991 resultados para intact sandstones


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Ovariectomy interrupts the regulatory loop in the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis, leading to a several-fold increase in gonadotropin levels. This rise in hormonal secretion may play a causal role in ovariectomy-related urinary incontinence. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of ovariectomy in bitches on the expression of GnRH- and LH-receptors in the lower urinary tract, and assess the relationship between receptor expression and plasma gonadotropin concentrations. Plasma gonadotropins were measured in 37 client-owned bitches. Biopsies were harvested from the mid-ventral bladder wall in all dogs, and from nine further locations within the lower urinary tract in 17 of the 37 animals. Messenger RNA of the LH and GnRH receptors was quantified using RT-PCR with the TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix. Gonadotropins were measured with a canine-specific FSH-immunoradiometric assay and LH-radioimmunoassay. The hierarchical mixed ANOVA model using MINITAB, Mann-Whitney U-test, unpaired means comparison and linear regressions using StatView were applied for statistical analyses. Messenger RNA for both receptors was detected in all biopsy samples. Age was negatively correlated to mRNA expression of the LH and the GnRH receptors. A relationship between the mRNA values and the plasma gonadotropin concentrations was not established. Evaluation of results within each of the biopsy locations revealed greater LH-receptor expression in the proximal second quarter of the urethra in spayed bitches than in intact bitches (P=0.0481). Increased mRNA expression of LH receptors in this location could possibly play a role in the decrease in closing pressure of the urethra following ovariectomy.


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Petrography, geochemical whole-rock composition, and chemical analyses of tourmaline were performed in order to determine the source areas of Lower Cretaceous Mora, El Castellar, and uppermost Camarillas Formation sandstones from the Iberian Chain, Spain. Sandstones were deposited in intraplate subbasins, which are bound by plutonic and volcanic rocks of Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic age, Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, and Triassic sedimentary rocks. Modal analyses together with petrographic and cathodoluminescence observations allowed us to define three quartz-feldspathic petrofacies and recognize diagenetic processes that modified the original framework composition. Results from average restored petrofacies are: Mora petrofacies = P/F >1 and Q(r)70 F(r)22 R(r)9; El Castellar petrofacies = P/F >1 and Q(r)57 F(r)25 R(r)18; and Camarillas petrofacies = P/F ∼ zero and Q(r)64 F(r)28 R(r)7 (P—plagioclase; F—feldspar; Q—quartz; R—rock fragments; r—restored composition). Trace-element and rare earth element abundances of whole-rock analyses discriminate well between the three petrofacies based on: (1) the Rb concentration, which is indicative of the K content and reflects the amount of K-feldspar modal abundance, and (2) the relative modal abundance of heavy minerals (tourmaline, zircon, titanite, and apatite), which is reproduced by the elements hosted in the observed heavy mineral assemblage (i.e., B and Li for tourmaline; Zr, Hf, and Ta for zircon; Ti, Ta, Nb, and their rare earth elements for titanite; and P, Y, and their rare earth elements for apatite). Tourmaline chemical composition for the three petrofacies ranges from Fe-tourmaline of granitic to Mg-tourmaline of metamorphic origin. The three defined petrofacies suggest a mixed provenance from plutonic and metamorphic source rocks. However, a progressively major influence of granitic source rocks was detected from the lowermost Mora petrofacies toward the uppermost Camarillas petrofacies. This provenance trend is consistent with the uplift and erosion of the Iberian Massif, which coincided with the development of the latest Berriasian synrift regional unconformity and affected all of the Iberian intraplate basins. The uplifting stage of Iberian Massif pluton caused a significant dilution of Paleozoic metamorphic source areas, which were dominant during the sedimentation of the lowermost Mora and El Castellar petrofacies. The association of petrographic data with whole-rock geochemical compositions and tourmaline chemical analysis has proved to be useful for determining source area characteristics, their predominance, and the evolution of source rock types during the deposition of quartz-feldspathic sandstones in intraplate basins. This approach ensures that provenance interpretation is consistent with the geological context.


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The Fort Union and Lance formations are widespread terrestrial sediments exposed in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Canada. Their stratigraphic position, especially that of the Lance, has long been in doubt, and has provoked much controversy among geologists.


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The calciuric response after an oral calcium load (1000 mg elemental calcium together with a standard breakfast) was studied in 13 healthy male controls and 21 recurrent idiopathic renal calcium stone formers, 12 with hypercalciuria (UCa x V > 7.50 mmol/24 h) and nine with normocalciuria. In controls, serum 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 (calcitriol) remained unchanged 6 h after oral calcium load (50.6 +/- 5.1 versus 50.9 +/- 5.0 pg/ml), whereas it tended to increase in hypercalciuric (from 53.6 +/- 3.2 to 60.6 +/- 5.4 pg/ml, P = 0.182) and fell in normocalciuric stone formers (from 45.9 +/- 2.6 to 38.1 +/- 3.3 pg/ml, P = 0.011). The total amount of urinary calcium excreted after OCL was 2.50 +/- 0.20 mmol in controls, 2.27 +/- 0.27 mmol in normocalciuric and 3.62 +/- 0.32 mmol in hypercalciuric stone formers (P = 0.005 versus controls and normocalciuric stone formers respectively); it positively correlated with serum calcitriol 6 h after calcium load (r = 0.392, P = 0.024). Maximum increase in urinary calcium excretion rate, delta Ca-Emax, was inversely related to intact PTH levels in the first 4 h after calcium load, i.e. more pronounced PTH suppression predicted a steeper increase in urinary calcium excretion rate. Twenty-four-hour urine calcium excretion rate was inversely related to the ratio of delta calcitriol/deltaPTHmax after calcium load (r = -0.653, P = 0.0001), indicating that an abnormally up-regulated synthesis of calcitriol and consecutive relative PTH suppression induce hypercalciuria.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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The bacterial flagellar motor is a remarkable nanomachine that provides motility through flagellar rotation. Prior structural studies have revealed the stunning complexity of the purified rotor and C-ring assemblies from flagellar motors. In this study, we used high-throughput cryo-electron tomography and image analysis of intact Borrelia burgdorferi to produce a three-dimensional (3-D) model of the in situ flagellar motor without imposing rotational symmetry. Structural details of B. burgdorferi, including a layer of outer surface proteins, were clearly visible in the resulting 3-D reconstructions. By averaging the 3-D images of approximately 1,280 flagellar motors, a approximately 3.5-nm-resolution model of the stator and rotor structures was obtained. flgI transposon mutants lacked a torus-shaped structure attached to the flagellar rod, establishing the structural location of the spirochetal P ring. Treatment of intact organisms with the nonionic detergent NP-40 resulted in dissolution of the outermost portion of the motor structure and the C ring, providing insight into the in situ arrangement of the stator and rotor structures. Structural elements associated with the stator followed the curvature of the cytoplasmic membrane. The rotor and the C ring also exhibited angular flexion, resulting in a slight narrowing of both structures in the direction perpendicular to the cell axis. These results indicate an inherent flexibility in the rotor-stator interaction. The FliG switching and energizing component likely provides much of the flexibility needed to maintain the interaction between the curved stator and the relatively symmetrical rotor/C-ring assembly during flagellar rotation.


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Spontaneous contractions of the fetal airways are a well recognized but poorly characterized phenomenon. In the present study spontaneous narrowing of the airways was analyzed in freshly isolated lungs from early to late gestation in fetal pigs and rabbits and in cultured fetal mouse lungs. Propagating waves of contraction traveling proximal to distal were observed in fresh lungs throughout gestation which displaced the lung liquid along the lumen. In the pseudoglandular and canalicular stages (fetal pigs) the frequency ranged from 2.3 to 3.3 contractions/min with a 39 to 46% maximum reduction of lumen diameter. In the saccular stage (rabbit) the frequency was 10 to 12/min with a narrowing of approximately 30%. In the organ cultures the waves of narrowing started at the trachea in whole lungs, or at the main bronchus in lobes (5.2 +/- 1.5 contractions/min, 22 +/- 8% reduction of lumen diameter), and as they proceeded distally along the epithelial tubes the luminal liquid was shifted toward the terminal tubules, which expanded the endbuds. As the tubules relaxed the flow of liquid was reversed. Thus the behavior of airway smooth muscle in the fetal lung is phasic in type (like gastrointestinal muscle) in contrast to that in postnatal lung, where it is tonic. An intraluminal positive pressure of 2.33 +/- 0.77 cm H(2)O was recorded in rabbit fetal trachea. It is proposed that the active tone of the smooth muscle maintains the positive intraluminal pressure and acts as a stimulus to lung growth via the force exerted across the airway wall and adjacent parenchyma. The expansion of the compliant endbuds by the fluid shifts at the airway tip may promote their growth into the surrounding mesenchyme.


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OBJECTIVE To validate use of stress MRI for evaluation of stifle joints of dogs with an intact or deficient cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL). SAMPLE 10 cadaveric stifle joints from 10 dogs. PROCEDURES A custom-made limb-holding device and a pulley system linked to a paw plate were used to apply axial compression across the stifle joint and induce cranial tibial translation with the joint in various degrees of flexion. By use of sagittal proton density-weighted MRI, CrCL-intact and deficient stifle joints were evaluated under conditions of loading stress simulating the tibial compression test or the cranial drawer test. Medial and lateral femorotibial subluxation following CrCL transection measured under a simulated tibial compression test and a cranial drawer test were compared. RESULTS By use of tibial compression test MRI, the mean ± SD cranial tibial translations in the medial and lateral compartments were 9.6 ± 3.7 mm and 10 ± 4.1 mm, respectively. By use of cranial drawer test MRI, the mean ± SD cranial tibial translations in the medial and lateral compartments were 8.3 ± 3.3 mm and 9.5 ± 3.5 mm, respectively. No significant difference in femorotibial subluxation was found between stress MRI techniques. Femorotibial subluxation elicited by use of the cranial drawer test was greater in the lateral than in the medial compartment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Both stress techniques induced stifle joint subluxation following CrCL transection that was measurable by use of MRI, suggesting that both methods may be further evaluated for clinical use.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The aim of this prospective study was to assess vascular integrity after stent-retriever thrombectomy. METHODS Dissection, contrast medium extravasation, and vasospasm were evaluated in 23 patients after thrombectomy with biplane or 3D-digital subtraction angiography and 3-Tesla vessel wall MRI. RESULTS Vasospasm was detected angiographically in 10 patients, necessitating intra-arterial nimodipine in 2 of them. Contrast extravasation, intramural hemorrhage, or iatrogenic dissection were not detected on multimodal MRI in any patient even after Y-double stent-retriever technique. CONCLUSIONS Our findings suggest that clinically relevant vessel wall injuries occur rarely after stent-retriever thrombectomy.


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PURPOSE Mechanical loading is an important parameter that alters the homeostasis of the intervertebral disc (IVD). Studies have demonstrated the role of compression in altering the cellular metabolism, anabolic and catabolic events of the disc, but little is known how complex loading such as torsion-compression affects the IVD cell metabolism and matrix homeostasis. Studying how the duration of torsion affects disc matrix turnover could provide guidelines to prevent overuse injury to the disc and suggest possible beneficial effect of torsion. The aim of the study was to evaluate the biological response of the IVD to different durations of torsional loading. METHODS Intact bovine caudal IVD were isolated for organ culture in a bioreactor. Different daily durations of torsion were applied over 7 days at a physiological magnitude (±2°) in combination with 0.2 MPa compression, at a frequency of 1 Hz. RESULTS Nucleus pulpous (NP) cell viability and total disc volume decreased with 8 h of torsion-compression per day. Gene expression analysis suggested a down-regulated MMP13 with increased time of torsion. 1 and 4 h per day torsion-compression tended to increase the glycosaminoglycans/hydroxyproline ratio in the NP tissue group. CONCLUSIONS Our result suggests that load duration thresholds exist in both torsion and compression with an optimal load duration capable of promoting matrix synthesis and overloading can be harmful to disc cells. Future research is required to evaluate the specific mechanisms for these observed effects.


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It is difficult to find a Vesta model of iron core, pyroxene and olivine-rich mantle, and HED crust that can match the joint constraints of (a) Vesta's density and core size as reported by the Dawn spacecraft team; (b) the chemical trends of the HED meteorites, including the depletion of sodium, the FeO abundance, and the trace element enrichments; and (c) the absence of exposed mantle material on Vesta's surface, among Vestoid asteroids, or in our collection of basaltic meteorites. These conclusions are based entirely on mass-balance and density arguments, independent of any particular formation scenario for the HED meteorites themselves. We suggest that Vesta either formed from source material with non-chondritic composition or underwent after its formation a radical physical alteration, possibly caused by collisional processes, that affected its global composition and interior structure. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.