906 resultados para historical study


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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O presente estudo visa a estabelecer uma análise comparativa entre dois romances da literatura brasileira do século XX, no que tange à abordagem realizada pelas obras do fenômeno histórico-social do cangaço. As obras escolhidas, Fogo Morto, de José Lins do Rego, e Os Desvalidos, de Francisco Dantas, representam dois momentos distintos da produção ficcional nordestina. A primeira está inserida na corrente ficcional das décadas de 30 e 40. Décimo romance do escritor paraibano, Fogo Morto representa o cangaço na perspectiva do personagem José Amaro, seleiro que se transforma em ajudante do cangaceiro Antônio Silvino. A segunda obra, publicada em 1993, representa uma retomada da ficção regionalista. O romance focaliza o cangaço sob o ponto de vista de Coriolano, personagem que, ao contrário de José Amaro, demonstra ódio implacável pelo cangaço, no romance representado por Lampião. A análise comparativa das obras foi precedida pelo estudo das raízes históricas do cangaço, bem como a caracterização do cangaceiro como ser carregado de dubiedade no imaginário popular nordestino. Com efeito, o cangaceiro ora é representado como herói, ora é encarado como bandido pelo sertanejo, sendo que essa visão contraditória é transportada para a ficção, aparecendo nos dois romances que são analisados neste trabalho. A abordagem histórica do cangaço é realizada a partir de estudos de autores como Rui Facó (1983), Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz (1977) e Luiz Bernardo Pericás (2010). Também foi imprescindível um breve estudo de Câmara Cascudo (2005), que auxilia a compreender a figura do cangaceiro enquanto herói popular regional. Finalmente, como suporte para o estudo comparativo entre Fogo Morto e Os Desvalidos foram utilizados trabalhos de autores como José Paulo Paes (1995) e Sônia Lúcia Ramalho de Farias (2006), que fornecem elementos importantes para o estabelecimento de relações entre obras de cunho regionalista, produzidas por escritores nordestinos.


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O presente estudo constitui-se em uma leitura fincada nos moldes estético-recepcionais do romance Grande sertão: veredas, do escritor João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967). Após um estudo histórico-artístico das categorias de heróis apresentadas no decorrer da história literária universal e analisadas pela crítica, tais como na epopéia (herói épico), no medievo (herói medieval), na tragédia (herói trágico) e no romance (herói romanesco), incluindo a categoria de herói formulada por Georg Lukács: o herói demoníaco, bem como o herói na modernidade (herói moderno), apresentar-se-á um exame diferenciado da figura da persona baseado na tipologia teórico-crítica jaussiana de herói, que, por sua vez, será utilizado para consideração de um estudo interpretativo e de recepção crítica sobre a personagem na obra rosiana, sobretudo a partir de 1956. Dessa forma, demonstrar-se-á que a atualidade do tema é sustentada pelas obras literárias, que se oferecem como objetos de interrogação para o pensamento crítico, renovando os princípios teóricos de cada época. Para tanto, a análise volta-se para o estudo de importantes nomes da crítica literária no Brasil e no exterior, cuja seleção se deu em função da categoria do herói, tais como Manuel Cavalcanti Proença (1958), Mario Vargas Llosa (1966), Antonio Candido (1969), Walnice Nogueira Galvão (1972), Benedito Nunes (1982), Davi Arrigucci Jr (1994), José Antonio Pasta Jr (1999) e Ettore Finazzi-Agrò (2004), com a finalidade de compreender e explicitar a importância da reconstrução do horizonte de expectativa a partir da tríade hermenêutica que permite ao leitor participar da gênese do objeto estético, expandindo seu contexto e significações.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study presents the results of a study on the development of the concept of force and their possible applications in physics teaching. The historical study has focused on Aristotelian natural philosophy, medieval theories of strength in impressed and on classical Newtonian mechanics. The Newtonian concept of force was also an object lesson of physics analyzed in this study. In this lesson, conducted in a preuniversity course, spontaneous conceptions or alternative conceptions of students about the concept of force proved very entrenched, resulting in studies on the Model Change on Conceptual and epistemological obstacles in view Bachelardian. The theoretical frameworks adopted led us to trace parallels between spontaneous conceptions revealed by the students and some views about the concept of force found in the study of history. The results show that while some old conceptions have been replaced by scientifically Newtonian concept of force, they are still present in the students' ideas and resist to changes even after the study of Newton's laws. Like main result shows that the history of science can be a great ally for the deconstruction of alternative conceptions, particularly when these concepts were previously presented and overcome the course of history of the development of a concept


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This work has the aim of evince compositional tools used in the development of musical scores for role-playing videogames through the analysis of Yasunori Mitsuda’s music for Chrono Cross (1999). This research is divided in two main parts: the first traces a historic path of the RPG genre on videogame consoles, since its birth as a tabletop game in the decade of 1970 until its consolidation on 3D game machines released in the 1990’s. The focus of this historical study concentrates on the aesthetics of this kind of game and on the multiple relations it settles with sound throughout the years. The second part is an analytical work on an assortment of pieces by Mitsuda for the aforementioned game, bringing up the most interesting aspects of the connections established between these compositions and the whole game.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present paper presents a historical study on the acceptance of Newton's corpuscular theory of light in the early eighteenth century. Isaac Newton first published his famous book Opticks in 1704. After its publication, it became quite popular and was an almost mandatory presence in cultural life of Enlightenment societies. However, Newton's optics did not become popular only via his own words and hands, but also via public lectures and short books with scientific contents devoted to general public (including women) that emerged in the period as a sort of entertainment business. Lectures and writers stressed the inductivist approach to the study of nature and presented Newton's ideas about optics as they were consensual among natural philosophers in the period. The historical case study presented in this paper illustrates relevant aspects of nature of science, which can be explored by students of physics on undergraduate level or in physics teacher training programs.


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As a self-styled 'female Columbus', E. Catherine Bates took a transcontinental journey across North America with a woman companion in the late 1880s and, on her return to England, published A Year in the Great Republic . This paper, following critical theory approaches to the study of travel writing, explores the ways in which several of Bates's many-layered social identities as a woman of the British e lite class came to the fore in her travel narrative. I argue that Bates constructed her narrative primarily around her shifting gender identities- as 'feminine' and 'feminist'- and suggest that imperialistic writing was less apparent because she was travelling to a place that had an 'empire-to-empire' rather than a 'colony-to-empire', relationship to Britain during its 'Age of Empire'. In this paper I am searching for a middle ground between what I have termed 'modernist' interpretations of women's travel writing and the more recent post-structural interpretations. I make the case that Victorian women travellers' revisionist commentary on gender roles, as well as their observations of domestic scenes, should remain in focus as we continue to mark them for historical study.


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Theoretical studies of the problems of the securities markets in the Russian Federation incline to one or other of the two traditional approaches. The first consists of comparing the definition of "valuable paper" set forth in the current legislation of the Russian Federation, with the theoretical model of "Wertpapiere" elaborated by German scholars more than 90 years ago. The problem with this approach is, in Mr. Pentsov's opinion, that any new features of the definition of "security" that do not coincide with the theoretical model of "Wertpapiere" (such as valuable papers existing in non-material, electronic form) are claimed to be incorrect and removed from the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The second approach works on the basis of the differentiation between the Common Law concept of "security" and the Civil Law concept of "valuable paper". Mr. Pentsov's research, presented in an article written in English, uses both methodological tools and involves, firstly, a historical study of the origin and development of certain legal phenomena (securities) as they evolved in different countries, and secondly, a comparative, synchronic study of equivalent legal phenomena as they exist in different countries today. Employing the first method, Mr. Pentsov divided the historical development of the conception of "valuable paper" in Russia into five major stages. He found that, despite the existence of a relatively wide circulation of valuable papers, especially in the second half of the 19th century, Russian legislation before 1917 (the first stage) did not have a unified definition of valuable paper. The term was used, in both theoretical studies and legislation, but it covered a broad range of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, government bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, etc. During the second stage, also, the legislation of the USSR did not have a unified definition of "valuable paper". After the end of the "new economic policy" (1922 - 1930) the stock exchanges and the securities markets in the USSR, with a very few exceptions, were abolished. And thus during the third stage (up to 1985), the use of valuable papers in practice was reduced to foreign economic relations (bills of exchange, stocks in enterprises outside the USSR) and to state bonds. Not surprisingly, there was still no unified definition of "valuable paper". After the beginning of Gorbachev's perestroika, a securities market began to re-appear in the USSR. However, the successful development of securities markets in the USSR was retarded by the absence of an appropriate regulatory framework. The first effort to improve the situation was the adoption of the Regulations on Valuable Papers, approved by resolution No. 590 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, dated June 19, 1990. Section 1 of the Regulation contained the first statutory definition of "valuable paper" in the history of Russia. At the very beginning of the period of transition to a market economy, a number of acts contained different definitions of "valuable paper". This diversity clearly undermined the stability of the Russian securities market and did not achieve the goal of protecting the investor. The lack of unified criteria for the consideration of such non-standard financial instruments as "valuable papers" significantly contributed to the appearance of numerous fraudulent "pyramid" schemes that were outside of the regulatory scheme of Russia legislation. The situation was substantially improved by the adoption of the new Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to Section 1 of Article 142 of the Civil Code, a valuable paper is a document that confirms, in compliance with an established form and mandatory requisites, certain material rights whose realisation or transfer are possible only in the process of its presentation. Finally, the recent Federal law No. 39 - FZ "On the Valuable Papers Market", dated April 22 1996, has also introduced the term "emission valuable papers". According to Article 2 of this Law, an "emission valuable paper" is any valuable paper, including non-documentary, that simultaneously has the following features: it fixes the composition of material and non-material rights that are subject to confirmation, cession and unconditional realisation in compliance with the form and procedure established by this federal law; it is placed by issues; and it has equal amount and time of realisation of rights within the same issue regardless of when the valuable paper was purchased. Thus the introduction of the conception of "emission valuable paper" became the starting point in the Russian federation's legislation for the differentiation between the legal regimes of "commercial papers" and "investment papers" similar to the Common Law approach. Moving now to the synchronic, comparative method of research, Mr. Pentsov notes that there are currently three major conceptions of "security" and, correspondingly, three approaches to its legal definition: the Common Law concept, the continental law concept, and the concept employed by Japanese Law. Mr. Pentsov proceeds to analyse the differences and similarities of all three, concluding that though the concept of "security" in the Common Law system substantially differs from that of "valuable paper" in the Continental Law system, nevertheless the two concepts are developing in similar directions. He predicts that in the foreseeable future the existing differences between these two concepts will become less and less significant. On the basis of his research, Mr. Pentsov arrived at the conclusion that the concept of "security" (and its equivalents) is not a static one. On the contrary, it is in the process of permanent evolution that reflects the introduction of new financial instruments onto the capital markets. He believes that the scope of the statutory definition of "security" plays an extremely important role in the protection of investors. While passing the Securities Act of 1933, the United States Congress determined that the best way to achieve the goal of protecting investors was to define the term "security" in sufficiently broad and general terms so as to include within the definition the many types of instruments that in the commercial world fall within the ordinary concept of "security' and to cover the countless and various devices used by those who seek to use the money of others on the promise of profits. On the other hand, the very limited scope of the current definition of "emission valuable paper" in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation entitled "On the Valuable Papers Market" does not allow the anti-fraud provisions of this law to be implemented in an efficient way. Consequently, there is no basis for the protection of investors. Mr. Pentsov proposes amendments which he believes would enable the Russian markets to become more efficient and attractive for both foreign and domestic investors.


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A cohort, cross-sectional, historical study design was used to study factors related to spontaneous premature birth outcomes among African American women. The cohort consisted of 4,294 mothers drawn from the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. The objectives of the study were: (1) to examine the distribution of gestational ages of African American infants for selected variables reported for their families and (2) to describe risk factors associated with birth at 20–31 weeks of gestational age and at 32–36 weeks of gestational age. Risk factors examined include maternal age, maternal marital status, maternal living arrangements, maternal education, maternal work status, household income, gestational bleeding, month prenatal began, adequacy of prenatal care, parity, previous viable preterm birth, and behavioral factors of attitude toward pregnancy, smoking, drug, and alcohol use during pregnancy. Frequency distributions, cross tabulations, stratified analysis, and logistic regression analysis were used. ^ Risk factors associated with a 50 percent or more increase in preterm birth were cocaine use, low maternal education, teenaged mother, prenatal care deficits or overuse, and bleeding during the second half of pregnancy. The other risk factors of not living with the baby's father, smoking cigarettes and having a mistimed pregnancy carried statistically significance but lower strength of association. ^ Health care services, educational systems, and community organizations can develop and evaluate comprehensive health education and information campaigns that address preventable risk factors during pregnancy. Although preterm birth cannot always be prevented, preconception care can help identify and modify maternal risk and promote optimum health before conception. Quality care should include continued risk assessment, health promotion, and interventions. ^


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar un estudio histórico comparativo, basado en las descripciones de los relatos de cuatro viajeros extranjeros Samuel Haigh, Peter Schmidtmeyer, Francis Bond Head y Campbell Scarlett, que llegaron entre los años 1817 y 1835 a la provincia de Mendoza para luego cruzar la cordillera de los Andes rumbo a Santiago de Chile. El trabajo se divide en dos partes; la primera se refiere a los relatos y testimonios del viaje por la provincia de Mendoza y la segunda parte destaca las descripciones sobre la ciudad de Santiago de Chile. Cada una de las partes ha sido seleccionada y analizada en sus diferentes observaciones por los relatos de cada uno de los cuatro viajeros. Destacando aquellos aspectos distintivos y originales sobre algunos temas en particular, como así también las consideraciones que hacen respecto a la sociedad, sus creencias y su cultura.


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En la primera parte de esta indagación histórica se explora la imagen de los sobrevivientes en la sociedad general, con el trasfondo de la política inmigratoria argentina del peronismo entre 1946-50 que discriminaba a los refugiados judíos; después se indaga el lugar de la ayuda a esos sobrevivientes dentro de las prioridades de la comunidad judía organizada. Finalmente, se aborda un aspecto aún no investigado: el esfuerzo solitario de sus familiares residentes en Argentina para procurar, de organizaciones locales comunitarias e internacionales judías, el ingreso y socorro a los sobrevivientes que fueron localizados en los campos de personas desplazadas (DPs) y en otros lugares de Europa. Además se explora el impacto y memoria de la Shoa en los esfuerzos de reconstitución comunitaria a nivel institucional y educativa de la Kheila de Buenos Aires, realizados durante los primeros años de posguerra cuando la ayuda a los sobrevivientes que empezaban a arribar a Argentina quedó librada a la solitaria solidaridad de sus familiares locales y de asociaciones de coterráneos. Dada su extensión, aquí se publica la primera parte de este trabajo, el cual será completado en el número siguiente


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Entre los enfoques actuales de los diseños curriculares de diferentes niveles educativos, el currículo basado en estándares es uno de los más difundidos. Su adopción es objeto de particular recomendación por algunos especialistas en política educativa y en diseño curricular. Acá se analizan los orígenes del uso del concepto de estándar en los campos de la evaluación y del currículo. El propósito no es hacer un estudio histórico de la cuestión sino mostrar, desde una perspectiva didáctica, algunos de los significados de este concepto cuando se emplean en estos dominios, así como sus posibles consecuencias deseadas y no deseadas.


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Entre los enfoques actuales de los diseños curriculares de diferentes niveles educativos, el currículo basado en estándares es uno de los más difundidos. Su adopción es objeto de particular recomendación por algunos especialistas en política educativa y en diseño curricular. Acá se analizan los orígenes del uso del concepto de estándar en los campos de la evaluación y del currículo. El propósito no es hacer un estudio histórico de la cuestión sino mostrar, desde una perspectiva didáctica, algunos de los significados de este concepto cuando se emplean en estos dominios, así como sus posibles consecuencias deseadas y no deseadas.