976 resultados para large cell carcinoma


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O Mesotelioma peritoneal maligno é um tumor maligno relacionado frequentemente com exposição prolongada a fibras de amianto, de mau prognóstico, de diagnóstico geralmente tardio, face à pouca expressão clínica na fase inicial da doença. Como o mesotelioma evolui geralmente só na cavidade peritoneal, doentes seleccionados poderão ter maior sobrevivência se for possível a peritonectomia extensa e quimioterapia hipertérmica intraperitoneal intraoperatória. Os autores referem a sincronicidade ainda não descrita, de mesotelioma peritoneal maligno primário e carcinoma de Grawitz. São revistos concisamente: a clínica destes tumores, síndromes paraneoplásicos (disfunção bioquímica hepática, emagrecimento extremo); etiopatogenia da acção cancerígena das fibras de amianto; mecanismos de disseminação intraperitoneal; avaliação tomodensitométrica; importância da imunohistoquímica no diagnóstico histopatológico; estadiamento; importância do tratamento multidisciplinar destes tumores.


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Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare malignant and primary neuroendocrine carcinoma with several known risk factors. Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment are critical. We report the case of an 82-year old woman with a Merkel cell carcinoma on the face. Clinical and histopathological features are presented. In addition, dermoscopic features and the differential diagnosis of this rare tumor are discussed. Although nodules with atypical dermoscopic vascular pattern and milky-red areas will end up being excised, this report adds more clues to the rarely described dermoscopic morphologic presentation of MCC.


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Unusually aggressive forms of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma are being increasingly recognized as a complication of HIV infection. We report the case of a 59-year-old male patient with advanced HIV infection who presented with a highly aggressive SCC lesion over the scalp area with destruction of the underlying parietal bone and fulminant clinical progression.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze surgical and pathological parameters and outcome and prognostic factors of patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who were admitted to a single institution, as well as to correlate these findings to the current staging system. METHOD: Seven hundred and thirty seven patients were diagnosed with NSCLC and admitted to Hospital do Cancer A. C. Camargo from 1990 to 2000. All patients were included in a continuous prospective database, and their data was analyzed. Following staging, a multidisciplinary team decision on adequate management was established. Variables included in this analysis were age, gender, histology, Karnofsky index, weight loss, clinical stage, surgical stage, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and survival rates. RESULTS: 75.5% of patients were males. The distribution of histologic type was squamous cell carcinoma 51.8%, adenocarcinoma 43.1%, and undifferentiated large cell carcinoma 5.1%. Most patients (73%) presented significant weight loss and a Karnofsky index of 80%. Clinical staging was IA 3.8%, IB 9.2%, IIA 1.4%, IIB 8.1%, IIIA 20.9%, IIIB 22.4%, IV 30.9%. Complete tumor resection was performed in 24.6% of all patients. Surgical stage distribution was IA 25.3%, IB 1.4%, IIB 17.1%, IIIA 16.1%, IIIB 20.3%, IV 11.5%. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were considered therapeutic options in 43% and 72%, respectively. The overall 5-year survival rate of nonsmall cell lung cancer patients in our study was 28%. Median survival was 18.9 months. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with NSCLC who were admitted to our institution presented with histopathologic and clinical characteristics that were similar to previously published series in cancer hospitals. The best prognosis was associated with complete tumor resection with lymph node dissection, which is only achievable in earlier clinical stages.


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El carcinoma basocelular (CBC) representa el tumor maligno más frecuente de la piel en personas de raza blanca. Incide en mayores de 50 años de edad e infiltra los tejidos, pero rara vez ocasiona metástasis. En trabajos anteriores, observamos imágenes de cuerpos apoptóticos con MOAR (microscopía óptica de alta resolución), en pieles portadoras de CBC. Todas las células eucariotas poseen una maquinaria enzimática que interviene en la apoptosis. Estas enzimas son las proteincinasas pertenecientes a la familia de las caspasas. Se sintetizan como procaspasas, las cuales una vez activadas, actúan sobre otra caspasa en una reacción secuencial en cadena. Se reconoce que la apoptosis juega un rol importante en el balance y mantenimiento de los tejidos. Hipótesis: -Investigar si la expresión de metaloproteasas y caspasas en las células del CBC promueven y contribuyen a la progresión y extensión tumoral. Objetivos:-Profundizar el conocimiento de la conducta biológica del CBC, en referencia a la relación de los patrones de crecimiento macro y microscópicos del tumor, enfatizando en la expresión de metaloproteasas (colagenasa-3 y streptomelisina), CD-31, Ki-67, oncoproteína bcl-2 y caspasas, mediante la implementación de técnicas de inmunohistoquímica. -Analizar a nivel morfológico la presencia de cuerpos apoptóticos por medio de MOAR y determinar si influyen en la conducta biológica del tumor. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizará un estudio retrospectivo y prospectivo de pacientes asistidos en el Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Nacional de Clínicas, desde el año 2000. Se utilizarán tomas incisionales de piel, que se fijarán en formol neutro al 10 por ciento y luego serán procesadas e incluidas en parafina y coloreadas con H-E (hematoxilina-eosina). Especimenes seleccionados, se utilizarán para técnicas de MOAR e inmunocitoquímica. El material para MOAR, se fijará en Karnovsky enfriado a pH 7,2 y se incluirá en resinas epóxicas, seccionados con un ultramicrótomo Porter BluMT1 (1micra) y coloreados con P.A.S. azul de toluidina, fuscina básica y metenamina-plata. La aplicación de las técnicas inmunohistoquímicas, se utilizaran sobre cortes desparafinados con xilol, que permitirán investigar en forma retrospectiva y prospectiva la matriz extracelular (MEC) y los elementos neoplásicos. Los anticuerpos monoclonales a utilizar serán: Colageno tipo IV clone CIV 22 M0785 monoclonal antibody (DAKO), CD44 clone E29 M0613 monoclonal antibody (DAKO), Oncoproteina bcl-2 clone 124 M0887 monoclonal antibody (DAKO), CD31: clone 35 BH11 MO631 monoclonal antibody (DAKO) K-167 clone PC10 M0879 monoclonal antibody.(DAKO) bclx y Caspasa 8. Metodología Estadística Los resultados serán evaluados mediante: a) Varianza Anova; para datos con distribución gausiana como media, SD. b) Krusal Walles; para rasgos de distribución no gausiana. c) Chi2 para determinar la diferencia significativa para proporciones. Resultados esperados: Del análisis histomorfológico cualitativo y cuantitativo de biopsias de piel con CBC, aportar determinaciones que clarifiquen la conducta biológica de este tumor.- Importancia del Proyecto: El CBC es una entidad que está aumentando su incidencia en forma exponencial, debido sobre todo a pautas sociales. No sólo ocasiona trastornos en los pacientes, sino que también, representa gastos en el sistema de salud. Asimismo, significa un desafío para la investigación. Esto permite explorar aspectos de la biología molecular, a partir de una entidad que posee características únicas.


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Targeting mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) is an effective approach in the treatment of advanced RCC (renal cell carcinoma). Rapamycin-like drugs (rapalogues) have shown clinical activities and have been approved for the treatment of RCC. Recently, with the development of ATP-competitive inhibitors of mTOR, therapies targeting mTOR have entered a new era. Here, we discuss the biological relevance of blocking mTOR in RCC and review the mechanisms of action of rapalogues in RCC. We also advance some perspectives on the use of ATP-competitive inhibitors of mTOR in RCC.


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Despite advances in the diagnosisand treatment of head and neck cancer,survival rates have not improvedover recent years. New therapeuticstrategies, including immunotherapy,are the subject of extensive research.In several types of tumors, the presenceof tumor infiltrating lymphocytes(TILs), notably CD8+ T cellsand dendritic cells, has been correlatedwith improved prognosis. Moreover,some T cells among TILs havebeen shown to kill tumor cells in vitroupon recognition of tumor-associatedantigens. Tumor associated antigensare expressed in a significant proportionof squamous cell carcinoma ofthe head and neck and apparently mayplay a role in the regulation of cancercell growth notably by inhibition ofp53 protein function in some cancers.The MAGE family CT antigens couldtherefore potentially be used as definedtargets for immunotherapy andtheir study bring new insight in tumorgrowth regulation mechanisms. Between1995 - 2005 54 patients weretreated surgically in our institution forsquamous cell carcinoma of the oralcavity. Patient and clinical data wasobtained from patient files and collectedinto a computerized database.For each patient, paraffin embeddedtumor specimens were retrieved andexpression of MAGE CT antigens,p53, NY-OESO-1 were analyzed byimmunohistochemistry. Results werethen correlated with histopathologicalparameter such as tumor depth,front invasion according to Bryne andboth, local control and disease freesurvival. MAGE-A was expressed in52% of patients. NY-ESO-1 and p53expression was found in 7% and 52%cases respectively. A higher tumordepth was significantly correlatedwith expression of MAGE-Aproteins(p = 0.03). No significant correlationcould be made between the expressionof both p53 andNY-OESO-1 andhistopathological parameters. Expressionof tumor-associated antigendid not seem to impact significantlyon patient prognosis. As does thedemonstration of p53 function inhibitionby CT antigens of MAGE family,our results suggest, that tumor associatedantigens may be implicated in tumorprogression mechanisms. Thishypothesis need further investigationto clarify the relationship betweenhost immune response and local tumorbiology.


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Cancer-testis (CT) antigens comprise families of tumor-associated antigens that are immunogenic in patients with various cancers. Their restricted expression makes them attractive targets for immunotherapy. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of several CT genes and evaluate their prognostic value in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The pattern and level of expression of 12 CT genes (MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3, MAGE-A4, MAGE-A10, MAGE-C2, NY-ESO-1, LAGE-1, SSX-2, SSX-4, BAGE, GAGE-1/2, GAGE-3/4) and the tumor-associated antigen encoding genes PRAME, HERV-K-MEL, and NA-17A were evaluated by RT-PCR in a panel of 57 primary HNSCC. Over 80% of the tumors expressed at least 1 CT gene. Coexpression of three or more genes was detected in 59% of the patients. MAGE-A4 (60%), MAGE-A3 (51%), PRAME (49%) and HERV-K-MEL (42%) were the most frequently expressed genes. Overall, the pattern of expression of CT genes indicated a coordinate regulation; however there was no correlation between expression of MAGE-A3/A4 and BORIS, a gene whose product has been implicated in CT gene activation. The presence of MAGE-A and NY-ESO-1 proteins was verified by immunohistochemistry. Analysis of the correlation between mRNA expression of CT genes with clinico-pathological characteristics and clinical outcome revealed that patients with tumors positive for MAGE-A4 or multiple CT gene expression had a poorer overall survival. Furthermore, MAGE-A4 mRNA positivity was prognostic of poor outcome independent of clinical parameters. These findings indicate that expression of CT genes is associated with a more malignant phenotype and suggest their usefulness as prognostic markers in HNSCC.


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There are numerous variants of cutaneous tumors involving the eyelids. Tumors of a different nature may at times be observed simultaneously in the same area of the eyelid. A clinicopathologic case of a 36-year-old male patient with 2 different cutaneous tumors at the nasal part of the left eyelid is reported. One was a nodular tumor on the inner canthus with a pearly appearance; the other had a papillomatous pattern. After surgical removal, the histopathological study of the tumors disclosed a typical basal cell carcinoma and a squamous cell papilloma. Both tumors can be commonly observed on the eyelids and surgical excision cured the patient.


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The treatment of morphoeic (or sclerosing) basal cell carcinoma (mBCC) of the face is associated with high rates of incomplete excision and recurrence. A principal risk factor for incomplete resection is the grade of surgeon. We did a prospective, randomised study of 40 consecutive patients with mBCC of the face. The extent of the tumour was assessed under standard conditions by consultant surgeons and compared with assessments by resident surgeons with the help of the Varioscope, a combination of microscope and loupe glasses with strong illumination and a maximal magnification of 7x. The data from a former retrospective study of all excisions of mBCC of the face during a five-year period at the hospital served as control. Residents with the support of the Varioscope achieved a rate of incomplete excisions similar to that of consultants under standard conditions. There was a significant reduction of the rate of incomplete resections by resident surgeons thanks to high magnification and good lighting (p=0.02). High magnification and good lighting were useful in learning how to recognise skin changes associated with mBCC of the face and achieving a low rate of incomplete excisions.


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Basal cell carcinoma of the skin is the most common human cancer. It is also the most frequent malignant tumor of the eyelid. In Europe, its most common clinical presentation is a hard indurated, and sometimes ulcerated nodule. The authors report a giant palpebral basal cell carcinoma in a black non albinos Cameroonian patient. The ethnic origin, localization and macroscopic aspect are discussed. The problems connected with diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors in Africa are noted.


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In the past decades, prognosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) has not improved despite substantial progress in treatment options. Since antitumoral immunity was described, immunotherapy has shown promising results as an adjunctive treatment in various cancer types. Tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) have been identified and shown to stimulate selective T-cell-mediated antitumoral immune response. This article briefly reviews the work done in the field of immunotherapy of HNSCC in the past few years. It gives confidence that immunotherapy may play an important role in the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Among various TAAs, the family of cancer testis antigens (CTAs) may be promising candidates for specific immune therapy in HNSCC. Ongoing studies will confirm whether CTAs may generate an immune response in clinical vaccine trials.


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Appraisal consultation document - Cetuximab for the treatment of recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell cancer of the head and neck.To take part in the 'Cetuximab for the treatment of metastatic and/or recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: appraisal consultation'


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Introduction: Development of a squamous cell carcinoma (Marjolin's ulcer) is a rare but well-known complication of chronic discharging osteomyelitis. A high index of suspicion and highquality of histopathological examination are paramount in order to make the correct diagnosis. Methods: During a 15-year period (1993 and 2008), patients with long-standing chronic osteomyelitis with clinical symptoms of >1 year of duration, were retrospectively reviewed. Included were patients with histologically confirmed squamous-cell carcinoma associated with chronic wound overlying the site of chronic osteomyelitis. Clinical features and treatment approaches of these patients were analyzed. Results: During the study period, 6 patients were identified (2 women and 4 men) aged 52 to 67 years (mean 59 years). All patients had a long history of chronic discharging osteomyelitis (12, 19, 21, 30, 39 and 40 years), localized in the lower (5 patients) or upper extremitiy (1 patient). All tumors were histologically highly-differentiated squamous-cell carcinomas involving the deep soft tissues and the bone. 5 of 6 patients were initially misdiagnosed as chronic bone infection since bacteria were isolated in wound swabs, including Staphylococcus aureus (n = 3), Escherichia coli (n = 1) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (n = 1). Treatment consisted of major amputation in 4 patients and radical surgical excision in 2 patients refusing amputation. 4 patients were lost to follow-up due to return to their country of origin, the remaining 2 patients were without signs of tumor recurrence (both after major amputation). Conclusion: Malignant transformation of is a rare, but serious complication of long-standing discharging chronic osteomyelitis. All 6 patients were diagnosed after >10 years of persistent or recurrent wounds. It should be particularly suspected in case of a pathological fracture, development of exophytic mass and changes in local pattern of the ulcers itself. Multiple biopsies, including deep soft tissues and bone, are recommended to distinguish between chronic osteomyelitis, pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and highly-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Early diagnosis and a team approach (orthopaedic and plastic surgeon) are crucial for optimal management of the patient