949 resultados para light effects


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PURPOSE. To examine the effects of transcorneal electrical stimulation (TES) on retinal degeneration of light-exposed rats. METHODS. Thirty-three Sprague Dawley albino rats were divided into three groups: STIM (n = 15) received 60 minutes of TES, whereas SHAM (n = 15) received identical sham stimulation 2 hours before exposure to bright light with 16,000 lux; healthy animals (n = 3) served as controls for histology. At baseline and weekly for 3 consecutive weeks, dark-and light-adapted electroretinography was used to assess retinal function. Analysis of the response versus luminance function retrieved the parameters Vmax (saturation amplitude) and k (luminance to reach 1/2Vmax). Retinal morphology was assessed by histology (hematoxylin-eosin [HE] staining; TUNEL assay) and immunohistochemistry (rhodopsin staining). RESULTS. Vmax was higher in the STIM group compared with SHAM 1 week after light damage (mean intra-individual difference between groups 116.06 mu V; P = 0.046). The b-wave implicit time for the rod response (0.01 cd.s/m(2)) was lower in the STIM group compared with the SHAM group 2 weeks after light damage (mean intra-individual difference between groups 5.78 ms; P = 0.023); no other significant differences were found. Histological analyses showed photoreceptor cell death (TUNEL and HE) in SHAM, most pronounced in the superior hemiretina. STIM showed complete outer nuclear layer thickness preservation, reduced photoreceptor cell death, and preserved outer segment length compared with SHAM (HE and rhodopsin). CONCLUSIONS. This sham-controlled study shows that TES can protect retinal cells against mild light-induced degeneration in Sprague Dawley rats. These findings could help to establish TES as a treatment in human forms of retinal degenerative disease. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53:5552-5561) DOI: 10.1167/iovs.12-10037


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Bioenergetic analysis may be applied in order to predict microbial growth yields, based on the Gibbs energy dissipation and mass conservation principles of the overall growth reaction. The bioenergetics of the photoautotrophic growth of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis was investigated in different bioreactor configurations (tubular photobioreactor and open ponds) using different nitrogen sources (nitrate and urea) and under different light intensity conditions to determine the best growing conditions in terms of Gibbs energy dissipation, number of photons to sustain cell growth and phototrophic energy yields distribution in relation to the ATP and NADPH formation, and release of heat. Although an increase in the light intensity increased the Gibbs energy dissipated for cell growth and maintenance with both nitrogen sources, it did not exert any appreciable influence on the moles of photons absorbed by the system to produce one C-mol biomass. On the other hand, both bioenergetic parameters were higher in cultures with nitrate than with urea, likely because of the higher energy requirements needed to reduce the former nitrogen source to ammonia. They appreciably increased also when open ponds were substituted by the tubular photobioreactor, where a more efficient light distribution ensured a remarkably higher cell mass concentration. The estimated percentages of the energy absorbed by the cell showed that, compared with nitrate, the use of urea as nitrogen source allowed the system to address higher energy fractions to ATP production and light fixation by the photosynthetic apparatus, as well as a lower fraction released as heat. The best energy yields values on Gibbs energy necessary for cell growth and maintenance were achieved in up to 4-5 days of cultivation, indicating that it would be the optimum range to maintain cell growth. Thanks to this better bioenergetic situation, urea appears to be a quite promising low-cost, alternative nitrogen source for Arthrospira platensis cultures in photobioreactors. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenayya et Subba Raju (Ordem Nostocales) is one of the most troublesome bloom-forming species in Brazil. Understanding the population dynamics of the different morphotypes of C. raciborskii (straight and coiled) could assist in the prediction of favourable conditions for the proliferation of this potentially toxin-producing species. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of two different light intensities and temperatures on the growth rate and morphology of the trichomes of the straight and coiled morphotypes. For such, two non-toxin producing strains of C. raciborskii were used - one with a coiled trichome (ITEP31) and another with a straight trichome (ITEP28). The strains were cultured in BG-11 medium in a climatic chamber under controlled conditions. Two light intensities (30 and 90 mu mol.m(-2).s(-1)) were combined at temperatures of 21 and 31 degrees C and the growth rate and morphological changes were analysed. The morphotypes responded differently to the different temperatures and light intensities. Both strains exhibited faster growth velocities when submitted to higher light intensity and temperature. The lower temperature and higher luminosity hampered the development of both strains. Variations in cellular morphology and an absence of akinetes in both strains were related to the lower temperature (21 C). The coiled morphotype demonstrated considerable phenotype plasticity, changing the morphology of trichome throughout its growth curve. Although molecular analysis does not sustain the separation of the morphotypes as distinct species, their different eco-physiological responses should be considered further knowledge of extreme importance for the population control of these potentially toxic organisms.


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In this thesis we focussed on the characterization of the reaction center (RC) protein purified from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. In particular, we discussed the effects of native and artificial environment on the light-induced electron transfer processes. The native environment consist of the inner antenna LH1 complex that copurifies with the RC forming the so called core complex, and the lipid phase tightly associated with it. In parallel, we analyzed the role of saccharidic glassy matrices on the interplay between electron transfer processes and internal protein dynamics. As a different artificial matrix, we incorporated the RC protein in a layer-by-layer structure with a twofold aim: to check the behaviour of the protein in such an unusual environment and to test the response of the system to herbicides. By examining the RC in its native environment, we found that the light-induced charge separated state P+QB - is markedly stabilized (by about 40 meV) in the core complex as compared to the RC-only system over a physiological pH range. We also verified that, as compared to the average composition of the membrane, the core complex copurifies with a tightly bound lipid complement of about 90 phospholipid molecules per RC, which is strongly enriched in cardiolipin. In parallel, a large ubiquinone pool was found in association with the core complex, giving rise to a quinone concentration about ten times larger than the average one in the membrane. Moreover, this quinone pool is fully functional, i.e. it is promptly available at the QB site during multiple turnover excitation of the RC. The latter two observations suggest important heterogeneities and anisotropies in the native membranes which can in principle account for the stabilization of the charge separated state in the core complex. The thermodynamic and kinetic parameters obtained in the RC-LH1 complex are very close to those measured in intact membranes, indicating that the electron transfer properties of the RC in vivo are essentially determined by its local environment. The studies performed by incorporating the RC into saccharidic matrices evidenced the relevance of solvent-protein interactions and dynamical coupling in determining the kinetics of electron transfer processes. The usual approach when studying the interplay between internal motions and protein function consists in freezing the degrees of freedom of the protein at cryogenic temperature. We proved that the “trehalose approach” offers distinct advantages with respect to this traditional methodology. We showed, in fact, that the RC conformational dynamics, coupled to specific electron transfer processes, can be modulated by varying the hydration level of the trehalose matrix at room temperature, thus allowing to disentangle solvent from temperature effects. The comparison between different saccharidic matrices has revealed that the structural and dynamical protein-matrix coupling depends strongly upon the sugar. The analyses performed in RCs embedded in polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEM) structures have shown that the electron transfer from QA - to QB, a conformationally gated process extremely sensitive to the RC environment, can be strongly modulated by the hydration level of the matrix, confirming analogous results obtained for this electron transfer reaction in sugar matrices. We found that PEM-RCs are a very stable system, particularly suitable to study the thermodynamics and kinetics of herbicide binding to the QB site. These features make PEM-RC structures quite promising in the development of herbicide biosensors. The studies discussed in the present thesis have shown that, although the effects on electron transfer induced by the native and artificial environments tested are markedly different, they can be described on the basis of a common kinetic model which takes into account the static conformational heterogeneity of the RC and the interconversion between conformational substates. Interestingly, the same distribution of rate constants (i.e. a Gamma distribution function) can describe charge recombination processes in solutions of purified RC, in RC-LH1 complexes, in wet and dry RC-PEM structures and in glassy saccharidic matrices over a wide range of hydration levels. In conclusion, the results obtained for RCs in different physico-chemical environments emphasize the relevance of the structure/dynamics solvent/protein coupling in determining the energetics and the kinetics of electron transfer processes in a membrane protein complex.


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Increasing knowledge on the endocrine mechanisms that regulate feeding and growth in cultured fish can contribute to make improvement in fish holding conditions and feeding strategies, supporting the development of new techniques that could ameliorate feeding, food conversion efficiency and growth in aquaculture practice. The main objective of this study was to investigate how daily mRNA expression of three specific anorexigenic hormones, i.e. the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and the paralogues α- and β- proopiomelanocortin (POMC), is modulated by different photoperiods, light spectra and feeding regimes, in both adult and larvae of Solea senegalensis. In addition, as Senegalese sole exhibits a shift from diurnal to nocturnal in locomotor activity and feeding habits during metamorphic process, we tried to elucidate if this shift is accompanied by relevant daily variations in the expression of these anorexigenic hormones before, during and after the completion of metamorphosis. In order to reach this main objective, three main experiments were developed. In a first experiment, adults were reared under LD (12 h light: 12h dark) cycle and fed at mid-light (ML), mid-dark (MD) and at random (RND). In a second experiment, adult specimens were reared in constant darkness (DD) and fed at subjective mid-light (sML) or at RND. Larvae of Senegalese sole were reared under LD cycle with white, blue or red light for 40 days. Our results show an independence of crh mRNA expression from the feeding time and suggest an endogenous control of crh expression in sole. Both pomc paralogues showed significant daily rhythms under LD conditions. The rhythms were maintained or were even more robust under DD conditions for pomc_a, but were completely abolished for pomc_b. Our results indicate an endogenous control of pomc_a expression by the molecular clock in telencephalon and diencephalon, but not in the pituitary gland. Our findings confirm for the first time the significant influence that ambient lighting has on larval growth and development in Senegalese sole, revealing an important effect of light spectra upon functional elements of this species. Our results also emphasize the importance of maintaining cycling light-dark conditions of the adequate wavelengths in aquaculture practices during early development of sole.


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Clinical trials have reported statistically significant and clinically relevant effects of homeopathic preparations. We applied ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy to investigate the physical properties of homeopathic preparations and to contribute to an understanding of the not-yet-identified mode of action. In previous investigations, homeopathic preparations had significantly lower UV light transmissions than controls. The aim of this study was to explore the possible effects of external factors (UV light and temperature) on the homeopathic preparations. Homeopathic centesimal (c) dilutions, 1c to 30c, of copper sulfate (CuSO(4)), decimal dilutions of sulfur (S(8)), 1x to 30x, and controls (succussed potentization medium) were prepared, randomized, and blinded. UV transmission was measured at six different time points after preparation (from 4 to 256 days). In addition, one series of samples was exposed to UV light of a sterilization lamp for 12 h, one was incubated at 37 degrees Celsius for 24 h, and one was heated to 90 degrees Celsius for 15 min. UV light transmission values from 190 or 220 nm to 340 nm were measured several times and averaged. After each exposure, UV transmission of the homeopathic preparations of CuSO(4) was significantly reduced compared to the controls, particularly after heating to 37 degrees Celsius. Overall, the nonexposed CuSO(4) preparations did not show significantly lower UV transmission compared to controls; however, the pooled subgroup of measurements at days 26, 33, and 110 yielded significant differences. UV light transmission for S(8) preparations did not show any differences compared to controls. Our conclusion is that exposure to external factors, incubation at 37 degrees Celsius in particular, increases the difference in light transmission of homeopathic CuSO(4) preparations compared to controls.


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Color light therapy is a therapeutic method in complementary medicine. In color therapy, light of two contrasting colors is often applied in a sequential order. The aim of this study was to investigate possible physiological effects, i.e., changes in the blood volume and oxygenation in the brain and calf muscle of healthy subjects who were exposed to red and blue light in sequential order. The hypothesis was that if a subject is first exposed to blue and then red light, the effect of the red light will be enhanced due to the contrastingly different characteristics of the two colors. The same was expected for blue light, if first exposing a subject to red and then to blue light. Twelve healthy volunteers (six male, six female) were measured twice on two different days by near-infrared spectroscopy during exposure to colored light. Two sequences of colored light were applied in a controlled, randomized, crossover design: first blue, then red, and vice versa. For the brain and muscle, the results showed no significant differences in blood volume and oxygenation between the two sequences, and a high interindividual physiological variability. Thus, the hypothesis had to be rejected. Comparing these data to results from a previous study, where subjects were exposed to blue and red light without sequential color changes, shows that the results of the current study appear to be similar to those of red light exposure. This may indicate that the exposure to red light was preponderant and thus effects of blue light were outweighed.


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Avoidance of excessively deep sedation levels is problematic in intensive care patients. Electrophysiologic monitoring may offer an approach to solving this problem. Since electroencephalogram (EEG) responses to different sedation regimens vary, we assessed electrophysiologic responses to two sedative drug regimens in 10 healthy volunteers. Dexmedetomidine/remifentanil (dex/remi group) and midazolam/remifentanil (mida/remi group) were infused 7 days apart. Each combination of medications was given at stepwise intervals to reach Ramsay scores (RS) 2, 3, and 4. Resting EEG, bispectral index (BIS), and the N100 amplitudes of long-latency auditory-evoked potentials (ERP) were recorded at each level of sedation. During dex/remi, resting EEG was characterized by a recurrent high-power low-frequency pattern which became more pronounced at deeper levels of sedation. BIS Index decreased uniformly in only the dex/remi group (from 94 +/- 3 at baseline to 58 +/- 14 at RS 4) compared to the mida/remi group (from 94 +/- 2 to 76 +/- 10; P = 0.029 between groups). The ERP amplitudes decreased from 5.3 +/- 1.3 at baseline to 0.4 +/- 1.1 at RS 4 (P = 0.003) in only the mida/remi group. We conclude that ERPs in volunteers sedated with dex/remi, in contrast to mida/remi, indicate a cortical response to acoustic stimuli, even when sedation reaches deeper levels. Consequently, ERP can monitor sedation with midazolam but not with dexmedetomidine. The reverse is true for BIS.


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Changes in (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan endohydrolase (EC protein levels were investigated in segments from second leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The abundance of the enzyme protein markedly increased when leaf segments were incubated in the dark whereas the enzyme rapidly disappeared when dark-incubated segments were illuminated or fed with sucrose. Addition of cycloheximide (CHI) to the incubation medium led to the disappearance of previously synthesized (1→3,1→4)-β-glucanase and suppressed the dark-induced accumulation indicating that the enzyme was rather unstable. The degradation of (1→3,1→4)-β-glucanase was analyzed without the interference of de-novo synthesis in intercellular washing fluid (IWF). The loss of the enzyme protein during incubation of IWF (containing naturally present peptide hydrolases) indicated that the stability increased from pH 4 to pH 7 and that an increase in the temperature from 25 to 35 °C considerably decreased the stability. Chelating divalent cations in the IWF with o-phenanthroline also resulted in a lowered stability of the enzyme. A strong temperature effect in the range from 25 to 35 °C was also observed in wheat leaf segments. Diurnal changes in (1→3,1→4)-β-glucanase activity were followed in intact second leaves from young wheat plants. At the end of the dark period, the activity was high but constantly decreased during the light phase and remained low if the light period was extended. Activity returned to the initial level during a 10-h dark phase. During a diurnal cycle, changes in (1→3,1→4)-β-glucanase activity were associated with reciprocal changes in soluble carbohydrates. The results suggest that the synthesis and the proteolytic degradation of an apoplastic enzyme may rapidly respond to changing environmental conditions.


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Recently, it has been suggested that there are conditions under which some coral species appear to be resistant to the effects of ocean acidification. To test if such resistance can be explained by environmental factors such as light and food availability, the present study investigated the effect of 3 feeding regimes crossed with 2 light levels on the response of the coral Porites rus to 2 levels of pCO2 at 28 °C. After 1, 2, and 3 weeks of incubation under experimental conditions, none of the factors-including pCO2-significantly affected area-normalized calcification and biomass-normalized calcification. Biomass also was unaffected during the first 2 weeks, but after 3 weeks, corals that were fed had more biomass per unit area than starved corals. These results suggest that P. rus is resistant to short-term exposure to high pCO2, regardless of food availability and light intensity. P. rus might therefore represent a model system for exploring the genetic basis of tolerance to OA.