986 resultados para lagoon of islands


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Habitat loss and fragmentation have been implicated as driving forces behind recent waves of extinction. The regional landscape where this study occurred is a mosaic of forest and grassland, and therefore provides an ideal system with which to investigate the implications of habitat patchiness for the distribution and ecology of organisms. Here I describe patterns of amphibian and reptile distribution among and within habitats at the study site, investigate associations between habitat and community structure, describe nested subset patterns on forest islands, and quantify the relationship between body size and density across ecological scales and taxonomic groups. ^ Species richness did not vary across habitats, between forest island isolation classes or between island edges and cores. In contrast, species composition varied at all three ecological scales, reflecting differences in the distribution of both forest and open-habitat affiliated species. Species composition was associated with multivariate habitat profiles, with differences occurring along the isolation gradient of forest islands rather than the area gradient. The relationship between species composition and habitat was stronger for amphibians than for reptiles, a pattern that may be ascribed to physiological differences between the two groups. Analysis of nested subset pattern of community structure indicated that species composition of islands is nested as a function of isolation. Four species whose distribution on forest islands seems to be dispersal-limited drive the relationship between nestedness and isolation. Although there were several examples of shifts in body size across spatial scales and taxonomic groups, body size was not associated with density as predicted by theory, which may reflect differences between real and habitat islands, or differential responses of poikilothermic vertebrates to changes in density relative to homeotherms. ^ Taken together, the strongest result to emerge from this research is the importance of isolation, rather than area, on community structure in this system. Much evidence suggested that different ecological groups of species show distinct patterns of distribution both within and among habitat types. This suggests that species distributions at this site are not the result of 'neutral' processes at the community level, but rather reflect fundamental differences in the ecology of component species. ^


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In 2005 we initiated a project designed to better understand tree island structure and function in the Everglades and the wetlands bordering it. Focus was on the raised portions at the upstream end of the islands, where tropical hardwood species adapted to well-drained conditions usually are the most prominent component of the vegetation. The study design is hierarchical, with four levels; in general, a large number of sites is to be surveyed once for a limited set of parameters, and increasingly small sets of islands are to be sampled more intensively, more frequently, and for more aspects of ecosystem function. During the first year of the 3-year study, we completed surveys of 41 Level 1 (i.e., the least intensive level) islands, and established permanent plots in two and three islands of Levels 2 and 4 intensity, respectively. Tree species richness and structural complexity was highest in Shark Slough “hammocks”, while islands in Northeast Shark Slough and Water Conservation Area 3B, which receive heavy human use, were simpler, more park-like communities. Initial monitoring of soil moisture in Level 4 hammocks indicated considerable local variation, presumably associated with antecedent rainfall and current water levels in the adjacent marsh. Tree islands throughout the study area were impacted significantly by Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma in 2005, but appear to be recovering rapidly. As the project continues to include more islands and repeated measurements, we expect to develop a better grasp of tree island dynamics across the Everglades ecosystem, especially with respect to moisture relations and water levels in the adjacent marsh. The detailed progress report which follows is also available online at http://www.fiu.edu/~serp1/projects/treeislands/tree_islands_2005_annual_report.pd


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Tree islands, a prominent feature in both the marl prairie and ridge and slough landscapes of the Everglades, are sensitive to large-scale restoration actions associated with the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) authorized by the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) 2000 to restore the south Florida ecosystem. More specifically, changes in hydrologic regimes at both local and landscape scales are likely to affect the internal water economy of islands, which in turn will influence plant community structure and function. To strengthen our ability to assess the “performance” of tree island ecosystems and predict how these hydrologic alterations would translate into ecosystem response, an improved understating of reference conditions of vegetation structure and function, and their responses to major stressors is important. In this regard, a study of vegetation structure and composition in relation to associated physical and biological processes was initiated in 2005 with initial funding from Everglades National Park and South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). The study continued through 2011 with funding from US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) (Cooperative Agreement # W912HZ-09-2-0019 Modification No.: P00001).


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Lithofacial types of sediments formed in certain geographic and physical-chemical conditions of the Pacific Ocean are distinguished and characterized. It is shown that the regular change of bottom sediment types forming a genetic series from the coast to the pelagic zone clearly demonstrates a leading role of biogenic-terrigenous sedimentation in their formation. In the pelagic zone of the ocean erosion of islands and seamounts, basalt volcanism of anticlinal uplifts, as well as exhalative contribution play some role in addition to the main source of terrigenous and pyroclastic material from continents. These sources do not change, but only complicate terrigenous sedimentation in the studied area of the ocean.


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Historical archaeology, in its narrow temporal sense -as an archaeology of the emergence and subsequent evolution of the Modern world- is steadily taking pace in Spanish academia. This paper aims at provoking a more robust debate through understanding how Spanish historical archaeology is placed in the international scene and some of its more relevant particularities. In so doing, the paper also stresses the strong links that have united historical and prehistorical archaeology since its inception, both in relation to the ontological, epistemological and methodological definition of the first as to the influence of socio-political issues in the latter. Such reflection is partly a situated reflection from prehistory as one of the paper’s authors has been a prehistorian for most of her professional life.


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The aim of this paper is to make a characterization of water quality problems, in the river Vouga, regarding its use for public water supply. The river Vouga basin is located in a mountainous area, draining to the coastal lagoon of the Ria de Aveiro. Other medium size rivers also contribute to the load of pollution entering the estuarine system of the Ria de Aveiro. Two major impacts of the pollution in the river Vouga basin were identified. One is the eutrophication process of the lower reach of the river, including the Ria de Aveiro; the other is the occasional deterioration in the quality of the water abstracted from the medium reach of river Vouga. The causes of this deterioration are related to the enrichment of the river water with organic material. To improve the river water quality, both urban wastewater and agriculture related sources, must be controlled.


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Small-scale spatial and temporal variability in animal abundance is an intrinsic characteristic of marine ecosystems but remains largely unknown for most animals, including coral reef fishes. In this study, we used a remote autonomous unbaited video system and recorded reef fish assemblages during daylight hours, 10 times a day for 34 consecutive days in a branching coral patch of the lagoon of New Caledonia. In total, 50 031 fish observations belonging to 114 taxa, 66 genera and 31 families were recorded in 256 recorded videos. Carnivores and herbivore-detritus feeders dominated the trophic structure. We found significant variations in the composition of fish assemblages between times of day. Taxa richness and fish abundance were greater in the early morning and in the late afternoon than during the day. Fourteen taxa displayed well-defined temporal patterns in abundance with one taxon influenced by time of day, six influenced by tidal state and seven influenced by both time of day and tidal state. None of these 14 taxa were piscivores, 10 were herbivore-detritus feeders, three were carnivores and one was plankton feeder. Our results suggest a diel migration from feeding grounds to shelter areas and highlight the importance of taking into account small-scale temporal variability in animal diversity and abundance when studying connectivity between habitats and monitoring communities.


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Cost estimating has been acknowledged as a crucial component of construction projects. Depending on available information and project requirements, cost estimates evolve in tandem with project lifecycle stages; conceptualisation, design development, execution and facility management. The premium placed on the accuracy of cost estimates is crucial to producing project tenders and eventually in budget management. Notwithstanding the initial slow pace of its adoption, Building Information Modelling (BIM) has successfully addressed a number of challenges previously characteristic of traditional approaches in the AEC, including poor communication, the prevalence of islands of information and frequent reworks. Therefore, it is conceivable that BIM can be leveraged to address specific shortcomings of cost estimation. The impetus for leveraging BIM models for accurate cost estimation is to align budgeted and actual cost. This paper hypothesises that the accuracy of BIM-based estimation, as more efficient, process-mirrors of traditional cost estimation methods, can be enhanced by simulating traditional cost estimation factors variables. Through literature reviews and preliminary expert interviews, this paper explores the factors that could potentially lead to more accurate cost estimates for construction projects. The findings show numerous factors that affect the cost estimates ranging from project information and its characteristic, project team, clients, contractual matters, and other external influences. This paper will make a particular contribution to the early phase of BIM-based project estimation.


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Mechanical stress is an important external factor effecting the development and maintenance of articular cartilage. The metabolite profile of diseased cartilage has been well studied but there is limited information about the variation in metabolite profile of healthy cartilage. With the importance of load in maintaining healthy cartilage, regional differences in metabolite profile associated with differences in load may provide information on how load contributes to the maintenance of healthy cartilage. HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy allows the assessment of tissue samples without modification and was used for assessing the difference in metabolic profile between the load bearing and non-load bearing regions of the bovine articular cartilage. In this preliminary study, we examined cartilage from tibia and femur of four knee joints. Sixteen pairs of 1D-NOESY spectra were acquired. Principle component analysis (PCA) identified chemical shifts responsible for variance. SBASE (AMIX) and the Human Metabolome Database were used in conjunction with previous reported cartilage data for identifying metabolites associated with the PCA results. The major contributors to load-related differences in metabolite profile were N-acetyl groups, lactate and phosphocholine peaks. Integrals of these regions were further analysed using a Student's t-test. In load bearing cartilage regions. N-acetyl groups and phosphocholine were found at significantly higher concentration (p < 0.05 and p < 0.005, respectively) in both femur and tibia, while lactate was reduced in load bearing cartilage (p < 0.005). The results of this pilot HR-MAS NMR study demonstrate its ability to provide useful metabolite information for healthy cartilage.


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Elementos-traço, de fontes naturais ou antropogênicas, são despejados continuamente nos rios, fato que acarreta sérios problemas, devido a sua toxicidade, longa persistência, bioacumulação e biomagnificação na cadeia alimentar. O sistema lagunar Tijuca-Jacarepaguá-Marapendi recebe um enorme aporte de nutrientes e poluentes devido aos impactos antrópicos em seus rios. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal avaliar os níveis de cobre, zinco, chumbo e alumínio em músculo e víscera na espécie Sardinella brasiliensis (sardinha), que habita a saída do Canal de Sernambetiba, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Ao total foram analisados 44 indivíduos. O cobre em músculo apresentou uma concentração média de 0,5 0,66 mg/Kg e de 1,3 10,13 mg/Kg em víscera. Os valores de zinco em músculo e víscera foram de 5,2 3,69 mg/Kg e 25,6 48,16 mg/Kg, respectivamente. A concentração de chumbo foi de 2,48 3,09 mg/Kg (músculo) e 25,6 48,16 mg/Kg (víscera), enquanto a concentração de alumínio variou de 1,68 3,67 mg/Kg em músculo e 28,72 26,99 mg/Kg em víscera. Dentre as amostras, 56,8% apresentaram valores acima do limite estabelecido para consumo humano pela legislação brasileira para chumbo. Os elementos-traço apresentaram tendências de acumulação diferentes de acordo com o local (músculo ou víscera). As concentrações dos metais em músculo foram menores do que em vísceras. Os valores encontrados devem servir de alerta para uma contaminação da população de Sardinella brasiliensis que habita a saída do canal de Sernambetiba. Concluiu-se que a concentração de chumbo nos peixes encontrados estão acima dos limites permitidos para o consumo humano, e que a região encontra-se impactada


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Este trabalho se propõe a analisar duas obras do escritor português António Lobo Antunes, tendo em vista algumas instâncias narrativas, que, a nosso ver, sobressaem na obra do autor. As obras são Ontem não te vi em Babilónia, romance publicado em 2006, e O arquipélago da insónia, de 2008. Os dois romances compõem o ciclo de produção mais recente do autor, no qual as experimentações formais e estéticas são mais intensas do que nos romances anteriores. Além disso, as obras apresentam convergências temáticas já explicitadas por uma leitura atenta de seus títulos. Ontem não te vi é a representação de um tempo de espera, um tempo de frustração; Babilónia é Babel, símbolo maior da incomunicabilidade para o Ocidente. Já arquipélago é um conjunto de ilhas, reunião marcada pelo isolamento e pela incomunicabilidade; insónia é, igualmente, uma espera frustrada por algo que não vem, no caso, o sono, que nos romances será metáfora para a morte. O trabalho privilegiará, portanto, a análise do espaço, a partir do símbolo da casa; do tempo, insone e de morte; e do texto, que se apresenta, essencialmente, por uma enxurrada discursiva. Assim, pretende-se entrar no universo antuniano e, como parece ser o desejo do autor, desvendar a nós mesmos e a nosso tempo


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O objetivo do trabalho é analisar a lagoa de Jacarepaguá e a ocupação no seu entorno de forma multitemporal, contribuindo para o melhor entendimento das atuais condições ambientais da Baixada de Jacarepaguá. A metodologia adotada buscou identificar mudanças físicas do meio a partir 1980 através da elaboração, comparação e análise de mapas de ocupação e uso dos solos relativos aos anos de 1984, 1992, 2001 e 2010, e da identificação da qualidade da água da lagoa de Jacarepaguá, das suas condições de profundidade, tamanho do espelho dágua e de sua relação com a população local. Com isso foi possível retratar formas de integração entre os processos naturais e sociais em um dado espaço-tempo assim como estabelecer tendências futuras desse ambiente. Os resultados mostram que de tempos em tempos há uma refuncionalização do espaço, que se reflete não só na conformação dos terrenos marginais alagadiços mas também nas condições físicas da própria lagoa de Jacarepaguá. Seu espelho dágua vem sendo confinado pelas formas de ocupação nas áreas das bacias fluviais e nos seus terrenos marginais (impermeabilização, aterros e obras de drenagem) fazendo com que haja uma estabilidade relativa na sua dimensão areal e também no volume de suas águas. A lagoa apresenta dados históricos de poluição por esgoto doméstico que têm acelerado suas condições naturais de assoreamento e comprometido à qualidade de suas águas. E mesmo havendo projetos e obras de saneamento para o local, verifica-se que tem havido um aumento da poluição da lagoa principalmente na sua porção oeste, conforme o resultado das análises realizadas com os dados temporais disponíveis de DBO, fósforo, Nitrogênio Kj, OD e salinidade. Isto pode ser explicado pela tendência atual da expansão urbana rumo a essa direção. Constatou-se que apesar de, por algum tempo, os tipos de terreno terem condicionado as formas de ocupação, atualmente o processo se inverteu, sendo a ocupação indutora e recondicionante da estruturação do meio. São apresentadas e caracterizadas diversas formas e respectivos tipos de usos do solo na área. Conclui-se que as condições ambientais da lagoa de Jacarepaguá e suas perspectivas futuras dependem atualmente mais da forma com que a sociedade quer e pretende incorpora-la ao seu ambiente do que da dinâmica natural do sistema físico do qual faz parte.


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A Lagoa de Marapendi é uma lagoa eutrófica do complexo lagunar de Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. Como conseqüência ao constante e acelerado processo de eutrofização vigente, houve uma mudança na estrutura de sua comunidade fitoplanctônica, o que pode ter um importante significado para diversos componentes do ecossistema, além de inviabilizar diversos usos. Este estudo visou reconhecer os padrões espaciais e temporais do fitoplâncton, identificando os fatores controladores e direcionadores da comunidade, através da comparação entre as abordagens dos grupos taxonômicos e dos grupos funcionais. Foram coletadas amostras mensais em 4 pontos ao longo da lagoa no decorrer do ano de 2008. A análise florística revelou a presença de 45 táxons pertencentes às classes Cyanophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae e Dinophyceae. Estes foram alocados em 10 grupos funcionais (GF) sensu Reynolds (H1, K, M, S1, X1, X2, J, C, MP e Y) e em 6 grupos funcionais baseados na morfologia (MBFG). Os dados de biomassa para todas as abordagens testadas foram comparados, juntamente com as variáveis abióticas, através de análises multivariadas de redundância (RDA). A abordagem de GF mostrou ser mais rica em detalhes, evidenciando diferentes estratégias adaptativas de grupos ecológicos de cianobactérias. Contudo, para ambientes eutróficos, rasos e com poucas espécies, tal qual a Lagoa de Marapendi, a utilização da abordagem de MBFG mostra ser mais adequada devido à sua simplicidade de utilização, aliada à boa capacidade de explicação da dinâmica fitoplanctônica.


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Morphological defects in beta-barium borate (beta-BBO) thin films grown on Sr2+ -doped alpha-BBO substrates by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) technique were studied by scanning electron micrograph (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and optical spectroscopy. The present results indicate that the main defects exit in beta-BBO thin films are microcracks and hollow structure. The formation of microcrack is due to the lattice mismatch and the difference of thermal expansion coefficients between substrate and film. The hollow structure might be caused during the combination of islands, which formed in the initial stage. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A first treatment of the statistical data of 1978 and 1979 on the collective fishing showed a decrease of total catches in the Ebrié Lagoon. The same diminution was found in the amount of smoked-fish collected in two different places of the lagoon. This fall is due to a smaller effort in the lagoon of the purse-seines in the Abidjan area and a decrease of the catches per unit of effort.