978 resultados para heterogeneous catalysis


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Carbides are important phases in heterogeneous catalysis. However, the understanding of carbide phases is inadequate: Fe and Co are the two commercial catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis, and experimental work showed that Fe carbide is the active phase in FT synthesis, whereas the appearance of Co carbide is considered as a possible deactivation cause, TO understand very different catalytic roles of carbides, all the key elementary steps in FT synthesis, that is, CO dissociation, C(1) hydrogenation, and C(1)+C(1) coupling, are extensively investigated on both carbide surfaces using first principles calculations. In particular, the most important issues in FT synthesis, the activity and methane selectivity, on the carbide surfaces are quantitatively determined and analyzed. They are also discussed together with metallic Fe and Co surfaces. It is found that (i) Fe carbide is more active than metallic Fe and has similar methane selectivity to Fe, being consistent with the experiments; and (ii) Co carbide is less active than Co and has higher methane selectivity, providing evidence on the molecular level to support the suggestion that the formation of Co carbide is a cause of relatively high methane selectivity and deactivation on Co catalysts.


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Selectivity is a fundamental issue in heterogeneous catalysis. In this study, the CH(4) selectivity in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is chosen to be investigated: CH4 selectivity on Rh, Co, Ru, Fe, and Re surfaces is computed by first-principles methods. In conjunction with kinetic analyses, we are able to derive the effective barrier difference between methane formation and chain growth (Delta E(eff)) to quantify the CH(4) selectivity. By using this energy descriptor, the ranking of methane selectivity predicted from density functional theory (DFT) calculations is consistent with experimental work. Moreover, a linear correlation between Delta E(eff) and the chemisorption energy of C + 4H (Delta H) is found. This fundamental finding possesses the following significance: (i) it shows that the selectivity, which appears to have kinetic characteristics, is largely determined by thermodynamic properties; and (ii) it suggests that an increase of the binding strength of C + 4H will suppress methane selectivity.


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Reduced TiO2 (110) surfaces usually have OH groups as a result of H2O dissociation at oxygen vacancy defects. Because of excess electrons due to OH adsorption, OH/TiO2. exhibit interesting properties favorable to further O-2 or H2O adsorption. Both O-2 and H2O can adsorb and easily diffuse on the OH/TiO2 surface; such behavior plays a significant role in photocatalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, electronic devices and sensors. Indeed, the processes of H2O dissociation, O-2 and H2O diffusion on Such TiO2 surfaces, in the presence of OH groups, are important issues in their own right. Herein, the most recent experimental and theoretical progresses in understanding the interactions between adsorbed OH groups and O-2, or H2O, over TiO2 (110) surfaces and their implications will be reviewed. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogenation reactions at transition metal surfaces comprise a key set of reactions in heterogeneous catalysis. In this paper, density functional theory methods are employed to take an in-depth look at this fundamental reaction type. The energetics of hydrogenation of atomic C, N, and O have been studied in some detail over low index Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, and Pd surfaces. Detailed bonding analysis has also been employed to track carefully the chemical changes taking place during reaction. A number of interesting horizontal and vertical trends have been uncovered relating to reactant valency and metal d-band filling. A general correlation has also been found between the reaction barriers and the reaction potential energies. Moreover, when each reaction is considered independently, correlation has been found to improve with decreasing reactant valency. Bonding analysis has pointed to this being related to the relative position of the transition state along the reaction coordinate and has shown that as reactant valency decreases, the transition states become progressively later.


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This manuscript describes the application and further development of the TAP technique in kinetic characterization of heterogeneous catalysis. The major application of TAP systems is to study mechanisms, kinetics and transport phenomena in heterogeneous catalysis, all of which is made possible by the sub-millisecond time resolution. Furthermore, the kinetic information obtained can be used to gain an insight into the mechanism occurring over the catalyst system. This is advantageous as heterogeneous catalysts with an improved efficiency can be developed as a result. TAP kinetic studies are carried out at low pressure (~1x10-7 mbar) and TAP pulses are sufficiently small (1013-1015 molecules) so as to maintain this low pressure. The use of a small number of molecules in comparison to the total number of active sites means the state of the catalyst remains relatively unchanged. The use of the low intensity pulses also makes the pressure gradient negligible and so allows the TAP reactor system to operate in the Knudsen Diffusion regime, where gas-gas reactions are eliminated. Hence only gas-catalyst reactions are investigated and, by the use of moment analysis of observed exit flow, rate constants of elementary steps of the reaction can be obtained.

In this manuscript, two attempts to further the TAP technique are reported. Firstly, the work undertaken at QUB to attempt to control the number of molecules of condensable reagents that can be pulsed during a TAP pulse experiment is disclosed. Secondly, a collaborative project with SAI Ltd Manchester is discussed in a separate chapter, where technical details and validation of a customised time of flight mass spectrometer (ToF MS) for the QUB TAP-1 system are reported. A collaborative project with Cardiff Catalysis Institute focusing on the study of CO oxidation over hopcalite catalysts is also reported. The analysis of the experimental results has provided an insight into the possible mechanism of the oxidation of CO over these catalysts. A correction function has also been derived which accounts for the adsorption of reactant molecules over inert materials that are used for the reactor packing in TAP experiments. This function was then applied to the selective reduction of O2 in a H2 rich ethene feed, so that more accurate TAP moment based analysis could be conducted.


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The current theory of catalyst activity in heterogeneous catalysis is mainly obtained from the study of catalysts with mono-phases, while most catalysts in real systems consist of multi-phases, the understanding of which is far short of chemists' expectation. Density functional theory (DFT) and micro-kinetics simulations are used to investigate the activities of six mono-phase and nine bi-phase catalysts, using CO hydrogenation that is arguably the most typical reaction in heterogeneous catalysis. Excellent activities that are beyond the activity peak of traditional mono-phase volcano curves are found on some bi-phase surfaces. By analyzing these results, a new framework to understand the unexpected activities of bi-phase surfaces is proposed. Based on the framework, several principles for the design of multi-phase catalysts are suggested. The theoretical framework extends the traditional catalysis theory to understand more complex systems.


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Rational catalyst design is one of the most fundamental goals in heterogeneous catalysis. Herein, we briefly review our previous design work, and then introduce a general optimization framework, which converts catalyst design into an optimization problem. Furthermore, an example is given using the gradient ascent method to show how this framework can be used for rational catalyst design. This framework may be applied to other design schemes.


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Esta tese relata estudos de síntese, caracterização da estrutura e das propriedades de fotoluminescência e aplicações de nanotubos e nanobastonetes de óxidos de lantanídeos em pontas para microscopia de força atómica, catálise heterogénea e compósitos de base polimérica. Há um interesse crescente em compreender como o confinamento quântico decorrente da redução do tamanho de partícula pode influenciar a eficiência da luminescência, a dinâmica dos estados excitados, a transferência de energia e os efeitos de termalização de nanoluminóforos. Em nanocristais dopados com lantanídeos (Ln3+), e apesar da localização dos estados 4f, ocorrem efeitos de confinamento quântico via interacção com os modos vibracionais da rede. Em particular, a termalização anómala, descrita para uma variedade de nanocristais dopados com Ln3+, tem sido atribuída à ausência de modos vibracionais de menor frequência. Este nanoconfinamento pode ter impacto na dinâmica da luminescência, bem como na transferência de energia mediada por modos vibracionais e processos de upconversion. Nesta tese, relata-se o estudo deste efeito em nanotubos de Gd2O3:Eu3+. A influência de parâmetros como a concentração de európio e as condições de calcinação também foi investigada. Algumas aplicações destes óxidos de lantanídeos também foram exploradas, nomeadamente a modificação de pontas usadas em microscopia de força atómica com nanobastonetes de Gd2O3:Eu3+, lograda através de dielectroforese, técnica que não degrada a emissão de luz (rendimento quântico 0.47). As pontas modificadas são estáveis sob condições de trabalho, podendo ser aplicadas, por exemplo, em microscopia óptica de varrimento de campo próximo (SNOM). A oxidação em fase líquida do etilbenzendo foi investigada usando como catalisador nanotubos de CeO2, em presença dos oxidantes hidroperóxido de t-butilo e H2O2, e do solvente acetonitrilo, e temperaturas entre 55 e 105 ºC. Nanobastonetes de Gd2O3:Eu3+ recobertos com sílica foram preparados pelo método sol-gel. Esta cobertura resultou num aumento, quer do rendimento quântico de emissão, de 0.51 para 0.86 (excitação a 255 nm), quer dos tempos de vida,de 1.43 para 1.80 ms (excitação a 394.4 nm). A superfície dos nanotubos cobertos com sílica foi modificada com o agente de acoplamento metacrilato de 3-(trimetoxissilil)propilo que permitiu a preparação de compósitos através da subsequente polimerização in-situ do estireno por técnicas de miniemulsão e solução. ABSTRACT: This thesis reports on the synthesis, characterisation of the structure and photoluminescence properties, and applications of nanotubes and nanorods of lanthanides oxides in atomic force microscopy tips, heterogeneous catalysis and polymer-base composites. There is a growing interest in understanding how size-dependent quantum confinement affects the photoluminescence efficiency, excited-state dynamics, energy-transfer and thermalisation phenomena in nanophosphors. For lanthanide (Ln3+)-doped nanocrystals, and despite the localisation of the 4f states, confinement effects are induced mostly via electron-phonon interactions. In particular, the anomalous thermalisation reported for a handful of Ln3+-doped nanocrystals has been rationalised by the absence of lowfrequency phonon modes. This nanoconfinement may further impact on the Ln3+ luminescence dynamics, such as phonon-assisted energy transfer or upconversion processes. Here, this effect is investigated in Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanotubes. The influence of parameters such as europium concentration and calcination procedure is also studied. Some applications of these lanthanides oxides have been explored, for instance the modification of atomic force microscopy tips with photoluminescent Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanorods, using dielectrophoresis, a technique which preserves the red emission of the nanorods (quantum yield 0.47). The modified tips are stable under working conditions and may find applications in scanning near-field optical microscopy. The liquid-phase oxidation of ethylbenzene over CeO2 nanotubes has been investigated, using tert-butyl-hydroperoxide and H2O2 as the oxidising agents, and acetonitrile as the solvent, in the range 55-105 ºC. Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanorods have been coated with silica via a sol-gel approach. The silica coating increases both, the Eu3+ absolute emission quantum yields from 0.51 to 0.86 (255 nm excitation), and decay times from 1.43 to 1.80 ms (394.4 nm excitation). The silica coating was modified with 3- (trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate and, subsequently, composites have been prepared by in-situ radical polymerisation of styrene via miniemulsion and solution routes.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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La stratégie de la tectonique moléculaire a montré durant ces dernières années son utilité dans la construction de nouveaux matériaux. Elle repose sur l’auto-assemblage spontané de molécule dite intelligente appelée tecton. Ces molécules possèdent l’habilité de se reconnaitre entre elles en utilisant diverses interactions intermoléculaires. L'assemblage résultant peut donner lieu à des matériaux moléculaires avec une organisation prévisible. Cette stratégie exige la création de nouveaux tectons, qui sont parfois difficiles à synthétiser et nécessitent dans la plupart des cas de nombreuses étapes de synthèse, ce qui empêche ou limite leur mise en application pratique. De plus, une fois formées, les liaisons unissant le corps central du tecton avec ces groupements de reconnaissance moléculaire ne peuvent plus être rompues, ce qui ne permet pas de remodeler le tecton par une procédure synthétique simple. Afin de contourner ces obstacles, nous proposons d’utiliser une stratégie hybride qui se sert de la coordination métallique pour construire le corps central du tecton, combinée avec l'utilisation des interactions plus faibles pour contrôler l'association. Nous appelons une telle entité métallotecton du fait de la présence du métal. Pour explorer cette stratégie, nous avons construit une série de ligands ditopiques comportant soit une pyridine, une bipyridine ou une phénantroline pour favoriser la coordination métallique, substitués avec des groupements diaminotriazinyles (DAT) pour permettre aux complexes de s'associer par la formation de ponts hydrogène. En plus de la possibilité de créer des métallotectons par coordination, ces ligands ditopiques ont un intérêt intrinsèque en chimie supramoléculaire en tant qu'entités pouvant s'associer en 3D et en 2D. En parallèle à notre étude de la chimie de coordination, nous avons ii examiné l'association des ligands, ainsi que celle des analogues, par la diffraction des rayons-X (XRD) et par la microscopie de balayage à effet tunnel (STM). L'adsorption de ces molécules sur la surface de graphite à l’interface liquide-solide donne lieu à la formation de différents réseaux 2D par un phénomène de nanopatterning. Pour comprendre les détails de l'adsorption moléculaire, nous avons systématiquement comparé l’organisation observée en 2D par STM avec celle favorisée dans les structures 3D déterminées par XRD. Nous avons également simulé l'adsorption par des calculs théoriques. Cette approche intégrée est indispensable pour bien caractériser l’organisation moléculaire en 2D et pour bien comprendre l'origine des préférences observées. Ces études des ligands eux-mêmes pourront donc servir de référence lorsque nous étudierons l'association des métallotectons dérivés des ligands par coordination. Notre travail a démontré que la stratégie combinant la chimie de coordination et la reconnaissance moléculaire est une méthode de construction rapide et efficace pour créer des réseaux supramoléculaires. Nous avons vérifié que la stratégie de la tectonique moléculaire est également efficace pour diriger l'organisation en 3D et en 2D, qui montre souvent une homologie importante. Nous avons trouvé que nos ligands hétérocycliques ont une aptitude inattendue à s’adsorber fortement sur la surface de graphite, créant ainsi des réseaux organisés à l'échelle du nanomètre. L’ensemble de ces résultats promet d’offrir des applications dans plusieurs domaines, dont la catalyse hétérogène et la nanotechnologie. Mots clés : tectonique moléculaire, interactions intermoléculaires, stratégie hybride, coordination métallique, diffraction des rayons-X, microscopie de balayage à effet tunnel, graphite, phénomène de nanopatterning, calculs théoriques, ponts hydrogène, chimie supramoléculaire, ligands hétérocycliques, groupements DAT, catalyse hétérogène, nanotechnologie.


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Catalysis research underpins the science of modern chemical processing and fuel technologies. Catalysis is commercially one of the most important technologies in national economies. Solid state heterogeneous catalyst materials such as metal oxides and metal particles on ceramic oxide substrates are most common. They are typically used with commodity gases and liquid reactants. Selective oxidation catalysts of hydrocarbon feedstocks is the dominant process of converting them to key industrial chemicals, polymers and energy sources.[1] In the absence of a unique successfiil theory of heterogeneous catalysis, attempts are being made to correlate catalytic activity with some specific properties of the solid surface. Such correlations help to narrow down the search for a good catalyst for a given reaction. The heterogeneous catalytic performance of material depends on many factors such as [2] Crystal and surface structure of the catalyst. Thermodynamic stability of the catalyst and the reactant. Acid- base properties of the solid surface. Surface defect properties of the catalyst.Electronic and semiconducting properties and the band structure. Co-existence of dilferent types of ions or structures. Adsorption sites and adsorbed species such as oxygen.Preparation method of catalyst , surface area and nature of heat treatment. Molecular structure of the reactants. Many systematic investigations have been performed to correlate catalytic performances with the above mentioned properties. Many of these investigations remain isolated and further research is needed to bridge the gap in the present knowledge of the field.


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Aquesta tesi doctoral es basa en l'estudi de l'aplicació en catàlisi de dos tipus de complexos organometallics basats en dos metalls de tansició diferents. Concretament s'estudien complexos macrocíclics triolefínics de pal·ladi(0) com a catalitzadors per a les reaccions de Suzuki i Heck, i oxocomplexos carbènics de ruteni(II) com a espècies catalítiques en oxidacions de compostos orgànics. En el cas dels complexos de ruteni s'ha vist que en augmentar el nombre de lligands carbènics en l'esfera de coordinació del metall s'aconseguiex afavorir els processos bielectrònics, obtenint-se catalitzadors més actius i més selectius. En un segon pas, els dos tipus de catalitzadors homogenis s'han immobilitzat sobre la superfície d'un elèctrode mitjançant l'estratègia d'electropolimerització del grup pirrol. Els elèctodes modificats resultants s'han aplicat com a catalitzadors heterogenis. En ambdós casos els catalitzadors heterogenis han mostrat una activitat equiparable o superior a la del sistema homogeni corresponent. Finalment, s'ha assajat una reacció de catàlisi tàndem en què els dos catalitzadors (immobilitzats sobre el mateix elèctrode) actuen en cooperació. S'ha aconseguit realitzar dues transformacions consecutives d'un substat orgànic.


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Establishing a molecular-level understanding of enantioselectivity and chiral resolution at the organic−inorganic interfaces is a key challenge in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. As a model system, we investigate the adsorption geometry of serine on Cu{110} using a combination of low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy. The chirality of enantiopure chemisorbed layers, where serine is in its deprotonated (anionic) state, is expressed at three levels: (i) the molecules form dimers whose orientation with respect to the substrate depends on the molecular chirality, (ii) dimers of l- and d-enantiomers aggregate into superstructures with chiral (−1 2; 4 0) lattices, respectively, which are mirror images of each other, and (iii) small islands have elongated shapes with the dominant direction depending on the chirality of the molecules. Dimer and superlattice formation can be explained in terms of intra- and interdimer bonds involving carboxylate, amino, and β−OH groups. The stability of the layers increases with the size of ordered islands. In racemic mixtures, we observe chiral resolution into small ordered enantiopure islands, which appears to be driven by the formation of homochiral dimer subunits and the directionality of interdimer hydrogen bonds. These islands show the same enantiospecific elongated shapes those as in low-coverage enantiopure layers.


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The motion of adsorbate molecules across surfaces is fundamental to self-assembly, material growth, and heterogeneous catalysis. Recent Scanning Tunneling Microscopy studies have demonstrated the electron-induced long-range surface-migration of ethylene, benzene, and related molecules, moving tens of Angstroms across Si(100). We present a model of the previously unexplained long-range recoil of chemisorbed ethylene across the surface of silicon. The molecular dynamics reveal two key elements for directed long-range migration: first ‘ballistic’ motion that causes the molecule to leave the ab initio slab of the surface traveling 3–8 Å above it out of range of its roughness, and thereafter skipping-stone ‘bounces’ that transport it further to the observed long distances. Using a previously tested Impulsive Two-State model, we predict comparable long-range recoil of atomic chlorine following electron-induced dissociation of chlorophenyl chemisorbed at Cu(110)


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We here report the preparation of supported palladium nanoparticles (NPs) stabilized by pendant phosphine groups by reacting a palladium complex containing the ligand 2-(diphenylphosphino)benzaldehyde with an amino-functionalized silica surface The Pd nanocatalyst is active for Suzuki cross-coupling reaction avoiding any addition of other sources of phosphine ligands The Pd intermediates and Pd NPs were characterized by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and transmission electron microscopy techniques The synthetic method was also applied to prepare magnetically recoverable Pd NPs leading to a catalyst that could be reused for up to 10 recycles In summary we gathered the advantages of heterogeneous catalysis magnetic separation and enhanced catalytic activity of palladium promoted by phosphine ligands to synthesize a new catalyst for Suzuki cross-coupling reactions The Pd NP catalyst prepared on the phosphine-functionalized support was more active and selective than a similar Pd NP catalyst prepared on an amino-functionalized support (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved