390 resultados para larynx granuloma
A esquistossomose acomete 207 milhões de pessoas, com mais de 200 mil mortes anuais. Seu principal agente etiológico é o helminto Schistosoma e o principal modelo experimental, o camundongo. Linhagens de camundongos selecionadas geneticamente para susceptibilidade (TS) e resistência (TR) a tolerância imunológica constituem bons modelos para o estudo da resposta imunológica específica e inespecífica nas infecções. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a infecção experimental por S. mansoni nestes camundongos, evidenciando a imunopatologia por diversos parâmetros na fase aguda da infecção. TR e TS não diferiram quanto a penetração de cercárias, recuperação de vermes adultos, fecundidade/produtividade de ovos das fêmeas de S. mansoni, mas predominaram ovos mortos em TS. Quanto maior o número de casais, maior a probabilidade de troca de casais e regressão sexual da fêmea, além de pequena redução da produtividade de ovos. Análise ultraestrutural dos parasitos machos recuperados de TS apresentaram tubérculos edemaciados, espinhos encurtados e em menor densidade que os parasitos dos TR. O tegumento dos parasitos recuperados de TS apresentou-se desorganizado, intensamente vacuolizado e com tendência a se desprender da superfície e espinhos internalizados e células vitelínicas desorganizadas. TS desenvolveram granulomas hepáticos grandes, com fibras radiais e predomínio do estágio exsudativo-produtivo com características de fase produtiva (EP/P), enquanto camundongos TR desenvolveram granulomas menores, com fibras concêntricas e predomínio de granulomas exsudativo-produtivos. TS desenvolveu hepatomegalia mais acentuada na fase aguda da infecção e exacerbada esplenomegalia na fase crônica. A aspartato aminotransferase mais elevada nos TR foi coerente com a acentuada histólise nos granulomas iniciais dos TR. É possível que a histólise menor em TS tenha contribuído para sua intensa hepatomegalia na fase aguda. Leucócitos totais séricos aumentaram em TS, nas fases aguda e crônica, mas não em TR. TS apresentaram anemia durante a fase crônica da infecção, possivelmente devido ao desvio na hematopoiese medular para a produção de leucócitos ou apoptose das hemácias. A mieloperoxidase neutrofílica hepática e no íleo foi maior em TS e a peroxidase de eosinófilos foi mais elevada no íleo do TS. Ambas as linhagens produziram IFN-γ, mas os níveis funcionais de IFN-γ foram diferentes nas duas linhagens em cultura de células. É possível que a imunopatologia hepática grave na linhagem TS possa estar relacionada aos altos títulos IFN-γ. TS produziu IL-10 em maior quantidade, entretanto esta citocina não foi capaz de regular o crescimento exacerbado dos granulomas hepáticos. Altos títulos de IL-4 na linhagem TS também são coerentes com a exacerbação dos granulomas, pois, como a IL-13, a IL-4 induz síntese de colágeno e está relacionada ao desenvolvimento da fibrose no granuloma esquistossomótico. Observamos redução do percentual relativo de células T CD4+ hepáticas de animais infectados em ambas as linhagens e redução percentual nas subpopulações de linfócitos B na medula óssea (precursores, linfócitos B imaturos, maduros e plasmócitos) mais acentuada em TS que em TR, possivelmente devido a extensa mobilização de B imaturos induzida pela inflamação ou desvio da hematopoiese para síntese de granulócitos em TS. Quantitativamente, TR não alterou suas subpopulações de linfócitos B. TS e TR são bons modelos para estudo da resposta imunológica na infecção esquistossomótica experimental. Novos estudos são necessários para confirmar nossas propostas e compreender os mecanismos envolvidos na diferença da resposta imunológica dessas linhagens na relação schistosoma-hospedeiro.
Silicose é uma doença pulmonar causada pela inalação de partículas de sílica, na qual vários são os mediadores inflamatórios implicados. Neste estudo investigamos o envolvimento do óxido nítrico (NO) nas alterações de função pulmonar e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, em camundongos estimulados com sílica por via intranasal. Foram analisados parâmetros como i) função pulmonar (resistência e elastância) e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas ao aerossol com metacolina (3 27 mg/mL) através de sistema de pletismografia invasiva, e ii) alterações morfológicas, mediante técnicas clássicas de histologia e imuno-histoquímica. Verificamos que a instilação de partículas de sílica (10 mg) causou aumento nos níveis basais de resistência e elastância pulmonar, bem como de hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina, em tempos que variaram de 2 a 28 dias. Observamos uma correlação temporal com as alterações morfológicas no tecido pulmonar, que refletiram presença de resposta inflamatória e infiltrado celular intenso, seguidos de progressiva fibrose e formação de granulomas. Os tempos de 7 e 28 dias pós-estimulação com sílica foram selecionados para os ensaios subsequentes, por corresponderem às fases aguda e crônica da silicose experimental, respectivamente. Foram detectados níveis elevados de óxido nítrico (NO), bem como de peroxinitrito/expressão da enzima iNOS no lavado broncoalveolar e no tecido pulmonar de camundongos estimulados com sílica, respectivamente. Em outro grupo de experimentos, observamos que camundongos depletados para o gene codificante para a enzima NOS induzida (iNOS) apresentaram abolidas as respostas de aumento nos níveis basais de resistência e elastância pulmonares, bem como da hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina em comparação aos animais selvagens (C57BL/6). A inibição da resposta inflamatória e fibrótica granulomatosa foi também notada no caso dos animais nocautes para iNOS. O tratamento com 1400W, um inibidor da enzima iNOS, diminui de forma marcada as alterações de função pulmonar e fibrose tecidual verificadas nos camundongos silicóticos. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que o comprometimento da função pulmonar, representado pelo aumento na resistência/elastância e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, mostraram-se correlacionados à maior geração de NO e de peroxinitrito, assim como da expressão da enzima iNOS. A depleção do gene codificante ou, ainda, o bloqueio da enzima iNOS aboliram a resposta de comprometimento da função pulmonar e fibrose tecidual na silicose experimental. Em conjunto estes achados indicam que o NO parece ser um mediador importante no contexto da silicose, colocando-se como um alvo terapêutico em potencial no tratamento de doenças de caráter fibrótico.
A interleucina 13 (IL-13) tem sido apontada como um dos principais mediadores em processos de ativação de fibroblastos e indução de fibrose pulmonar, sendo, portanto, considerada como um alvo terapêutico importante. A silicose é uma doença pulmonar inflamatória crônica, de caráter ocupacional, caracterizada por uma intensa resposta fibrótica e granulomatosa. Com base nestas observações, tivemos por objetivo investigar o potencial efeito da administração da imunotoxina IL-13-PE38QQR (IL-13PE) sobre o modelo de silicose em camundongos. Camundongos Swiss-Webster foram anestesiados e instilados intranasalmente com partículas de sílica (10 mg), sendo a administração da IL-13PE (200ng/dia) realizada por via intranasal, uma vez ao dia em dias alternados no período entre 21 a 27 dias após a provocação. Analisamos o componente inflamatório, a deposição de colágeno e a área de granuloma avaliados através de técnicas clássicas de histologia, incluindo coloração com H&E e Picrus-sirius, ou ainda a quantificação do conteúdo de colágeno por Sircol. Os componentes de matriz extracelular fibronectina e laminina foram avaliados através de imunohistoquímica. Citocinas e quimiocinas foram quantificadas por sistema de ELISA. As medidas de função pulmonar e resposta de hiperreatividade foram realizadas através do sistema de pletismografia de corpo inteiro invasiva. Verificamos que o tratamento curativo com a IL-13PE inibiu de forma acentuada o comprometimento da função pulmonar nos camundongos silicóticos, incluindo tanto aumento da resistência como da elastância, assim como a resposta de hiperratividade das vias aéreas ao agente broncoconstrictor metacolina. De forma coerente, os animais silicóticos quando submetidos ao tratamento com IL-13PE apresentaram marcada redução do componente inflamatório pulmonar e da resposta fibrótica, atestado pela diminuição na produção de colágeno, laminina e fibronectina e redução importante da área de granuloma. De forma semelhante, as citocinas (TNF-α e TGF-) e quimiocinas (MIP-1α, MIP-2, TARC, IP-10, MDC) detectadas em quantidade aumentada no pulmão de animais silicóticos foram reduzidas pelo tratamento com a IL-13PE. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que a administração curativa da IL-13PE foi capaz de inibir os componentes inflamatórios e fibróticos da fase crônica do quadro silicótico em camundongos, o que se refletiu de forma clara na melhora da função pulmonar. Em conjunto, nossos achados indicam que a utilização da IL13PE parece constituir uma abordagem terapêutica extremamente promissora para aplicação em casos de doenças crônicas de natureza fibrótica como a silicose.
An experiment was carried out for a period of six months during October 2008 to March 2009 to investigate the health status of a snakehead, Channa punctatus through clinical and histopathological technique. Fish were collected from two fish markets of Mymensingh district. Clinically and histopathologically, it was observed that fishes from both the markets were healthy in October and March but moderately affected in November and February. In the months of December and January, 7.5- 8% of the fishes were affected clinically and showing various clinical signs like, discolouration, deep ulcer, ill health, scale loss and rough skin. Histopathologically, in the month of December and January, major observed pathologies of skin and muscle were necrosis, vacuums, fungal granuloma and loss of dermis. Gills were affected having parasitic cysts, monogenetic trematode, clubbing, loss of primary and secondary gill lamellae, hemorrhage, necrosis and hypertrophy. Vacuoles, pyknosis, hepatic necrosis, hemorrhages and fungal granuloma were observed in liver. Renal pathology included necrosis and pyknosis of kidney tubules, hemorrhages, presence of bacterial colony and vacuoles. From present findings, it was found that, fishes from urban market were more affected with diseases than pre-urban market especially in the months of December and January when compared with other months. From overall observation, C. punctatus were severely affected by epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS), dactylogyrosis, protozoan and bacterial diseases during colder months of the year.
Background: the impact of early postnatal androgen exposure on female laryngeal tissue may depend on certain characteristics of this exposure. We assessed the impact of the dose, duration, and timing of early androgen exposure on the vocal development of female subjects who had been treated for adrenocortical tumor (ACT) in childhood.Methods: the long-term effects of androgen exposure on the fundamental vocal frequency (F0), vocal pitch, and final height and the presence of virilizing signs were examined in 9 adult (age, 18.4 to 33.5 years) and 10 adolescent (13.6 to 17.8 years) female ACT patients. We also compared the current values with values obtained 0.9 years to 7.4 years after these subjects had undergone ACT surgery, a period during which they had shown normal androgen levels.Results: of the 19 subjects, 17 (89%) had been diagnosed with ACT before 4 years of age, 1 (5%) at 8.16 years, and 1 (5%) at 10.75 years. Androgen exposure (2 to 30 months) was sufficiently strong to cause pubic hair growth in all subjects and clitoromegaly in 74% (14/19) of the subjects, but did not reduce their height from the target value. Although androgen exposure induced a remarkable reduction in F0 (132 Hz) and moderate pitch virilization in 1 subject and partial F0 virilization, resulting in F0 of 165 and 169 Hz, in 2 subjects, the majority had normal F0 ranging from 189 to 245 Hz.Conclusions: Female laryngeal tissue is less sensitive to androgen exposure between birth and adrenarche than during other periods. Differential larynx sensitivity to androgen exposure in childhood and F0 irreversibility in adulthood are age-, concentration-, duration-, and timing-dependent events that may also be affected by exposure to inhibitory or stimulatory hormones. Further studies are required to better characterize each of these factors.
Field and laboratory studies were conducted from 1998 - 2005 to examine the relationship between nutritional status and mycobacteriosis in Chesapeake Bay striped bass (Morone saxatilis). A review of DNA from archived tissue blocks indicated that the disease has been present since at least 1984. Field surveys and feeding trials were conducted from 1998-1999 to determine the nutritional condition of striped bass and the association with disease state. Proximate composition revealed elevated moisture (~ 80%) and low storage lipids (< 0.5% ww), characteristic of a poorly nourished population. These findings were not consistent with data collected in 1990-1991, or with experimentally fed fish. Mycobacteriosis explained little of the variance in chemical composition (p > 0.2); however elevated moisture and low lipid concentration were associated with fish with ulcerative lesions (p < 0.05). This suggests that age 3 and 4 striped bass were in poor nutritional health in 1998-1999, which may be independent from the disease process. Challenge studies were performed to address the hypothesis that disease progression and severity may be altered by nutritional status of the host. Intraperitoneal inoculation of 104 CFU M. marinum resulted in high mortality, elevated bacterial density, and poor granuloma formation in low ration (0.15% bw/d) groups while adequately fed fish (1% bw/d) followed a normal course of granulomatous inflammation with low mortality to a steady, equilibrium state. Further, we demonstrated that an active inflammatory state could be reactivated in fish through reductions in total diet. The energetic demand of mycobacteriosis, was insignificant in comparison to sham inoculated controls in adequately fed fish (p > 0.05). Declines in total body energy were only apparent during active, inflammatory stages of disease. Overall, these findings suggest that: 1) mycobacteriosis is not a new disease of Chesapeake Bay striped bass, 2) the disease has little energetic demand in the normal, chronic progression, and 3) poor nutritional health can greatly enhance the progression and severity, and reactivation of disease. The implications of this research are that management strategies focused on enhancing the nutritional state of striped bass could potentially alter the disease dynamics in Chesapeake Bay.
Humans and song-learning birds communicate acoustically using learned vocalizations. The characteristic features of this social communication behavior include vocal control by forebrain motor areas, a direct cortical projection to brainstem vocal motor neurons, and dependence on auditory feedback to develop and maintain learned vocalizations. These features have so far not been found in closely related primate and avian species that do not learn vocalizations. Male mice produce courtship ultrasonic vocalizations with acoustic features similar to songs of song-learning birds. However, it is assumed that mice lack a forebrain system for vocal modification and that their ultrasonic vocalizations are innate. Here we investigated the mouse song system and discovered that it includes a motor cortex region active during singing, that projects directly to brainstem vocal motor neurons and is necessary for keeping song more stereotyped and on pitch. We also discovered that male mice depend on auditory feedback to maintain some ultrasonic song features, and that sub-strains with differences in their songs can match each other's pitch when cross-housed under competitive social conditions. We conclude that male mice have some limited vocal modification abilities with at least some neuroanatomical features thought to be unique to humans and song-learning birds. To explain our findings, we propose a continuum hypothesis of vocal learning.
Pathogenic mycobacteria induce the formation of complex cellular aggregates called granulomas that are the hallmark of tuberculosis. Here we examine the development and consequences of vascularization of the tuberculous granuloma in the zebrafish-Mycobacterium marinum infection model, which is characterized by organized granulomas with necrotic cores that bear striking resemblance to those of human tuberculosis. Using intravital microscopy in the transparent larval zebrafish, we show that granuloma formation is intimately associated with angiogenesis. The initiation of angiogenesis in turn coincides with the generation of local hypoxia and transcriptional induction of the canonical pro-angiogenic molecule Vegfaa. Pharmacological inhibition of the Vegf pathway suppresses granuloma-associated angiogenesis, reduces infection burden and limits dissemination. Moreover, anti-angiogenic therapies synergize with the first-line anti-tubercular antibiotic rifampicin, as well as with the antibiotic metronidazole, which targets hypoxic bacterial populations. Our data indicate that mycobacteria induce granuloma-associated angiogenesis, which promotes mycobacterial growth and increases spread of infection to new tissue sites. We propose the use of anti-angiogenic agents, now being used in cancer regimens, as a host-targeting tuberculosis therapy, particularly in extensively drug-resistant disease for which current antibiotic regimens are largely ineffective.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is one of the most successful human pathogens. It kills every year approximately 1.5 - 2 million people, and at present a third of the human population is estimated to be infected. Fortunately, only a relatively small proportion of the infected individuals will progress to active disease, and most will maintain a latent infection. Although a latent infection is clinically silent and not contagious, it can reactivate to cause highly contagious pulmonary tuberculosis, the most prevalent form of the disease in adults. Therefore, a thorough understanding of latency and reactivation may help to develop novel control strategies against tuberculosis. The most widely held view is that the mycobacteria are imprisoned in granulomatous structures during latency, where they can survive in a non-replicating, dormant form until reactivation occurs. However, there is no hard data to sustain that the reactivating mycobacteria are indeed those that laid dormant within the granulomas. In this review an alternative model, based on evidence from early studies, as well as recent reports is presented, in which the latent mycobacteria reside outside granulomas, within non-macrophage cell types throughout the infected body. Potential implications for new diagnostic and vaccine design are discussed.
Leukocyte-derived matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are implicated in the tissue destruction characteristic of tuberculosis (TB). The contribution of lung stromal cells to MMP activity in TB is unknown. Oncostatin M (OSM) is an important stimulus to extrapulmonary stromal MMP induction, but its role in regulation of pulmonary MMP secretion or pathophysiology of TB is unknown. We investigated OSM secretion from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)-infected human monocytes/macrophages and the networking effects of such OSM on lung fibroblast MMP secretion. Mtb increased monocyte OSM secretion dose dependently in vitro. In vivo tuberculous granulomas immunostained positively for OSM. Further, conditioned media from Mtb-infected monocytes (CoMTb) induced monocyte OSM secretion (670 ± 55 versus 166 ± 14 pg/mL in controls), implicating an autocrine loop. Mtb-induced OSM secretion was prostaglandin (PG) sensitive, and required activation of surface G-protein coupled receptors. OSM induction was ERK MAP kinase dependent, p38-requiring but JNK-independent. OSM synergized with TNF-, a key cytokine in TB granuloma formation, to stimulate pulmonary fibroblast MMP-1/-3 secretion, while suppressing secretion of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases-1/-2. In summary, Mtb infection of monocytes results in PG-dependent OSM secretion, which synergizes with TNF- to drive functionally unopposed fibroblast MMP-1/-3 secretion, demonstrating a previously unrecognized role for OSM in TB.
Bronchopulmonary C-fibers and a subset of mechanically sensitive, acid-sensitive myelinated sensory nerves play essential roles in regulating cough. These vagal sensory nerves terminate primarily in the larynx, trachea, carina and large intrapulmonary bronchi. Other bronchopulmonary sensory nerves, sensory nerves innervating other viscera as well as somatosensory nerves innervating the chest wall, diaphragm and abdominal musculature regulate cough patterning and cough sensitivity. The responsiveness and morphology of the airway vagal sensory nerve subtypes and the extrapulmonary sensory nerves that regulate coughing are described. The brainstem and higher brain control systems that process this sensory information are complex, but our current understanding of them is considerable and increasing. The relevance of these neural systems to clinical phenomena, such as urge to cough and psychological methods for treatment of dystussia, is high and modern imaging methods have revealed potential neural substrates for some features of cough in the human.
Background: The association between body size and head and neck cancers (HNCA) is unclear, partly because of the biases in case–control studies. Methods: In the prospective NIH–AARP cohort study, 218,854 participants (132,288 men and 86,566 women), aged 50 to 71 years, were cancer free at baseline (1995 and 1996), and had valid anthropometric data. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to examine the associations between body size and HNCA, adjusted for current and past smoking habits, alcohol intake, education, race, and fruit and vegetable consumption, and reported as HR and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: Until December 31, 2006, 779 incident HNCAs occurred: 342 in the oral cavity, 120 in the oro- and hypopharynx, 265 in the larynx, 12 in the nasopharynx, and 40 at overlapping sites. There was an inverse association between HNCA and body mass index, which was almost exclusively among current smokers (HR = 0.76 per each 5 U increase; 95% CI, 0.63–0.93), and diminished as initial years of follow-up were excluded. We observed a direct association with waist-to-hip ratio (HR = 1.16 per 0.1 U increase; 95% CI, 1.03–1.31), particularly for cancers of the oral cavity (HR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.17–1.67). Height was also directly associated with total HNCAs (P = 0.02), and oro- and hypopharyngeal cancers (P < 0.01). Conclusions: The risk of HNCAs was associated inversely with leanness among current smokers, and directly with abdominal obesity and height. Impact: Our study provides evidence that the association between leanness and risk of HNCAs may be due to effect modification by smoking. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 23(11); 2422–9. ©2014 AACR.
BACKGROUND: Head and neck (H&N) cancers are a heterogeneous group of malignancies, affecting various sites, with different prognoses. The aims of this study are to analyse survival for patients with H&N cancers in relation to tumour location, to assess the change in survival between European countries, and to investigate whether survival improved over time.
METHODS: We analysed about 250,000 H&N cancer cases from 86 cancer registries (CRs). Relative survival (RS) was estimated by sex, age, country and stage. We described survival time trends over 1999-2007, using the period approach. Model based survival estimates of relative excess risks (RERs) of death were also provided by country, after adjusting for sex, age and sub-site.
RESULTS: Five-year RS was the poorest for hypopharynx (25%) and the highest for larynx (59%). Outcome was significantly better in female than in male patients. In Europe, age-standardised 5-year survival remained stable from 1999-2001 to 2005-2007 for laryngeal cancer, while it increased for all the other H&N cancers. Five-year age-standardised RS was low in Eastern countries, 47% for larynx and 28% for all the other H&N cancers combined, and high in Ireland and the United Kingdom (UK), and Northern Europe (62% and 46%). Adjustment for sub-site narrowed the difference between countries. Fifty-four percent of patients was diagnosed at advanced stage (regional or metastatic). Five-year RS for localised cases ranged between 42% (hypopharynx) and 74% (larynx).
CONCLUSIONS: This study shows survival progresses during the study period. However, slightly more than half of patients were diagnosed with regional or metastatic disease at diagnosis. Early diagnosis and timely start of treatment are crucial to reduce the European gap to further improve H&N cancers outcome.