985 resultados para human milk


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Breastfeeding and the use of human milk are widely accepted as the most complete form of nutrition for infants. Breastfeeding is shown to be associated with many positive health outcomes for both infants and mothers. Healthy People 2000 goals to increase breastfeeding rates in the early postpartum period to 75% fell short, with only 64% of mothers meeting this objective. Lack of support from healthcare providers, and unsupportive hospital policies and practices are noted as barriers to the initiation and duration of breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to evaluate implementation of the BFHI Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding at Texas Children's Hospital. ^ The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was developed in 1991 by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to ensure that healthcare facilities offering maternity services adhere to the Ten Steps of Successful Breastfeeding and the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes, and create legislation to protect the rights of breastfeeding women. The instrument used in this study was the BFHI 100 Assessment Tool created by Dr. Laura Haiek, Director of Public Health in Monteregie, Quebec, and her staff at Health and Social Services Agency of Quebec. The BFHI 100 tool utilizes 100 different indicators of compliance with BFHI through questionnaires administered to staff and administrators, pregnant and postpartum mothers, and an observer. ^ The study concluded that although there is much room for improvement in educating breastfeeding mothers, overall, the mothers interviewed were satisfied with their level of care in regards to breastfeeding support. Areas of improvement include staff training, as some nursing staff admitted to relying on the lactation consultants to provide most of the breastfeeding education for mothers. Only a small percentage of mothers interviewed reported that their baby “roomed-in” on average of 22 hours per day during their hospital stay. Staff encouragement of the rooming-in practice will help to increase the proportion of mothers who allow their babies to room-in. The current breastfeeding policy will also need to be revised and strengthened to be compliant with the Ten Steps. Ideally, Baby-Friendly practices will become the norm after staff are trained and policy revisions are made. Staff training and acceptance of breastfeeding as optimal nutrition for infants are the most critical factors that will ultimately drive change for the organization. ^


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The Codex Alimentarius Commission of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) develops food standards, guidelines and related texts for protecting consumer health and ensuring fair trade practices globally. The major part of the world's population lives in more than 160 countries that are members of the Codex Alimentarius. The Codex Standard on Infant Formula was adopted in 1981 based on scientific knowledge available in the 1970s and is currently being revised. As part of this process, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses asked the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition to initiate a consultation process with the international scientific community to provide a proposal on nutrient levels in infant formulae, based on scientific analysis and taking into account existing scientific reports on the subject. ESPGHAN accepted the request and, in collaboration with its sister societies in the Federation of International Societies on Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, invited highly qualified experts in the area of infant nutrition to form an International Expert Group (IEG) to review the issues raised. The group arrived at recommendations on the compositional requirements for a global infant formula standard which are reported here.


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Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a serious public health problem in developing countries, and as a therapeutic and prophylactic measure retinil palmitate is being supplemented. Nevertheless its efficacy has been questioned. The objective of the study was to evaluate the supplementation of two retinil palmitate megadosis on the serum retinol levels of post partum healthy mothers from Dr. José Pedro Bezerra (Hospital Santa Catarina) hospital, Natal - RN. The enrolled women (n=199) were randomly distributed into three studied groups and supplemented with retinil palmitate immediately after delivery with a single 200,000 IU dose (group S1), two 200,000 IU dose (group S2) with 24h difference between the doses, or no supplementation (group C). Among women selected, 143 remained until the end of the study. The influence of vitamin A dietary intake was evaluated during pregnancy and after 30 days of delivery. The average intake of the population was reasonable, but a high prevalence of inadequate intake was found. Retinol in colostrums and mature milk was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The retinol average in colostrums and mature milk in the supplemented and control groups were adequate according to the reference values. In colostrums, women from groups C, S1 and S2 presented retinol averages by milk volume of 94.8 ± 40.2 µg/dL, 92.2 ± 50.0 µg/dL and 91.8 ± 53.7 µg/dL, respectively. No difference was found between these averages (p=0.965), this was also seen when the values where expressed as µg/g of fat (p=0.905). After 30 days of delivery, retinol per milk volume differed between the control group (36.6 ± 17.5 µg/dL) and groups supplemented with 200,000 IU (51.0 ± 28.8 µg/dL) or 400,000 IU (55.2 ± 31.6 µg/dL) of retinil palmitate (p<0,05). Nevertheless, when S1 and S2 groups where compared, no significant difference was found (p=0.97). Considering retinol/g of fat, the means were 12.7 ± 6.7 µg/g, 15.6 ± 8.3 µg/g and 17.2 ± 8.9 µg/g for groups C, S1 and S2, respectively, with significant difference between groups S2 and C (p=0,01). Subclinical VAD prevalence showed a serious public health problem in the study population (32% in colostrums and 31.5% in mature milk). When analyzing the groups separately, the group which received two doses (200,000 IU + 200,000 IU) presented the lowest VAD prevalence (20.7%). Retinil palmitate supplementations of 200,000 IU and 400,000 IU (divided in two doses) in the immediate post partum showed no significant difference. Nevertheless, the 400,000 IU (divided in two doses) supplementation showed a reduction in VAD


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Milk contains numerous bioactive substances including immunoglobulins, cytokines, growth factors and components that exert antibiotic and prebiotic activity (Field, 2005). Little is known about the biological effects of individual milk bioactives, despite the fact that natural milk improves intestinal development and immune system functions in neonates (Donovan et al., 1994; Field, 2005) relative to milk formula. Characterization of the biological effects of such components is important for optimal production of infant milk formulas to be used when mother’s milk is not available. Milk components with preliminary evidence of positive effects on the intestinal growth and mucosal immunity include osteopontin (OPN). Osteopontin is a phosphorylated acidic glycoprotein expressed by a number of different immune and non-immune cells and tissues (Sodek et al., 2000). It is also present in body fluids including blood, bile and milk (Sodek et al., 2000). Osteopontin is a multifunctional protein that is implicated in a wide number of biological processes including cell survival, bone remodeling, and immune modulatory functions (Sodek et al., 2000). Furthermore, Schack and colleagues (2009) demonstrated that the concentration of OPN in human milk is considerably higher than in bovine milk and infant formulas. Taken together, it is likely that OPN plays a role in the early development of gastrointestinal tract and mucosal immune responses in infants. Since the neonatal pig shares anatomical, physiological, immunological, and metabolic similarities with the human infants (Moughan, et al., 1992), they were selected as the animal model in our studies. Our first aim was to investigate the effects of OPN on piglet intestinal development. Newborn, colostrum-deprived piglets (n=27) were randomized to receive three treatments: formula with bovine OPN (OPN; 140 mg/L); formula alone (FF); or sow reared (SR) for 21 days. Body weight, intestinal weight and length, mucosal protein and DNA content, disaccharidase activity, villus morphology, and crypt cell proliferation were measured. Statistical significance was assigned at P<0.05. No significant effects of OPN were observed for body weight, intestinal weight and length. Mucosal protein content of SR piglets was lower than FF and OPN piglets in the duodenum, but higher than FF and OPN piglets in the ileum. No significant effects of diet in mucosal DNA content were detected for the three regions of the small intestine. Lactase and sucrase activities of SR piglets were higher than the two formula-fed groups in the duodenum, lower in the ileum. No significant effects of diet on lactase and sucrase activities were noted between two formula-fed groups in the duodenum and ileum. Jejunal lactase activity of FF piglets was higher than SR piglets, whereas no significant effect of diet was observed in jejunal sucrase activity among the three groups. Duodenal and ileal villus height and villus area of SR piglets were lower than two formula-fed groups, while OPN piglets did not differ from FF piglets. There was a significant effect of diet (P<0.0001) on jejunal crypt cell proliferation, with proliferation in OPN piglets being intermediate between that of FF and SR. In summary, supplemental OPN increased jejunal crypt cell proliferation, independent of evident morphological growth, and had a minor impact on disaccharidase activity in the small intestine of neonatal piglets. Rotavirus (RV) is the most common viral cause of severe gastroenteritis in infants and young children worldwide (Parashar et al., 2006). Maeno et al. (2009) reported that OPN knockout (OPN-KO) suckling mice were more susceptible to RV infection compared to wild-type (WT) suckling mice. To detect the role of OPN in intestinal immune responses of neonates, the goal of the second study was to evaluate whether supplemental OPN influenced the serum antibody responses to RV vaccination in neonatal piglets. Newborn, colostrum-deprived piglets were randomized into two dietary groups: formula with bovine OPN (OPN; 140 mg/L) and formula alone (FF) for 35 days. On d7, piglets in each dietary group were further randomized to receive rotavirus (RV) vaccination (Rotarix®) (FF+RV and OPN+RV) or remained non-vaccinated (FF+NV and OPN+NV). Booster vaccination was provided on d14. Blood samples were collected on d7, 14, 21, 28 and 35. RV-specific serum immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgA, IgM and total serum IgG, IgA, IgM were measured by ELISA. Statistical significance was assigned at P<0.05, with trends reported as P<0.10. Body weight gain was unaffected by diet and/or vaccination. No significant effect of oral OPN supplementation was observed for RV-specific antibody responses and total Igs levels. After the combination of dietary groups, RV piglets had significantly higher RV-specific IgM concentrations compared to NV piglets. Although there were higher means of RV-specific IgG and RV-specific IgA concentrations in RV group than their counterparts in NV group, the difference did not reach statistical significance. RV-specific IgM reached a peak at d7 post booster vaccination (PBV), whereas the RV-specific IgG and IgA peaked later at PBV 14 or 21. Total Igs were unaffected by RV vaccination but were significantly increased over time, following similar pattern as RV-specific Igs. In summary, neonatal piglets generated weak antibody responses to RV vaccination. Supplemental OPN did not enhance RV-specific serum antibody responses and total serum Igs levels in neonatal piglets with or without RV vaccination. In conclusion, we observed normal developmental changes in the small intestine and serum Igs levels in neonatal piglets over time. Oral OPN supplementation showed minimal impacts on intestinal development and no effect on serum Igs levels. The role of supplemental OPN on the growth and development of infants is still inconclusive. Future studies should measure other physiological and immunological parameters by using different models of vaccination or infection.


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The Vitamin E consists of eight chemically homologous forms, designated alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols and tocotrienols. Biologically, the alpha-tocopherol (α-TOH) is the most important. Commercially, are found two types of α-TOH a natural (RRR-alpha-tocopherol) and another synthetic (all-rac-alpha-tocopherol). Both forms are absorbed in the intestine, the liver is a preference in favor of forms 2R, due to transfer protein α-TOH. It has higher affinity to these stereoisomers. Newborns are considered high risk for vitamin E deficiency, mainly premature, these have breast milk as a food source for maintenance of serum α-TOH. Clinical signs such as thrombocytosis, hemolytic anemia, retrolental fibroplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and spinocerebellar degeneration can be found in case of a low intake of α-TOH. Thus, maternal supplementation on postpartum with α-TOH can be an efficient way to increase levels of vitamin E in breast milk and thus the consequently increase the supply of micronutrient for the newborn. However, most studies with vitamin E supplementation have been conducted in animals and little is known about the effect of maternal supplementation in humans, as well as on its efficiency to increase levels of α-TOH in human milk, depending on the shape natural or synthetic. The study included 109 women, divided into three groups: control without supplementation (GC) (n=36), supplemented with natural capsule (GNAT) (n=40) and the synthetic capsule (GSINT) (n=33). Blood samples were collected for determination of maternal nutritional status, and colostrums at initial contact and after 24 hours post-supplementation. Analyses were performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Values of α-TOH in serum below 499.6mg/dL were considered deficient. We used the Kruskal-Wallis test and Tukey test to confirm the increase of alpha-tocopherol in milk and efficiency of administered capsules. Daily consumption of α-TOH was based on daily intake of 500 mL of colostrum by the newborn and compared with the nutritional requirement for children from 0 to 6 months of age, 4 mg / day. The mothers had mean concentration of serum α-TOH in 1016 ± 52, 1236 ± 51 and 1083 ± 61 mg / dL, in CG, GNAT and GSINT respectively. There were no women with deficiiency. The GC did not change the concentrations of α-TOH in colostrum. While women supplemented with natural and synthetic forms increased concentrations of α-TOH colostrum in 57.6% and 39%, respectively. By comparing supplemented groups, it was observed a significant difference (p=0.04), the natural capsule more efficient than the synthetic, approximately 49.6%. Individually, 21.1% of the women provided below 4mg/day of α-TOH, after supplementation for this index declined4.1%. Thus, maternal supplementation postpartum raised the levels of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum, and increased efficiency was observed with the natural form


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The literature was reviewed to assess the relationship between the lipid adjusted concentration in human serum and breast milk (expressed as the serum/milk ratio) of a broad range of POPs in paired samples. Thirteen studies were identified, including seven studies that reported serum/milk ratios for polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and -furans (PCDD/Fs), ten for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), five for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and five for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). Mean serum/milk ratios ranged between 0.7 and 25 depending on the compound and congener. For PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PBDEs, a clear trend of increasing mean serum/milk ratio by increasing molar volume, hydrophobicity and number of halogen substitutes was observed. The mean serum/milk ratios reported by the 13 studies summarized here will aid comparison between human POPs exposure studies using either serum or milk samples. More studies are needed to allow a valid comparison between data obtained from analysis of breast milk and serum samples for a broader range of POPs. Furthermore such studies may shed light on compound specific factors as well as other determinants that may affect the partitioning and partition kinetics of POPs between serum and breast milk.


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The H4IIE rat hepatoma cell line was employed as a cell model to screen 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD)-TCDD equivalents (EROD-TEQ) of human breast milk samples collected from Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China. The screening methods employed a 96-well plate spectrofluorometer-EROD assay. For cell-line validation, our results demonstrated a dose-dependent increase in the Ah receptor-mediated response (i.e., CYP1A1 mRNA and EROD) of the cells upon exposure to a number of known Ah receptor agonists, including 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzothiophene, benzo[a]pyrene, and beta-naphthaflavone. TCDD induced CYP1A1 mRNA and EROD was in a close positive correlation (r = 0.98). For the screening of dioxin-like compounds, breast milk samples collected during lactation weeks 3-5 were used. One hundred (from Hong Kong) and 48 (from Guangzhou) breast milk samples were assayed, of which 65% and 68% of the samples, respectively, showed detectable dioxin-like activities using the H4IIE cell EROD screening method. For sixty-five samples from Hong Kong the mean EROD-TEQ values ranged from 58.1 to 96.5 pg/g of milk fat for those aged 21-36 years while 32 samples from Guangzhou had mean values of 98.8-202.1 pg/g of milk fat. In comparisons of the EROD-TEQ values for different age groups from both cities, there were no significant differences (P < 0.05). However, the mean and median EROD-TEQ values of the Guangzhou population were in general higher than those of the Hong Kong population. The results of the present study indicate that it is feasible to use the H4IIE cell-line as a model for screening dioxin-like compounds in human breast milk. In addition, the method is rapid and cost-effective, particularly for a routine and high-throughput sample screening analysis, compared to the costly and time-intensive chemical analytical techniques. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bifidobacterium strains of human origin were screened for their ability to grow in milk and produce exopolysaccharides (EPS). Bifidobacterium strains were grown in low-fat UHT milk and were evaluated for their growth, acidification properties, EPS production and ability to increase the viscosity of fermented milk. The strains that grew well in milk were strains of Bifidobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium longum and B. longum subsp. longum. Among the 22 strains, EPS was produced by Bifidobacterium bifidum ALM 35, B. breve NCIMB 8807 (UCC 2003), B. longum subsp. infantis CCUG 52486 and Bifidobacterium infantis NCIMB 702205 at concentrations ranging from 25 to 140 . The molecular mass and the composition varied considerably, depending on the strain. Analysis of the correlation between the apparent viscosity of the fermented milk and pH indicated that the EPS produced during the acidification of milk possibly contributed to the viscosity of the milk products.


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Fish oil supplementation during pregnancy alters breast milk composition, but there is little information about the impact of oily fish consumption. We determined whether increased salmon consumption during pregnancy alters breast milk fatty acid composition and immune factors. Women (n = 123) who rarely ate oily fish were randomly assigned to consume their habitual diet or to consume 2 portions of farmed salmon per week from 20 wk of pregnancy until delivery. The salmon provided 3.45 g long-chain (LC) (n-3) PUFA/wk. Breast milk fatty acid composition and immune factors [soluble CD14, transforming growth factor-b (TGFb)1, TGFb2, and secretory IgA] were analyzed at 1, 5, 14, and 28 d postpartum (PP). Breast milk from the salmon group had higher proportions of EPA (80%), docosapentaenoic acid (30%), and DHA (90%) on d 5 PP compared with controls (P < 0.01). The LC (n-6) PUFA:LC (n-3) PUFA ratio was lower for the salmon group on all days of PP sampling (P < 0.004), although individual (n-6) PUFA proportions, including arachidonic acid, did not differ. All breast milk immune factors decreased between d 1 and 28 PP (P < 0.001). Breast milk secretory IgA (sIgA) was lower in the salmon group (d 1–28 PP; P = 0.006). Salmon consumption during pregnancy, at the current recommended intakes, increases the LC (n-3) PUFA concentration of breast milk in early lactation, thus improving the supply of these important fatty acids to the breast-fed neonate. The consequence of the lower breast milk concentration of sIgA in the salmon group is not clear.


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CVD are the leading cause of death worldwide. Hypertension, a major controllable risk factor of CVD, is intimately associated with vascular dysfunction, a defect which is also now recognised to be a major, modifiable risk factor for the development of CVD. The purpose of the present review was to critically evaluate the evidence for the effects of milk proteins and their associated peptides on blood pressure (BP) and vascular dysfunction. After a detailed literature search, the number of human trials evaluating the antihypertensive effects of casein-derived peptides (excluding isoleucine-proline-proline and valine-proline-proline) was found to be limited; the studies were preliminary with substantial methodological limitations. Likewise, the data from human trials that examined the effects of whey protein and peptides were also scarce and inconsistent. To date, only one study has conducted a comparative investigation on the relative effects of the two main intact milk proteins on BP and vascular function. While both milk proteins were shown to reduce BP, only whey protein improved measures of arterial stiffness. In contrast, a growing number of human trials have produced evidence to support beneficial effects of both milk proteins and peptides on vascular health. However, comparison of the relative outcomes from these trials is difficult owing to variation in the forms of assessment and measures of vascular function. In conclusion, there is an accumulating body of evidence to support positive effects of milk proteins in improving and/or maintaining cardiovascular health. However, the variable quality of the studies that produced this evidence, and the lack of robust, randomised controlled intervention trials, undermines the formulation of firm conclusions on the potential benefits of milk proteins and peptides on vascular health.


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Implications Overall, milk consumption provides health benefits to all age groups. Effects of cheese, butter, and fat-reduced and saturated fat-reduced milk and dairy products are less clear and require more research. Public health nutrition policy related to milk consumption should be based on the evidence presented and not solely on the believed negative effects of dietary fat. Milk is not a white elixir since no study has reported eternal youth from drinking it, but there is certainly no evidence that milk is a white poison!