986 resultados para information storage and retrieval systems


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Shipping list no.: 94-0236-P.


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Electrical energy is an essential resource for the modern world. Unfortunately, its price has almost doubled in the last decade. Furthermore, energy production is also currently one of the primary sources of pollution. These concerns are becoming more important in data-centers. As more computational power is required to serve hundreds of millions of users, bigger data-centers are becoming necessary. This results in higher electrical energy consumption. Of all the energy used in data-centers, including power distribution units, lights, and cooling, computer hardware consumes as much as 80%. Consequently, there is opportunity to make data-centers more energy efficient by designing systems with lower energy footprint. Consuming less energy is critical not only in data-centers. It is also important in mobile devices where battery-based energy is a scarce resource. Reducing the energy consumption of these devices will allow them to last longer and re-charge less frequently. Saving energy in computer systems is a challenging problem. Improving a system's energy efficiency usually comes at the cost of compromises in other areas such as performance or reliability. In the case of secondary storage, for example, spinning-down the disks to save energy can incur high latencies if they are accessed while in this state. The challenge is to be able to increase the energy efficiency while keeping the system as reliable and responsive as before. This thesis tackles the problem of improving energy efficiency in existing systems while reducing the impact on performance. First, we propose a new technique to achieve fine grained energy proportionality in multi-disk systems; Second, we design and implement an energy-efficient cache system using flash memory that increases disk idleness to save energy; Finally, we identify and explore solutions for the page fetch-before-update problem in caching systems that can: (a) control better I/O traffic to secondary storage and (b) provide critical performance improvement for energy efficient systems.


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The outcome of this research is an Intelligent Retrieval System for Conditions of Contract Documents. The objective of the research is to improve the method of retrieving data from a computer version of a construction Conditions of Contract document. SmartDoc, a prototype computer system has been developed for this purpose. The system provides recommendations to aid the user in the process of retrieving clauses from the construction Conditions of Contract document. The prototype system integrates two computer technologies: hypermedia and expert systems. Hypermedia is utilized to provide a dynamic way for retrieving data from the document. Expert systems technology is utilized to build a set of rules that activate the recommendations to aid the user during the process of retrieval of clauses. The rules are based on experts knowledge. The prototype system helps the user retrieve related clauses that are not explicitly cross-referenced but, according to expert experience, are relevant to the topic that the user is interested in.


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Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) aims to optimize treatments by individualizing dosage regimens based on the measurement of blood concentrations. Dosage individualization to maintain concentrations within a target range requires pharmacokinetic and clinical capabilities. Bayesian calculations currently represent the gold standard TDM approach but require computation assistance. In recent decades computer programs have been developed to assist clinicians in this assignment. The aim of this survey was to assess and compare computer tools designed to support TDM clinical activities. The literature and the Internet were searched to identify software. All programs were tested on personal computers. Each program was scored against a standardized grid covering pharmacokinetic relevance, user friendliness, computing aspects, interfacing and storage. A weighting factor was applied to each criterion of the grid to account for its relative importance. To assess the robustness of the software, six representative clinical vignettes were processed through each of them. Altogether, 12 software tools were identified, tested and ranked, representing a comprehensive review of the available software. Numbers of drugs handled by the software vary widely (from two to 180), and eight programs offer users the possibility of adding new drug models based on population pharmacokinetic analyses. Bayesian computation to predict dosage adaptation from blood concentration (a posteriori adjustment) is performed by ten tools, while nine are also able to propose a priori dosage regimens, based only on individual patient covariates such as age, sex and bodyweight. Among those applying Bayesian calculation, MM-USC*PACK© uses the non-parametric approach. The top two programs emerging from this benchmark were MwPharm© and TCIWorks. Most other programs evaluated had good potential while being less sophisticated or less user friendly. Programs vary in complexity and might not fit all healthcare settings. Each software tool must therefore be regarded with respect to the individual needs of hospitals or clinicians. Programs should be easy and fast for routine activities, including for non-experienced users. Computer-assisted TDM is gaining growing interest and should further improve, especially in terms of information system interfacing, user friendliness, data storage capability and report generation.


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Degut a la falta d'informació, de temps, no saber a on buscar. . . moltes vegades no ens assabentem, o ho fem massa tard, d'events als que ens hauria agradat assistir, com podrien ser concerts,conferències, activitats esportives, etc. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte serà aprofitar les capacitats de les xarxes socials per crear un lloc web que permeti enviar i geolocalitzar events que podran ser revisats i promoguts pels usuaris, de forma que es pugui suplir aquesta mancança. La solució implementada haurà de proporcionar les següents funcionalitats: enviament d'events (permetrà afegir les dades principals d'un event i geolocalitzar-lo en el mapa); organització de la informació (es disposarà de categories i metacategories per agrupar els events, a més d'un sistema d'etiquetes que facilitarà les cerques en el contingut del web); exploració dels events existents (mitjançant el mapa es podrà veure les dades de qualsevol event); sistema de votació (atorgarà la capacitat per poder decidir quina informació és més rellevant); agenda personal (servirà per registrar events i d'aquesta manera poder rebre notificacions que informin de canvis o simplement que serveixin com a recordatori); comunicació entre usuaris (es realitzarà a través de comentaris al peu dels events i/o d'un xat intern); sindicació web (distribuirà el contingut utilitzant l'estàndard RSS; disponibilitat d'una API simple (permetrà l'accés a certa informació des d'aplicacions externes)


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Resum del curs "Los repositorios institucionales al servicio de las universidades y del Acceso Abierto", organitzat pel CBUC. Defineix què és Open access i parla de les vies de l'accés obert i de les declaracions del Open Archives. També explica què entenem per repositoris i les seves finalitats. La presentació continua amb els exemples de repositoris del CBUC i s'endinsa en els repositoris de la UdG (DUGIDocs i DUGIMedia)


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Resum del "VII Workshop REBIUN sobre proyectos digitales". Ens dóna el marc tecnològic (Driver) i legal (Cedro, Rebiun), parla del Open Access i exposa alguns projectes digitals de biblioteques


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La present comunicació exposa una experiència en l'organització del currículum de l'estudiant del grau de Geografia, Ordenació del Territori i Gestió del Medi Ambient de la Universitat de Girona relacionada amb les capacitats de tractament i explotació de la Informació Geogràfica, especialment amb els Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG). En aquest marc, es defineixen uns perfils amb l'objectiu de formar professionals que puguin accedir a llocs de treball com a Tècnic, Analista o Director de projectes SIG i, mitjançant les assignatures específiques pròpies es dissenya un programa que, juntament amb d'altres recursos educatius externs al Grau de Geografia, permeten a l'estudiant escollir un nivell d'aprofundiment diferent i personalitzat, segons les seves capacitats i voluntats


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La asesoría de empresas Ribas Álvarez tiene, actualmente, un problema con la gestión de documentos internos, que se realiza mediante correo interno y una aplicación sencilla de indexación de archivos (HTML); sin ningún tipo de supervisión ni restricción. Esta empresa dispone de un cierto número de trabajadores, los cuales pertenecen a diferentes secciones (privadas o públicas) dentro de la empresa. La información que circula dentro de la empresa, no tiene ningún tipo de seguridad pudiendo cualquier trabajador, disponer de ella aunque no le sea de utilidad. Se quiere crear una aplicación que cumpla con las necesidades que la empresa desea para la administración y gestión de documentos internos, con un control de usuarios y seguridad de acceso a esta aplicación. El objetivo básico de la aplicación seria la creación y gestión de una intranet de control y seguimiento de documentos para una asesoría de empresas


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Cover title.


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"June 1992"