842 resultados para interview study
Bakgrund: Många barn uppvisar symtom på psykisk ohälsa, samtidigt visar studier att barn får en alltmer stillasittande fritid. Exakt hur den fysiska aktiviteten påverkar den psykiska hälsan är oklart då det är en komplex fråga. I sitt arbete erhåller skolsköterskor nära relationer med barn och de får på så vis en inblick i hur den psykiska samt fysiska hälsan ser ut. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur samspelet mellan psykisk hälsa och fysisk aktivitet uppfattas av skolsköterskor utifrån deras erfarenhet i elevhälsan bland högstadieelever. Metod: En empirisk kvalitativ intervjustudie med fenomenografisk ansats. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av åtta stycken skolsköterskor i Karlstads kommun som arbetar med elever på högstadiet. Huvudresultat: Skolsköterskorna hade en gemensam erfarenhet av att många barn har en dålig psykisk hälsa och att detta främst observeras bland flickor. De delade även uppfattningen av att den fysiska aktiviteten minskar bland barn. Något som framkom av skolsköterskornas berättelser var att kraven inom idrotten uppfattas av många barn som allt för höga. Konklusion: Många barn upplever allt för höga krav inom idrotten vilket kan leda till psykisk ohälsa hos vissa barn och framförallt bland flickor. För att få barn att öka sin fysiska aktivitet är det viktigt att se över synsättet inom idrotten så att det blir den roliga, sociala och avslappnande aktivitet den är tänkt att vara.
Bakgrund: Barnmorskans arbetsfält omfattar idag sexuell-, reproduktiv- och perinatal hälsa och det centrala i yrkesutövningen är att främja hälsa. Barnmorskan ska ha kunskaper om, kunna ge information och undervisa om sexualitet och samlevnad utifrån ett genus- och livscykelperspektiv. Uppdraget på ungdomsmottagning är att arbeta med sexualitet och hälsa samt att förebygga oönskade graviditeter och STI. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva barnmorskors erfarenheter av preventivmedelsrådgivning på ungdomsmottagning. Metod: Individuella intervjuer genomfordes med nio barnmorskor på ungdomsmottagningar. Vid intervjutillfället användes en frågeguide och semistrukturerade frågor ställdes. Som analysmetod användes kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra kategorier och 15 subkategorier identifierades. Kategorierna var enligt följande: Erfarenheten och kunskapens betydelse, Det kliniska arbetssättet, Modererande faktorer och Utmaningar. Slutsats: Barnmorskor uppgav god kunskap och goda erfarenheter av ungdomar och preventivmedelsrådgivning på ungdomsmottagning men menade att det är ett dynamiskt arbete som bidrar till ständig utveckling. Vid möten med preventivmedelssökande ungdomar på ungdomsmottagning fanns önskan att mötet skulle ske på individnivå. Erfarenheter av modererande faktorer för barnmorskan, utmaningar för preventivmedelsrådgivningen och följsamheten fanns vilket innebar att preventivmedelsrådgivning för ungdomar på ungdomsmottagning är komplext. Klinisk tillämpbarhet: Studiens resultat skulle kunna innebära ökad förståelse för arbetet på ungdomsmottagning och skapa underlag för att möta utmaningarna som barnmorskorna möter i det dagliga arbetet.
This is a qualitative interview study aiming to examine the concept of tolerance as it is a core value in the curriculum for the Swedish upper secondary school and high school. The concept of tolerance is linked to the subject of religious studies. A total of six teachers were interviewed regarding their understanding and interpretation of the concept, as well as its place in their teaching. The method of analysis was hermeneutic and the statements made by the teachers were further analyzed in the light of normcritical pedagogy and didactical awareness. The results show a diversified understanding of the concept, manifested in a broad scale of attitudes to it, ranging from negative to positive, though all were based on a reflective approach. This affected the teachers' tendency to include, or focus on, the concept of tolerance in their teaching, varying from active inclusion to exclusion. The discussion focuses on the differences and difficulties associated with acts of tolerance versus attitudes of tolerance. The teachers define religious studies as a subject with heavy focus on interpersonal relations. Acts of tolerance are therefore problematic as they are also acts of power between individuals and groups. This shows the didactical importance of discussing the concept of tolerance, mainly in relation to attitudes and acts, between teachers as well as in the classroom.
I dagens förskoleverksamhet är det i regel ett måste att dokumentera lärandeprocesser för att kunna uppfylla samtliga mål i utbildningsplaner och bistå med god utbildningskvalitet. Pedagogisk dokumentation – som grundades av Reggio Emilia – är ett utvärderingsverktyg som skall observera barnets lärandeprocesser samt förskollärarnas förhållningssätt. I vardagliga situationer i förskoleverksamheten har pedagogisk dokumentation många fördelar som kan kartlägga och ge bra förutsättningar genom att skapa förståelse för hur barn lär sig och utvecklas bäst. Syftet med denna studie var att genomföra en litteraturstudie i kombination med kvalitativa intervjuer som utgick ifrån följande frågeställningar: Hur definierar förskollärare begreppet dokumentation respektive pedagogisk dokumentation? Hur beskriver förskollärare arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation? Och hur menar förskollärare att arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation utvecklar verksamheten? Intervjuerna transkriberades och kategoriserades sedan kring hur förskollärarna använder pedagogisk dokumentation, hur synen på pedagogisk dokumentation ser ut samt vilka olika arbetssätt som används. Vid färdigställande av resultatet framgick det att tre av fyra respondenter upplevde pedagogisk dokumentation som något positivt och modernt. En respondent av fyra fann inte pedagogisk dokumentation som ett bra hjälpmedel för utvärdering, då verktyget kan vara oetiskt på så sätt att det kan användas som ett bedömningsverktyg på det enskilda barnet. Diskussionsavsnittet kopplar samman tidigare forskning med förskollärarnas svar kring hur de ser på pedagogisk dokumentation, hur de beskriver arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation och hur arbetssättet kan utveckla verksamheten.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This dissertation aims to examine and deepen the knowledge of family member caregiving where the care recipient is an elderly person who immigrated late in life. It also aims to contribute to the knowledge of the complexities underlying informal care giving and add to our understandings of what it means to be an immigrant in Sweden. The caregiver is in focus. The research conducted is explorative and partly inductive. The main material used is a qualitative interview study carried out with family members from different countries who are providing informal care to elderly immigrant relatives. The analysis gives three patterns of caregiving. One shows help from informal caregivers only who are not compensated economically. Another shows help from family members who are compensated. The third shows help from family members and staff from the public care system. Three ideal-typical informal caregiver roles show different positions vis-à-vis the new: “guardian”, “filter” and “reinterpreter of traditional care ideals”. Swedish born and immigrated informal caregivers are also compared through analysis of data gathered in telephone interviews with a representative selection of inhabitants in the County of Stockholm. A philosophy of action together with theory on integration and multiculturalism serves as theoretical frameworks to understand discrepancies and ambiguities in the data. Young immigrants experience different integration processes than do the older ones. They strive to protect older family members from changes linked to the migration experience. Talk about dependence on culture underlines family feelings and legitimates the processes of protection. Preconceptions about great differences between Swedish born and immigrant families are not supported by quantitative data. A conclusion is that protection can be understood in relation both to the traditional and the new, the latter in the forms of meetings with Swedish society where unequal relations prevail. It is a kind of counter-strategy where the range of actions is diminished, and thus it has its own logic. Protection can be loosened up when the circumstances change and the range of actions grow.
Illustrations are an essential part of most CCS communication materials. This article looks at the role of illustrations in communication and education in general, and in CCS communication in particular. First, literature on multimedia learning is reviewed and general guidelines for designing graphical displays deduced. This is followed by a discussion of relevant mental models and their possible implementa- tion in pictorial form. The authors then report on an interview study in which illustrations with various implementations of CCS mental models are compared. No major differences were found regarding under- standing of CCS between the different illustrations. Graphical displays alone are not powerful enough to implicitly correct typical misconceptions about CCS. Such misconceptions should be stated explicitly, along with their correction.
BACKGROUND Research suggests that "silence", i.e., not voicing safety concerns, is common among health care professionals (HCPs). Speaking up about patient safety is vital to avoid errors reaching the patient and thus to prevent harm and also to improve a culture of teamwork and safety. The aim of our study was to explore factors that affect oncology staff's decision to voice safety concerns or to remain silent and to describe the trade-offs they make. METHODS In a qualitative interview study with 32 doctors and nurses from 7 oncology units we investigated motivations and barriers to speaking up towards co-workers and supervisors. An inductive thematic content analysis framework was applied to the transcripts. Based on the individual experiences of participants, we conceptualize the choice to voice concerns and the trade-offs involved. RESULTS Preventing patients from serious harm constitutes a strong motivation to speaking up but competes with anticipated negative outcomes. Decisions whether and how to voice concerns involved complex considerations and trade-offs. Many respondents reflected on whether the level of risk for a patient "justifies" the costs of speaking up. Various barriers for voicing concerns were reported, e.g., damaging relationships. Contextual factors, such as the presence of patients and co-workers in the alarming situation, affect the likelihood of anticipated negative outcomes. Speaking up to well-known co-workers was described as considerably easier whereas "not knowing the actor well" increases risks and potential costs of speaking up. CONCLUSIONS While doctors and nurses felt strong obligation to prevent errors reaching individual patients, they were not engaged in voicing concerns beyond this immediacy. Our results offer in-depth insight into fears and conditions conducive of silence and voicing and can be used for educational interventions and leader reinforcement.
Breast cancer continues to reign as a common cause of death for women in the United States, claiming the lives of more than an estimated 40,000 women in 2009 alone (Ries et al., 2009). A mammogram, an x-ray of the breast, can aid in early detection of breast cancer and thus more successful treatment. Screening patterns indicate African American women are less likely to utilize mammography technology when compared to their Caucasian counterparts. Additionally, the obesity epidemic in the United States remains a major public health problem. Obesity trends indicate that African American women are likely to be more obese when compared to Caucasian women. Pischon, Nöthlings, & Boeing (2008) concluded there was sufficient evidence linking breast cancer and obesity. Many researchers have identified obesity as a risk factor for breast cancer. As African American women are disproportionately burdened by both breast cancer mortality and obesity, more extensive research is needed to gain more knowledge about their association. The purpose of this study was to identify the role obesity plays in lessening an African American woman’s usage of mammography technology. Data from the 2005 National Health Interview Study were analyzed using SPSS to evaluate the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and mammography utilization in the two aforementioned populations.^ After excluding respondents from the sample who did not meet the set criteria, there were 17,666 women remaining. Of the 17,666 women, 6,156 (34.8%) had a healthy weight, 6,024 (34.1%) were overweight, and 4,285 (24.3%) were obese. About 70% of the sample population reported having had a mammogram in the last two years. Another 27.6% of women reported not receiving a mammogram within this same two year time frame. Within ethnic categories, the majority of the sample was Caucasian (64.2%) while only 15.1% of the sample was African American. The relationship between mammography usage and body mass index was not statistically significant within any body mass index categories. When analyzing the relationship between mammography usage and BMI, adjusting for ethnicity, there was also no significant difference between obese African American and obese Caucasian women. The study did find significant relationships between mammography usage and body mass index when adjusting for cancer risk OR = .79 (95% CI .72 - .85), and marital status OR = 1.18 (95% CI 1.05 - 1.34). Due to insignificant findings, there was no evidence to support the hypothesis regarding differences in mammography usage based on weight or ethnicity. Mammography screening differences based on ethnicity are widely cited. Unfortunately it is still unclear exactly where these differences lie. Obesity has been widely documented in the literature as a risk factor for many chronic diseases, including certain forms of cancer. Understanding the relationship between screening behaviors and weight can assist in the development of health promotion programs aimed at high risk groups. In order to change screening behavior and reduce mortality from breast cancer, more research is needed to identify similarities within low screening populations.^
The purpose of the current dissertation is to identify the features of effective interventions by exploring the experiences of youth with ASD who participate in such interventions, through two intervention studies (Studies 1 and 2) and one interview study (Study 3). Studies 1 and 2 were designed to support the development of social competence of youth with ASD through Structured Play with LEGO TM (Study 1, 12 youths with ASD, ages 7–12) and Minecraft TM (Study 2, 4 youths with ASD, ages 11–13). Over the course of the sessions, the play of the youth developed from parallel play (children playing alone, without interacting) to co-operative play (playing together with shared objectives). The results of Study 2 showed that rates of initiations and levels of engagement increased from the first session to the final session. In Study 3, 12 youths with ASD (ages 10–14) and at least one of their parents were interviewed to explore what children and their parents want from programs designed to improve social competence, which activities and practices were perceived to promote social competence by the participants, and which factors affected their decisions regarding these programs. The adolescents and parents looked for programs that supported social development and emotional wellbeing, but did not always have access to the programs they would have preferred, with factors such as cost and location reducing their options. Three overarching themes emerged through analysis of the three studies: (a) interests of the youth; (b) structure, both through interactions and instruction; and (c) naturalistic settings. Adolescents generally engage more willingly in interventions that incorporate their interests, such as play with Minecraft TM in Study 2. Additionally, Structured Play and structured instruction were crucial components of providing safe and supportive contexts for the development of social competence. Finally, skills learned in naturalistic settings tend to be applied more successfully in everyday situations. The themes are analysed through the lens of Vygotsky’s (1978) perspectives on learning, play, and development. Implications of the results for practitioners and researchers are discussed.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-05
In this article, the authors analyze participants' accounts of why they took part in a repeat-interview study exploring newly diagnosed patients' perceptions of diabetes service provision in Lothian, Scotland. The study involved three semistructured in-depth interviews with each patient (N = 40), which spanned a year. The authors provide a thematic discursive analysis of responses to the question, Can I ask you what made you decide to part in the study and why you've stayed involved over the past year? The main themes are (a) recruitment within health contexts ("the nurse said it would help"), (b) altruism ("if it can help somebody"), (c) qualitative research being seen as inherently innocuous ("nothing to lose"), and (d) therapeutic aspects of interviewing ("getting it off my chest"). The analysis contributes both to the qualitative literature about generic research participation and to a germinal literature exploring qualitative health research participation. © 2006 Sage Publications.
This thesis begins with a review of the conflict literature. It continues with an illustration of the nature of intergroup conflict between British health care teams, by presenting results from an interview study using the critical incident technique. Within the theory testing part, drawing upon a sample of 53 British health care teams from five organisations, an empirical test of both intergroup contact and social identity theory is provided. In a next step, a measure of intergroup effectiveness, the effectiveness with which dyads of groups perform on collaborative tasks, is developed. Finally, the moderating role of both resource interdependence and group boundary spanners’ negotiation style for the relationship between intergroup competition and longitudinal change in group and intergroup effectiveness is examined.
This thesis is concerned with the issue of gender inequality in higher education. It examines the relationship between gender and subject specialisation, looking in particular at the reasons for the predominance, at undergraduate level, of men in the physical sciences, and of women in the humanities. It investigates ideas of `masculinity' and `femininity' and how these relate to constructions of `science' and `arts'. The thesis argues that students choose which subject to study on the basis of certain qualities these subjects are seen to hold, and that these qualities have close connections with beliefs about `masculinity' and `femininity'. It examines this through an interview study of male and female students on six higher education courses: two university courses of physics, two university courses of English, a polytechnic course in communications and a polytechnic course in physical science. The interview study demonstrates that the science subjects are perceived by science students as more certain, more useful and more important than the humanities, and emphasise the value of their degree in gaining a well-paid and important job. Female science students, however, experience conflict between being `a good scientist' and being `feminine'. English and communications students emphasise the breadth, uncertainty and individuality of their subjects, and find science restrictive and narrow. They make little link between their degree and their future career. Men, however, feel no conflict between their identity as men and their chosen subject. It is argued that there is a close link between the construction of masculinity and the construction of physical science, but that English and communications are more ambivalent: in some senses `masculine', in some `feminine'. Men are advantaged in these subjects because of their greater visibility and assertiveness. The thesis concludes that the division between `science' and `arts' reinforces ideas of masculinity and femininity, and argues that female `failure' in education is in part the result of higher education's inability to transcend that division.