204 resultados para heaven


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In this article we propose that work teams implement many of the innovative changes required to enable organizations to respond appropriately to the external environment. We describe how, using an input?–?process?–?output model, we can identify the key elements necessary for developing team innovation. We propose that it is the implementation of ideas rather than their development that is crucial for enabling organizational change. Drawing on theory and relevant research, 12 steps to developing innovative teams are described covering key aspects of the team task, team composition, organizational context, and team processes.


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Is there a concept of nationhood in the Bible that can provide us with a framework for cross-cultural Christian mission? This thesis argues that current evangelical missiology has accepted too willingly the categories of the secular Enlightenment understanding of ethnicity and nationhood, and that it needs to rethink its understanding of nations from a biblical standpoint. While the pressures of globalisation are seen by some as rapidly eclipsing the nation-state, this thesis will argue that we need to move beyond the narrower secular categories of citizenship, political power and the boundaries of the state to recover a more biblical understanding of nationhood. By reference to Genesis 10-11, Acts 2:1-11 and those passages in the Book of Revelation that discuss the destiny of the nations, it will show that the biblical understanding of nations includes deeper ideas of shared history, culture and language as the essential components of nationhood. It will explain how nations are part of the created order, and explore the impact of the Babel narrative on our understanding of nations in relation to God. It will demonstrate that Pentecost did not reverse the curse of Babel, but served rather to honour the dignity and value of nations and their languages. It will also argue that nations have a destiny in the New Creation according to the Book of Revelation. This biblical concept of nationhood has significant implications in several areas: the development of a public theology; a Christian response to nationalism; the question of how urban mission fits within mission to the nations; and the importance of indigenous languages in cross-cultural mission, especially in the multicultural cities of Europe.


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There is a significant attitude of scepticism when it comes to belief in the existence of writer's block as a valid psychological phenomenon, alongside what might be described as the "Tortured Artist Personality". It is contended here that both writer's block and the "Tortured Artist Personality" do exist in a minority of professional and aspiring fiction writers, and furthermore that these phenomena are forms of personality behaviour that have already been well-catalogued by the academic fields of psychiatry, psychology and psychotherapy: specifically, writer's block is a form of unconscious maladaptive procrastination - expressed through avoidance coping or escape coping behaviour - which in turn arises from the fully-accepted personality trait of perfectionism. Aspects of perfectionism, together with various sub-scale traits and mediators, are also the key components in at least one form of "Tortured Artist Personality". This paper lays out the extensive evidence for these assertions, using existing research in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and neuroscience.


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The Australian beach is a significant element of our national identity. Since the majority of the population lives on the coastlines of the continent, the beach (rather than the Bush) plays an important role to many Australians. Yet the beach can also be a complex setting because of the often complicated concepts of ownership that surround it. ‘Flagging Spaces’ examines the layers of complexity surrounding textual representations of ownership of the beach space. In particular, this paper explores the Indigenous representation on the beach moving through to the role of multiculturalism on the beach space in the wake of the 2005 Cronulla riots, using specific textual examples such as Sacred Cows (Heiss 1996), Australia (dir. Baz Luhrmann 2008), Heaven (dir. Tracey Moffatt 1997), Radiance (dir. Rachel Perkins 1998), Butterfly Song (Jenkins 2005), and Bra Boys (dir. Sonny Abberton 2006).


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Reports results of 2 studies into sex-related neuroticism. Measures included sex-free and sex-related neuroticism scales (L. Francis, see record 1994-00056-001), the Psychoticism, Extraversion, and Lie scales of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), and the Beck Depression Inventory. In Study 1 with 69 male and 75 female undergraduates, no support for the validity of sex-free and sex-related measures of neuroticism was found. Although scores on both neuroticism measures were significantly related to depression scores, sex-free neuroticism was also associated with extraversion, psychoticism, and social desirability but only among males. Women tended to have significantly higher neuroticism scores than did men. In Study 2 involving 56 male and 129 female undergraduates, no significant differences in total scale scores were observed between the sexes when a natural language measure of neuroticism was used.


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I grew up in academic heaven. At least for me it was. Not only was Sweden in the late 1980s paradise for any kind of empirical research, with rich and high-quality business statistics being made available to researchers without them having to sign away their lives; 70+ percent response rates achieved in mail surveys to almost any group (if you knew how to do them), and boards of directors opening their doors to more qualitatively orientated researchers to sit in during their meetings. In addition, I perceived an environment with a very high degree of academic freedom, letting me do whatever I found interesting and important. I’m sure for others it was sheer hell, with very unclear career paths and rules of the game. Career progression (something which rarely entered my mind) meant that you tried as best you could and then you put all your work – reports, books, book chapters, conference papers, maybe even published articles – in a box and had some external committee of professors look at it. If you were lucky they liked what they saw for whatever reasons their professorial wisdom dictated, and you got hired or promoted. If you were not so lucky you wouldn’t get the job or the promotion, without quite knowing why. So people could easily imagine an old boys club – whose members were themselves largely unproven in international, peer review publishing – picking whoever they wanted by whatever criteria they choose to apply. Neither the fact that assessors were external nor the presence of an appeals system might have completely appeased your suspicious and skeptical mind, considering the balance of power.


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Building on and bringing up to date the material presented in the first installment of Directory of World Cinema : Australia and New Zealand, this volume continues the exploration of the cinema produced in Australia and New Zealand since the beginning of the twentieth century. Among the additions to this volume are in-depth treatments of the locations that feature prominently in the countries' cinema. Essays by leading critics and film scholars consider the significance in films of the outback and the beach, which is evoked as a liminal space in Long Weekend and a symbol of death in Heaven's Burning, among other films. Other contributions turn the spotlight on previously unexplored genres and key filmmakers, including Jane Campion, Rolf de Heer, Charles Chauvel, and Gillian Armstrong.


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Building on and bringing up to date the material presented in the first installment of Directory of World Cinema : Australia and New Zealand, this volume continues the exploration of the cinema produced in Australia and New Zealand since the beginning of the twentieth century. Among the additions to this volume are in-depth treatments of the locations that feature prominently in the countries' cinema. Essays by leading critics and film scholars consider the significance in films of the outback and the beach, which is evoked as a liminal space in Long Weekend and a symbol of death in Heaven's Burning, among other films. Other contributions turn the spotlight on previously unexplored genres and key filmmakers, including Jane Campion, Rolf de Heer, Charles Chauvel, and Gillian Armstrong.


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Käsitteillä svengi ja groove viitataan useimmiten kappaleen tietyn tulkinnan eli esityksen pääasiallisesti rytmisten ominaisuuksien laatuun. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittää musiikin rytmiikkaan ja hienorytmiikkaan keskittyviä musiikkikognitiivisia analyysimetodeja, joita soveltamalla nämä ominaisuudet voitaisiin tavoittaa. Käsitteiden monitulkintaisuus, joka tuodaan esiin tutkimuksen alussa aiheuttaa tälle monenlaisia haasteita. -- Tutkimuksen rytmiikkaan keskittyviä analyysimetodeja sovellettaessa musiikkia tarkastellaan tietystä esityksestä tehdyn nuottiesityksen, transkription välityksellä. Hienorytmisiä analyysimetodeja käytettäessä musiikkia tarkastellaan esitysten instrumenttiosuuksien sävelten alukehetkien tarkkojen sijaintien kautta. Alukehetket poimitaan erilaisin automaattisin ja manuaalisin tietokoneavusteisin menetelmin äänitteiltä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan musiikissa esiintyviä ilmiöitä myös laajemmalla, musiikin havaitsemiseen ja tuottamiseen yleisesti liittyvällä musiikkikognition tasolla. Tärkeänä näkökulmana musiikin rytmiikan esitetään jakautuvan kognitiivisesti karkeampaan tekstuaaliseen rytmiikkaan ja tätä hienoisesti varioivaan ei-tekstuaaliseen hienorytmiikkaan. Analyysiosuudessa kehitettyjä metodeja sovelletaan seuraavien kappaleiden soolo-osuuksiin: Miles Davis – 'Freddie Freeloader' (1959), James Brown – 'Doing it to Death' (1973) ja Led Zeppelin – 'Stairway to Heaven' (1971). Kappaleet edustavat tutkimuksessa jazz-, funk- ja rock-tyylilajeja. Analyysi tarkastelee ja vertailee kappaleiden metristä stabiiliutta, instrumenttiosuuksien suhdetta pulssin iskuihin, rytmiikan kolmimuunteisuutta, soolojen metrisiä painopisteitä, soolojen rytmistä tiheyttä sekä tempojen muutoksia. -- Kehitetyt menetelmät osoittautuvat kaikki käyttökelpoisiksi. Kappaleille yhteiseksi piirteeksi paljastuu instrumenttiosuuksien säännönmukainen sijoittuminen pulssin iskuihin nähden kappaleiden sisällä. Kappaleiden välillä eri instrumentit sijoittuvat kuitenkin pulssin ympärille eroavin tavoin, jonka oletetaan johtuvan ennen kaikkea tyylilajien eroista. Tempot pysyvät kappaleissa varsin muuttumattomina. Jatkotutkimuksen kannalta mielenkiintoisia näkymiä ovat muun muassa metodien laajempi soveltaminen, automaattisten menetelmien kehittäminen


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The aim of the present study is to analyze Confucian understandings of the Christian doctrine of salvation in order to find the basic problems in the Confucian-Christian dialogue. I will approach the task via a systematic theological analysis of four issues in order to limit the thesis to an appropriate size. They are analyzed in three chapters as follows: 1. The Confucian concept concerning the existence of God. Here I discuss mainly the issue of assimilation of the Christian concept of God to the concepts of Sovereign on High (Shangdi) and Heaven (Tian) in Confucianism. 2. The Confucian understanding of the object of salvation and its status in Christianity. 3. The Confucian understanding of the means of salvation in Christianity. Before beginning this analysis it is necessary to clarify the vast variety of controversies, arguments, ideas, opinions and comments expressed in the name of Confucianism; thus, clear distinctions among different schools of Confucianism are given in chapter 2. In the last chapter I will discuss the results of my research in this study by pointing out the basic problems that will appear in the analysis. The results of the present study provide conclusions in three related areas: the tacit differences in the ways of thinking between Confucians and Christians, the basic problems of the Confucian-Christian dialogue, and the affirmative elements in the dialogue. In addition to a summary, a bibliography and an index, there are also eight appendices, where I have introduced important background information for readers to understand the present study.


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Riassunto: Contro l’interpretazione tradizionale, l’articolo sostiene che il Motore immobile per Aristotele non è causa finale del movimento del cielo, ma ne è piuttosto la causa efficiente, come risulta da Metaph. XII 6. Il Motore immobile è causa finale solo nel senso che egli è fine della sua stessa atitività, come è provato dal fatto che questa è piacere (Metaph. XII 7). L’interpretazione tradizionale, secondo la quale il cielo si muove per amore del Motore immobile, cercando di imitare la sua immobilità per mezzo del moto circolare, deriva dal tentativo di conciliare il pensiero di Aristotele con la concezione platonica dell’imitazione della realtà intelligibile da parte della realtà sensibile. Il motore immobile è fine dell’uomo solo nel senso che è oggetto della conoscenza in cui consiste la felicità umana (Eth. Eud. VIII 3).


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Resumen: No momento em que a Eneida foi composta, entre os anos 29 e 19 a.C, a memória da divinização de César se fazia presente, lançando também a expectativa sobre a consecratio do próprio Imperador. No poema épico, o prenúncio da apoteose de Augusto surge na mesma profecia em que Júpiter assegura a Vênus a acolhida de seu filho, Enéias, entre os imortais (VIRGÍLIO, Eneida, I.259- 289). Este tema reaparece nas Metamorfoses de Ovídio cujas linhas finais do livro XV retratam a transformação de Júlio César em astro – sidus - e mencionam o dia em que o Princeps deverá receber, nos céus, as preces de seus governados (OVÍDIO, Metamorfoses, XV.745-879). Tendo em vista a instituição do culto imperial, problematizaremos nas obras mencionadas as relações entre mito, memória e poder no Principado.


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A partir de abril de 1500 a armada de Pedro Álvares Cabral dá início ao contato e ao registro através das páginas da carta de seu escrivão, Pero Vaz de Caminha de um novo mundo e uma nova humanidade: os índios que habitavam o território que atualmente conhecemos por Brasil. No desenrolar dos quinhentos, estes diferentes povos e culturas foram decodificados e reinterpretados de diversas maneiras em cartas, livros e demais documentos manuscritos. No campo das artes visuais portuguesas, não foi diferente. Esse outro assume um papel coadjuvante quase sempre inserido em duas temáticas principais, a arte religiosa e as grandes navegações mas nem por isso menos interessante: o gosto pelo exótico, característica marcante durante o período das expansões ultramarinas, não só em Portugal, mas em outras regiões europeias, aliado ao etnocentrismo e a influência do Cristianismo, acabou por caracterizar os índios do Brasil, mutatis mutandis, como novos homens selvagens. Para uns, são como bestas, mais perto do inferno; para outros, são cristãos em potencial, mais próximos do céu


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