172 resultados para homozygosity


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Carpenter syndrome, a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a combination of craniosynostosis, polysyndactyly, obesity, and other congenital malformations, is caused by mutations in RAB23, encoding a member of the Rab-family of small GTPases. In 15 out of 16 families previously reported, the disease was caused by homozygosity for truncating mutations, and currently only a single missense mutation has been identified in a compound heterozygote. Here, we describe a further 8 independent families comprising 10 affected individuals with Carpenter syndrome, who were positive for mutations in RAB23. We report the first homozygous missense mutation and in-frame deletion, highlighting key residues for RAB23 function, as well as the first splice-site mutation. Multi-suture craniosynostosis and polysyndactyly have been present in all patients described to date, and abnormal external genitalia have been universal in boys. High birth weight was not evident in the current group of patients, but further evidence for laterality defects is reported. No genotype-phenotype correlations are apparent. We provide experimental evidence that transcripts encoding truncating mutations are subject to nonsense-mediated decay, and that this plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many RAB23 mutations. These observations refine the phenotypic spectrum of Carpenter syndrome and offer new insights into molecular pathogenesis. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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O aumento do potencial produtivo da cultura de arroz via melhoramento genético está principalmente relacionado ao rendimento, a qualidade de grãos e a obtenção de plantas resistentes a doenças e pragas. Neste caso, deve ser explorada a variabilidade genética natural ou induzida através de agentes mutagênicos físicos, químicos ou biológicos. A vantagem do uso de mutagênicos biológicos, como os transposons e os retrotransposons, é que ao serem inseridos podem interrompem um gene causando uma mutação. Esta retrotransposição deixa uma marca que possibilita a identificação molecular do local de inserção. No presente trabalho, foi utilizada a estratégia de mutagênese insercional através de eventos de transposição do retrotransposon Tos17, induzido por cultura in vitro. A análise de diferentes genótipos de arroz é muito importante para avaliar se a transposição ocorre de forma similar em genótipos distintos. Foram avaliados calos embriogênicos de cultivares que têm um histórico de variabilidade genética em homozigose, linhagens obtidas através de cruzamentos com espécies silvestres e ecótipos de arroz vermelho, submetidos a 6 meses de cultura in vitro. O método escolhido para avaliar o número de cópias de Tos17 em calos embriogênicos foi a quantificação relativa por PCR em tempo real. A identificação dos genes mutados pela inserção do retrotransposon foi feita através do isolamento e amplificação das seqüências que flanqueiam os insertos de Tos17. O resultado deste experimento indica um aumento no número de cópias de Tos17 em 8 dos 21 genótipos avaliados. O seqüenciamento dos fragmentos de DNA que flanqueiam os insertos do retrotransposon Tos17, indicaram alta similaridade com seqüências genômicas não codificantes de arroz.


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As anemias hereditárias, em especial as talassemias e hemoglobinas (Hb) variantes, são as mais comuns das alterações genéticas humanas; sua freqüência na população brasileira é muito variável, dependendo dos grupos raciais formadores de cada região. O povoamento de Goiás, que teve início logo após o seu descobrimento, em 1726, motivado pela procura de ouro, foi composto principalmente por portugueses e escravos africanos, contexto que favoreceu a mestiçagem entre eles. Considerando que esses povos apresentam genes para as hemoglobinas anormais com freqüências variadas, é esperado que se encontrem essas alterações genéticas na nossa população. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a prevalência de talassemias e hemoglobinas variantes na população de Goiás. Para isso a casuística foi composta por 404 alunos participantes dos diversos cursos da Universidade Católica de Goiás (UCG), oriundos de 55 cidades do estado de Goiás. A prevalência de anemia hereditária por talassemias e hemoglobinas variantes em Goiás foi de 10,1%, cuja ordem decrescente foi a seguinte: talassemia alfa heterozigótica (5,2%), heterozigose para hemoglobina S (Hb AS) (2,2%), heterozigose para hemoglobina C (Hb AC) (1%), talassemia beta menor (0,7%), associação entre talassemia alfa e heterozigose para Hb S (0,5%), associação entre talassemia alfa e heterozigose para Hb C (0,3%) e heterozigose para hemoglobina D (Hb AD) (0,3%). Nenhum caso de homozigose foi encontrado no presente estudo. Este trabalho demonstrou a dispersão dos genes para Hb S, Hb C e Hb D, bem como de talassemias alfa e beta em uma população do estado de Goiás. Por essa razão, concluímos que é importante realizar programas com maior abrangência da população para estudo da epidemiologia das talassemias e hemoglobinas variantes no estado de Goiás.


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Background and Objectives. A frequent mutation in the cystathionine β- synthase (CBS) gene (844ins68, a 68-bp insertion in the coding region of exon 8) was recently discovered. In the present study we investigated this mutation as a candidate risk factor for venous thrombosis. Design and Methods. The prevalence of the 844ins68 CBS mutation was determined in 101 patients with objectively diagnosed deep venous thrombosis and in 101 healthy controls matched for age, sex and race. PCR amplification of a DNA fragment containing exon 8 of the CBS gene was employed to determine the genotypes. Additionally, Bsrl restriction enzyme digestion of the PCR products was performed in all samples from carriers of the insertion, to test for concurrent presence of a second mutation (T833C) in the CBS gene. Results. The insertion was found in 21 out of 101 patients (20.8%; allele frequency 0.109) and in 20 out of 101 controls (19.8%; allele frequency 0.114), yielding a relative risk for venous thrombosis related to the 844ins68 CBS mutation close to 1.0. In addition, the T833C CBS mutation was detected in all alleles carrying the 844ins68 CBS insertion, confirming the co- inheritance of the two mutations. Interpretation and Conclusions. Our findings do not support the hypothesis that the 844ins68 mutation in the CBS gene is a genetic risk factor for venous thrombosis.


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A mutation in the factor XIII gene (FXIII Val34Leu) gene was recently reported to confer protection against myocardial infarction, but its relationship with venous thrombosis is unknown. In addition, a mutation in the 5'-untranslated region of the FXII gene (46 C→T) was identified which is associated with low plasma levels of the protein. Its prevalence in patients with venous thrombosis is also unknown. We investigated the frequency of the FXIII Val34Leu and FXII 46 C→T mutations in 189 patients with deep venous thrombosis and in 187 age-, gender- and race-matched controls. FXIII Val34Leu was detected in 38.6% of the patients and in 41.2% of the controls. Interestingly, homozygosity for the FXIII mutation was found in 1.6% of the patients and in 9.6% of the controls. yielding an odds ratio (OR) for venous thrombosis of 0.16 (95% CI: 0.05-0.5). The OR for heterozygotes was 1.1 (95% CI: 0.7-1.7). The FXII 46 C→T mutation was detected in 46.0% of the patients and in 48.6% of the controls. The OR for heterozygotes was 0.9 (95% CI: 0.6-1.4) and for homozygotes the OR was 0.8 (95% CI: 0.3-1.9). Our data indicate that the FXII 46 C→T mutation is unlikely to be a major risk factor for venous thrombotic disease. In contrast, the homozygous state for FXIII Val34Leu is a strong protective factor against venous thrombosis, which emerges as a novel generic factor involved in the aetiology of thrombophilia.


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Caseins comprise make up about 80% of the total protein content of milk and present polymorphism with change in the amino acid sequence. Within this abundance of proteins, kappa-casein is noteworthy, since it has been associated with differences in milk yield, composition and processing. The objective of this study was to observe the existence of polymorphism in the kappa-casein gene in female buffaloes. For this purpose, blood samples from 115 female buffaloes, collected with vacutainer by needle punctionure of the jugular vein, were used. for genomic DNA extraction was done from blood samples. The PCR-RFLP and SSCP techniques demonstrated that the studied animals were monomorphic for the kappa-casein gene. Only allele B was observed in these animals, which was present in homozygosis. Therefore, it was not possible to quantify the gene action on milk yield and its constituents. The monomorphism observed in the population studied would allow the development of a method to identify mixtures of cow and buffalo milk in mozzarella cheese production, especially because, in cattle, the kappa-casein gene is polymorphic. Copyright by the Brazilian Society of Genetics.


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The objective of the present study was to estimate the allele and genotype frequencies of the CSN3/Hinfl and LGB/HaeIII gene polymorphisms in beef cattle belonging to different genetic groups, and to determine the effects of these polymorphisms on growth and carcass traits in these animals, which are submitted to an intensive production model. Genotyping was performed on 79 Nelore, 30 Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu) and 275 crossbred cattle originating from the crosses of Simmental (n = 30) and Angus (n = 245) sires with Nelore females. Body weight, weight gain, dressing percentage, longissimus dorsi area and backfat thickness were fitted using the GLM procedure, and least square means of the genotypes were compared by the F test. The results showed that the CSN3/Hinfl and LGB/HaeIII polymorphisms did not have any effect on growth or carcass traits (p > 0.05). Copyright by the Brazilian Society of genetics.


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Background: Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) is a multifactorial process that appears to be caused by the interaction of environmental risk factors with multiple predisposing genes. It is nowadays accepted that increased levels of DNA damage induced by xenobiotics play an important role in the early phases of atherogenesis. Therefore, in this study, we focus on determining whether genetic variations in xenobiotic-metabolizing [glutathione-S-transferase theta 1 (GSTT1), glutathione-S-transferase mu 1 (GSTM1), cytochrome P450 IIEI (CYP2E1)] and DNA repair [X-ray cross-complementing group 1 (XRCC1)] genes might be associated with increased risk for CAD. Methods: A case-control study was conducted with 400 individuals who underwent subjected to coronary angiography. A total of 299 were patients diagnosed with effective coronary atherosclerosis (case group; >20% obstructive lesion), and 101 (control group) were individuals diagnosed as negative for CAD (<20% obstructive lesions). The polymorphism identifications for GSTM1 and GSTT1, and for CYP2E1 and XRCC1 genes were performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and by PCR-RFLP, respectively. Results and conclusions: The XRCC1 homozygous wild-type genotype Arg/Arg for codon 399 was statistically less pronounced in the case subjects (21.4%) than in controls (38.5%); individuals with the variant XRCC1 genotype had a 2.3-fold increased risk for coronary atherosclerosis than individuals with the wild-type genotype (OR=2.3, 95% CI=1.13-4.69). Conversely, no association between GSTM1, GSTT1, and CYP2E1gene polymorphisms and coronary atherosclerosis was detected. The results provide evidence of the role of DNA damage and repair in cardiovascular disease. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To evaluate if identified loci associated with normal age of menopause variation and early menopause can account for the poor response to controlled ovarian stimulation. Methods: A total of 71 patients, with age ≤ 35 years old, undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection were tested for three of the four newly identified genetic variants associated with normal variation in menopausal age and early menopause. Patients were divided into two groups: poor responder group (PR group, n=21) and normoresponder group (NR group, n=50). The influence of risk allele frequency on the response to controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) was evaluated. Logistic regression models were used. Results: There was no significant difference in the incidence of the genetic variants between NR and PR group. The risk allele for chromosome 19 variant (rs4806660) demonstrated a protective effect. The presence of a risk allele, either in homozygosis or in heterozygosis, was associated with an increased response to COS, resulting in an elevated number of follicles (Coef: 2.54, P= 0.041) and retrieved oocytes (Coef: 1.41, P= 0.041). Conclusions: Genetic variants rs244715, rs9379896 and rs4806660 are not risk factors for poor ovarian response. Instead, rs4806660 is associated with higher number of follicles and retrieved oocytes. It could be hypothesized that rs4806660 is associated with an increased response to gonadotrophin stimulus. © Todos os direitos reservados a SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.


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Intense selective pressures applied over short evolutionary time have resulted in homogeneity within, but substantial variation among, horse breeds. Utilizing this population structure, 744 individuals from 33 breeds, and a 54,000 SNP genotyping array, breed-specific targets of selection were identified using an FST-based statistic calculated in 500-kb windows across the genome. A 5.5-Mb region of ECA18, in which the myostatin (MSTN) gene was centered, contained the highest signature of selection in both the Paint and Quarter Horse. Gene sequencing and histological analysis of gluteal muscle biopsies showed a promoter variant and intronic SNP of MSTN were each significantly associated with higher Type 2B and lower Type 1 muscle fiber proportions in the Quarter Horse, demonstrating a functional consequence of selection at this locus. Signatures of selection on ECA23 in all gaited breeds in the sample led to the identification of a shared, 186-kb haplotype including two doublesex related mab transcription factor genes (DMRT2 and 3). The recent identification of a DMRT3 mutation within this haplotype, which appears necessary for the ability to perform alternative gaits, provides further evidence for selection at this locus. Finally, putative loci for the determination of size were identified in the draft breeds and the Miniature horse on ECA11, as well as when signatures of selection surrounding candidate genes at other loci were examined. This work provides further evidence of the importance of MSTN in racing breeds, provides strong evidence for selection upon gait and size, and illustrates the potential for population-based techniques to find genomic regions driving important phenotypes in the modern horse. © 2013 Petersen et al.


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As the methodologies available for the detection of positive selection from genomic data vary in terms of assumptions and execution, weak correlations are expected among them. However, if there is any given signal that is consistently supported across different methodologies, it is strong evidence that the locus has been under past selection. In this paper, a straightforward frequentist approach based on the Stouffer Method to combine P-values across different tests for evidence of recent positive selection in common variations, as well as strategies for extracting biological information from the detected signals, were described and applied to high density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data generated from dairy and beef cattle (taurine and indicine). The ancestral Bovinae allele state of over 440,000 SNP is also reported. Using this combination of methods, highly significant (P<3.17×10-7) population-specific sweeps pointing out to candidate genes and pathways that may be involved in beef and dairy production were identified. The most significant signal was found in the Cornichon homolog 3 gene (CNIH3) in Brown Swiss (P = 3.82×10-12), and may be involved in the regulation of pre-ovulatory luteinizing hormone surge. Other putative pathways under selection are the glucolysis/gluconeogenesis, transcription machinery and chemokine/cytokine activity in Angus; calpain-calpastatin system and ribosome biogenesis in Brown Swiss; and gangliosides deposition in milk fat globules in Gyr. The composite method, combined with the strategies applied to retrieve functional information, may be a useful tool for surveying genome-wide selective sweeps and providing insights in to the source of selection.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)