporate such information as well as the socio-environmental aspect allowed for its use as an early warning system, albeit limited geographically to a local scale.