981 resultados para intracranial pressure, neurologic deficits


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Recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) has been successfully tested as neuroprotectant in brain injury models. The first large clinical trial with stroke patients, however, revealed negative results. Reasons are manifold and may include side-effects such as thrombotic complications or interactions with other medication, EPO concentration, penetration of the blood-brain-barrier and/or route of application. The latter is restricted to systemic application. Here we hypothesize that EPO is neuroprotective in a rat model of acute subdural hemorrhage (ASDH) and that direct cortical application is a feasible route of application in this injury type. The subdural hematoma was surgically evacuated and EPO was applied directly onto the surface of the brain. We injected NaCl, 200, 2000 or 20,000IU EPO per rat i.v. at 15min post-ASDH (400μl autologous venous blood) or NaCl, 0.02, 0.2 or 2IU per rat onto the cortical surface after removal of the subdurally infused blood t at 70min post-ASDH. Arterial blood pressure (MAP), blood chemistry, intracranial pressure (ICP), cerebral blood flow (CBF) and brain tissue oxygen (ptiO2) were assessed during the first hour and lesion volume at 2days after ASDH. EPO 20,000IU/rat (i.v.) elevated ICP significantly. EPO at 200 and 2000IU reduced lesion volume from 38.2±0.6mm(3) (NaCl-treated group) to 28.5±0.9 and 22.2±1.3mm(3) (all p<0.05 vs. NaCl). Cortical application of 0.02IU EPO after ASDH evacuation reduced injury from 36.0±5.2 to 11.2±2.1mm(3) (p=0.007), whereas 0.2IU had no effect (38.0±9.0mm(3)). The highest dose of both application routes (i.v. 20,000IU; cortical 2IU) enlarged the ASDH-induced damage significantly to 46.5±1.7 and 67.9±10.4mm(3) (all p<0.05 vs. NaCl). In order to test whether Tween-20, a solvent of EPO formulation 'NeoRecomon®' was responsible for adverse effects two groups were treated with NaCl or Tween-20 after the evacuation of ASDH, but no difference in lesion volume was detected. In conclusion, EPO is neuroprotective in a model of ASDH in rats and was most efficacious at a very low dose in combination with subdural blood removal. High systemic and topically applied concentrations caused adverse effects on lesion size which were partially due to increased ICP. Thus, patients with traumatic ASDH could be treated with cortically applied EPO but with caution concerning concentration.


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BACKGROUND Mortality of patients with acute liver failure (ALF) is still unacceptably high. Available liver support systems are still of limited success at improving survival. A new type of albumin dialysis, the Hepa Wash® system, was newly introduced. We evaluated the new liver support system as well as the Molecular Adsorbent Recycling System (MARS) in an ischemic porcine model of ALF. METHODS In the first study animals were randomly allocated to control (n=5) and Hepa Wash (n=6) groups. In a further pilot study, two animals were treated with the MARS-system. All animals received the same medical and surgical procedures. An intraparenchymal intracranial pressure was inserted. Hemodynamic monitoring and goal-directed fluid therapy using the PiCCO system was done. Animals underwent functional end-to-side portacaval shunt and ligation of hepatic arteries. Treatment with albumin dialysis was started after fall of cerebral perfusion pressure to 45 mmHg and continued for 8 h. RESULTS All animals in the Hepa Wash group survived the 13-hour observation period, except for one that died after stopping treatment. Four of the control animals died within this period (p=0.03). Hepa Wash significantly reduced impairment of cerebral perfusion pressure (23±2 vs. 10±3 mmHg, p=0.006) and mean arterial pressure (37±1 vs. 24±2 mmHg, p=0.006) but had no effect on intracranial pressure (14±1 vs. 15±1 mmHg, p=0.72). Hepa Wash also enhanced cardiac index (4.94±0.32 vs. 3.36±0.25 l/min/m2, p=0.006) and renal function (urine production, 1850 ± 570 vs. 420 ± 180 ml, p=0.045) and eliminated water soluble (creatinine, 1.3±0.2 vs. 3.2±0.3 mg/dl, p=0.01; ammonia 562±124 vs. 1382±92 μg/dl, p=0.006) and protein-bound toxins (nitrate/nitrite 5.54±1.57 vs. 49.82±13.27 μmol/l, p=0.01). No adverse events that could be attributed to the Hepa Wash treatment were observed. CONCLUSIONS Hepa Wash was a safe procedure and improved multiorgan system failure in pigs with ALF. The survival benefit could be the result of ameliorating different organ functions in association with the detoxification capacity of water soluble and protein-bound toxins.


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An 80-year-old man with no history of an immune-compromising disorder was diagnosed with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). He presented with dysphagia and left-sided weakness; magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated marked signal abnormality in the subcortical white matter of the left frontal lobe and in the posterior limb of the right internal capsule. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was negative for John Cunningham (JC) virus. On brain biopsy, foamy macrophages infiltrating the white matter were identified, staining positive for anti-simian virus 40 antibodies. Postoperatively, PCR for JC viral DNA in the CSF was positive, establishing the diagnosis of PML. Extensive investigation for an occult immunocompromising disorder was negative. The patient's neurologic deficits rapidly increased throughout his hospital stay, and he died 3.5 months after his diagnosis.


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Descending cerebellar tonsillar herniation is a serious and common complication of intracranial mass lesions. We documented three cases of fatal blunt head injury using post-mortem multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The results showed massive bone and soft-tissue injuries of the head and signs of high intracranial pressure with herniation of the cerebellar tonsils. The diagnosis of tonsillar herniation by post-mortem radiological examination was performed prior to autopsy. This paper describes the detailed retrospective evaluation of the position of the cerebellar tonsils in post-mortem imaging in comparison to clinical studies.


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BACKGROUND Brain dysfunction is common in sepsis. We aimed to assess whether cerebral perfusion, oxygenation, and/or metabolism are abnormal during early endotoxemia, and how they may relate to potential neurohistological changes. METHODS In this prospective animal study, we included 12 pigs (weight: 42 ± 4 kg; mean ± SD) that were exposed to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (E. coli LPS B0111 : B4, 0.4 μg/kg/h) or saline infusion (n = 6, each) for 10 h. Systemic hemodynamics, cerebral blood flow, intracranial pressure, and brain tissue oxygen tension were continuously measured. At the end of the experiment, formalin-fixed brains were cut in coronal sections and embedded in paraffin. Afterwards, the sections were cut at 5 microns and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. RESULTS Stable systemic hemodynamics in both groups were associated with higher carotid arterial blood flow after 10 h of endotoxemia (9.0 ± 2.2 ml/kg/min) compared to controls (6.6 ± 1.2 ml/kg/min; time-group interaction: P = 0.014). Intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, brain oxygen consumption, and brain tissue oxygen tension were similar in both groups. In four of the six endotoxemic animals but in none of the controls, cerebral tissue lesions were found (encephalomalacia with spongy degeneration of white matter, axonal swelling, and ischemic neuronal thalamic necrosis), including significant venous vascular alterations, predominantly in the brainstem, in three of the four animals. CONCLUSIONS Early endotoxemia seems to be associated with histological signs of brain damage unrelated to systemic or cerebral hemodynamics or oxygenation.


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OBJECTIVE To describe the clinical spectrum, diagnostic evaluation, current management, and neurologic outcome of pediatric antibody-associated inflammatory brain diseases (AB-associated IBrainD). METHODS We performed a single-center retrospective cohort study of consecutive patients aged ≤18 years diagnosed with an AB-associated IBrainD at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, between January 2005 and June 2013. Standardized clinical data, laboratory test results, neuroimaging features, and treatment regimens were captured. RESULTS Of 169 children (93 female, 55%) diagnosed with an IBrainD, 16 (10%) had an AB-associated IBrainD. Median age at presentation was 13.3 years (range 3.1-17.9); 11 (69%) were female. Nine patients (56%) had anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, 4 (25%) had aquaporin-4 autoimmunity, 2 (13%) had Hashimoto encephalitis, and 1 (6%) had anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) encephalitis. The key presenting features in children with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, Hashimoto encephalopathy, and anti-GAD65 encephalitis included encephalopathy, behavioral symptoms, and seizures; patients with aquaporin-4 autoimmunity showed characteristic focal neurologic deficits. Six patients (38%) required intensive care unit admission at presentation. Median time from symptom onset to diagnosis was 55 days (range 6-358). All but 1 patient received immunosuppressive therapy. One child with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis died due to multiorgan failure. At last follow-up, after a median follow-up time of 1.7 years (range 0.8-3.7), 27% of the children had function-limiting neurologic sequelae. CONCLUSIONS Children with AB-associated IBrainD represent an increasing subgroup among IBrainD; 1 in 4 children has function-limiting residual neurologic deficits. Awareness of the different clinical patterns is important in order to facilitate timely diagnosis and initiate immunosuppressive treatment.


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OPINION STATEMENT Children who present with acute neurological symptoms suggestive of a stroke need immediate clinical assessment and urgent neuroimaging to confirm diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the investigation of first choice due to limited sensitivity of computed tomography (CT) for detection of ischaemia. Acute monitoring should include monitoring of blood pressure and body temperature, and neurological observations. Surveillance in a paediatric high dependency or intensive care unit and neurosurgical consultation are mandatory in children with large infarcts at risk of developing malignant oedema or haemorrhagic transformation. Thrombolysis and/or endovascular treatment, whilst not currently approved for use in children, may be considered when stroke diagnosis is confirmed within 4.5 to 6 h, provided there are no contraindications on standard adult criteria. Standard treatment consists of aspirin, but anticoagulation therapy is frequently prescribed in stroke due to cardiac disease and extracranial dissection. Steroids and immunosuppression have a definite place in children with proven vasculitis, but their role in focal arteriopathies is less clear. Decompressive craniotomy should be considered in children with deteriorating consciousness or signs of raised intracranial pressure.


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Brain disease is an important cause of neurologic deficits in small ruminants, however few MRI features have been described. The aim of this retrospective, case series study was to describe MRI characteristics in a group of small ruminants with confirmed brain disease. A total of nine small ruminants (six sheep and three goats) met inclusion criteria. All had neurologic disorders localized to the brain and histopathologic confirmation. In animals with toxic-metabolic diseases, there were bilaterally symmetric MRI lesions affecting either the gray matter (one animal with polioencephalomalacia) or the white matter (two animals with enterotoxemia). In animals with suppurative inflammation, asymmetric focal brainstem lesions were present (two animals with listeric encephalitis), or lesions typical of an intra-axial (one animal) or dural abscess (one animal), respectively. No MRI lesions were detected in one animal with suspected viral cerebellitis and one animal with parasitic migration tracts. No neoplastic or vascular lesions were identified in this case series. Findings from the current study supported the use of MRI for diagnosing brain diseases in small ruminants.


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Symptoms has been shown to predict quality of life, treatment course and survival in solid tumor patients. Currently, no instrument exists that measures both cancer-related symptoms and the neurologic symptoms that are unique to persons with primary brain tumors (PBT). The aim of this study was to develop and validate an instrument to measure symptoms in patients who have PBT. A conceptual analysis of symptoms and symptom theories led to defining the symptoms experience as the perception of the frequency, intensity, distress, and meaning that occurs as symptoms are produced, perceived, and expressed. The M.D. Anderson Symptom Inventory (MDASI) measures both symptoms and how they interfere with daily functioning in patients with cancer, which is similar to the situational meaning defined in the analysis. A list of symptoms pertinent to the PBT population was added to the core MDASI and reviewed by a group of experts for validity. As a result, 18 items were added to the core MDASI (the MDASI-BT) for the next phase of instrument development, establishing validity and reliability through a descriptive, cross-sectional approach with PBT patients. Data were collected with a patient completed demographic data sheet, an investigator completed clinician checklist, and the MDASI-BT. Analysis evaluated the reliability and validity of the MDASI-BT in PBT patients. Data were obtained from 201 patients. The number of items was reduced to 22 by evaluation of symptom severity as well as cluster analysis. Regression analysis showed more than half (56%) of the variability in symptom severity was explained by the brain tumor module items. Factor analysis confirmed that the 22 item MDASI-BT measured six underlying constructs: (a) affective; (b) cognitive; (c) focal neurologic deficits; (d) constitutional symptoms; (e) treatment-related symptoms; and (f) gastrointestinal symptoms. The MDASI-BT was sensitive to disease severity and if the patient was hospitalized. The MDASI-BT is the first instrument to measure symptoms in PBT patients that has demonstrated reliability and validity. It is the first step in a program of research to evaluate the occurrence of symptoms and plan and evaluate interventions for PBT patients. ^


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The present study investigated body position effects on transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) recordings of clinical significance. Sixty adults (30 males, 30 females) were assessed using the Otodynamics ILO88 Analyzer in three positions (sitting, supine, and side-lying). Results indicated significant positional effects on the TEOAE parameters of A-B difference, noise, whole wave reproducibility, and response levels. These differences included higher noise levels in supine and side-lying positions in comparison to the upright sitting position. Lower whole wave reproducibility measurements, and higher response amplitudes, in the side-lying position compared with supine and seated positions were also observed. No significant effects were evident for signal-to-noise ratio or band reproducibility. Given the lack of significant body position effects on these latter parameters and the infrequent clinical use of the other parameters in isolation, there was no evidence to suggest the future need for major review of current pass/fail criteria or of the standard test protocol.


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Objective: Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography is a technique that uses a hand-held Doppler transducer (placed on the surface of the cranial skin) to measure the velocity and pulsatility of blood flow within the intracranial and the extracranial arteries. This review critically evaluates the evidence for the use of TCD in the critical care population. Discussion: TCD has been frequently employed for the clinical evaluation of cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). To a lesser degree, TCD has also been used to evaluate cerebral autoregulatory capacity, monitor cerebral circulation during cardiopulmonary bypass and carotid endarterectomies and to diagnose brain death. Technological advances such as M mode, colour Doppler and three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasonography have extended the scope of TCD to include other non-critical care applications including assessment of cerebral emboli, functional TCD and the management of sickle cell disease. Conclusions: Despite publications suggesting concordance between TCD velocity measurements and cerebral blood flow there are few randomized controlled studies demonstrating an improved outcome with the use of TCD monitoring in neurocritical care. Newer developments in this technology include venous Doppler, functional Doppler and use of ultrasound contrast agents.


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Background: Sedation is crucial for the recovery of patients in intensive care units (ICUs). Maintaining comfort and safety promotes optimal care for critically ill patients. Purpose: To examine sedation assessment and management undertaken by health professionals for mechanically ventilated patients in one Australian ICU. Methods: A retrospective clinical audit was undertaken of medical records of all eligible, mechanically ventilated patients admitted to an ICU of an Australian metropolitan, teaching hospital over a 12-month period. A Sedation Audit Tool was used to collect data from the day of intubation to 5 days after intubation. Findings: Data were extracted from medical records of 150 patients. The Riker Sedation-Agitation Scale (SAS) was the scoring system used. Patients were unarousable or very sedated between 57% and 81% at some point during the study period, while between 5% and 11% were agitated, very agitated or extremely agitated across this time. Patients' sedation scores were not documented in between 3.3% and 23.3% of patients. Medications commonly used were propofol, midazolam, morphine, and fentanyl. There were 135 situations of adverse events, which related to patients pulling endotracheal tubes leading to malpositioning, patients biting endotracheal tubes causing desaturation, patient experiencing excessive agitation requiring restraint use, patients experiencing increased intracranial pressure above desired limits, patients self-extubating, and patients experiencing over-drowsiness leading to delays in extubation. Conclusions: Many patients were either very sedated or agitated at some point during the study period, and some patients experienced adverse outcomes associated with sedation practices. The findings inform future quality initiatives to improve sedation practices.


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Les accidents sont la cause la plus fréquente de décès chez l’enfant, la plupart du temps à cause d’un traumatisme cranio-cérébrale (TCC) sévère ou d’un choc hémorragique. Malgré cela, la prise en charge de ces patients est souvent basée sur la littérature adulte. Le mannitol et le salin hypertonique (3%) sont des traitements standards dans la gestion de l’hypertension intracrânienne, mais il existe très peu d’évidence sur leur utilité en pédiatrie. Nous avons entrepris une revue rétrospective des traumatismes crâniens sévères admis dans les sept dernières années, pour décrire l’utilisation de ces agents hyperosmolaires et leurs effets sur la pression intracrânienne. Nous avons établi que le salin hypertonique est plus fréquemment utilisé que le mannitol, qu’il ne semble pas y avoir de facteurs associés à l’utilisation de l’un ou l’autre, et que l’effet sur la pression intracrânienne est difficile à évaluer en raison de multiples co-interventions. Il faudra mettre en place un protocole de gestion du patient avec TCC sévère avant d’entreprendre des études prospectives. La transfusion sanguine est employée de façon courante dans la prise en charge du patient traumatisé. De nombreuses études soulignent les effets néfastes des transfusions sanguines suggérant des seuils transfusionnels plus restrictifs. Malgré cela, il n’y a pas de données sur les transfusions chez l’enfant atteint de traumatismes graves. Nous avons donc entrepris une analyse post-hoc d’une grosse étude prospective multicentrique sur les pratiques transfusionnelles des enfants traumatisés. Nous avons conclu que les enfants traumatisés sont transfusés de manière importante avant et après l’admission aux soins intensifs. Un jeune âge, un PELOD élevé et le recours à la ventilation mécanique sont des facteurs associés à recevoir une transfusion sanguine aux soins intensifs. Le facteur le plus prédicteur, demeure le fait de recevoir une transfusion avant l’admission aux soins, élément qui suggère probablement un saignement continu. Il demeure qu’une étude prospective spécifique des patients traumatisés doit être effectuée pour évaluer si une prise en charge basée sur un seuil transfusionnel restrictif serait sécuritaire dans cette population.


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Les accidents sont la cause la plus fréquente de décès chez l’enfant, la plupart du temps à cause d’un traumatisme cranio-cérébrale (TCC) sévère ou d’un choc hémorragique. Malgré cela, la prise en charge de ces patients est souvent basée sur la littérature adulte. Le mannitol et le salin hypertonique (3%) sont des traitements standards dans la gestion de l’hypertension intracrânienne, mais il existe très peu d’évidence sur leur utilité en pédiatrie. Nous avons entrepris une revue rétrospective des traumatismes crâniens sévères admis dans les sept dernières années, pour décrire l’utilisation de ces agents hyperosmolaires et leurs effets sur la pression intracrânienne. Nous avons établi que le salin hypertonique est plus fréquemment utilisé que le mannitol, qu’il ne semble pas y avoir de facteurs associés à l’utilisation de l’un ou l’autre, et que l’effet sur la pression intracrânienne est difficile à évaluer en raison de multiples co-interventions. Il faudra mettre en place un protocole de gestion du patient avec TCC sévère avant d’entreprendre des études prospectives. La transfusion sanguine est employée de façon courante dans la prise en charge du patient traumatisé. De nombreuses études soulignent les effets néfastes des transfusions sanguines suggérant des seuils transfusionnels plus restrictifs. Malgré cela, il n’y a pas de données sur les transfusions chez l’enfant atteint de traumatismes graves. Nous avons donc entrepris une analyse post-hoc d’une grosse étude prospective multicentrique sur les pratiques transfusionnelles des enfants traumatisés. Nous avons conclu que les enfants traumatisés sont transfusés de manière importante avant et après l’admission aux soins intensifs. Un jeune âge, un PELOD élevé et le recours à la ventilation mécanique sont des facteurs associés à recevoir une transfusion sanguine aux soins intensifs. Le facteur le plus prédicteur, demeure le fait de recevoir une transfusion avant l’admission aux soins, élément qui suggère probablement un saignement continu. Il demeure qu’une étude prospective spécifique des patients traumatisés doit être effectuée pour évaluer si une prise en charge basée sur un seuil transfusionnel restrictif serait sécuritaire dans cette population.


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Background Context Percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure and is frequently performed in humans who need surgical treatment of vertebral fractures. PVP involves cement injection into the vertebral body, thereby providing rapid and significant pain relief. Purpose The testing of novel biomaterials depends on suitable animal models. The aim of this study was to develop a reproducible and safe model of PVP in sheep. Study Design This study used ex vivo and in vivo large animal model study (Merino sheep). Methods Ex vivo vertebroplasty was performed through a bilateral modified parapedicular access in 24 ovine lumbar hemivertebrae, divided into four groups (n=6). Cerament (Bone Support, Lund, Sweden) was the control material. In the experimental group, a novel composite was tested—Spine-Ghost—which consisted of an alpha-calcium sulfate matrix enriched with micrometric particles of mesoporous bioactive glass. All vertebrae were assessed by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and underwent mechanical testing. For the in vivo study, 16 sheep were randomly allocated into control and experimental groups (n=8), and underwent PVP using the same bone cements. All vertebrae were assessed postmortem by micro-CT, histology, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-PCR). This work has been supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for collaborative projects (600,000–650,000 USD). Results In the ex vivo model, the average defect volume was 1,275.46±219.29 mm3. Adequate defect filling with cement was observed. No mechanical failure was observed under loads which were higher than physiological. In the in vivo study, cardiorespiratory distress was observed in two animals, and one sheep presented mild neurologic deficits in the hind limbs before recovering. Conclusions The model of PVP is considered suitable for preclinical in vivo studies, mimicking clinical application. All sheep recovered and completed a 6-month implantation period. There was no evidence of cement leakage into the vertebral foramen in the postmortem examination.