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In this paper, we have probed the origin of SHG in copper nanoparticles by polarization-resolved hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS). Results obtained with various sizes of copper nanoparticles at four different wavelengths covering the wavelength range 738-1907 nm reveal that the origin of second harmonic generation (SHG) in these particles is purely dipolar in nature as long as the size (d) of the particles remains smaller compared to the wavelength (;.) of light ("small-particle limit"). However, contribution of the higher order multipoles coupled with retardation effect becomes apparent with an increase in the d/lambda ratio. We have identified the "small-particle limit" in the second harmonic generation from noble metal nanoparticles by evaluating the critical d/lambda ratio at which the retardation effect sets in the noble metal nanoparticles. We have found that the second-order nonlinear optical property of copper nanoparticles closely resembles that of gold, but not that of silver. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microwave treated water soluble and amide functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes have been investigated using femtosecond degenerate pump-probe and nonlinear transmission experiments. The time resolved differential transmission using 75 femtosecond pulse with the central wavelength of 790 nm shows a bi-exponential ultrafast photo-bleaching with time constants of 160 fs (130 fs) and 920 fs (300 fs) for water soluble (amide functionalized) nanotubes. Open and closed aperture z-scans show saturation absorption and positive (negative) nonlinear refraction for water soluble (amide functionalized) nanotubes. Two photon absorption coefficient, beta(0) similar to 250 cm/GW (650 cm/GW) and nonlinear index, gamma similar to 15 cm(2)/pW (-30 cm(2)/pW) are obtained from the theoretical fit in the saturation limit to the data for two types of nanotubes.


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Gadolinium strontium manganite single crystals of the composition Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 were grown using the optical float zone method. We report here the magnetic and magnetotransport properties of these crystals. A large magnetoresistance similar to 10(9)% was observed at 45 K under the application of a 110 kOe field. We have observed notable thermomagnetic anomalies such as open hysteresis loops across the broadened first-order transition between the charge order insulator and the ferromagnetic metallic phase while traversing the magnetic field-temperature (H-T) plane isothermally or isomagnetically. In order to discern the cause of these observed anomalies, the H-T phase diagram for Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 is formulated using the magnetization-field (M-H), magnetization-temperature (M-T) and resistance-temperature (R-T) measurements. The temperature dependence of the critical field (i.e. H-up, the field required for transformation to the ferromagnetic metallic phase) is non-monotonic. We note that the non-monotonic variation of the supercooling limit is anomalous according to the classical concepts of the first-order phase transition. Accordingly, H-up values below similar to 20 K are unsuitable to represent the supercooling limit. It is possible that the nature of the metastable states responsible for the observed open hysteresis loops is different from that of the supercooled ones.


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The future of civic engagement is characterised by both technological innovation as well as new technological user practices that are fuelled by trends towards mobile, personal devices; broadband connectivity; open data; urban interfaces; and cloud computing. These technology trends are progressing at a rapid pace, and have led global technology vendors to package and sell the “Smart City” as a centralised service delivery platform predicted to optimise and enhance cities’ key performance indicators – and generate a profitable market. The top-down deployment of these large and proprietary technology platforms have helped sectors such as energy, transport, and healthcare to increase efficiencies. However, an increasing number of scholars and commentators warn of another “IT bubble” emerging. Along with some city leaders, they argue that the top-down approach does not fit the governance dynamics and values of a liberal democracy when applied across sectors. A thorough understanding is required, of the socio-cultural nuances of how people work, live, play across different environments, and how they employ social media and mobile devices to interact with, engage in, and constitute public realms. Although the term “slacktivism” is sometimes used to denote a watered down version of civic engagement and activism that is reduced to clicking a “Like” button and signing online petitions, we believe that we are far from witnessing another Biedermeier period that saw people focus on the domestic and the non-political. There is plenty of evidence to the contrary, such as post-election violence in Kenya in 2008, the Occupy movements in New York, Hong Kong and elsewhere, the Arab Spring, Stuttgart 21, Fukushima, the Taksim Gezi Park in Istanbul, and the Vinegar Movement in Brazil in 2013. These examples of civic action shape the dynamics of governments, and in turn, call for new processes to be incorporated into governance structures. Participatory research into these new processes across the triad of people, place and technology is a significant and timely investment to foster productive, sustainable, and liveable human habitats. With this article, we want to reframe the current debates in academia and priorities in industry and government to allow citizens and civic actors to take their rightful centrepiece place in civic movements. This calls for new participatory approaches for co-inquiry and co-design. It is an evolving process with an explicit agenda to facilitate change, and we propose participatory action research (PAR) as an indispensable component in the journey to develop new governance infrastructures and practices for civic engagement. We do not limit our definition of civic technologies to tools specifically designed to simply enhance government and governance, such as renewing your car registration online or casting your vote electronically on election day. Rather, we are interested in civic media and technologies that foster citizen engagement in the widest sense, and particularly the participatory design of such civic technologies that strive to involve citizens in political debate and action as well as question conventional approaches to political issues. The rationale for this approach is an alternative to smart cities in a “perpetual tomorrow,” based on many weak and strong signals of civic actions revolving around technology seen today. It seeks to emphasise and direct attention to active citizenry over passive consumerism, human actors over human factors, culture over infrastructure, and prosperity over efficiency. First, we will have a look at some fundamental issues arising from applying simplistic smart city visions to the kind of a problem a city poses. We focus on the touch points between “the city” and its civic body, the citizens. In order to provide for meaningful civic engagement, the city must provide appropriate interfaces.


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A new method based on analysis of a single diffraction pattern is proposed to measure deflections in micro-cantilever (MC) based sensor probes, achieving typical deflection resolutions of 1nm and surface stress changes of 50 mu N/m. The proposed method employs a double MC structure where the deflection of one of the micro-cantilevers relative to the other due to surface stress changes results in a linear shift of intensity maxima of the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of the transilluminated MC. Measurement of such shifts in the intensity maxima of a particular order along the length of the structure can be done to an accuracy of 0.01mm leading to the proposed sensitivity of deflection measurement in a typical microcantilever. This method can overcome the fundamental measurement sensitivity limit set by diffraction and pointing stability of laser beam in the widely used Optical Beam Deflection method (OBDM).


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This paper deals with the role of the higher-order evanescent modes generated at the area discontinuities in the acoustic attenuation characteristics of an elliptical end-chamber muffler with an end-offset inlet and end-centered outlet. It has been observed that with an increase in length, the muffler undergoes a transition from being acoustically short to acoustically long. Short end chambers and long end chambers are characterized by transverse plane waves and axial plane waves, respectively, in the low-frequency range. The nondimensional frequency limit k(0)(D-1/2) or k(0)R(0) as well as the chamber length to inlet/outlet pipe diameter ratio, i.e., L/d(0), up to which the muffler behaves like a short chamber and the corresponding limit beyond which the muffler is acoustically long are determined. The limits between which neither the transverse plane-wave model nor the conventional axial plane-wave model gives a satisfactory prediction have also been determined, the region being called the intermediate range. The end-correction expression for this muffler configuration in the acoustically long limit has been obtained using 3-D FEA carried on commercial software, covering most of the dimension range used in the design exercise. Development of a method of combining the transverse plane wave model with the axial plane wave model using the impedance Z] matrix is another noteworthy contribution of this work.


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Nonextremal solution with warped resolved-deformed conifold background is important to study the infrared limit of large N thermal QCD. Earlier works in this direction have not taken into account all the backreactions on the geometry, namely from the branes, fluxes, and black-hole carefully. In the present work we make some progress in this direction by solving explicitly the supergravity equations of motions in the presence of the backreaction from the black hole. The backreactions from the branes and the fluxes on the other hand and to the order that we study, are comparatively suppressed. Our analysis reveal, among other things, how the resolution parameter would depend on the horizon radius and how the renormalization group flows of the coupling constants should be understood in these scenarios, including their effects on the background three-form fluxes. We also study the effect of switching on a chemical potential in the background and, in a particularly simplified scenario, compute the actual value of the chemical potential for our case.


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This paper presents a simple technique for reducing the computational effort while solving any geotechnical stability problem by using the upper bound finite element limit analysis and linear optimization. In the proposed method, the problem domain is discretized into a number of different regions in which a particular order (number of sides) of the polygon is chosen to linearize the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. A greater order of the polygon needs to be selected only in that region wherein the rate of the plastic strains becomes higher. The computational effort required to solve the problem with this implementation reduces considerably. By using the proposed method, the bearing capacity has been computed for smooth and rough strip footings and the results are found to be quite satisfactory.


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In order to measure the diffraction-limit wavefront, we present three types of common-path double-shearing interferometers based on the theory of double shearing. Two pairs of half-aperture or whole-aperture wedge plates are used to introduce opposite tilt to realize the double-shearing function. By comparing the fringe widths in two fields, the marginal wavefront aberration can be obtained. In the paper, we give three different configurations: half-aperture configuration, whole-field configuration and double-interferometer configuration. The half-aperture configuration has the features of high sensitivity, stabilization and easy alignment. For the whole-field configuration, the interference fringes are displayed in two whole fields. Consequently, the divergent or convergent characteristic and aberration types of a wavefront can be identified visually. The whole-field configuration can be changed to the double-interferometer configuration for continuous test. Both small and large wavefront aberrations can be measured by the double-interferometer configuration. The minimum detectable wavefront aberration (W-0)(min) comes to 0.03 lambda. Lastly, we present the experimental results for the three types of double-shearing interferometers.


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Part I

Numerical solutions to the S-limit equations for the helium ground state and excited triplet state and the hydride ion ground state are obtained with the second and fourth difference approximations. The results for the ground states are superior to previously reported values. The coupled equations resulting from the partial wave expansion of the exact helium atom wavefunction were solved giving accurate S-, P-, D-, F-, and G-limits. The G-limit is -2.90351 a.u. compared to the exact value of the energy of -2.90372 a.u.

Part II

The pair functions which determine the exact first-order wavefunction for the ground state of the three-electron atom are found with the matrix finite difference method. The second- and third-order energies for the (1s1s)1S, (1s2s)3S, and (1s2s)1S states of the two-electron atom are presented along with contour and perspective plots of the pair functions. The total energy for the three-electron atom with a nuclear charge Z is found to be E(Z) = -1.125•Z2 +1.022805•Z-0.408138-0.025515•(1/Z)+O(1/Z2)a.u.


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The Fokker-Planck (FP) equation is used to develop a general method for finding the spectral density for a class of randomly excited first order systems. This class consists of systems satisfying stochastic differential equations of form ẋ + f(x) = m/Ʃ/j = 1 hj(x)nj(t) where f and the hj are piecewise linear functions (not necessarily continuous), and the nj are stationary Gaussian white noise. For such systems, it is shown how the Laplace-transformed FP equation can be solved for the transformed transition probability density. By manipulation of the FP equation and its adjoint, a formula is derived for the transformed autocorrelation function in terms of the transformed transition density. From this, the spectral density is readily obtained. The method generalizes that of Caughey and Dienes, J. Appl. Phys., 32.11.

This method is applied to 4 subclasses: (1) m = 1, h1 = const. (forcing function excitation); (2) m = 1, h1 = f (parametric excitation); (3) m = 2, h1 = const., h2 = f, n1 and n2 correlated; (4) the same, uncorrelated. Many special cases, especially in subclass (1), are worked through to obtain explicit formulas for the spectral density, most of which have not been obtained before. Some results are graphed.

Dealing with parametrically excited first order systems leads to two complications. There is some controversy concerning the form of the FP equation involved (see Gray and Caughey, J. Math. Phys., 44.3); and the conditions which apply at irregular points, where the second order coefficient of the FP equation vanishes, are not obvious but require use of the mathematical theory of diffusion processes developed by Feller and others. These points are discussed in the first chapter, relevant results from various sources being summarized and applied. Also discussed is the steady-state density (the limit of the transition density as t → ∞).


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Let {Ƶn}n = -∞ be a stochastic process with state space S1 = {0, 1, …, D – 1}. Such a process is called a chain of infinite order. The transitions of the chain are described by the functions

Qi(i(0)) = Ƥ(Ƶn = i | Ƶn - 1 = i (0)1, Ƶn - 2 = i (0)2, …) (i ɛ S1), where i(0) = (i(0)1, i(0)2, …) ranges over infinite sequences from S1. If i(n) = (i(n)1, i(n)2, …) for n = 1, 2,…, then i(n) → i(0) means that for each k, i(n)k = i(0)k for all n sufficiently large.

Given functions Qi(i(0)) such that

(i) 0 ≤ Qi(i(0) ≤ ξ ˂ 1

(ii)D – 1/Ʃ/i = 0 Qi(i(0)) Ξ 1

(iii) Qi(i(n)) → Qi(i(0)) whenever i(n) → i(0),

we prove the existence of a stationary chain of infinite ordern} whose transitions are given by

Ƥ (Ƶn = i | Ƶn - 1, Ƶn - 2, …) = Qin - 1, Ƶn - 2, …)

With probability 1. The method also yields stationary chains {Ƶn} for which (iii) does not hold but whose transition probabilities are, in a sense, “locally Markovian.” These and similar results extend a paper by T.E. Harris [Pac. J. Math., 5 (1955), 707-724].

Included is a new proof of the existence and uniqueness of a stationary absolute distribution for an Nth order Markov chain in which all transitions are possible. This proof allows us to achieve our main results without the use of limit theorem techniques.


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In a configuration of optical far-field scanning microscopy, super-resolution achieved by inserting a third-order optical nonlinear thin film is demonstrated and analyzed in terms of the frequency response function. Without the thin film the microscopy is diffraction limited; thus, subwavelength features cannot be resolved. With the nonlinear thin film inserted, the resolution is dramatically improved and thus the microscopy resolves features significantly smaller than the smallest spacing allowed by the diffraction limit. A theoretical model is established and the device is analyzed for the frequency response function. The results show that the frequency response function exceeds the cutoff spatial frequency of the microscopy defined by the laser wavelength and the numerical aperture of the convergent lens. The main contribution to the improvement of the cutoff spatial frequency is from the phase change induced by the complex transmission of the nonlinear thin film. Experimental results are presented and are shown to be consistent with the results of theoretical simulations.