986 resultados para high-flow


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PURPOSE: To evaluate a widely used nontunneled triple-lumen central venous catheter in order to determine whether the largest of the three lumina (16 gauge) can tolerate high flow rates, such as those required for computed tomographic angiography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-two catheters were tested in vitro, including 10 new and 32 used catheters (median indwelling time, 5 days). Injection pressures were continuously monitored at the site of the 16-gauge central venous catheter hub. Catheters were injected with 300 and 370 mg of iodine per milliliter of iopamidol by using a mechanical injector at increasing flow rates until the catheter failed. The infusion rate, hub pressure, and location were documented for each failure event. The catheter pressures generated during hand injection by five operators were also analyzed. Mean flow rates and pressures at failure were compared by means of two-tailed Student t test, with differences considered significant at P < .05. RESULTS: Injections of iopamidol with 370 mg of iodine per milliliter generate more pressure than injections of iopamidol with 300 mg of iodine per milliliter at the same injection rate. All catheters failed in the tubing external to the patient. The lowest flow rate at which catheter failure occurred was 9 mL/sec. The lowest hub pressure at failure was 262 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) for new and 213 psig for used catheters. Hand injection of iopamidol with 300 mg of iodine per milliliter generated peak hub pressures ranging from 35 to 72 psig, corresponding to flow rates ranging from 2.5 to 5.0 mL/sec. CONCLUSION: Indwelling use has an effect on catheter material property, but even for used catheters there is a substantial safety margin for power injection with the particular triple-lumen central venous catheter tested in this study, as the manufacturer's recommendation for maximum pressure is 15 psig.


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The diagnostic approach to vascular anomalies should include the distinction between vascular tumors (i.e. hemangiomas) and congential vascular malformations (CVMs). This step is based more on history and clinical examination rather than on instrumental evaluation. In children Duplex ultrasound and histology can be helpful to separate hypervasularized tumors from CVMs. Appropriate record of objective measures as size or flow volume is required in order to evaluate the progress of the pathology and/or to assess the results of adopted therapeutic interventions. The anatomic, pathological and hemodynamic characteristics, the secondary effects on the surrounding tissues and the systemic manifestations should be defined. Basic diagnostic tools are Duplex sonography followed by MRI or CT scanning. The definition of the vascular anomaly should be according to the Hamburg classification and should separate vascular tumors from vacular malformations followed by separation of high flow from low flow CVMs. Diagnostic investigations are best undertaken at centers where subsequent therapeutic interventions will be performed.


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Understanding the origins, transport and fate of contamination is essential to effective management of water resources and public health. Individuals and organizations with management responsibilities need to understand the risks to ecosystems and to humans from contact with contamination. Managers also need to understand how key contaminants vary over time and space in order to design and prioritize mitigation strategies. Tumacacori National Historic Park (NHP) is responsible for management of its water resources for the benefit of the park and for the health of its visitors. The existence of microbial contaminants in the park poses risks that must be considered in park planning and operations. The water quality laboratory at the Maricopa Agricultural Center (in collaboration with stakeholder groups and individuals located in the ADEQ-targeted watersheds) identified biological changes in surface water quality in impaired reaches rivers to determine the sources of Escherichia coli (E. coli); bacteria utilizing innovative water quality microbial/bacterial source tracking methods. The end goal was to support targeted watershed groups and ADEQ towards E. coli reductions. In the field monitoring was conducted by the selected targeted watershed groups in conjunction with The University of Arizona Maricopa Agricultural Center Water Quality Laboratory. This consisted of collecting samples for Bacteroides testing from multiple locations on select impaired reaches, to determine contamination resulting from cattle, human recreation, and other contributions. Such testing was performed in conjunction with high flow and base flow conditions in order to accurately portray water quality conditions and variations. Microbial monitoring was conducted by The University of Arizona Water Quality Laboratory at the Maricopa Agricultural Center using genetic typing to differentiate among two categories of Bacteroides: human and all (total). Testing used microbial detection methodologies and molecular source tracking techniques.^


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Coral reef ecosystems develop best in high-flow environments but their fragile frameworks are also vulnerable to high wave energy. Wave-resistant algal rims, predominantly made up of the crustose coralline algae (CCA) Porolithon onkodes and P. pachydermum, are therefore critical structural elements for the survival of many shallow coral reefs. Concerns are growing about the susceptibility of CCA to ocean acidification because CCA Mg-calcite skeletons are more susceptible to dissolution under low pH conditions than coral aragonite skeletons. However, the recent discovery of dolomite (Mg0.5Ca0.5(CO3)), a stable carbonate, in P. onkodes cells necessitates a reappraisal of the impacts of ocean acidification on these CCA. Here we show, using a dissolution experiment, that dried dolomite-rich CCA have 6-10 times lower rates of dissolution than predominantly Mg-calcite CCA in both high-CO2 (~ 700 ppm) and control (~ 380 ppm) environments, respectively. We reveal this stabilizing mechanism to be a combination of reduced porosity due to dolomite infilling and selective dissolution of other carbonate minerals. Physical break-up proceeds by dissolution of Mg-calcite walls until the dolomitized cell eventually drops out intact. Dolomite-rich CCA frameworks are common in shallow coral reefs globally and our results suggest that it is likely that they will continue to provide protection and stability for coral reef frameworks as CO2 rises.


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En los últimos años ha aumentado el interés en el desarrollo de proyectos en el ámbito de las centrales hidroeléctricas y en concreto en las centrales reversibles. Estas centrales están diseñadas para grandes caudales y saltos, lo cual conlleva túneles de gran diámetro y alta presión y a menudo son esquemas subterráneos. Por ello, los estudios relativos a revestimientos de túneles en presión y los referentes a los blindajes de acero han cobrado una mayor relevancia. En las décadas de los 60 y 70 se realizó una importante labor de investigación coincidiendo con el desarrollo hidroeléctrico en Europa y Norteamérica, que sin embargo ha quedado sin continuidad hasta esta década, en la que se ha experimentado un impulso debido al desarrollo de nuevos proyectos hidroeléctricos de gran magnitud. La adecuación de los métodos de cálculo de blindajes supone una herramienta imprescindible en el correcto desarrollo técnico de los nuevos proyectos hidroeléctricos, así como para la evaluación de la seguridad de los saltos hidroeléctricos existentes en operación. En la presente Tesis se realiza un análisis del comportamiento estructural de las galerías en presión de saltos hidroeléctricos, así como una discusión y revisión de los métodos de cálculo existentes. En concreto se analizan los siguientes aspectos: •Descripción y comparación de las formulaciones existentes para el cálculo de blindajes tanto a presión exterior como interior. •Aplicación del Método de Elementos Finitos para la modelización y cálculo resistente y frente a inestabilidad de blindajes sometidos a presión exterior. •Análisis de un caso real, en el que se ha producido un fallo estructural en un blindaje sometido a presión exterior. Discusión sobre el comportamiento de blindajes con rigidizadores. Estudio paramétrico de la capacidad resistente y de la estabilidad de los blindajes con rigidizadores. •Estudio del comportamiento diferenciado entre un rigidizador y un conector. •Detalles constructivos y de durabilidad de las galerías en presión. •Desarrollo de una metodología para el cálculo de blindajes y tuberías forzadas a fatiga derivada de las variaciones de presión de la conducción. •Análisis de un caso real de una tubería forzada sometida a procesos de variación de carga, evaluando su seguridad frente a la fatiga. El cálculo de blindajes en galerías forzadas presenta una serie de aspectos complejos, y que no permiten la definición del problema con exactitud, tales como las características del macizo rocoso y su permeabilidad, la determinación del nivel freático, la holgura existente entre el blindaje y el revestimiento del trasdós y sus posibles defectos geométricos. Por estas incertidumbres, el cálculo de blindajes supone una materia compleja y que debe ser abordada desde la cautela y el análisis de otros trabajos y/o análisis realizados con anterioridad. En cualquier caso, debe realizarse un análisis de sensibilidad de los diversos parámetros que intervienen en el cálculo. En esta tesis se han descrito las principales formulaciones de cálculo de blindajes de galerías forzadas sometidas a presión interior y exterior; se ha constatado que existe una gran diversidad y que de su aplicación no se llega a resultados concluyentes. Las formulaciones clásicas utilizadas en el cálculo de blindajes lisos y con rigidizadores sometidos a presión exterior (Amstutz y Jacobsen) no resultan del todo adecuadas ni son de aplicación general. Además, pueden arrojar resultados no conservadores o conducir a un sobredimensionamiento del blindaje en otros casos. En las formulaciones tradicionales de diseño se han tenido en cuenta como imperfecciones la holgura del blindaje y la ovalidad del mismo. En la presente tesis, se han analizado imperfecciones de tipo ondulatorio derivadas de los procesos de soldadura y la existencia de espesores reducidos en zonas de corrosión. En el caso práctico analizado sometido a presión exterior, se ha comprobado el funcionamiento real del blindaje mediante los modelos realizados con elementos finitos. Se desprende que los rigidizadores no han funcionado como tales, puesto que para blindajes lisos se obtienen presiones más bajas de pandeo y para el caso de funcionamiento correcto de los rigidizadores se habría obtenido un coeficiente de seguridad suficiente. Por este motivo, se ha analizado el posible funcionamiento de los rigidizadores, que en determinados casos pueden actuar como conectores. En estos casos deben dimensionarse de forma adecuada las soldaduras para soportar las tensiones entre chapa y conector. Por otra parte, tradicionalmente no se han tenido en cuenta los efectos de fatiga que pueden ocasionar los golpes de ariete y las pulsaciones de presión debidas a la regulación secundaria de la red. En esta tesis se ha establecido un procedimiento de comprobación de tuberías forzadas y blindajes sometidos a procesos de fatiga. Adicionalmente, se ha estudiado el caso real de las tuberías forzadas de una central reversible real (Bolarque II) en funcionamiento de regulación secundaria. Se ha concluido, como en otros casos analizados en la bibliografía, que las pulsaciones derivadas de la regulación secundaria no son significativas como para tener en cuenta la fatiga del acero. Por otra parte, las maniobras de arranque y parada (golpe de ariete) suponen una variación importante de la presión en la conducción. Sin embargo, el moderado número de ciclos permite asegurar la integridad de la tubería frente a fenómenos de fatiga. Nowadays, there is a significant concern in the development of projects in the field of hydroelectric power plants, particularly in the pump-storage projects. These plants are designed for high flow rates and heads, which entails large-diameter tunnels and high pressure ratios), and often as underground schemes. Therefore, this concern has reactivated studies about penstocks and in particular those related to steel liners. During the 1960s and 1970s due to hydropower-engineering development in Europe and North America, a major research effort was done. However, the increasing development of new large-scale hydropower projects has involved a renewed research effort during this decade. The adequacy of steel liner calculation methods is a very important issue in the proper technical development of new hydroelectric projects, and for the safety assessment of existing hydroelectric power plants in operation. In this work, an analysis of the structural behavior of pressure galleries in hydroelectric schemes was carried out. Also, a discussion and a review of existing calculation methods are included. In particular, the following issues have been considered: •Description and comparison of existing formulations for calculating the liner response to both external and internal pressure. •Analysis of an actual case study of a steel liner which failed due to external pressure. •Application of the Finite Element Method to liner modeling and analysis subjected to external pressure. •A parametric study of the shielding with stiffeners and discussion about the behavior of liner with stiffeners. •Constructive aspects and durability of pressure galleries. •Development of a methodology for estimating fatigue effects on penstocks and liners sue to pressure changes. •Analysis of an actual case study of a penstock under varying load and assessment of its safety against fatigue. The project of a hydropower penstock is a complex issue, due to the uncertainties in the definition of the problem data, such as the characteristics of the rock mass and its permeability, the determination of the water table, the existing gap between the steel liner and the concrete of the backfill, the geometric imperfections... Hence, the design and analysis of a steel liner must be addressed cautiously and take into account a review of previous studies performed. Ever, a sensitivity analysis of the various parameters involved in the calculation should be performed. In this work, some of the most relevant formulations for liner design subjected to inside and outside pressure have been studied. As a whole, there is a wide variety and its application does not lead to conclusive results. The classical formulations used in the steel liner calculation either with or without stiffeners under external pressure (Amstutz and Jacobsen) are not entirely adequate Also, those can yield both conservative and non-conservative results in large ranges of application. Traditionally design approaches only considered initial gap and ovality as the most relevant geometric imperfections. Thus, little attention was paid to those caused either by welding or by thickness loss in corroded areas. In the case study analyzed in this thesis, the actual working of the liner under external pressure has been simulated by the Finite Element Method. Results show that the stiffeners have not performed as such, since for unstiffened liner lower buckling pressures are obtained and for proper performance of the stiffeners would give a sufficient safety factor. Hence, it must be pointed out that stiffeners may perform either as such or as connectors. For the latter, welding must be designed to properly withstand stresses between the shell and the stiffener. Likewise, the potential fatigue effects due to both water hammer and pressure pulsations due to secondary regulation of the network have not been considered in many studies. It has been included in this work a procedure for checking penstocks and liners under fatigue processes. Additionally, the penstock fatigue response of an actual pump storage project (Bolarque II, Spain) subjected to secondary control operation has been assessed. As in other cases discussed in the literature, pulsations derived from the secondary control are not significant to account for fatigue of steel. Moreover, the start and stop manoeuvres (water hammer) cause a significant change in penstock pressure. However, the moderate number of cycles ensures the integrity of the penstock against fatigue phenomena.


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In the C02 capture from power generation, the energy penalties for the capture are one of the main challenges. Nowadays, the post-combustion methods have energy penalties 10wer than the oxy combustion and pre-combustion technologies. One of the main disadvantages of the post combustion method is the fact that the capture ofC02at atmospheric pressure requires quite big equipment for the high flow rates of flue gas, and the 10w partial pressure of the CO2generates an important 10ss of energy. The A1lam cyc1e presented for NETPOWER gives high efficiencies in the power production and 10w energy penalties. A simulation of this cyc1e is made together with a simulation of power plants with pre-combustion and post-combustion capture and without capture for natural gas and forcoa1. The simulations give 10wer efficiencies than the proposed for NETPOWER For natural gas the efficiency is 52% instead of the 59% presented, and 33% instead of51% in the case of using coal as fuel. Are brought to light problems in the CO2compressor due the high flow ofC02that is compressed unti1300 bar to be recyc1ed into the combustor.


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La reutilización de efluentes depurados siempre ha sido una opción en lugares con déficit coyuntural o estructural de recursos hídricos, se haya o no procedido a la regulación y planificación de esta práctica. La necesidad se crea a partir de las demandas de una zona, normalmente riego agrícola, que ven un mejor desarrollo de su actividad por contar con este recurso. España es el país de la UE que más caudal reutiliza, y está dentro de los diez primeros a nivel mundial. La regulación de esta práctica por el RD 1620/2007, ayudó a incorporar la reutilización de efluentes depurados a la planificación hidrológica como parte de los programas de medidas, con objeto de mitigar presiones, como son las extracciones de agua superficial y subterránea, o mejoras medioambientales evitando un vertido. El objeto de este trabajo es conocer la situación de la reutilización de efluentes depurados en España, los diferentes escenarios y planteamientos de esta actividad, el desarrollo del marco normativo y su aplicabilidad, junto a los tratamientos que permiten alcanzar los límites de calidad establecidos en la normativa vigente, en función de los distintos usos. Además, se aporta un análisis de costes de las distintas unidades de tratamiento y tipologías de líneas de regeneración, tanto de las utilizadas después de un tratamiento secundario como de otras opciones de depuración, como son los biorreactores de membrana (MBRs). Para el desarrollo de estos objetivos, en primer lugar, se aborda el conocimiento de la situación de la reutilización en España a través de una base de datos diseñada para cubrir todos los aspectos de esta actividad: datos de la estación depuradora de aguas residuales (EDAR), de la estación regeneradora (ERA), caudales depurados, reutilizados, volúmenes utilizados y ubicación de los distintos usos, tipos de líneas de tratamiento, calidades del agua reutilizada, etc. Las principales fuentes de información son las Confederaciones Hidrográficas (CCHH) a través de las concesiones de uso del agua depurada, las entidades de saneamiento y depuración de las distintas comunidades autónomas (CCAA), ayuntamientos, Planes Hidrológicos de Cuenca (PHC) y visitas a las zonas más emblemáticas. Además, se revisan planes y programas con el fin de realizar una retrospectiva de cómo se ha ido consolidando y desarrollando esta práctica en las distintas zonas de la geografía española. Se han inventariado 322 sistemas de reutilización y 216 tratamientos de regeneración siendo el más extendido la filtración mediante filtro arena seguido de una desinfección mediante hipoclorito, aunque este tratamiento se ha ido sustituyendo por un físico-químico con decantación lamelar, filtro de arena y radiación ultravioleta, tratamiento de regeneración convencional (TRC), y otros tratamientos que pueden incluir membranas, tratamientos de regeneración avanzados (TRA), con dosificación de hipoclorito como desinfección residual, para adaptarse al actual marco normativo. El uso más extendido es el agrícola con el 70% del caudal total reutilizado, estimado en 408 hm3, aunque la capacidad de los tratamientos de regeneración esperada para 2015, tras el Plan Nacional de Reutilización de Aguas (PNRA), es tres veces superior. Respecto al desarrollo normativo, en las zonas donde la reutilización ha sido pionera, las administraciones competentes han ido desarrollando diferentes recomendaciones de calidad y manejo de este tipo de agua. El uso agrícola, y en zonas turísticas, el riego de campos de golf, fueron los dos primeros usos que tuvieron algún tipo de recomendación incluso reglamentación. Esta situación inicial, sin una normativa a nivel estatal ni recomendaciones europeas, creó cierta incertidumbre en el avance de la reutilización tanto a nivel de concesiones como de planificación. En la actualidad sigue sin existir una normativa internacional para la reutilización y regeneración de efluentes depurados. Las recomendaciones de referencia a nivel mundial, y en concreto para el uso agrícola, son las de la OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud) publicadas 1989, con sus posteriores revisiones y ampliaciones (OMS, 2006). Esta norma combina tratamientos básicos de depuración y unas buenas prácticas basadas en diferentes niveles de protección para evitar problemas sanitarios. Otra normativa que ha sido referencia en el desarrollo del marco normativo en países donde se realiza esta práctica, son las recomendaciones dadas por la Agencia Medioambiente Estadunidense (USEPA, 2012) o las publicadas por el Estado de California (Título 22, 2001). Estas normas establecen unos indicadores y valores máximos dónde el tratamiento de regeneración es el responsable de la calidad final en función del uso. Durante 2015, la ISO trabajaba en un documento para el uso urbano donde se muestra tanto los posibles parámetros que habría que controlar como la manera de actuar para evitar posibles riesgos. Por otro lado, la Comisión Europea (CE) viene impulsando desde el 2014 la reutilización de aguas depuradas dentro del marco de la Estrategia Común de Implantación de la Directiva Marco del Agua, y fundamentalmente a través del grupo de trabajo de “Programas de medidas”. Para el desarrollo de esta iniciativa se está planteando sacar para 2016 una guía de recomendaciones que podría venir a completar el marco normativo de los distintos Estados Miembros (EM). El Real Decreto 1620/2007, donde se establece el marco jurídico de la reutilización de efluentes depurados, tiende más a la filosofía implantada por la USEPA, aunque la UE parece más partidaria de una gestión del riesgo, donde se establecen unos niveles de tolerancia y unos puntos de control en función de las condiciones socioeconómicas de los distintos Estados, sin entrar a concretar indicadores, valores máximos o tratamientos. Sin embargo, en la normativa estadounidense se indican una serie de tratamientos de regeneración, mientras que, en la española, se hacen recomendaciones a este respecto en una Guía sin validez legal. Por tanto, queda sin regular los procesos para alcanzar estos estándares de calidad, pudiendo ser éstos no apropiados para esta práctica. Es el caso de la desinfección donde el uso de hipoclorito puede generar subproductos indeseables. En la Guía de recomendaciones para la aplicación del RD, publicada por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Medioambiente (MAGRAMA) en 2010, se aclaran cuestiones frecuentes sobre la aplicación del RD, prescripciones técnicas básicas para los sistemas de reutilización, y buenas prácticas en función del uso. Aun así, el RD sigue teniendo deficiencias en su aplicación siendo necesaria una revisión de la misma, como en las frecuencias de muestreo incluso la omisión de algunos parámetros como huevos de nematodos que se ha demostrado ser inexistentes tras un tratamiento de regeneración convencional. En este sentido, existe una tendencia a nivel mundial a reutilizar las aguas con fines de abastecimiento, incluir indicadores de presencia de virus o protozoos, o incluir ciertas tecnologías como las membranas u oxidaciones avanzadas para afrontar temas como los contaminantes emergentes. Otro de los objetivos de este trabajo es el estudio de tipologías de tratamiento en función de los usos establecidos en el RD 1620/2007 y sus costes asociados, siendo base de lo establecido a este respecto en la Guía y PNRA anteriormente indicados. Las tipologías de tratamiento propuestas se dividen en líneas con capacidad de desalar y las que no cuentan con una unidad de desalación de aguas salobres de ósmosis inversa o electrodiálisis reversible. Se realiza esta división al tener actuaciones en zonas costeras donde el agua de mar entra en los colectores, adquiriendo el agua residual un contenido en sales que es limitante en algunos usos. Para desarrollar este objetivo se han estudiado las unidades de tratamiento más implantadas en ERAs españolas en cuanto a fiabilidad para conseguir determinada calidad y coste, tanto de implantación como de explotación. El TRC, tiene un coste de implantación de 28 a 48 €.m-3.d y de explotación de 0,06 a 0,09 €. m-3, mientras que, si se precisara desalar, este coste se multiplica por diez en la implantación y por cinco en la explotación. En caso de los usos que requieren de TRA, como los domiciliarios o algunos industriales, los costes serían de 185 a 398 €.m-3.d en implantación y de 0,14 a 0,20 €.m-3 en explotación. En la selección de tecnologías de regeneración, la capacidad del tratamiento en relación al coste es un indicador fundamental. Este trabajo aporta curvas de tendencia coste-capacidad que sirven de herramienta de selección frente a otros tratamientos de regeneración de reciente implantación como son los MBR, u otros como la desalación de agua de mar o los trasvases entre cuencas dentro de la planificación hidrológica. En España, el aumento de las necesidades de agua de alta calidad en zonas con recursos escasos, aumento de zonas sensibles como puntos de captación para potables, zonas de baño o zonas de producción piscícola, y en ocasiones, el escaso terreno disponible para la implantación de nuevas plantas depuradoras (EDARs), han convertido a los MBRs, en una opción dentro del marco de la reutilización de aguas depuradas. En este trabajo, se estudia esta tecnología frente a los TRC y TRA, aportando igualmente curvas de tendencia coste-capacidad, e identificando cuando esta opción tecnológica puede ser más competitiva frente a los otros tratamientos de regeneración. Un MBR es un tratamiento de depuración de fangos activos donde el decantador secundario es sustituido por un sistema de membranas de UF o MF. La calidad del efluente, por tanto, es la misma que el de una EDAR seguida de un TRA. Los MBRs aseguran una calidad del efluente para todos los usos establecidos en el RD, incluso dan un efluente que permite ser directamente tratado por las unidades de desalación de OI o EDR. La implantación de esta tecnología en España ha tenido un crecimiento exponencial, pasando de 13 instalaciones de menos de 5.000 m3. d-1 en el 2006, a más de 55 instalaciones en operación o construcción a finales del 2014, seis de ellas con capacidades por encima de los 15.000 m3. d-1. Los sistemas de filtración en los MBR son los que marcan la operación y diseño de este tipo de instalaciones. El sistema más implantado en España es de membrana de fibra hueca (MFH), sobre todo para instalaciones de gran capacidad, destacando Zenon que cuenta con el 57% de la capacidad total instalada. La segunda casa comercial con mayor número de plantas es Kubota, con membranas de configuración placa plana (MPP), que cuenta con el 30 % de la capacidad total instalada. Existen otras casas comerciales implantadas en MBR españoles como son Toray, Huber, Koch o Microdym. En este documento se realiza la descripción de los sistemas de filtración de todas estas casas comerciales, aportando información de sus características, parámetros de diseño y operación más relevantes. El estudio de 14 MBRs ha posibilitado realizar otro de los objetivos de este trabajo, la estimación de los costes de explotación e implantación de este tipo de sistemas frente a otras alternativas de tratamiento de regeneración. En este estudio han participado activamente ACA y ESAMUR, entidades públicas de saneamiento y depuración de Cataluña y Murcia respectivamente, que cuentan con una amplia experiencia en la explotación de este tipo de sistemas. Este documento expone los problemas de operación encontrados y sus posibles soluciones, tanto en la explotación como en los futuros diseños de este tipo de plantas. El trabajo concluye que los MBRs son una opción más para la reutilización de efluentes depurados, siendo ventajosos en costes, tanto de implantación como de explotación, respecto a EDARs seguidas de TRA en capacidades por encima de los 10.000 m3.d-1. ABSTRACT The reuse of treated effluent has always been an option in places where a situational or structural water deficit exists, whether regulatory and/or planning efforts are completed or not. The need arises from the demand of a sector, commonly agricultural irrigation, which benefits of this new resource. Within the EU, Spain is ahead in the annual volume of reclaimed water, and is among the top ten countries at a global scale. The regulation of this practice through the Royal Decree 1620/2007 has helped to incorporate the water reuse to the hydrological plans as a part of the programme of measures to mitigate pressures such as surface or ground water extraction, or environmental improvements preventing discharges. The object of this study is to gain an overview of the state of the water reuse in Spain, the different scenarios and approaches to this activity, the development of the legal framework and its enforceability, together with the treatments that achieve the quality levels according to the current law, broken down by applications. Additionally, a cost analysis of technologies and regeneration treatment lines for water reclamation is performed, whereas the regeneration treatment is located after a wastewater treatment or other options such as membrane bioreactors (MBR). To develop the abovementioned objectives, the state of water reuse in Spain is studied by means of a database designed to encompass all aspects of the activity: data from the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), from the water reclamation plants (WRP), the use of reclaimed water, treated water and reclaimed water annual volumes and qualities, facilities and applications, geographic references, technologies, regeneration treatment lines, etc. The main data providers are the River Basin authorities, through the concession or authorization for water reuse, (sanitary and wastewater treatment managers from the territorial governments, local governments, Hydrological Plans of the River Basins and field visits to the main water reuse systems. Additionally, a review of different plans and programmes on wastewater treatment or water reuse is done, aiming to put the development and consolidation process of this activity in the different regions of Spain in perspective. An inventory of 322 reuse systems and 216 regeneration treatments has been gathered on the database, where the most extended regeneration treatment line was sand filtration followed by hypochlorite disinfection, even though recently it is being replaced by physical–chemical treatment with a lamella settling system, depth sand filtration, and a disinfection with ultraviolet radiation and hypochlorite as residual disinfectant, named conventional regeneration treatment (CRT), and another treatment that may include a membrane process, named advanced regeneration treatment (ART), to adapt to legal requirements. Agricultural use is the most extended, accumulating 70% of the reclaimed demand, estimated at 408 hm3, even though the expected total capacity of WRPs for 2015, after the implementation of the National Water Reuse Plan (NWRP) is three times higher. According to the development of the water reuse legal framework, there were pioneer areas where competent authorities developed different quality and use recommendations for this new resource. Agricultural use and golf course irrigation in touristic areas were the first two uses with recommendations and even legislation. The initial lack of common legislation for water reuse at a national or European level created some doubts which affected the implementation of water reuse, both from a planning and a licensing point of view. Currently there is still a lack of common international legislation regarding water reuse, technologies and applications. Regarding agricultural use, the model recommendations at a global scale are those set by the World Health Organization published in 1989, and subsequent reviews and extensions about risk prevention (WHO, 2006). These documents combine wastewater treatments with basic regeneration treatments reinforced by good practices based on different levels of protection to avoid deleterious health effects. Another relevant legal reference for this practices has been the Environmental Protection Agency of the US (USEPA, 2012), or those published by the State of California (Title 22, 2001). These establish indicator targets and maximum thresholds where regeneration treatment lines are responsible for the final quality according to the different uses. During 2015, the ISO has worked on a document aimed at urban use, where the possible parameters to be monitored together with risk prevention have been studied. On the other hand, the European Commission has been promoting the reuse of treated effluents within the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive, mainly through the work of the Programme of Measures Working Group. Within this context, the publication of a recommendation guide during 2016 is intended, as a useful tool to fill in the legal gaps of different Member States on the matter. The Royal Decree 1620/2007, where the water reuse regulation is set, resembles the principles of the USEPA more closely, even though the EU shows a tendency to prioritize risk assessment by establishing tolerance levels and thresholds according to socioeconomic conditions of the different countries, without going into details of indicators, maximum thresholds or treatments. In contrast, in the US law, regeneration treatments are indicated, while in the Spanish legislation, the only recommendations to this respect are compiled in a non-compulsory guide. Therefore, there is no regulation on the different treatment lines used to achieve the required quality standards, giving room for inappropriate practices in this respect. This is the case of disinfection, where the use of hypochlorite may produce harmful byproducts. In the recommendation Guide for the application of the Royal Decree (RD), published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (MAGRAMA) in 2010, clarifications of typical issues that may arise from the application of the RD are given, as well as basic technical parameters to consider in reuse setups, or good practices according to final use. Even so, the RD still presents difficulties in its application and requires a review on issues such as the sampling frequency of current quality parameters or even the omission of nematode eggs indicator, which have been shown to be absent after CRT. In this regard, there is a global tendency to employ water reuse for drinking water, including indicators for the presence of viruses and protozoans, or to include certain technologies such as membranes or advanced oxidation processes to tackle problems like emerging pollutants. Another of the objectives of this study is to provide different regeneration treatment lines to meet the quality requirements established in the RD 1620/2007 broken down by applications, and to estimate establishment and operational costs. This proposal has been based on what is established in the above mentioned Guide and NWRP. The proposed treatment typologies are divided in treatment trains with desalination, like reverse osmosis or reversible electrodialisis, and those that lack this treatment for brackish water. This separation is done due to coastal facilities, where sea water may permeate the collecting pipes, rising salt contents in the wastewater, hence limiting certain uses. To develop this objective a study of the most common treatment units set up in Spanish WRPs is conducted in terms of treatment train reliability to obtain an acceptable relationship between the required quality and the capital and operational costs. The CRT has an establishment cost of 28 to 48 €.m-3.d and an operation cost of 0.06 to 0.09 €.m-3, while, if desalination was required, these costs would increase tenfold for implementation and fivefold for operation. In the cases of uses that require ART, such as residential or certain industrial uses, the costs would be of 185 to 398 €.m-3.d for implementation and of 0.14 to 0.20 €.m-3 for operation. When selecting regeneration treatment lines, the relation between treatment capacity and cost is a paramount indicator. This project provides cost-capacity models for regeneration treatment trains. These may serve as a tool when selecting between different options to fulfill water demands with MBR facilities, or others such as sea water desalination plants or inter-basin water transfer into a water planning framework. In Spain, the requirement for high quality water in areas with low resource availability, the increasing number of sensitive zones, such as drinking water extraction, recreational bathing areas, fish protected areas and the lack of available land to set up new WWTPs, have turned MBRs into a suitable option for water reuse. In this work this technology is analyzed in contrast to CRT and ART, providing cost-capacity models, and identifying when and where this treatment option may outcompete other regeneration treatments. An MBR is an activated sludge treatment where the secondary settling is substituted by a membrane system of UF or MF. The quality of the effluent is, therefore, comparable to that of a WWTP followed by an ART. MBRs ensure a sufficient quality level for the requirements of the different uses established in the RD, even producing an effluent that can be directly treated in OI or EDR processes. The implementation of this technology in Spain has grown exponentially, growing from 13 facilities with less than 5000 m3.d-1 in 2006 to above 55 facilities operating by the end of 2014, 6 of them with capacities over 15000 m3.d-1. The membrane filtration systems for MBR are the ones that set the pace of operation and design of this type of facilities. The most widespread system in Spain is the hollow fiber membrane configuration, especially on high flow capacities, being Zenon commercial technology, which mounts up to 57% of the total installed capacity, the main contributor. The next commercial technology according to plant number is Kubota, which uses flat sheet membrane configuration, which mounts up to 30% of the total installed capacity. Other commercial technologies exist within the Spanish MBR context, such as Toray, Huber, Koch or Microdym. In this document an analysis of all of these membrane filtration systems is done, providing information about their characteristics and relevant design and operation parameters. The study of 14 full scale running MBRs has enabled to pursue another of the objectives of this work: the estimation of the implementation and operation costs of this type of systems in contrast to other regeneration alternatives. Active participation of ACA and ESAMUR, public wastewater treatment and reuse entities of Cataluña and Murcia respectively, has helped attaining this objective. A number of typical operative problems and their possible solutions are discussed, both for operation and plant design purposes. The conclusion of this study is that MBRs are another option to consider for water reuse, being advantageous in terms of both implementation and operational costs, when compared with WWTPs followed by ART, when considering flow capacities above 10000 m3.d-1.


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A polimerização em emulsão de estireno em um microrreator Syrris de 250 µL com misturador estático junção \"T\" foi estudada em duas etapas. Primeiro somente a fluidodinâmica deste dispositivo não convencional foi avaliada, depois, foi desenvolvida a reação de polimerização de forma a observar como este fator influencia no sistema. Os experimentos foram realizados procurando se atingir maiores conversões, mas mantendo a estabilidade da emulsão. Foi um trabalho exploratório, portanto se assemelha mais a um processo de evolução (evolutionary process). Foram verificados a partir de qual relação das vazões dos dois fluidos ocorre a formação de gotas, e que com o aumento da vazão da fase contínua, aquosa (Qc), mantendo constante a vazão da fase dispersa (Qd), foi verificado uma diminuição do diâmetro das gotas e um regime de fluxo laminar. Posteriormente, realizou-se a polimerização em emulsão do estireno no microrreator, porém com restrições para altas vazões. Os parâmetros de processo testados foram a proporção Qc e Qd, a temperatura e a concentração do iniciador para então verificar o efeito que a variação destas ocasionam na conversão de monômero, no diâmetro e número de partículas e nas massas moleculares médias. A polimerização foi feita para soma das vazões Qc e Qd da ordem de 100 µ L/min, com 15% de monômero na formulação e com o maior tempo de residência possível de 2,5 minutos. Para maiores concentrações de monômero, acima de 15% foi verificado entupimento do canal do microrreator. A taxa de conversão de monômero aumentou com o aumento da temperatura e com o aumento da concentração do iniciador, mas o maior valor atingido foi de apenas 37% devido ao baixo tempo de residência. Nos casos de maiores taxas de conversão, as massas moleculares obtidas foram as menores conforme o esperado pela teoria. Finalmente, os índices de polidispersão (PDI), obtidos foram da ordem de 2,5 a 3,5.


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In typical theoretical or experimental studies of heat migration in discrete fractures, conduction and thermal dispersion are commonly neglected from the fracture heat transport equation, assuming heat conduction into the matrix is predominant. In this study analytical and numerical models are used to investigate the significance of conduction and thermal dispersion in the plane of the fracture for a point and line sources geometries. The analytical models account for advective, conductive and dispersive heat transport in both the longitudinal and transverse directions in the fracture. The heat transport in the fracture is coupled with a matrix equation in which heat is conducted in the direction perpendicular to the fracture. In the numerical model, the governing heat transport processes are the same as the analytical models; however, the matrix conduction is considered in both longitudinal and transverse directions. Firstly, we demonstrate that longitudinal conduction and dispersion are critical processes that affect heat transport in fractured rock environments, especially for small apertures (eg. 100 μm or less), high flow rate conditions (eg. velocity greater than 50 m/day) and early time (eg. less than 10 days). Secondly, transverse thermal dispersion in the fracture plane is also observed to be an important transport process leading to retardation of the migrating heat front particularly at late time (eg. after 40 days of hot water injection). Solutions which neglect dispersion in the transverse direction underestimate the locations of heat fronts at late time. Finally, this study also suggests that the geometry of the heat sources has significant effects on the heat transport in the system. For example, the effects of dispersion in the fracture are observed to decrease when the width of the heat source expands.


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The focus of this report is is the channel conditions at Vasa Creek, Bellevue, Washington, with regard to kokanee habitat and slope stability. This required a geomorphic and geologic assessment of the stream and riparian corridor along Vasa Creek. I focused my efforts in a 720m study-reach just south of I-90 in which City of Bellevue had no information. My assessment is divided into 3 categories: channel morphology, geology, and landslide hazards. I described the channel morphology by determining the gradient of the channel, longitudinal and cross-channel geometries, grain size distribution, embeddedness observations, type of channel reaches present, and the locations of significant in-channel woody-debris, landslides, scarps, landslide debris, and erosional features. This was done by conducting a longitudinal survey, 7 cross-channel surveys, pebble counts, and visual observations with the aid of a GPS device for mapping. I completed my geological assessment using both field observations and borehole data provided by GeoMapNW. Borehole data provided logs of the subsurface material at specific locations. In the field, I interpreted local geology using material in the channel as well as exposures in the adjacent slope. I completed the landslide hazard assessment using GIS methods supplemented by field observations. GIS methods included the use of aerial LiDAR to discern slope values and locations of features. Features of interest include the locations of scarps, landslides, landslide debris, and erosional features which were observed in the field. I classified 4 slope classes using ArcMap10 along with the locations of previously mapped landslides, scarps, and landslide debris. I describe the risk of slope failure according to the Washington Administration Code definition of critical areas (WAC 365-190-120 6a-i). My results are presented in the form of a map suite containing a channel morphology map, geology map, and landslide hazard map. The channel is a free-formed alluvial plane-bed reach with infrequent step-pools with riffles associated with landslide debris that chokes the channel. Overall I found that there is not the potential for kokanee habitat due flashy behavior (sudden high flow events), landslide inundation, and a lack of favorable conditions within the channel. The updated geologic map displays advance outwash deposits and alluvium present within the study-reach, as opposed to exposures of the Blakeley Formation along with other corrections from borehole data interpretations. The landslide hazard map shows that there are areas at high risk for slope failure along the channel that should be looked into further.


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Response of an aerobic upflow sludge blanket (AUSB) reactor system to the changes in operating conditions was investigated by varying two principle operating variables: the oxygenation pressure and the flow recirculation rate. The oxygenation pressure was varied between 0 and 25 psig (relative), while flow recirculation rates were between 1,300 and 600% correspondingly. The AUSB reactor system was able to handle a volumetric loading of as high as 3.8 kg total organic carbon (TOC)/m(3) day, with a removal efficiency of 92%. The rate of TOC removal by AUSB was highest at a pressure of 20 psig and it decreased when the pressure was increased to 25 psig and the flow recirculation rate was reduced to 600%. The TOC removal rate also decreased when the operating pressure was reduced to 0 and 15 psig, with corresponding increase in flow recirculation rates to 1,300 and 1,000%, respectively. Maintenance of a high dissolved oxygen level and a high flow recirculation rate was found to improve the substrate removal capacity of the AUSB system. The AUSB system was extremely effective in retaining the produced biomass despite a high upflow velocity and the overall sludge yield was only 0.24-0.32 g VSS/g TOC removed. However, the effluent TOC was relatively high due to the system's operation at a high organic loading.


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Local mass transfer coefficients were determined by using the electrochemical technique. A simple model of a heat exchanger with segmental nickel tube joined to p.v.c. rods replaced the exchanger tubes. Measurements were made for both no-Ieakage, semi-leakage and total leakage configurations. Baffle-spacings of 47.6 mm, 66.6 mm, 97 mm and 149.2 mm wer studied. Also studied were the overall exchanger pressure drops for each configuration. The comparison of the heat transfer data with this work showed good agreement at high flow rates for the no-leakage case, but the agreement became poor for lower flow rates and leakage configurations. This disagreement was explained by non-analogous driving forces existing in the two systems. The no-leakage data showed length-wise variation of transfer coefficients along the exchanger length. The end compartments showing transfer coefficients inferior by up to 26% compared to tbe internal compartments, depending on Reynolds number. With the introduction of leakage streams this variation however became smaller than the experimental accuracy. A model is outlined to show the characteristic behaviour of individual electrode segments within the compartment. This was able to discriminate between cross and window zones for the no- leakage case, but no such distinction could be made for the leakage case. A flow area was found which, when incorporated in the Reynolds number, enabled the correlation of baffle-cut and baffle-spacing parameters for the no-leakage case . This area is the free flow area determined at the baffle edge. Addition of the leakage area to this flow area resulted in correlation of all commercial leakage geometrical parameters. The procedures used to correlate the pressure drop data from a total of eighteen different configurations on a single curve are also outlined.


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An amperometric FIA method for nitrite quantification based on nitrite electroreduction and employing a carbon paste electrode (CPE) chemically modified with iron hexacyanoferrate (HCF) as an amperometric detector was developed. The influence of experimental conditions on the preparation of the electrode materials was evaluated and the materials obtained in each study were used for the development of modified electrodes. The electrochemical sensors were prepared by a fast, simple, and inexpensive procedure, and the long-term performance of the electrodes were quite satisfactory as the stability was maintained over one year. HCF was an effective redox mediator for nitrite electroreduction in acidic media, allowing nitrite detection at +0.2 V vs. Ag/AgClsat, which is a potential free of possible interfering species that are normally present in food and water samples. The electrochemical cell used in the FIA system was similar to a batch injection analysis cell, enabling recirculation of the carrier solution. This is an attractive feature because it allows the use of a high flow rate (6 mL min-1) leading to high sensitivity and analysis speed, while keeping reagent consumption low. The proposed method had a detection limit of 9 μmol L-1 and was successfully employed for nitrite quantification in spiked water and sausage samples. The obtained results were in good agreement with those provided by the spectrophotometric official method. At a 95 % confidence level it was not observed statistical differences neither in nitrite content nor in the precision provided by both methods. The experimental conditions for the synthesis of HCF were optimized and the best electrode material was prepared by mixing FeCl3, K4[Fe(CN)6] and carbon powder subjected to an acid and thermal treatment (400 ºC), followed by ultrasonic agitation at 4 °C. This material was used to construct an electrode with improved analytical performance to reduce nitrite, which presented greater stability compared to HCF film electrodeposited on the EPC, showing that the preparation procedure of the electrode material is an effective strategy for the development of HCF modified electrodes.


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A micro gas sensor has been developed by our group for the detection of organo-phosphate vapors using an aqueous oxime solution. The analyte diffuses from the high flow rate gas stream through a porous membrane to the low flow rate aqueous phase. It reacts with the oxime PBO (1-Phenyl-1,2,3,-butanetrione 2-oxime) to produce cyanide ions, which are then detected electrochemically from the change in solution potential. Previous work on this oxime based electrochemistry indicated that the optimal buffer pH for the aqueous solution was approximately 10. A basic environment is needed for the oxime anion to form and the detection reaction to take place. At this specific pH, the potential response of the sensor to an analyte (such as acetic anhydride) is maximized. However, sensor response slowly decreases as the aqueous oxime solution ages, by as much as 80% in first 24 hours. The decrease in sensor response is due to cyanide which is produced during the oxime degradation process, as evidenced by the cyanide selective electrode. Solid phase micro-extraction carried out on the oxime solution found several other possible degradation products, including acetic acid, N-hydroxy benzamide, benzoic acid, benzoyl cyanide, 1-Phenyl 1,3-butadione, 2-isonitrosoacetophenone and an imine derived from the oxime. It was concluded that degradation occurred through nucleophilic attack by a hydroxide or oxime anion to produce cyanide, as well as a nitrogen atom rearrangement similar to Beckmann rearrangement. The stability of the oxime in organic solvents is most likely due to the lack of water, and specifically hydroxide ions. The reaction between oxime and organo-phosphate to produce cyanide ions requires hydroxide ions, and therefore pure organic solvents are not compatible with the current micro-sensor electrochemistry. By combining a concentrated organic oxime solution with the basic aqueous buffer just prior to being used in the detection process, oxime degradation can be avoided while preserving the original electrochemical detection scheme. Based on beaker cell experiments with selective cyanide sensitive electrodes, ethanol was chosen as the best organic solvent due to its stabilizing effect on the oxime, minimal interference with the aqueous electrochemistry, and compatibility with the current microsensor material (PMMA). Further studies showed that ethanol had a small effect on micro-sensor performance by reducing the rate of cyanide production and decreasing the overall response time. To avoid incomplete mixing of the aqueous and organic solutions, they were pre-mixed externally at a 10:1 ratio, respectively. To adapt the microsensor design to allow for mixing to take place within the device, a small serpentine channel component was fabricated with the same dimensions and material as the original sensor. This allowed for seamless integration of the microsensor with the serpentine mixing channel. Mixing in the serpentine microchannel takes place via diffusion. Both detector potential response and diffusional mixing improve with increased liquid residence time, and thus decreased liquid flowrate. Micromixer performance was studies at a 10:1 aqueous buffer to organic solution flow rate ratio, for a total rate of 5.5 μL/min. It was found that the sensor response utilizing the integrated micromixer was nearly identical to the response when the solutions were premixed and fed at the same rate.


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The input of iron to the Arctic Ocean plays a critical role in the productivity of aquatic ecosystems and is potentially impacted by climate change. We examine Fe isotope systematics of dissolved and colloidal Fe from several Arctic and sub-Arctic rivers in northern Eurasia and Alaska. We demonstrate that the Fe isotopic (δ56Fe) composition of large rivers, such as the Ob’ and Lena, has a restricted range of δ56Fe values ca.–0.11 ± 0.13‰, with minimal seasonal variability, in stark contrast to smaller organic-rich rivers with an overall δ56Fe range from–1.7 to + 1.6‰. The preferential enrichment with heavy Fe isotopes observed in low molecular weight colloidal fraction and during the high-flow period is consistent with the role of organic complexation of Fe. The light Fe isotope signatures of smaller rivers and meltwater reflect active redox cycling. Data synthesis reveals that small organic-rich rivers and meltwater in Arctic environments may contribute disproportionately to the input of labile Fe in the Arctic Ocean, while bearing contrasting Fe isotope compositions compared to larger rivers.