973 resultados para iron(II) porphyrins


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It has previously been shown that myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (myo- InsP6) mediates iron transport into Pseudomonas aeruginosa and overcomes iron-dependent growth inhibition. In this study, the iron transport properties of myo-inositol trisphosphate and tetrakisphosphate regio-isomers were studied. Pseudomonas aeruginosa accumulated iron (III) at similar rates whether complexed with myo-Ins(1,2,3)P3 or myo-InsP6. Iron accumulation from other compounds, notably D/L myo-Ins(1,2,4,5)P4 and another inositol trisphosphate regio-isomer, D-myo-Ins(1,4,5)P3, was dramatically increased. Iron transport profiles from myo-InsP6 into mutants lacking the outer membrane porins oprF, oprD and oprP were similar to the wild-type, indicating that these porins are not involved in the transport process. The rates of reduction of iron (III) to iron (II) complexed to any of the compounds by a Ps. aeruginosa cell lysate were similar, suggesting that a reductive mechanism is not the rate-determining step.


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This work describes the synthesis and aplication of homogeneous and heterogenized iron catalysts in the alkylation reaction of toluene with propene, empolying experimental design. The homogenous complex was obtained trough the synthesis of the organic ligand folowed by the complexation of the iron(II) chloride. As to the heterogenized complexes, first were synthetized the inorganic supports (SBA-15, MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41). Then, it was synthetized the ligand again, that through funcionalization with chloropropyltrimethoxysilane (CPTMS), was anchored on the support previously calcinated. To these anchored ligands, was complexed the iron(II) chloride, previously solubilizated in tetrahydrofuran (THF). The organic ligand characterization was accomplished trough nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Infrared spectroscopy (IV). The supports were characterized with x-ray diffraction (DRX), texture analysis with nitrogen adsorption/desorption (before and after the anchoring), termogravimetric analysis (TG) and infrared (IV). The metalic content was quantified trough the atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The complexes were tested in catalytic reactions emolying ethylaluminium sesquichloride (EASC) as co-catalyst in steel reactor, under mecanic stirring. The reaction conditions ranged from 4 to 36 ◦C, with many aluminum/iron ratios. The catalysts were actives in homogeneous and heterogenized ways. The homogenous catalytic complex showed a maximum turnover frequency (TOF) of 8.63 ×103 · h −1 , while, in some conditions, the anchored complexes showed better results, with TOF of until 8.08 ×103 · h −1 . Aditionally, it was possible to determine an equation, to the homogenous catalyst, that describes the product quantity in function of reacional temperature and aluminum/iron ratio.


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Homo-and heteronuclear meso,meso-(E)-ethene-1,2-diyl-linked diporphyrins have been prepared by the Suzuki coupling of porphyrinylboronates and iodovinylporphyrins. Combinations comprising 5,10,15-triphenylporphyrin (TriPP) on both ends of the ethene-1,2-diyl bridge M 210 (M 2=H 2/Ni, Ni 2, Ni/Zn, H 4, H 2Zn, Zn 2) and 5,15-bis(3,5-di-tert-butylphenyl)porphyrinato-nickel(II) on one end and H 2, Ni, and ZnTriPP on the other (M 211), enable the first studies of this class of compounds possessing intrinsic polarity. The compounds were characterized by electronic absorption and steady state emission spectra, 1H NMR spectra, and for the Ni 2 bis(TriPP) complex Ni 210, single crystal X-ray structure determination. The crystal structure shows ruffled distortions of the porphyrin rings, typical of Ni II porphyrins, and the (E)-C 2H 2 bridge makes a dihedral angle of 50° with the mean planes of the macrocycles. The result is a stepped parallel arrangement of the porphyrin rings. The dihedral angles in the solid state reflect the interplay of steric and electronic effects of the bridge on interporphyrin communication. The emission spectra in particular, suggest energy transfer across the bridge is fast in conformations in which the bridge is nearly coplanar with the rings. Comparisons of the fluorescence behaviour of H 410 and H 2Ni10 show strong quenching of the free base fluorescence when the complex is excited at the lower energy component of the Soret band, a feature associated in the literature with more planar conformations. TDDFT calculations on the gas-phase optimized geometry of Ni 210 reproduce the features of the experimental electronic absorption spectrum within 0.1 eV. © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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The thermal decomposition of hydronium jarosite and ammoniojarosite was studied using thermogravimetric analysis and mass spectrometry, in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and infrared emission spectroscopy. There was no evidence for the simultaneous loss of water and sulfur dioxide during the desulfonation stage as has previously been reported for hydronium jarosite. Conversely, all hydrogen atoms are lost during the dehydration and dehydroxylation stage from 270 to 400 °C and no water, hydroxyl groups or hydronium ions persist after 400 °C. The same can be said for ammoniojarosite. The first mass loss step during the decomposition of hydronium jarosite has been assigned to the loss of the hydronium ion via protonation of the surrounding hydroxyl groups to evolve two water molecules. For ammoniojarosite, this step corresponds to the protonation of a hydroxyl group by ammonium, so that ammonia and water are liberated simultaneously. Iron(II) sulfate was identified as a possible intermediate during the decomposition of ammoniojarosite (421–521 °C) due to a redox reaction between iron(III) and the liberated ammonia during decomposition. Iron(II) ions were also confirmed with the 1,10-phenanthroline test. Iron(III) sulfate and other commonly suggested intermediates for hydronium and ammoniojarosite decomposition are not major crystalline phases; if they are formed, then they most likely exist as an amorphous phase or a different low temperature phases than usual.


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Polyethene, polyacrylates and polymethyl acrylates are versatile materials that find wide variety of applications in several areas. Therefore, polymerization of ethene, acrylates and methacrylates has achieved a lot attention during past years. Numbers of metal catalysts have been introduced in order to control the polymerization and to produce tailored polymer structures. Herein an overview on the possible polymerization pathways for ethene, acrylates and methacrylates is presented. In this thesis iron(II) and cobalt(II) complexes bearing tri- and tetradentate nitrogen ligands were synthesized and studied in the polymerization of tertbutyl acrylate (tBA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA). Complexes are activated with methylaluminoxane (MAO) before they form active combinations for polymerization reactions. The effect of reaction conditions, i.e. monomer concentration, reaction time, temperature, MAO to metal ratio, on activity and polymer properties were investigated. The described polymerization system enables mild reaction conditions, the possibility to tailor molar mass of the produced polymers and provides good control over the polymerization. Moreover, the polymerization of MMA in the presence of iron(II) complex with tetradentate nitrogen ligands under conditions of atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) was studied. Several manganese(II) complexes were studied in the ethene polymerization with combinatorial methods and new active catalysts were found. These complexes were also studied in acrylate and methacrylate polymerizations after MAO activation and converted into the corresponding alkyl (methyl or benzyl) derivatives. Combinatorial methods were introduced to discover aluminum alkyl complexes for the polymerization of acrylates and methacrylates. Various combinations of aluminum alkyls and ligands, including phosphines, salicylaldimines and nitrogen donor ligands, were prepared in situ and utilized to initiate the polymerization of tBA. Phosphine ligands were found to be the most active and the polymerization MMA was studied with these active combinations. In addition, a plausible polymerization mechanism for MMA based on ESI-MS, 1H and 13C NMR is proposed.


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Schiff bases and their transition metal complexes are of significant current interest even though they have been prepared for decades. They have been used in various applications such as catalysis, corrosion protection, and molecular sensors. In this study, N-aryl Schiff base ketimine ligands as well as numerous new, differently substituted salen and salophen-type ligands and their cobalt(II), copper(II), iron(II), manganese(II), and nickel(II) complexes were synthesised. New solid state structures of the above compounds and the dioxygen coordination properties of cobalt(II) complexes and catalytic properties of three synthesised binuclear complexes were examined. The prepared complexes were applied in the formation of self-assembled layers on a polycrystalline gold surface and liquid-graphite interface. The effect of metal ion and ligand structure on the as-formed patterns was studied. When studying gold surfaces, a unique thiol-assisted dissolution of elemental gold was observed and a new thin gold foil preparation method was introduced. In the summary, synthesis, structures, and properties of Schiff base ligands and their transition metal complexes are described in detail and the applications of these reviewed. Assemblies of other complexes on a liquid-graphite interface and on a gold surface are also presented, and the surface characterisation methods and surfaces employed are described.


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A new method for the titrimetric determination of perchlorate has been developed, based on its reduction to chloride by iron(II) in a strong sulphuric acid medium at high temperature. The effect of variables, such as the sulphuric acid concentration, the temperature and the period of heating, on the extent of reduction has been studied and the optimal conditions for analytical determination of perehlorate derived.


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An organically templated iron(II) sulfate of the composition [H3N(CH2)2NH2(CH2)2(NH3]4[FeII 9F18(SO4)6]â9H2O with a distorted Kagome structure has been synthesized under solvothermal conditions in the presence of diethylenetriamine. The distortion of the hexagonal bronze structure comes from the presence of two different types of connectivity between the FeF4O2 octahedra and the sulfate tetrahedra. This compound exhibits magnetic properties different from those of an Fe(II) compound with a perfect Kagome structure and is a canted antiferromagnet at low temperatures.


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Time-resolved fluorescence studies were carried out on a series of free-base and zinc(II) derivatives of meso-tetraphenylporphyrins covalently linked to either 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) or 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB) acceptor units. These acceptor units were linked at different sites (at the ortho, meta or para positions of one of the phenyl groups of meso-tetraphenylporphyrin) to the donor porphyrins such that the resulting isomeric intramolecular donor-acceptor complexes exhibit different centre-to-centre (ctc) distances and relative orientations. Biexponential fluorescence decay profiles observed for several of these covalently linked complexes were rationalized in terms of the presence of ''closed'' and ''extended'' conformers. Detailed analyses of the fluorescence decay data have provided a comprehensive understanding of the photoinduced electron transfer (PET) reactions occurring in systems containing zinc(II) porphyrin donors. It is observed that although DNB-linked zinc(II) complexes follow the trends predicted for the efficiency of PET with respect to donor-acceptor distance, the TNB-linked zinc(II) porphyrins exhibit a behaviour which is dictated by steric effects. Similarly, although the thermodynamic criteria predict a greater efficiency of charge separation in TNB-linked complexes compared with DNB-linked complexes, the reverse trend observed has been attributed to orientational effects. In the complexes containing free-base porphyrin donors, PET is expected to be less efficient from a thermodynamic viewpoint. In a few of these cases, fluorescence quenching seems to occur by parallel mechanisms other than PET.


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Alguns cientistas ambientais prevêem que a poluição dos solos será um dos maiores legados com grandes impactos para as gerações futuras, pois atualmente ainda existe desconhecimento das fontes poluidoras e da sua extensão. O Brasil, devido a sua extensão territorial, suas bacias hidrográficas, número de postos de abastecimentos e controles ambientais ainda ineficazes, está muito exposto a esse tipo de poluição. Atualmente, há no Brasil mais de 34.300 postos de combustíveis, com volume de 65.000.000 m3 de gasolina e diesel consumidos anualmente, conforme dados da Agência Nacional do Petróleo Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis , ANP, em 2008. Sendo assim, a exposição e contaminação dos solos e dos lençóis freáticos com constituintes aromáticos do diesel e gasolina torna-se um sério problema ambiental. Dentro deste grupo, encontram-se o benzeno, tolueno, xileno, conhecido como BTEX e os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos, conhecido como PAH. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a remediação in-situ de um posto de combustíveis na região do ABC Paulista, no Estado de São Paulo. Aplicando-se a técnica de Processo Oxidativo Avançado via reagente de Fenton (H2O2 + Fe2+ → Fe3+ + OH- + OH . ), o radical hidroxila gerado mineraliza compostos aromáticos, decompondo-os definitivamente. Amostras de água do posto em estudo apresentavam elevados teores de BTEX e PAH, 2,58 mg.L-1 e 0,298 mg.L-1 respectivamente, estando em níveis não tolerados pelo órgão ambiental paulista CETESB sendo necessária a intervenção para tratamento da área. Com os níveis de poluentes e o perfil hidrogeológico identificados, a remediação foi iniciada com injeções no solo de peróxido de hidrogênio a 8%v.v, FeSO4 a 0,40 mg.L-1 e solução à base de NPK (nitrogênio, fósforo e nitrogênio) a 100 mg.L-1 como nutrientes para os microorganismos do solo. Estes valores são provenientes de experimentos anteriores e tratamentos já realizados. Foram conduzidas campanhas de injeção trimestrais com 100 litros desta solução completa como reagente , e medições trimestrais de BTEX, PAH e outros parâmetros de controle, que foram indicando o sucesso do tratamento. Após 18 meses o local foi considerado tratado pelo órgão ambiental, onde monitoramentos semestrais estão em continuidade para garantir o resultado do tratamento e das ações corretivas. Assim, o estudo real da remediação de solos contaminados com os poluentes orgânicos via processo de Fenton, com concentração de H2O2 a 8%v/v, e FeSO4 a 0,40 mg.L-1 demonstrou-se uma técnica de sucesso. O entendimento dos resultados da remediação, mesmo sujeitos aos fenômenos naturais, como intempéries e chuvas, é uma experiência grande, pois por mais reais que simulações em laboratório possam ser, é muito difícil incluir nestes sistemas, as variações que um tratamento real está exposto


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A novel catalyst system based on nickel(II) tetraphenylporphyrin (Ni(II)TPP) and methylaluminoxane for styrene polymerization was developed. This catalyst system has a high thermal stability and show fairly good activity. The obtained polystyrene (PS) was isotactic-rich atactic polymer by C-13 NMR analysis, and its molecular weight distribution was rather narrow (M-w/M-n approximate to 1.6, by GPC analysis). ESR revealed that Ni(II)TPP pi cation radicals were formed in the polymerization and could remain in the resulting PS stably. The mechanism of the polymerization was discussed and a special coordination mechanism was proposed. The PS product containing Ni(II)TPP pi cation radicals can be used as a potential functional material.


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Five novel vanadium(III) complexes [PhN = C(R-2)CHC(R-1)O]VCl2(THF)(2) (4a: R-1 = Ph, R-2 = CF3; 4b: R-1 =t-Bu, R-2 = CF3; 4c: R-1 = CF3, R-2 = CH3; 4d: R-1 = Ph, R-2 = CH3; 4e: R-1 = Ph, R-2 = H) have been synthesized and characterized. On activation with Et2AlCl, all the complexes, in the presence of ethyl trichloroacetate (ETA) as a promoter, are highly active precatalysts for ethylene polymerization, and produce high molecular weight and linear polymers. Catalyst activities more than 16.8 kg PE/mmolv h bar and weight-average molecular weights higher than 173 kg/ mol were observed under mild conditions.


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Fe(III), Cr(III), Fe(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) chloride complexes supported by 2,6-bis[1-(iminophenyl)ethyl]pyridine have been synthesized and characterized along with single crystal X-ray diffraction. These complexes, in combination with MAO, have been examined in butadiene polymerization. The catalytic activity and regioselectivity are strongly controlled by metal center and cocatalyst (MAO/Co ratio dependent in the case of Co(II) complex). The activity decreases in the order of Fe(III) > Co(II) > Cr(III) approximate to Ni (II) complexes, in consistent with the space around the metal center. Polybutadiene with different microstructure content, from high trans-1,4 units (88-95% for iron(III) and Cr(III)), medium trans-1,4 and cis-1,4 units (55% and 35%, respectively, for iron(II)) to high cis-1,4 units 79% for Co(II) and 97% for Ni(II) call be easily achieved by varying of the metal center.


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In this paper, the interaction mechanism between La3+ and microperoxidase-11 (MP-11) in the imitated physiological solution was investigated with the electrochemical and spectroscopic methods. It was found that when the molar ratio of La3+, and MP-11 is low, such as 2, La3+ can coordinate with oxygen in the propionic acid group of the heme group in the MP-11 molecule, forming the La-MP-11 complexes and leading to the increase in the non-planarity of the porphyrin cycle in the heme group and then the increase in the extent of exposure of the electrochemically active center, Fe(I I I) in the porphyrin cycle of the heme group. The increase in the extent of exposure of the electrochemically active center, Fe(III) in the porphyrin cycle of the heme group would increase the reversibility of the electrochemical reaction of the La-MP-11 complexes and its electrocatalytic activity for the reduction of H2O2. The results of the chromatographic analysis demonstrated that the average molar ratio of La3+ and MP-11 in the La-MP-11 complexes is 1.62.When the molar ratio of La3+ and MP-11 is high, such as 3, La3+ would shear some amino acid residues of the peptide of MP-11. Therefore, many La3+ ions can bind to the oxygen- and/or nitrogen-containing groups in the sheared amino acid residues except coordinating with the sheared and non-sheared MP-11 molecules.


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In this paper, the interaction between La3+ and microperoxidase-11 (MP-11) in the imitated physiological solution was investigated with the electrochemical method, circular dichroism (CD) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy. It was found that the interaction ways between La3+ and MP-11 are different with increasing the molar ratio of La3+ and MP-11. When the molar ratio of La3+ and MP-11 is less than 2, La3+ mainly interacts with the metacetonic acid group of the heme group in the MP-11 molecules, causing the increase in the non-planarity of the porphyrin cycle in the heme group and the decrease in the content of the random coil conformation of MP-11. These structural changes would increase the exposure extent of the electrochemical active center of MP-11 and thus, La3+ can promote the electrochemical reaction of MP-11 and its electrocatalytic activity for the reduction of H2O2 at the glassy carbon (GC) electrode. However, when the molar ratio of La3+ and MP-11 is larger than 3, except binding to the carbonyl oxygen of the metacetonic acid group in the heme group, La3+ interacts also with the oxygen-containing groups of the amides in the polypeptide chains of the MP-11 molecules, leading to the increase in the contents of the random coil conformation in the peptide of the MP-11 molecule, comparing with that for the molar ratio of less than 2.