927 resultados para inorganic non-metallic materials
Shape memory materials (SMMs) represent an important class of smart materials that have the ability to return from a deformed state to their original shape. Thanks to such a property, SMMs are utilized in a wide range of innovative applications. The increasing number of applications and the consequent involvement of industrial players in the field have motivated researchers to formulate constitutive models able to catch the complex behavior of these materials and to develop robust computational tools for design purposes. Such a research field is still under progress, especially in the prediction of shape memory polymer (SMP) behavior and of important effects characterizing shape memory alloy (SMA) applications. Moreover, the frequent use of shape memory and metallic materials in biomedical devices, particularly in cardiovascular stents, implanted in the human body and experiencing millions of in-vivo cycles by the blood pressure, clearly indicates the need for a deeper understanding of fatigue/fracture failure in microsize components. The development of reliable stent designs against fatigue is still an open subject in scientific literature. Motivated by the described framework, the thesis focuses on several research issues involving the advanced constitutive, numerical and fatigue modeling of elastoplastic and shape memory materials. Starting from the constitutive modeling, the thesis proposes to develop refined phenomenological models for reliable SMA and SMP behavior descriptions. Then, concerning the numerical modeling, the thesis proposes to implement the models into numerical software by developing implicit/explicit time-integration algorithms, to guarantee robust computational tools for practical purposes. The described modeling activities are completed by experimental investigations on SMA actuator springs and polyethylene polymers. Finally, regarding the fatigue modeling, the thesis proposes the introduction of a general computational approach for the fatigue-life assessment of a classical stent design, in order to exploit computer-based simulations to prevent failures and modify design, without testing numerous devices.
The corrosion of metallic materials is a crucial issue on an economical and ecological scale. Corrosion protection becomes then necessarily needed. The main focus of the thesis is to develop stimuli-responsive nanocontainers for self-healing in corrosion protection. A nanocontainer is efficient if distinct payloads can be selectively released via different stimuli because unwanted and unspecific release can be avoided. For anti-corrosion, the wanted nanocontainer is the one able to release its self-healing agents or corrosion inhibitors upon change of pH- or/and redox-potential due to the variation of these two signals at the corroded sites. Conducting polymers such as polyaniline (PANI) were chosen for building the shell of capsules due to their important characteristics of being both pH- and redox responsive.
Phosphonatliganden in erweiterten anorganischen Hybridmaterialien undrnals Radikalträgern in KomplexenrnrnAnorganisch-organische Hybridmaterialien sind in der Regel extrem vielseitig. Die systematische Darstellung von niederdimensionalen Materialien (eindimensionale Kettenverbindungen oder zweidimensionalen Schichtverbindungen) mit einer Kontrolle über die Art der Verbindung,rnbietet neue Möglichkeiten im Bereich des molekularen Magnetismus. Hier im Fall von Metall-Phosphonat Verbindungen in erweiterten anorganischen Hybriden wurde der pH - Wert während der Reaktion eingestellt, wodurch der Grad der Protonierung des Phosphonatliganden kontrolliert wurde. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass alle erhaltenen Metall Phosphonatverbindungen neutral waren, konnte das Ligand zu Metallverhältnis erstmals vorhergesagt werden. So wurden mehrere neue Metall–Phosphonat Verbindungen im Bereich von Null-dimensionalen (I0O0, Co-Kristallisation von M(H2O)6 mitrndeprotonierten Phosphonatligand), über eindimensionalen (I1O0, Kettenstrukturen) bis hin zu zweidimensionalen (I2O0, Schichtstrukturen) ausführlich diskutiert in Bezug auf ihr magnetisches Verhalten. Im Allgemeinen sind die erwarteten Austauschwechselwirkungen in einem erweiterten anorganischen Hybridmaterial stark, weil oft ein Superaustausch durch ein einzelnes Sauerstoffatom möglich ist. Hier waren oft mehrere konkurrierende Austauschwechselwirkungen vorhanden, so dass kompliziertere magnetische Verhalten beobachtet wurden.rnrnDarüber hinaus wurden drei neue Beispiele von Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikale dargestellt, in denen eine zusätzliche saure Funktionalität eingeführt war. Die Auswirkungen des sauren Charakters der zusätzlich eingeführten Sulfonsäure oder Phosphonsäure-Gruppe auf das Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikal wurden im Detail zum ersten Mal untersucht. Die mit der Phosphonsäure-Gruppe versehenen Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikale sind perfekte Proben für die Untersuchung einer Spin-Verschiebung in Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikale durch EPR-Spektroskopie, aufgrund des eingeführten Phosphors. Auch der Protonierungsgrad der zusätzlich eingeführten Phosphonsäure-Gruppe wurde berücksichtigt. In dieser Arbeit wurden die ersten Metallkomplexe der neuen substituierten sauren Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikale vorgestellt. Die Koordination von Nickel(II) Metallionen an die saure, zweite funktionelle Gruppe des Nitronyl–Nitroxid Radikal wurde beschrieben. Die magnetische Austauschwechselwirkung der Metallionen untereinander und die Metall-Radikal-Austauschwechselwirkungen wurden untersucht. rnrnIm Allgemeinen können interessante molekulare magnetische Materialien dadurch dargestellt werden, dass die Dimension der Metall-Phosphonat-Verbindungen als Beispiele für die erweiterten anorganischen Hybridmaterialien gesteuert werden kann. Mit Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikale als organische Liganden können in Zukunft noch mehr Spin-Träger in anorganisch-organischen Gerüstmaterialien integriert werden um die magnetischen Eigenschaften zu verbesseren.rn
The art of Powder Metallurgy deals with the preparation of metal powders and their utilization. As a more pertinent definition, the following has been suggested: "Powder Metallurgy is the art of producing metal powders and shaped objects from individual, mixed, or alloyed metal powders, with or without the inclusion of non-metallic constituents".
Key performance features of a miniature laser ablation time-of-flight mass spectrometer designed for in situ investigations of the chemical composition of planetary surfaces are presented. This mass spectrometer is well suited for elemental and isotopic analysis of raw solid materials with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution. In this study, ultraviolet laser radiation with irradiances suitable for ablation (< 1 GW/cm2) is used to achieve stable ion formation and low sample consumption. In comparison to our previous laser ablation studies at infrared wavelengths, several improvements to the experimental setup have been made, which allow accurate control over the experimental conditions and good reproducibility of measurements. Current performance evaluations indicate significant improvements to several instrumental figures of merit. Calibration of the mass scale is performed within a mass accuracy (Δm/m) in the range of 100 ppm, and a typical mass resolution (m/Δm) ~600 is achieved at the lead mass peaks. At lower laser irradiances, the mass resolution is better, about (m/Δm) ~900 for lead, and limited by the laser pulse duration of 3 ns. The effective dynamic range of the instrument was enhanced from about 6 decades determined in previous study up to more than 8 decades at present. Current studies show high sensitivity in detection of both metallic and non-metallic elements. Their abundance down to tens of ppb can be measured together with their isotopic patterns. Due to strict control of the experimental parameters, e.g. laser characteristics, ion-optical parameters and sample position, by computer control, measurements can be performed with high reproducibility. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Laser shock processing (LSP) is being increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical and surface properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their corrosion and fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses field into metallic alloy pieces allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view) are presented in this paper. Concretely, follow-on experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated surface properties modification successfully reached in typical materials (especially Al and Ti alloys characteristic of high reliability components in the aerospace, nuclear and biomedical sectors) under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented along with a practical correlated analysis on the protective character of the residual stress profiles obtained under different irradiation strategies. Additional remarks on the improved character of the LSP technique over the traditional “shot peening” technique in what concerns depth of induced compressive residual stresses fields are also made through the paper
Using inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles and inorganic nanotubes (INT) in organic-inorganic hybrid composite, materials provide the potential for improving thermal, mechanical, and tribological properties of conventional composites. The processing of such high-performance hybrid thermoplastic polymer nanocomposites is achieved via melt-blending without the aid of any modifier or compatibilizing agent. The incorporation of small quantities (0.1-4 wt.%) of IF/INTs (tungsten disulfide, IF-WS2 or molybdenum disulfide, MoS2) generates notable performance enhancements through reinforcement effects and excellent lubricating ability in comparison with promising carbon nanotubes or other inorganic nanoscale fillers. It was shown that these IF/INT nanocomposites can provide an effective balance between performance, cost effectiveness, and processability, which is of significant importance for extending the practical applications of diverse hierarchical thermoplastic-based composites.
Las sociedades desarrolladas generan una gran cantidad de residuos, que necesitan una adecuada gestión. Esta problemática requiere, de este modo, una atención creciente por parte de la sociedad, debido a la necesidad de proteger el medio ambiente. En este sentido, los esfuerzos se centran en reducir al máximo la generación de residuos y buscar vías de aprovechamiento de aquellos que son inevitables, soluciones mucho más aconsejables desde el punto de vista técnico, ecológico y económico que su vertido o destrucción. Las industrias deben adoptar las medidas precisas para fomentar la reducción de estos residuos, desarrollar tecnologías limpias que permitan el ahorro de los recursos naturales que poseemos, y sobre todo buscar métodos de reutilización, reciclado, inertización y valorización de los residuos generados en su producción. La industria de la construcción es un campo muy receptivo para el desarrollo de nuevos materiales en los que incorporar estos residuos. La incorporación de diferentes residuos industriales en matrices cerámicas se plantea como una vía barata de fijar las diferentes especies metálicas presentes en transformación de rocas ornamentales, lodos de galvanización o metalúrgicos, etc. En todos los casos, la adición de estos residuos requiere su caracterización previa y la optimización de las condiciones de conformado y cocción en el caso de su incorporación a la arcilla cocida. Entre los residuos incorporados en materiales de construcción se encuentran las escorias de aluminio. La industria metalúrgica produce durante sus procesos de fusión diferentes tipos de escorias. Su reciclado es una de las líneas de interés para estas industrias. En el caso de las escorias de aluminio, su tratamiento inicial consiste en una recuperación del aluminio mediante métodos mecánicos seguido de un tratamiento químico, o plasma. Este método conduce a que la escoria final apenas contenga aluminio y sea rica en sales solubles lo que limita su almacenamiento en escombreras. La escoria es una mezcla de aluminio metal y productos no metálicos como óxidos, nitruros y carburos de aluminio, sales y otros óxidos metálicos. En este estudio se ha analizado la posibilidad de la adición de escorias de aluminio procedentes de la metalurgia secundaria en materiales de construcción, de forma que tras un procesado de las mismas permita la obtención de materiales compuestos de matriz cerámica. En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha analizado la viabilidad técnica de la incorporación de las escorias de aluminio procedentes de la metalurgia secundaria en una matriz de arcilla cocida. Para ello se han aplicado diferentes tratamientos a la escoria y se han aplicado diferentes variables en su procesado como la energía de molienda o la temperatura de sinterizacion, además del contenido de escoria. Su compactación con agua entre el 5-10 %, secado y sinterización permite obtener piezas rectangulares de diverso tamaño. Desde el punto de vista del contenido de la escoria, se incorporó entre un 10 y 40% de escoria TT, es decir sometida una calcinación previa a 750ºC en aire. Los mejores resultados alcanzados corresponden a un contenido del 20% ESC TT, sinterizada a 980ºC, por cuanto altos contenidos en escoria condicen a piezas con corazón negro. Los productos obtenidos con la adición de 20% de escoria de aluminio a la arcilla, presentan una baja expansión tras sinterización, mejores propiedades físicas y mecánicas, y mayor conductividad térmica que los productos obtenidos con arcilla sin adiciones. Aumenta su densidad, disminuye su absorción y aumenta sus resistencias de flexión y compresión, al presentar una porosidad cerrada y una interacción escoria-matriz. En todos los casos se produce una exudación superficial de aluminio metálico, cuyo volumen está relacionado con la cantidad de escoria adicionada. Mediante la incorporación de este contenido de escoria, tras un tratamiento de disolución de sales y posterior calcinación (ESC TTQ), se mejoran las propiedades del material compuesto, no sólo sobre la de la escoria calcinada (ESC TT), sino también, sobre la escoria sin tratamiento (ESC). Si además, la adición del 20% de escoria añadida, está tratada, no sólo térmicamente sino también químicamente (ESC TTQ), éstas mejoran aún más las propiedades del material compuesto, siendo el producto más compacto, con menos poros, por lo que los valores de densidad son más elevados, menores son las absorciones y mayores resistencias de flexión y compresión, que los productos obtenidos con la adición de escoria sólo tratada térmicamente. Alcanzando valores de resistencias características a compresión del orden de 109 MPa. Los valores de conductividad térmica obtenidos también son mayores. Los ensayos tecnológicos con piezas de 160 x 30 x 5 mm y el material compuesto optimizado de arcilla+ 20%ESCTTQ, consistieron en la determinación de su expansión por humedad, eflorescencia y heladicidad, mostrando en general un mejor comportamiento que la arcilla sin adiciones. Así, se han obtenido nuevos materiales compuestos de matriz cerámica para la construcción, mejorando sus propiedades físicas, mecánicas y térmicas, utilizando escorias de aluminio procedentes de la metalurgia secundaria, como opción de valorización de estos residuos, evitando así, que se viertan a vertederos y contaminen el medio ambiente. ABSTRACT Developed societies generate a lot of waste, which need proper management. Thus, this problem requires increased attention from the society, due to the need to protect the environment. In this regard, efforts are focused on to minimize the generation of waste and find ways of taking advantage of those who are inevitable, much more advisable solutions from the technical, ecological and economic viewpoint to disposal or destruction. Industries should adopt precise measures to promote waste reduction, develop clean technologies that allow the saving of natural resources that we possess, and above all seek methods of reuse, recycling, recovery and valorisation of the waste generated in their production. The industry of the construction is a very receptive field for the development of new materials in which to incorporate these residues. The incorporation of different industrial residues in ceramic counterfoils appears as a cheap route to fix the different metallic present species in transformation of ornamental rocks, muds of galvanization or metallurgical, etc. In all the cases, the addition of these residues needs his previous characterization and the optimization of the conditions of conformed and of baking in case of his incorporation to the baked clay. Residues incorporated into construction materials include aluminium slag. The metallurgical industry produces during their fusion processes different types of slags. Recycling is one of the lines of interest to these industries. In the case of aluminium slag, their initial treatment consists of a recovery of the aluminium using mechanical methods followed by chemical treatment, or plasma. This method leads to that final slag just contains aluminium and is rich in soluble salts which limits storage in dumps. The slag is a mixture of aluminium metal and non-metallic such as oxides, nitrides and carbides of aluminium salts products and other metal oxides. The present Doctoral thesis has analysed the technical viability of the incorporation of aluminium slag from secondary Metallurgy in an array of baked clay. So they have been applied different treatments to the slag and have been applied different variables in its processing as the temperature of sintering, in addition to the content of slag or energy grinding. Its compaction with water between 5-10%, drying and sintering allows rectangular pieces of different size. From the point of view of the content of the slag, it is incorporated between 10 and 40% slag TT, that is to say, submitted a calcination prior to 750 ° C in air. The best results achieved correspond to 20% ESC TT, sintered at 980 ° C, as high levels of slag in accordance to pieces with black heart. The products obtained with the addition of 20% of slag from aluminium to clay, present a low expansion after sintering, better physical properties and mechanical, and higher thermal conductivity than the products obtained with clay, without addictions. Its density increases, decreases its absorption and increases its resistance to bending and compression, introducing a closed porosity and slag-matrix interaction. In all cases there is a superficial exudation of metallic aluminium, whose volume is related to the amount of slag added. By incorporating this content of slag, following a treatment of salt solution and subsequent calcination (ESC TTQ), are improved the properties of composite material not only on the calcined slag (ESC TT), but also in the slag without treatment (ESC). If the addition of 20% of slag added, is also treated, not only thermally but also chemically (ESC TTQ), they further improve the properties of the composite material, the product is more compact, less porous, so the values are higher density, minors are absorptions and greater resistance in bending and compression, to the products obtained with the addition of slag only treated thermally. Reaching values of compressive resistance characteristic of the order of 109 MPa. The thermal conductivity values obtained are also higher. Testing technology with pieces of 160 x 30 x 5 mm and optimized composite material of clay 20% ESCTTQ, consisted in the determination of its expansion by moisture, efflorescence and frost resistance, in general, showing a better performance than the clay without additions. Thus, we have obtained new ceramic matrix composite materials for construction, improving its physical, mechanical and thermal properties, using aluminium slag secondary metallurgy, as an option Valuation of these wastes, thus preventing them from being poured to landfills and pollute environment.
Dental implant is used to replace the natural dental root. The process to fix the dental implant in the maxillary bone needs a previous drilling operation. This machining operation involves the increasing of temperature in the drilled region which can reach values higher than 47°C and for this temperature is possible to occur the osseous necrosis [I]. The main goal of this work is to implement an optimization method to define the optimal drilling parameters that could minimize the drilling temperature. The proposal optimization method is the Taguchi method. This method has been used with success in machining processes optimization of metallic materials [2]. However, the Taguchi method is also used in medical applications, namely in dental medicine [3].
Standard upward-burning promoted ignition tests (“Standard Test Method for Determining the Combustion Behavior of Metallic Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres,” ASTM G4-124 [1] or “Flammability, Odor, Offgassing, and Compatibility Requirements and Test Procedures for Materials in Environments that Support Combustion,” NASA-STD-6001, NASA Test 17 [2]) were performed on cylindrical iron (99.95% pure) rods in various oxygen purities (95.0–99.98%) in reduced gravity onboard NASA JSC's KC-135 to investigate the effect of gravity on the regression rate of the melting interface. Visual analysis of experiments agrees with previous published observations showing distinct motions of the molten mass attached to the solid rod during testing. Using an ultrasonic technique to record the real-time rod length, comparison of the instantaneous regression rate of the melting interface and visual recording shows a non-steady-state regression rate of the melting interface for the duration of a test. Precessional motion is associated with a higher regression rate of the melting interface than for test periods in which the molten mass does not show lateral motion. The transition between the two types of molten mass motion during a test was accompanied by a reduced regression rate of the melting interface, approximately 15–50% of the average regression rate of the melting interface for the entire test.
The object of this work was to further develop the idea introduced by Muaddi et al (1981) which enables some of the disadvantages of earlier destructive adhesion test methods to be overcome. The test is non-destructive in nature but it does need to be calibrated against a destructive method. Adhesion is determined by measuring the effect of plating on internal friction. This is achieved by determining the damping of vibrations of a resonating specimen before and after plating. The level of adhesion was considered by the above authors to influence the degree of damping. In the major portion of the research work the electrodeposited metal was Watt's nickel, which is ductile in nature and is therefore suitable for peel adhesion testing. The base metals chosen were aluminium alloys S1C and HE9 as it is relatively easy to produce varying levels of adhesion between the substrate and electrodeposited coating by choosing the appropriate process sequence. S1C alloy is the commercially pure aluminium and was used to produce good adhesion. HE9 aluminium alloy is a more difficult to plate alloy and was chosen to produce poorer adhesion. The "Modal Testing" method used for studying vibrations was investigated as a possible means of evaluating adhesion but was not successful and so research was concentrated on the "Q" meter. The method based on the use of a "Q" meter involves the principle of exciting vibrations in a sample, interrupting the driving signal and counting the number of oscillations of the freely decaying vibrations between two known preselected amplitudes of oscillations. It was not possible to reconstruct a working instrument using Muaddi's thesis (1982) as it had either a serious error or the information was incomplete. Hence a modified "Q" meter had to be designed and constructed but it was then difficult to resonate non-magnetic materials, such as aluminium, therefore, a comparison before and after plating could not be made. A new "Q" meter was then developed based on an Impulse Technique. A regulated miniature hammer was used to excite the test piece at the fundamental mode instead of an electronic hammer and test pieces were supported at the two predetermined nodal points using nylon threads. This instrument developed was not very successful at detecting changes due to good and poor pretreatments given before plating, however, it was more sensitive to changes at the surface such as room temperature oxidation. Statistical analysis of test results from untreated aluminium alloys show that the instrument is not always consistent, the variation was even bigger when readings were taken on different days. Although aluminium is said to form protective oxides at room temperature there was evidence that the aluminium surface changes continuously due to film formation, growth and breakdown. Nickel plated and zinc alloy immersion coated samples also showed variation in Q with time. In order to prove that the variations in Q were mainly due to surface oxidation, aluminium samples were lacquered and anodised Such treatments enveloped the active surfaces reacting with the environment and the Q variation with time was almost eliminated especially after hard anodising. This instrument detected major differences between different untreated aluminium substrates.Also Q values decreased progressively as coating thicknesses were increased. This instrument was also able to detect changes in Q due to heat-treatment of aluminium alloys.
The successful development of compressed ODTs utilises low compression forces to create a porous structure whereby excipients are added to enhance wicking/swelling action or provide strength to the fragile tablet framework. In this work, a systematic investigation comparing materials from two different categories was employed to understand their functionality in binary mixture tablets of the most commonly used diluent mannitol. Cellulose based excipients such as HPC (SSL-SFP), L-HPC (NBD-022) and MCC (Avicel PH-102) were compared with non-cellulosic materials such as PEO (POLYOX WSR N-10) and Crospovidone (XL-10). Pure excipient properties were studied using Heckel Plot, compressibility profile, SEM and XRPD, whereas the prepared binary mixture compacts were studied for hardness, disintegration time and friability. Results from our investigation provide insight into differences encountered in product performance of ODT upon inclusion of additional materials. For example, non-cellulosic excipients Polyox and Crospovidone showed higher plasticity (Py values 588 and 450MPa) in pure form but not in binary mixtures of mannitol. Cellulosic excipients, nonetheless, offer faster disintegration (<30 sec) specifically L-HPC and MCC tablets. Disintegration time for tablets with fully substituted-HPC was prolonged (200-500 sec) upon increasing concentration between 1-10% due to gelation/matrix formation. It can be concluded that despite the reasonably good plasticity of both cellulosic and non-cellulosic excipients in pure form, the mechanical strength in binary mixtures is negatively impacted by the fragmentation/fracture effect of mannitol. © 2014 Bentham Science Publishers.
The successful development of c ompressed ODTs utilises low compression force s to create a porous structure whereby excipients are added to enhance wicking/swelling action or p rovide strength to the fragile tablet framework. In this work, a systematic investigation comparing materials from two different categories was employed to understand their functionality in binary mixture tablets of the most commonly used diluent mannitol. Cellulose based excipients such as HPC (SSL-SFP), L-HPC (NBD -022) and MCC (Avicel PH -102 ) were compared with non -cellulosic materials such as PEO (POLYOX WSR N -10) and Crospovidone (XL -10). P ure excipient properties were studied using Heckel Plot, compre ssibility profile, SEM and XR PD, w hereas the prepared binary mixture compacts were studied for hardness, disintegration time and friability. Results from our investigation provide insight into differences encountered in product performance of ODT upon inclusion of additional materials. For example, non -cellulosic excipients Polyox and Crospovidone showed higher plasticity (Py values 588 and 450 MPa) in pure form but not in binary mixtures of mannitol . Cellulosic excipients, nonetheless, offer faster disintegration (
The principles of design of information-analytical system (IAS) intended for design of new inorganic compounds are considered. IAS includes the integrated system of databases on properties of inorganic substances and materials, the system of the programs of pattern recognition, the knowledge base and managing program. IAS allows a prediction of inorganic compounds not yet synthesized and estimation of their some properties.
In States of Paraíba (PB) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN), northeast of Brazil, the most significant deposits of non-metallic industrial minerals are pegmatites, quartzites and granites, which are located in Seridó region. Extraction of clay, quartz, micas and feldspars occurs mainly in the cities of Várzea (PB), OuroBranco (RN) and Parelhas (RN). Mining companies working in the extraction and processing of quartzite generate large volumes of waste containing about 90% SiO2 in their chemical composition coming from quartz that is one of the basic constituents of ceramic mass for the production of ceramic coating. Therefore, this work evaluates the utilization of these wastes on fabrication of high-quality ceramic products, such as porcelain stoneware, in industrial scale. Characterization of raw materials was based on XRF, XRD, GA, TGA and DSC analysis, on samples composed by 57% of feldspar, 37% of argil and 6% of quartzite residues, with 5 different colors (white, gold, pink, green and black). Samples were synthesized in three temperatures, 1150°C, 1200°C and 1250°C, with one hour isotherm and warming-up tax of 10°C/min. After synthesizing, the specimens were submit to physical characterization tests of water absorption, linear shrinkage, apparently porosity, density, flexural strain at three points. The addition of 6% of quartzite residue to ceramic mass provided a final product with technological properties attending technical norms for the production of porcelain stoneware; best results were observed at a temperature of 1200°C. According to the results there was a high iron oxide on black quartzite, being their use in porcelain stoneware discarded by ethic and structural question, because the material fused at 1250°C. All quartzite formulations had low water absorption when synthesized at 1200°C, getting 0.1% to 0.36% without having gone through the atomization process. Besides, flexural strain tests overcame 27 MPa reaching the acceptance limits of the European Directive EN 100, at 1200°C synthesizing. Thus, the use of quartzite residues in ceramic masses poses as great potential for the production of porcelain stoneware.