144 resultados para innocence


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Allelujah Dance Version is a dance piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano, harp, drums and bass.


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Allelujah Loop 01 is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included or any other religious celebration where Allelujah gives praise. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano, harp and 2 synths and bells at the very end.


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Allelujah Short 01is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano, harp and 2 synths and bells at the very end.


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Allelujah Short 02 is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano, harp and 2 synths and bells at the very end.


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Allelujah Short 03 is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with bells end.


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Allelujah is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano.


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Allelujah Short 05 is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello harp and 2 synths.


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Allelujah is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia.


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Allelujah is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano, harp.


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Amazing Grace the famous hymn featuring a sampled bagpipes, piano, acoustic drums, synth pads and strings.


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and on is a short instrumental featuring a nylon stringed acoustic guitar with an echo, chorus and tap reverb added to the tail, piano, and two synth pads.


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In recent decades, a disturbing trend has emerged in Victoria and elsewhere that has witnessed the emergence of statutory rules that accord preferential treatment to prosecutors and complainants in instances where allegations of rape are made. This article examines not only the manifestations of such treatment in the form of Victorian crime legislation, but the means by which the statutory crime of rape in Victoria has been transformed into an offence which, though technically one of mens rea, can effectively be prosecuted as an offence of absolute liability. The piece concludes with a discussion of the likely reasons for this trend as well as the implications of allowing such a serious offence to be prosecuted as one of absolute liability.


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Assessment in education is a recent phenomenon. Although there were counterparts in former epochs, the term assessment only began to be spoken about in education after the Second World War; and, since that time, views, strategies and concerns over assessment have proliferated according to an uncomfortable dynamic. We fear that, increasingly, education is assessment-led rather than learning-led and ‘counter to what is desired’ in an ugly judgemental spirit whose moral underpinnings deserve scrutiny. In this article, we seek to historicise assessment and the anxieties of credentialising students. Through this longer history, we present a philosophy of assessment which underlies the development of a new method in assessment-as-learning. We hope that our development of a conversation simulator helps restore the innocence of education as learning-led, while still delivering on the incumbencies of assessment.


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This paper provides an introduction to this special issue of the Cambridge Journal of Education on ‘Evoking and provoking Bourdieu in educational research’. In the course of providing a critical synopsis of each paper, we consider how and why the authors work with and after Bourdieu, both evoking and provoking his thinking tools (particularly field, capital and habitus, but also doxa, misrecognition and illusio) and his methodological disposition that rejects ‘epistemological innocence’. We note that Bourdieu himself invited such provocation and that this is especially needed as the social continues to change, given the new spatialities of globalisation and growing social and economic inequalities. That is, we acknowledge that the empirical and the theoretical are always imbricated in each other, a theme pursued throughout the collection.


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O trabalho pedagógico, como produção coletiva, é vivido nas escolas de 1o e 2o graus? O seu fazer específico: como e percebido pelos que cotidianamente experenciam as contra dições da "educação como direito de todos" e como marginalização das classes menos favorecidas? são essas as questões básicas aqui colocadas, procurando resgatar o lugar da escola como produção e transmissão do conhecimento; do mínimo necessário à sobrevivência física e cultural dos que são geralmente excluídos do projeto educa cional. Por isso, a alfabetização - entendida como apropriação da palavra, como instrumento para aquisição de novos conhecimentos - é o foco dos tempos e movimentos da pesquisa, o móvel convergente e aglutinador das falas, anseios, esperanças e possibilidades dos que ensinam e aprendem nas escolas públicas da l4a. Delegacia Regional de Ensino em Nova Era, Minas Gerais. A metodologia foi-se construindo, portanto, à medida que o trabalho se realizou, nos cursos, encontros, estudos específicos, nos relatos de experiências e nas discussões, confrontando, todo o tempo, a fala do professor, do especialista, dos pais, das crianças e a dos técnicos da DRE (Delegacia Re gional de Ensino), dos autores e das autoridades pedagógicas. Os textos produzidos, as ações realizadas e as relações vividas expressam esse diálogo e colocam em questão a prática educativa de uma escola, que não ensina nem a ler, num contexto de crescente marginalização econômica, social, política e cultural da maioria da população. Desde as classes pré-escolares i -passando pelas "classes especiais", ou pela edu cação de adultos, até o 29 grau: qual a possibilidade de se pensar o "ensino para todos"? A alfabetização - a tarefabásica da escola - é possível compreendê-la e desmistificá-la corno mecanismo de exclusão dos despossuidos? Urna contribuição ao processo da perda da inocência de urna escola "neutra" e à tentativa de superação do seu fazer "técnico": eis o sentido desse trabalho, vivido, não como aplicação de instrumentos usuais 'de investigação, mas como uma construção coletivamente produzida. A educação corno ato cooperativo, corno um desafio ao mergulho nas condições concretas onde a mesma se dá, é a proposta que flui em toda a pesquisa, na certeza de que, do ponto de vista de quem o faz, é possivel construir os caminhosdo ensino fundamental.