462 resultados para linux
This work aims to give greater visibility to the issue of software security, due to people talk a lot in security conferences, that much of both IT (Information Technology) staff and, more specifically, IS (Information Security) staff does not know this, and, thanks to the spread of the mobile computing and of the cloud computing, this lack of deeper knowledge on this subject is increasingly becoming worrisome. It aims too, make applications to be developed in a security manner, priorizing the security of the information processed. It attempts to demonstrate the secure coding techniques, the principles of software security, the means to identify software vulnerabilities, the cutting-edge software exploitation techniques and the mechanisms of mitigation. Nowadays, the security guys are in charge of the most of the security tests in applications, audits and pentests, and it is undeniable that the so-called security experts, most often come from computer network field, having few experience in software development and programming. Therefore, the development process does not consider the security issue, thanks to the lack of knowledge on the subject by the developer, and the security tests could be improved whether security experts had a greater know-how on application development. Given this problem, the goal here is to integrate information security with software development, spreading out the process of secure software development. To achieve this, a Linux distribution with proof of concept applicati... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
La tesi ha visto la creazione di una applicazione in grado di inviare e ricevere messaggi verso un kernel Linux 3.6.8, che e' stato modificato nel modulo net/mac80211. Lo scopo e' stato permettere all'applicazione di attivare/disattivare comportamenti alternativi del metodo di scansione di canali Wi-Fi. Sono rese possibili le seguenti funzionalita': disattivare la scansione, rendere non interrompibile la scansione software, ricevere notifiche a completamento di una scansione software. Per la comunicazione sono stati usati i socket netlink.
Una macchina relativistica è una macchina il cui tempo scorre ad una velocità diversa da quella del tempo reale. Macchine di questo tipo possono essere utili ad esempio per simulare tempi di trasferimento dei dati più veloci, oppure per testare protocolli di sincronizzazione degli orologi. La possibilità di definire la velocità del tempo virtuale è stata aggiunta a User-Mode Linux. Grazie ad una modifica a Marionnet che include un'interfaccia grafica è stato reso semplice il processo di creazione di reti di macchine virtuali relativistiche.
In questo lavoro si introduce il progetto di estrarre lo stack tcp-ip dal kernel di linux e farlo funzionare come una normale libreria in userspace. Si parlerà dei vantaggi di avere lo stack tcp-ip in userspace, di altri progetti simili, del motivo per cui si è scelto lo stack di linux, dei principali problemi incontrati nel corso del lavoro, del percorso seguito, e di come il risultato possa essere migliorato per renderlo uno strumento effettivamente utile.
Il lavoro descrive la progettazione, l'implementazione e il test sperimentale di un meccanismo, integrato nel kernel Linux 4.0, dedicato al riconoscimento delle perdite dei frame Wi-Fi.
Open collaborative projects are moving to the foreground of knowledge production. Some online user communities develop into longterm projects that generate a highly valuable and at the same time freely accessible output. Traditional copyright law that is organized around the idea of a single creative entity is not well equipped to accommodate the needs of these forms of collaboration. In order to enable a peculiar network-type of interaction participants instead draw on public licensing models that determine the freedoms to use individual contributions. With the help of these access rules the operational logic of the project can be implemented successfully. However, as the case of the Wikipedia GFDL-CC license transition demonstrates, the adaptation of access rules in networks to new circumstances raises collective action problems and suffers from pitfalls caused by the fact that public licensing is grounded in individual copyright. Legal governance of open collaboration projects is a largely unexplored field. The article argues that the license steward of a public license assumes the position of a fiduciary of the knowledge commons generated under the license regime. Ultimately, the governance of decentralized networks translates into a composite of organizational and contractual elements. It is concluded that the production of global knowledge commons relies on rules of transnational private law.
El contenido de este PFC supone el desarrollo de una aplicación gráfica en el entorno GNU/LINUX. La aplicación debe representar en la pantalla gráficos procedentes de una fuente externa (un fichero, una tarjeta de adquisición de datos, otra aplicación, etc.) Debe permitir las siguientes funcionalidades: Representar la señal uniendo puntos o marcándolos como símbolos. Debe gestionar de forma adecuada el zoom. Debe permitir exportar la gráfica a formatos SVG y PDF. Debe permitir mostrar varias señales superpuestas para poder compararlas. Opcionalmente debe permitir arrastrar y soltar (“drag and drop”). ABSTRACT The content of the thesis is the development of a graphical application in GNU / Linux environment. The application must render graphics on the screen from an external source (a file, a data acquisition card, other applications, etc..) It must allow the following functionality: Joining dots represent the signal or marking them as symbols. Must properly manage the zoom. Allow export the graph to SVG and PDF formats. Allow display multiple signals superimposed for comparison. Optionally should allow drag and drop.
This document describes the basic steps to developed and embedded Linux-based system using the BeagleBoard. The document has been specifically written to use a BeagleBoard development system based on the OMAP `processor.
The purpose of this document is to create a modest integration guide for embedding a Linux Operating System on ZedBoard development platform, based on Xilinx’s Zynq-7000 All Programmable System on Chip which contains a dual core ARM Cortex-A9 and a 7 Series FPGA Artix-7. The integration process has been structured in four chapters according to the logic generation of the different parts that compose the embedded system. With the intention of automating the generation process of a complete Linux distribution specific for ZedBoard platform, BuildRoot development platform it is used. Once the embedding process finished, it was decided to add to the system the required functionalities for adding support for IEEE1588 Standard for Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems, through a user space Linux program which implements the protocol. That PTP user space implementation program has been cross-compiled, executed on target and tested for evaluating the functionalities added. RESUMEN El propósito de este documento es crear una modesta guía de integración de un sistema operativo Linux para la plataforma de desarrollo ZedBoard, basada en un System on Chip del fabricante Xilinx llamado Zynq-7000. Este System on Chip está compuesto por un procesador de doble núcleo ARM Cortex-A9 y una FPGA de la Serie 7 equiparable a una Artix-7. El proceso de integración se ha estructurado en cuatro grandes capítulos que se rigen según el orden lógico de generación de las distintas partes por las que el sistema empotrado está compuesto. Con el ánimo de automatizar el proceso de creación de una distribución de Linux específica para la plataforma ZedBoard, se ha utilizado la plataforma de desarrollo BuildRoot. Una vez terminado el proceso de integración del sistema empotrado, se procedió a dar dotar al sistema de las funcionalidades necesarias para dar soporte al estándar de sincronización de relojes en redes de área local, PTP IEEE1588, a través de una implementación del mismo en un programa de lado de usuario el cual ha sido compilado, ejecutado y testeado para evaluar el correcto funcionamiento de las funcionalidades añadidas.