984 resultados para hot-air balloons


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Rotational moulding is a method to produce hollow plastic articles. Heating is normally carried out by placing the mould into a hot air oven where the plastic material in the mould is heated. The most common cooling media are water and forced air. Due to the inefficient nature of conventional hot air ovens most of the energy supplied by the oven does not go to heat the plastic and as a consequence the procedure has very long cycle times. Direct oil heating is an effective alternative in order to achieve better energy efficiency and cycle times. This research work has combined this technology with new innovative design of mould, applying the advantages of electroforming and rapid prototyping. Complex cavity geometries are manufactured by electroforming from a rapid prototyping mandrel. The approach involves conformal heating and cooling channels , where the oil flows into a parallel channel to the electroformed cavity (nickel or copper). Because of this the mould enables high temperature uniformity with direct heating and cooling of the electroformed shell, Uniform heating and cooling is important not only for good quality parts but also for good uniform wall thickness distribution in the rotationally moulded part. The experimental work with the manufactured prototype mould has enabled analysis of the thermal uniformity in the cavity, under different temperatures. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.


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Das Verfahren der Lebensmitteltrocknung wird häufig angewendet, um ein Produkt für längere Zeit haltbar zu machen. Obst und Gemüse sind aufgrund ihres hohen Wassergehalts leicht verderblich durch biochemische Vorgänge innerhalb des Produktes, nicht sachgemäße Lagerung und unzureichende Transportmöglichkeiten. Um solche Verluste zu vermeiden wird die direkte Trocknung eingesetzt, welche die älteste Methode zum langfristigen haltbarmachen ist. Diese Methode ist jedoch veraltet und kann den heutigen Herausforderungen nicht gerecht werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein neuer Chargentrockner, mit diagonalem Luftstömungskanal entlang der Länge des Trocknungsraumes und ohne Leitbleche entwickelt. Neben dem unbestreitbaren Nutzen der Verwendung von Leitblechen, erhöhen diese jedoch die Konstruktionskosten und führen auch zu einer Erhöhung des Druckverlustes. Dadurch wird im Trocknungsprozess mehr Energie verbraucht. Um eine räumlich gleichmäßige Trocknung ohne Leitbleche zu erreichen, wurden die Lebensmittelbehälter diagonal entlang der Länge des Trockners platziert. Das vorrangige Ziel des diagonalen Kanals war, die einströmende, warme Luft gleichmäßig auf das gesamte Produkt auszurichten. Die Simulation des Luftstroms wurde mit ANSYS-Fluent in der ANSYS Workbench Plattform durchgeführt. Zwei verschiedene Geometrien der Trocknungskammer, diagonal und nicht diagonal, wurden modelliert und die Ergebnisse für eine gleichmäßige Luftverteilung aus dem diagonalen Luftströmungsdesign erhalten. Es wurde eine Reihe von Experimenten durchgeführt, um das Design zu bewerten. Kartoffelscheiben dienten als Trocknungsgut. Die statistischen Ergebnisse zeigen einen guten Korrelationskoeffizienten für die Luftstromverteilung (87,09%) zwischen dem durchschnittlich vorhergesagten und der durchschnittlichen gemessenen Strömungsgeschwindigkeit. Um den Effekt der gleichmäßigen Luftverteilung auf die Veränderung der Qualität zu bewerten, wurde die Farbe des Produktes, entlang der gesamten Länge der Trocknungskammer kontaktfrei im on-line-Verfahren bestimmt. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Imaging-Box, bestehend aus Kamera und Beleuchtung entwickelt. Räumliche Unterschiede dieses Qualitätsparameters wurden als Kriterium gewählt, um die gleichmäßige Trocknungsqualität in der Trocknungskammer zu bewerten. Entscheidend beim Lebensmittel-Chargentrockner ist sein Energieverbrauch. Dafür wurden thermodynamische Analysen des Trockners durchgeführt. Die Energieeffizienz des Systems wurde unter den gewählten Trocknungsbedingungen mit 50,16% kalkuliert. Die durchschnittlich genutzten Energie in Form von Elektrizität zur Herstellung von 1kg getrockneter Kartoffeln wurde mit weniger als 16,24 MJ/kg und weniger als 4,78 MJ/kg Wasser zum verdampfen bei einer sehr hohen Temperatur von jeweils 65°C und Scheibendicken von 5mm kalkuliert. Die Energie- und Exergieanalysen für diagonale Chargentrockner wurden zudem mit denen anderer Chargentrockner verglichen. Die Auswahl von Trocknungstemperatur, Massenflussrate der Trocknungsluft, Trocknerkapazität und Heiztyp sind die wichtigen Parameter zur Bewertung der genutzten Energie von Chargentrocknern. Die Entwicklung des diagonalen Chargentrockners ist eine nützliche und effektive Möglichkeit um dei Trocknungshomogenität zu erhöhen. Das Design erlaubt es, das gesamte Produkt in der Trocknungskammer gleichmäßigen Luftverhältnissen auszusetzen, statt die Luft von einer Horde zur nächsten zu leiten.


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The aim of the study was the optimisation of Spirulina platensis drying on convective hot air through the response surface methodology. The responses were thiobarbituric acid (TBA) and phycocyanin loss percentage values in final product. Experiments were carried out in perforated tray drier with parallel air flow, and the wet samples thickness and drying air temperatures were in range of 3–7 mm and 50–70 °C, respectively. The statistical analysis showed significant effect (P < 0.05) for air temperature and samples thickness. In the best drying condition, 55 °C and 3.7 mm, presented the phycocyanin loss percentage and the TBA values of approximately 37% and 1.5 mgMDA kg−1, respectively. In this drying condition, the fatty acids composition of the microalgae Spirulina did not show significance difference (P > 0.05) in relation to fresh biomass. The lipid profile of dried product presented high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (34.4%), especially the gamma-linolenic acid (20.6%).


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O objetivo no presente estudo foi investigar a operação de secagem da microalga Spirulina platensis em camada delgada através da modelagem matemática e otimização da operação, avaliando as características do produto final através de análises físico-químicas. Foram analisados os dados da umidade de equilíbrio para a isoterma de adsorção a 10, 20 e 30°C e de dessorção a 40, 50 e 60°C, através dos modelos de GAB e BET. O calor isostérico foi determinado pela aplicação da equação de Clausius-Clapeyron. O modelo de GAB apresentou melhor ajuste aos dados experimentais. Os valores da área superficial calculados pelos modelos de GAB e BET foram próximos. O calor isostérico e a entropia diferencial da isoterma de dessorção apresentaram comportamento similar. A teoria da compensação entalpia-entropia foi aplicada nas isotermas, indicando que são controladas pela entalpia. A cinética de secagem foi analisada na faixa de temperatura de 50-70°C, através dos modelos de Lewis, Henderson e Pabis, Henderson, Page e Overhults. O modelo de Henderson e Pabis foi escolhido por apresentar maior significado físico para estimar o valor de difusividade efetiva (Def), sendo os valores encontrados na faixa de 5,54 - 6,60×10-11 m 2 /s, para as temperaturas de 50 e 60°C, respectivamente, e de 1,58×10-10 m2 /s para a temperatura de 70°C. A energia de ativação apresentou um valor de 47,9 kJ/mol. A secagem alterou a cor quando comparada ao material in natura. A secagem foi otimizada na faixa de espessuras e temperaturas do ar de secagem de 3-7 mm e de 50-70ºC, respectivamente, através da metodologia de superfície de resposta para ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBA) e perda de ficocianina no produto final. A melhor condição de secagem foi a 55°C e a 3,7 mm, apresentando uma perda de ficocianina de aproximadamente 37% e valor de TBA de 1,5 mgMDA/kgamostra. Nesta condição de secagem, a composição de ácidos graxos da microalga Spirulina não apresentou diferença significativa (P > 0,05) em relação a microalga in natura.


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This article addresses the problem of spray vaporization and combustion in axisymmetric opposed-jet configurations involving a stream of hot air counterflowing against a stream of nitrogen carrying a spray of fuel droplets. The Reynolds numbers of the jets are assumed to be large, so that mixing of the two streams is restricted to a thin mixing layer that separates the counterflowing streams. The evolution of the droplets in their feed stream from the injection location is seen to depend fundamentally on the value of the droplet Stokes number, St, defined as the ratio of the droplet acceleration time to the mixing layer strain time close to the stagnation point. Two different regimes of spray vaporization and combustion can be identified depending on the value of St. For values of St below a critical value, equal to 1/4 for dilute sprays with small values of the spray liquid mass loading ratio, the droplets decelerate to approach the gas stagnation plane with a vanishing axial velocity. In this case, the droplets located initially near the axis reach the mixing layer, where they can vaporize due to the heat received from the hot air, producing fuel vapor that can burn with the oxygen in a diffusion flame located on the air side of the mixing layer. The character of the spray combustion is different for values of St of order unity, because the droplets cross the stagnation plane and move into the opposing air stream, reaching distances that are much larger than the mixing layer thickness before they turn around. The vaporization of these crossing droplets, and also the combustion of the fuel vapor generated by them, occur in the hot air stream, without significant effects of molecular diffusion, generating a vaporization-assisted nonpremixed flame that stands on the air side outside the mixing layer. Separate formulations will be given below for these two regimes of combustion, with attention restricted to the near-stagnation-point region, where the solution is self-similar and all variables are only dependent on the distance to the stagnation plane. The resulting formulations display a reduced number of controlling parameters that effectively embody dependences of the structure of the spray flame on spray dilution, droplet inertia, and fuel preferential diffusion. Sample solutions are given for the limiting cases of pure vaporization and of infinitely fast chemistry, with the latter limit formulated in terms of chemistry-free coupling functions that allow for general nonunity Lewis numbers of the fuel vapor.


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Air pollution levels were monitored continuously over a period of 4 weeks at four sampling sites along a busy urban corridor in Brisbane. The selected sites were representative of industrial and residential types of urban environment affected by vehicular traffic emissions. The concentration levels of submicrometer particle number, PM2.5, PM10, CO, and NOx were measured 5-10 meters from the road. Meteorological parameters and traffic flow rates were also monitored. The data were analysed in terms of the relationship between monitored pollutants and existing ambient air quality standards. The results indicate that the concentration levels of all pollutants exceeded the ambient air background levels, in certain cases by up to an order of magnitude. While the 24-hr average concentration levels did not exceed the standard, estimates for the annual averages were close to, or even higher than the annual standard levels.


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The vaporization characteristics of pendant droplets of various chemical compositions (like conventional fuels, alternative fuels and nanosuspensions) subjected to convective heating in a laminar air jet have been analyzed. Different heating conditions were achieved by controlling the air temperature and velocity fields around the droplet. A hybrid timescale has been proposed which incorporates the effects of latent heat of vaporization, saturation vapor pressure and thermal diffusivity. This timescale in essence encapsulates the different parameters that influence the droplet vaporization rate. The analysis further permits the evaluation of the effect of various parameters such as surrounding temperature, Reynolds number, far-field vapor presence, impurity content and agglomeration dynamics (nanosuspensions) in the droplet. Flow visualization has been carried out to understand the role of internal recirculation on the vaporization rate. The visualization indicates the presence of a single vortex cell within the droplet on account of the rotation and oscillation of the droplet due to aerodynamic load. External heating induced agglomeration in nanofluids leads to morphological changes during the vaporization process. These morphological changes and alteration in vaporization behavior have been assessed using high speed imaging of the diameter regression and Scanning Electron Microscopy images of the resultant precipitate. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article considers constant-pressure autoignition and freely propagating premixed flames of cold methane/air mixtures mixed with equilibrium hot products at high enough dilution levels to burn within the moderate to intense low oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion regime. The analysis is meant to provide further insight on MILD regime boundaries and to identify the effect of hot products speciation. As the mass fraction of hot products in the reactants mixture increases, autoignition occurs earlier. Species profiles show that the products/reactants mixture approximately equilibrates to a new state over a quick transient well before the main autoignition event, but as dilution becomes very high, this equilibration transient becomes more prominent and eventually merges with the primary ignition event. The dilution level at which these two reactive zones merge corresponds well with that marking the transition into the MILD regime, as defined according to conventional criteria. Similarly, premixed flame simulations at high dilutions show evidence of significant reactions involving intermediate species prior to the flame front. Since the premixed flame governing equations system demands that the species and temperature gradients be zero at the "cold" boundary, flame speed cannot be calculated above a certain dilution level. Up to this point, which again agrees reasonably well with the transition into the MILD regime according to convention, the laminar burning velocity was found to increase with hot product dilution while flame thickness remained largely unchanged. Some comments on the MILD combustion regime boundary definition for gas turbine applications are included. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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De nos jours, l'utilisation accrue de combustibles à base de fossiles et l'électricité met en péril l'environnement naturel à cause des niveaux élevés de pollution. Il est donc plausible de prévoir des économies d'énergie significatives grâce à la climatisation dite «naturelle»». En accord avec les objectifs acceptés à l'échelle internationale d'une architecture «verte» et durable, l'utilisation de cours intérieures associées aux capteurs de vent, aux murs-Trombe et à d'autres systèmes de climatisation naturelle (aussi bien traditionnels que nouveaux), paraît prometteuse. Ce mémoire propose une analyse de nouvelles approches à la climatisation naturelle et à la production d'air frais avec une consommation minimale d'énergie, eu égard aux traditions et aux tendances, en particulier dans les zones climatiques chaudes et sèches comme l'Iran. Dans ce contexte, regarder l'architecture de l'Islam et la discipline du Qur'an paraissent offrir un guide pour comprendre l'approche musulmane aux processus de décision en design. Nous regardons donc les traditions et les tendances en ce qui concerne la climatisation naturelle à travers l'élément le plus important du contexte islamique, à savoir le Qur'an. C'est pourquoi, à l'intérieur du thème de la tradition, nous avons pris en compte quelques considérations concernant l'influence de l'Islam, et en particulier le respect de la nature associé à un équilibre entre l'harmonie et l'individualité. Ce sont autant de facteurs qui influencent la prise de décisions visant à résoudre des problèmes scientifiques majeurs selon la philosophie et les méthodes islamiques ; ils nous permettent de faire quelques recommandations. La description des principes sous-jacents aux capteurs à vent et des antécédents trouvés dans la nature tels que les colonies de termites, est présentée également. Sous la rubrique tendances, nous avons introduit l'utilisation de matériaux et de principes de design nouveaux. Regarder simultanément ces matériaux nouveaux et l'analogie des colonies de termites suggère de bonnes approches à la conception d'abris pour les victimes de tremblements de terre dans les régions sisimques. Bam, une ville iranienne, peut être considérée comme un exemple spécifique illustrant où les principes exposés dans ce mémoire peuvent s'appliquer le plus adéquatement.


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Under low latitude conditions, minimization of solar radiation within the urban environment may often be a desirable criterion in urban design. The dominance of the direct component of the global solar irradiance under clear high sun conditions requires that the street solar access must be small. It is well known that the size and proportion of open spaces has a great influence on the urban microclimate This paper is directed towards finding the interaction between urban canyon geometry and incident solar radiation. The effect of building height and street width on the shading of the street surfaces and ground for different orientations have been examined and evaluated. It is aimed to explore the extent to which these parameters affect the temperature in the street. This work is based on air and surface temperature measurements taken in different urban street canyons in EL-Oued City (hot and and climate), Algeria. In general, the results show that there are less air temperature variations compared to the surface temperature which really depends on the street geometry and sky view factor. In other words, there is a big correlation between the street geometry, sky view factor and surface temperatures.


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