453 resultados para lavage articulaire


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A technique to standardise the analysis of cellular and non-cellular components in epithelial lining fluid (ELF) collected during saline lavage of pulmonary and pleural cavities was developed using the urea dilution method. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and pleural lavage (PL) fluids were collected from 12 clinically healthy cats. Total and differential cell counts in BAL fluid were within normal ranges for the cat, while cell Counts in PL fluid were assumed to be normal based on clinical health during examination, auscultation and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities being comparable with other species. The major clinical implication of this study was that nucleated cell counts within feline ELF could not be predicted from analysis of lavage fluid which suggests that calculation of the proportion of ELF in lavage fluid by the urea dilution method may be necessary to avoid misdiagnosis of health or disease in pulmonary or pleural cavities. (C) 2005 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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L’épaule est l’articulation la plus mobile et la plus instable du corps humain dû à la faible quantité de contraintes osseuses et au rôle des tissus mous qui lui confèrent au moins une dizaine de degrés de liberté. La mobilité de l’épaule est un facteur de performance dans plusieurs sports. Mais son instabilité engendre des troubles musculo-squelettiques, dont les déchirures de la coiffe des rotateurs sont fréquentes et les plus handicapantes. L’évaluation de l’amplitude articulaire est un indice commun de la fonction de l’épaule, toutefois elle est souvent limitée à quelques mesures planaires pour lesquelles les degrés de liberté varient indépendamment les uns des autres. Ces valeurs utilisées dans les modèles de simulation musculo-squelettiques peuvent amener à des solutions non physiologiques. L’objectif de cette thèse était de développer des outils pour la caractérisation de la mobilité articulaire tri-dimensionnelle de l’épaule, en passant par i) fournir une méthode et son approche expérimentale pour évaluer l’amplitude articulaire tridimensionnelle de l’épaule incluant des interactions entre les degrés de liberté ; ii) proposer une représentation permettant d’interpréter les données tri-dimensionnelles obtenues; iii) présenter des amplitudes articulaires normalisées, iv) implémenter une amplitude articulaire tridimensionnelle au sein d’un modèle de simulation numérique afin de générer des mouvements sportifs optimaux plus réalistes; v) prédire des amplitudes articulaires sécuritaires et vi) des exercices de rééducation sécuritaires pour des patients ayant subi une réparation de la coiffe des rotateurs. i) Seize sujets ont été réalisé séries de mouvements d’amplitudes maximales actifs avec des combinaisons entre les différents degrés de liberté de l’épaule. Un système d’analyse du mouvement couplé à un modèle cinématique du membre supérieur a été utilisé pour estimer les cinématiques articulaires tridimensionnelles. ii) L’ensemble des orientations définies par une séquence de trois angles a été inclus dans un polyèdre non convexe représentant l’espace de mobilité articulaire prenant en compte les interactions entre les degrés de liberté. La combinaison des séries d’élévation et de rotation est recommandée pour évaluer l’amplitude articulaire complète de l’épaule. iii) Un espace de mobilité normalisé a également été défini en englobant les positions atteintes par au moins 50% des sujets et de volume moyen. iv) Cet espace moyen, définissant la mobilité physiologiques, a été utilisé au sein d’un modèle de simulation cinématique utilisé pour optimiser la technique d’un élément acrobatique de lâcher de barres réalisée par des gymnastes. Avec l’utilisation régulière de limites articulaires planaires pour contraindre la mobilité de l’épaule, seulement 17% des solutions optimales sont physiologiques. En plus, d’assurer le réalisme des solutions, notre contrainte articulaire tridimensionnelle n’a pas affecté le coût de calculs de l’optimisation. v) et vi) Les seize participants ont également réalisé des séries d’amplitudes articulaires passives et des exercices de rééducation passifs. La contrainte dans l’ensemble des muscles de la coiffe des rotateurs au cours de ces mouvements a été estimée à l’aide d’un modèle musculo-squelettique reproduisant différents types et tailles de déchirures. Des seuils de contrainte sécuritaires ont été utilisés pour distinguer les amplitudes de mouvements risquées ou non pour l’intégrité de la réparation chirurgicale. Une taille de déchirure plus grande ainsi que les déchirures affectant plusieurs muscles ont contribué à réduire l’espace de mobilité articulaire sécuritaire. Principalement les élévations gléno-humérales inférieures à 38° et supérieures à 65°, ou réalisées avec le bras maintenu en rotation interne engendrent des contraintes excessives pour la plupart des types et des tailles de blessure lors de mouvements d’abduction, de scaption ou de flexion. Cette thèse a développé une représentation innovante de la mobilité de l’épaule, qui tient compte des interactions entre les degrés de liberté. Grâce à cette représentation, l’évaluation clinique pourra être plus exhaustive et donc élargir les possibilités de diagnostiquer les troubles de l’épaule. La simulation de mouvement peut maintenant être plus réaliste. Finalement, nous avons montré l’importance de personnaliser la rééducation des patients en termes d’amplitude articulaire, puisque des exercices passifs de rééducation précoces peuvent contribuer à une re-déchirure à cause d’une contrainte trop importante qu’ils imposent aux tendons.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Introduction : Le syndrome d’aspiration méconiale (SAM) est une pathologie respiratoire du nouveau-né qui, dans les cas les plus sévères, peut rester réfractaire aux traitements couramment utilisés et nécessiter in fine le recours à une oxygénation membranaire extracorporelle. Le développement d’un ventilateur liquidien par l’équipe Inolivent a ouvert une nouvelle voie thérapeutique en rendant possible l’utilisation de la ventilation liquidienne totale (VLT) qui utilise un perfluorocarbone liquide afin d’assurer les échanges gazeux tout en effectuant un lavage pulmonaire thérapeutique. En 2011, l’équipe Inolivent a montré la supériorité de la VLT pour retirer le méconium et assurer les échanges gazeux de façon plus efficace que le traitement contrôle, le lavage thérapeutique avec une solution diluée de surfactant exogène (S-LBA). À ce jour, il n’a jamais été montré la possibilité de ramener des agneaux en respiration spontanée au décours d’une VLT pour le traitement d’un SAM sévère. Les objectifs de cette étude sont i) montrer la possibilité de ramener des agneaux nouveau-nés en respiration spontanée sans aide respiratoire après le traitement d’un SAM sévère par VLT, ii) comparer l’efficacité avec le lavage par S-LBA. Méthodes : 12 agneaux nouveau-nés anesthésiés et curarisés ont été instrumentés chirurgicalement. Après l’induction d’un SAM sévère, les agneaux ont subi un lavage pulmonaire thérapeutique soit par VLT (n = 6) ou par S-LBA (n = 6). Les agneaux ont été sevrés de toute ventilation mécanique et suivit en respiration spontanée durant 36 h. Résultats : Il est possible de ramener en respiration spontanée des agneaux nouveau-nés traités par VLT pour le traitement d’un SAM sévère. Le temps nécessaire au sevrage de la ventilation mécanique conventionelle a été plus court chez le groupe S-LBA. Conclusion : Notre étude met en lumière pour la première fois connue à ce jour, la possibilité de ramener en respiration spontanée des agneaux nouveau-nés suivant une VLT dans le traitement d’un SAM sévère. Ces résultats très importants ouvrent la voie à des études sur l’utilisation de la VLT dans le traitement de détresses respiratoires aigües.


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PROBLEM Chlamydia trachomatis is a significant worldwide health problem, and the often-asymptomatic disease can result in infertility. To develop a successful vaccine, a complete understanding of the immune response to chlamydial infection and development of genital tract pathology is required. METHOD OF STUDY We utilized the murine genital model of chlamydial infection. Mice were immunized with chlamydial major outer membrane protein, and vaginal lavage was assessed for the presence of neutralizing antibodies. These samples were then pre-incubated with Chlamydia muridarum and administered to the vaginal vaults of immune-competent female BALB/c mice to determine the effect on infection. RESULTS The administration of C. muridarum in conjunction with neutralizing antibodies reduced the numbers of mice infected, but a surprising finding was that this accelerated the development of severe oviduct pathology. CONCLUSION Antibodies play an under-recognized role in chlamydial infection and pathology development, which possibly involves interaction with Th1 immunity.


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Purpose: To examine the impact of different endotracheal tube (ETT) suction techniques on regional end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) and tidal volume (VT) in an animal model of surfactant-deficient lung injury. Methods: Six 2-week old piglets were intubated (4.0 mm ETT), muscle-relaxed and ventilated, and lung injury was induced with repeated saline lavage. In each animal, open suction (OS) and two methods of closed suction (CS) were performed in random order using both 5 and 8 French gauge (FG) catheters. The pre-suction volume state of the lung was standardised on the inflation limb of the pressure-volume relationship. Regional EELV and VT expressed as a proportion of the impedance change at vital capacity (%ZVCroi) within the anterior and posterior halves of the chest were measured during and for 60 s after suction using electrical impedance tomography. Results: During suction, 5 FG CS resulted in preservation of EELV in the anterior (nondependent) and posterior(dependent) lung compared to the other permutations, but these only reached significance in the anterior regions (p\0.001 repeated-measures ANOVA). VT within the anterior, but not posterior lung was significantly greater during 5FG CS compared to 8 FG CS; the mean difference was 15.1 [95% CI 5.1, 25.1]%ZVCroi. Neither catheter size nor suction technique influenced post-suction regional EELV or VT compared to pre-suction values (repeated-measures ANOVA). Conclusions: ETT suction causes transient loss of EELV and VT throughout the lung. Catheter size exerts a greater influence than suction method, with CS only protecting against derecruitment when a small catheter is used, especially in the non-dependent lung.


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Transcutaneous immunization (TCI) involves the direct application of antigen plus adjuvant to skin, taking advantage of the large numbers of Langerhans cells and other resident skin dendritic cells, that process antigen then migrate to draining lymph nodes where immune responses are initiated. We have used this form of immunization to protect mice against genital tract and respiratory tract chlamydial infection. Protection was associated with local antibody responses in the vagina, uterus and lung as well as strong Th1 responses in the lymph nodes draining the reproductive tract and lungs respectively. In this study we show that topical application of GM-CSF to skin enhances the numbers and activation status of epidermal dendritic cells. Topical application of GM-CSF also increased the immune responses elicited by TCI. GM-CSF supplementation greatly increased cytokine (IFNgamma and IL-4) gene expression in lymph node and splenic cells compared to cells from animals immunized without GM-CSF. IgG responses in serum, uterine lavage and bronchoalveolar lavage and IgA responses in vaginal lavage were also increased by topical application of GM-CSF. The studies show that TCI induces protection against genital and respiratory tract chlamydial infections and that topical application of cytokines such as GM-CSF can enhance TCI-induced antibody and cell-mediated immunity.


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Chlamydia pneumoniae causes a range of respiratory infections including bronchitis, pharyngitis and pneumonia. Infection has also been implicated in exacerbation/initiation of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and may play a role in atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. We have used a mouse model of Chlamydia respiratory infection to determine the effectiveness of intranasal (IN) and transcutaneous immunization (TCI) to prevent Chlamydia lung infection. Female BALB/c mice were immunized with chlamydial major outer membrane protein (MOMP) mixed with cholera toxin and CpG oligodeoxynucleotide adjuvants by either the IN or TCI routes. Serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were collected for antibody analysis. Mononuclear cells from lung-draining lymph nodes were stimulated in vitro with MOMP and cytokine mRNA production determined by real time PCR. Animals were challenged with live Chlamydia and weighed daily following challenge. At day 10 (the peak of infection) animals were sacrificed and the numbers of recoverable Chlamydia in lungs determined by real time PCR. MOMP-specific antibody-secreting cells in lung tissues were also determined at day 10 post-infection. Both IN and TCI protected animals against weight loss compared to non-immunized controls with both immunized groups gaining weight by day 10-post challenge while controls had lost 6% of body weight. Both immunization protocols induced MOMP-specific IgG in serum and BAL while only IN immunization induced MOMP-specific IgA in BAL. Both immunization routes resulted in high numbers of MOMP-specific antibody-secreting cells in lung tissues (IN > TCI). Following in vitro re-stimulation of lung-draining lymph node cells with MOMP; IFNγ mRNA increased 20-fold in cells from IN immunized animals (compared to non-immunized controls) while IFNγ levels increased 6- to 7-fold in TCI animals. Ten days post challenge non-immunized animals had >7000 IFU in their lungs, IN immunized animals <50 IFU and TCI immunized animals <1500 IFU. Thus, both intranasal and transcutaneous immunization protected mice against respiratory challenge with Chlamydia. The best protection was obtained following IN immunization and correlated with IFNγ production by mononuclear cells in lung-draining LN and MOMP-specific IgA in BAL.


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Oral immunization is attractive as a delivery route because it is needle-free and useful for rapid mass vaccination programs to target pandemics or bioterrorism. This potential has not been realized for human vaccination, due to the requirement of large antigen doses and toxic (to humans) adjuvants to overcome the induction of oral tolerance and potential degradation of antigens in the stomach. To date, only oral vaccines based on live attenuated organisms have been approved for human use. In this study we describe the use of a lipid-based delivery system/adjuvant, Lipid C, for oral immunization to protect mice against genital tract chlamydial infection. Lipid C is formulated from food-grade purified and fractionated triglycerides. Bacterial shedding following vaginal challenge with Chlamydia muridarum was reduced by 50% in female mice orally immunized with the chlamydial major outer membrane protein (MOMP) formulated in Lipid C, protection equivalent to that seen in animals immunized with MOMP admixed with both cholera toxin (CT) and CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODN). Protection was further enhanced when MOMP, CT and CpG were all combined in the Lipid C matrix. Protection correlated with production of gamma interferon (IFN) by splenic T cells, a serum MOMP-specific IgG response and low but detectable levels of MOMP-specific IgA in vaginal lavage.


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Chlamydia trachomatis is a pathogen of the genital tract and ocular epithelium. Infection is established by the binding of the metabolically inert elementary body (EB) to epithelial cells. These are taken up by endocytosis into a membrane-bound vesicle termed an inclusion. The inclusion avoids fusion with host lysosomes, and the EBs differentiate into the metabolically active reticulate body (RB), which replicates by binary fission within the protected environment of the inclusion. During the extracellular EB stage of the C. trachomatis life cycle, antibody present in genital tract or ocular secretions can inhibit infection both in vivo and in tissue culture. The RB, residing within the intracellular inclusion, is not accessible to antibody, and resolution of infection at this stage requires a cell-mediated immune response mediated by gamma interferon-secreting Th1 cells. Thus, an ideal vaccine to protect against C. trachomatis genital tract infection should induce both antibody (immunoglobulin A [IgA] and IgG) responses in mucosal secretions to prevent infection by chlamydial EB and a strong Th1 response to limit ascending infection to the uterus and fallopian tubes. In the present study we show that transcutaneous immunization with major outer membrane protein (MOMP) in combination with both cholera toxin and CpG oligodeoxynucleotides elicits MOMP-specific IgG and IgA in vaginal and uterine lavage fluid, MOMP-specific IgG in serum, and gamma interferon-secreting T cells in reproductive tract-draining caudal and lumbar lymph nodes. This immunization protocol resulted in enhanced clearance of C. muridarum (C. trachomatis, mouse pneumonitis strain) following intravaginal challenge of BALB/c mice.


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Background Despite guideline recommendations, there are no published randomised controlled trial data on the efficacy of antibiotics for chronic wet cough in children. The majority of children with chronic wet cough have protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB), a recognised condition in multiple national guidelines. The authors conducted a parallel 1:1 placebo randomised controlled trial to test the hypothesis that a 2-week course of amoxycillin clavulanate is efficacious in the treatment of children with chronic wet cough. Methods 50 children (median age 1.9 years, IQR 0.9–5.1) with chronic (>3 weeks) wet cough were randomised to 2 weeks of twice daily oral amoxycillin clavulanate (22.5 mg/kg/dose) or placebo. The primary outcome was ‘cough resolution’ defined as a >75% reduction in the validated verbal category descriptive cough score within 14 days of treatment compared with baseline scores, or cessation of cough for >3 days. In selected children, flexible bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were undertaken at baseline. Results Cough resolution rates (48%) were significantly higher in children who received amoxycillin clavulanate compared with those who received placebo (16%), p=0.016. The observed difference between proportions was 0.32 (95% CI 0.08 to 0.56). Post treatment, median verbal category descriptive score in the amoxycillin clavulanate group of 0.5 (IQR 0.0–2.0) was significantly lower than in the placebo group, 2.25 (IQR 1.15–2.9) (p=0.02). Pre-treatment BAL data were consistent with PBB in the majority of children, with no significant difference between groups. Conclusion A 2-week course of amoxycillin clavulanate will achieve cough resolution in a significant number of children with chronic wet cough. BAL data support the diagnosis of PBB in the majority of these children.


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Objective To determine bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) levels of 3 innate immunity components (human alpha-defensin-2 [hBD2], mannose-binding lectin [MBL], and surfactant protein-A [SP-A], the relationship with airway neutrophilia and infection, and cytokine production of stimulated BAL cells in children with current protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB), children with resolved PBB (PBB well), and controls. Study design BAL of 102 children (mean age 2.8 years) fulfilling predefined criteria of current PBB (n=61), PBB well (n=20), and controls (n=21) was cultured (quantitative bacteriology) and viruses examined by polymerase chain reaction. hBD2, MBL, and SP-A were measured, and cytokine production of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated BAL cells were determined. Results Median hBD2 and MBL levels were significantly higher in the current PBB group (hBD2 = 164.4, IQR 0-435.5pg/mL; MBL = 1.7, 0.4-4ng/mL) than in the PBB well group (hBD2 = 0, IQR 0-85.2; MBL = 0.6, IQR 0.03-2.9) and controls (hBD2 = 3.6, IQR 0-126; MBL = 0.4, IQR 0.02-79). hBD2 was significantly higher in children with airway infection (n = 54; median 76.9, IQR 0-397.3) compared with those without (n = 48; 0, IQR 0-236.3), P=0.04. SP-A levels and cytokine production of stimulated BAL cells were similar between groups. Conclusion In children's airways, hBD2, but not MBL and SP-A, relates to inflammation and infection. In children with PBB, mechanisms involving airway hBD2 and MBL are augmented. These pulmonary innate immunity components and the ability of BAL cells to respond to stimuli are unlikely to be deficient.