947 resultados para leaf area consumed measurement


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In the present study, we examined how residues of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) fertilisers affect leaf anatomical traits in Maprounea brasiliensis (Euphorbiaceae), a typical and dominant cerrado (Brazilian savannah) species adapted to dystrophic soils. We predicted that fertiliser residues would alter qualitative and quantitative aspects of M. brasiliensis leaves and would decrease their scleromorphy. Leaves were sampled from plants that were growing in soils previously fertilised with N, P and Ca and in plants that were growing in soils without fertiliser residues. We measured the thickness of the cuticle, the epidermis of adaxial and abaxial surfaces, thickness of palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma, total thickness of the leaf, total area of the midrib and leaf mass per area (LMA). We found that plants under fertiliser residues produced fewer scleromorphic leaves with low LMA, thinner cuticle and epidermis and thicker palisade and spongy parenchyma. They also showed a decrease in the size and area occupied by the leaf midvein. However, plants under fertiliser residues produced similar leaf thickness as did the plants in the control group. Our results showed that residual effects of fertilisation changed structural patterns of a typical species of cerrado. Thus, further studies about fertilisation effects on leaf traits are needed because larger areas of the central cerrado are being occupied for agricultural production. © 2013 CSIRO.


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The ecology of forest and savanna trees species will largely determine the structure and dynamics of the forest-savanna boundaries, but little is known about the constraints to leaf trait variation imposed by selective forces and evolutionary history during the process of savanna invasion by forest species. We compared seasonal patterns in leaf traits related to leaf structure, carbon assimilation, water, and nutrient relations in 10 congeneric species pairs, each containing one savanna species and one forest species. All individuals were growing in dystrophic oxisols in a fire-protected savanna of Central Brazil. We tested the hypothesis that forest species would be more constrained by seasonal drought and nutrient-poor soils than their savanna congeners. We also hypothesized that habitat, rather than phylogeny, would explain more of the interspecific variance in leaf traits of the studied species. We found that throughout the year forest trees had higher specific leaf area (SLA) but lower integrated water use efficiency than savanna trees. Forest and savanna species maintained similar values of predawn and midday leaf water potential along the year. Lower values were measured in the dry season. However, this was achieved by a stronger regulation of stomatal conductance and of CO2 assimilation on an area basis (A area) in forest trees, particularly toward the end of the dry season. Relative to savanna trees, forest trees maintained similar (P, K, Ca, and Mg) or slightly higher (N) leaf nutrient concentrations. For the majority of traits, more variance was explained by phylogeny, than by habitat of origin, with the exception of SLA, leaf N concentration, and A area, which were apparently subjected to different selective pressures in the savanna and forest environments. In conclusion, water shortage during extended droughts would be more limiting for forest trees than nutrient-poor soils. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the reproduction of the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) in soybean plants in substract with different potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) doses. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design, with 25 treatments and six replicates. A factorial scheme (5 x 5) was used with five K doses (0; 150; 300; 450; and 600 mg / dm3 ) and five Ca doses (0; 75; 150; 225; and 300 mg / dm3 ). Eighteen days after sowing, plants were inoculated with 4,000 H. glycines race 3 eggs. Thirty days after inoculation a total of three weekly evaluations were performed measuring plant height and stem diameter. Seventy days after inoculation, the following variables were analyzed: measurement of leaf blade, numbers of eggs / pot, cysts / pot, eggs / cyst, females and cysts / root system, eggs / female and the reproduction factor of H. glycines. Root and shoot dry matter were weighed. Then, K and Ca shoot contents of each sample was obtained. There was a significant interaction between K and Ca doses only for number of eggs / female. The K doses significatively influenced the numbers of cysts / pot, eggs / cyst, eggs / pot, females and cysts / root system and reproduction factor. The Ca doses did not influence significatively the nematologic variables analyzed. The K-Ca interaction affected all crop-related variables analyzed. A significative K-Ca interaction was observed for Ca contents in shoot dry matter. The K contents were only influenced by potassium doses amended to the soil.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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This study compared the morphological and anatomical variations of the leaves of four shade-tolerant tree species Allophylus edulis (St.-Hil.) Radlk (Sapindaceae), Casearia sylvestris Sw. (Salicaceae), Cupania vernalis Cambess. (Sapindaceae) and Luehea divaricata Mart. (Malvaceae) from a fragment of Araucaria forest in two developmental stages. Morphological and anatomical traits, such as leaf and tissue thickness, leaf area, leaf dry mass, specific leaf area, leaf density and stomata density were measured from 30 leaves of each developmental stage. The phenotypic plasticity index was also calculated for each quantitative trait. The results showed that the four species presented higher mean values ​​for specific leaf area and spongy/palisade parenchyma ratio at young stage, and higher mean values ​​for stomata density, total and palisade parenchyma thickness in the adult stage. The plasticity index demonstrated that L. divricata presented highest plasticity for both the morphological and anatomical traits while A. edulis displayed the lowest plasticity index. The results of this study indicated that the leaves of these species exhibited distinct morphological traits at each stage of development to cope with acting environmental factors.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The purpose of this study was to determine a shape factor to estimate area of leaflets of two peanut cultivars (IAC TATU ST, IAC RUNNER 886). Correlation studies were conducted involving real leaf area (Sf) and leaf length (C), maximum leaf width (L) and the product between C and L. For each cultivar was determined a form factor (f) by means of regression analysis between the product of the length by the width and the actual area of leaves and the correlation between leaf area estimated by the correction factor and direct measurement. All evaluated models (linear, exponential or geometric) provided good estimates of leaf area (above 87%). Linear models had the best fit, passing or not through the origin. From a practical viewpoint, it is suggested to use the linear model involving the C and L product, using a linear coefficient equal to zero, with values of factor f equal to 0.7111 and 0.7266 for IAC RUNNER 886 and IAC TATU ST, respectively. The method of dimensions is feasible for the estimation of leaf area for both peanut cultivars, for showing good r(2) values (0.97), with errors below 3%, even when used with independent data.


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Soil that has a high degree of weathering, with more inorganic P bound to Fe and Al oxides, has less P availability to plants. Thus, the critical element of a plant refers to the level below which the growth rate and plant production decreases, demonstrating the need for supplementary fertilization. Accordingly, an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at Embrapa Algodao with the objective of evaluating the response of castor plants to five doses of P in four types of soil with different adsorption characteristics and critical levels of foliar P. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 4 x 5 factorial design, four types of soil and 5 levels of P with four replications. For TCo, there was an increase in height growth, with dose of 229.6 mg dm(-3) responsible for maximum plant height (74.3 cm). The largest diameter stem (17.58 mm) was observed in CXve with an application of 229.6 mg dm(-3) of P; a decrease was seen when using higher doses. The increase in leaf area was smaller in RY (4724.8 cm(2)), where it was obtained with a dose of 280.2 mg dm(-3). In general, critical levels of P in the plant shoots did not vary much between the soils. The critical level of P in castor bean shoot dry mass was higher (4.61 g kg(-1)) in TCo, this result being directly related to the low clay content of the soil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The grains of chickpea consumed in Brazil are almost entirely imported. Considering that chickpeas presents conditions to be cultivated in some regions of Brazil, this study aimed to study interference of six weed plants (Amaranthus viridis, Bidens pilosa, Raphanus raphanistrum, Cyperus rotundus, Digitaria nuda and Eleusine indica) on the vegetative development of chickpeas. Thus, we evaluated the shoot length, number of leaves, leaf area, chlorophyll content and dry weight of leaves, stem and root of chickpeas. We observed a significant interference on the chickpeas'development in coexistence with weeds. Among the weeds, D. nuda, E. indica and A. viridis were the most aggressive, highlighting the need for early control of weeds when in cultivation of chickpeas in areas with a history of high density of these weeds. The leaf area of chickpeas was the most affected trait by the coexistence with weeds, affecting the development of the crop.


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Eucalyptus plantations occupy almost 20 million ha worldwide and exceed 3.7 million ha in Brazil alone. Improved genetics and silviculture have led to as much as a three-fold increase in productivity in Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil and the large land area occupied by these highly productive ecosystems raises concern over their effect on local water supplies. As part of the Brazil Potential Productivity Project, we measured water use of Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla clones in rainfed and irrigated stands in two plantations differing in productivity. The Aracruz (lower productivity) site is located in the state of Espirito Santo and the Veracel (higher productivity) site in Bahia state. At each plantation, we measured stand water use using homemade sap flow sensors and a calibration curve using the clones and probes we utilized in the study. We also quantified changes in growth, leaf area and water use efficiency (the amount of wood produced per unit of water transpired). Measurements were conducted for 1 year during 2005 at Aracruz and from August through December 2005 at Veracel. Transpiration at both sites was high compared to other studies but annual estimates at Aracruz for the rainfed treatment compared well with a process model calibrated for the Aracruz site (within 10%). Annual water use at Aracruz was 1394 mm in rainfed treatments versus 1779 mm in irrigated treatments and accounted for approximately 67% and 58% of annual precipitation and irrigation inputs respectively. Increased water use in the irrigated stands at Aracruz was associated with higher sapwood area, leaf area index and transpiration per unit leaf area but there was no difference in the response of canopy conductance with air saturation deficit between treatments. Water use efficiency at the Aracruz site was also not influenced by irrigation and was similar to the rainfed treatment. During the period of overlapping measurements, the response to irrigation treatments at the more productive Veracel site was similar to Aracruz. Stand water use at the Veracel site totaled 975 mm and 1102 mm in rainfed and irrigated treatments during the 5-month measurement period respectively. Irrigated stands at Veracel also had higher leaf area with no difference in the response of canopy conductance with air saturation deficit between treatments. Water use efficiency was also unaffected by irrigation at Veracel. Results from this and other studies suggest that improved resource availability does not negatively impact water use efficiency but increased productivity of these plantations is associated with higher water use and should be given consideration during plantation management decision making processes aimed at increasing productivity. Published by Elsevier B.V.