976 resultados para heat pump dryer
Greenhouses have become an invaluable source of year-round food production. Further development of viable and efficient high performance greenhouses is important for future food security. Closing the greenhouse envelope from the environment can provide benefits in space heating energy savings, pest control, and CO2 enrichment. This requires the application of a novel air conditioning system to handle the high cooling loads experienced by a greenhouse. Liquid desiccant air-conditioning (LDAC) have been found to provide high latent cooling capacities, which is perfect for the application of a humid greenhouse microclimate. TRNSYS simulations were undertaken to study the feasibility of two liquid desiccant dehumidification systems based on their capacity to control the greenhouse microclimate, and their cooling performance. The base model (B-LDAC) included a natural gas boiler, and two cooling systems for seasonal operation. The second model (HP-LDAC) was a hybrid liquid desiccant-heat pump dehumidification system. The average tCOPdehum and tCOPtotal of the B-LDAC system increased from 0.40 and 0.56 in January to 0.94 and 1.09 in June. Increased load and performance during a sample summer day improved these values to 3.5 and 3.0, respectively. The average eCOPdehum and eCOPtotal values were 1.0 and 1.8 in winter, and 1.7 and 2.1 in summer. The HP-LDAC system produced similar daily performance trends where the annual average eCOPdehum and eCOPtotal values were 1.3 and 1.2, but the sample day saw peaks of 2.4 and 3.2, respectively. The B-LDAC and HP-LDAC results predicted greenhouse temperatures exceeding 30°C for 34% and 17% of the month of July, respectively. Similarly, humidity levels increased in summer months, with a maximum of 14% of the time spent over 80% in May for both models. The percentage of annual savings in space heating energy associated with closing the greenhouse to ventilation was 34%. The additional annual regeneration energy input was reduced by 26% to 526 kWhm-2, with the implementation of a heat recovery ventilator on the regeneration exhaust air. The models also predicted an electrical energy input of 245 kWhm-2 and 305 kWhm-2 for the B-LDAC and HP-LDAC simulations, respectively.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin uudenlaista kaukolämmön tuotantotapaa, joka perustuu lämmöntal-teenottoon jokivedestä lämpöpumpuilla. Tutkimuksessa luotiin kokonaiskuva uudenlaisen lämmöntuotannon toiminnasta, sekä selvitettiin tuotannon soveltumista Suomeen. Tuotan-non kattavuus selvitettiin laskennan avulla käymällä läpi kaikki kaukolämpöä myyvien yri-tysten kaukolämpöverkot. Verkoston kulutustietoihin yhdisteltiin jokien virtaamatietoja. Laskenta tehtiin taulukkolaskentaohjelmalla ja kohteita oli yhteensä 184. Työssä tutkittiin myös laitoksen ympäristövaikutuksia lämpövaraston, jokiekosysteemin ja hiilidioksidipäästöjen osalta. Merkittävimmät vaikutukset tulisivat Suomen ilmastossa suu-riksi muodostuvien lämpövarastojen rakentamisesta. Jokiekosysteemin kannalta laitoksen toiminnan vaikutukset osoittautuivat pääasiassa positiivisiksi. Hiilidioksidipäästöjen lasken-nassa laitos oletettiin täysin päästöttömäksi, koska sähköverkkoa tarkasteltiin vuoden 2050 näkökulmasta, jolloin sähköntuotannon oletettiin olevan päästötöntä. Laskennasta selvisi, että laitoksilla pystyttäisiin kattamaan 22,7 % kaukolämmityksen tar-peesta. Tämä tarkoittaisi noin 1,6 milj. tonnin hiilidioksidipäästöjen välttämistä vuositasolla. Laitostyypin todettiin soveltuvan paremmin vain kesänaikaisen lämmöntarpeen kattami-seen. Talviaikainen lämmöntarve olisi parempi kattaa jollakin muulla ratkaisulla.
O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo a avaliação do sujamento da superfície de transferência de calor do evaporador de uma bomba de calor, quando se utiliza o efluente da fábrica de pasta e papel da Portucel Soporcel em Cacia como fluido de aquecimento. Para a realização deste estudo montou-se uma instalação, composta por uma bomba de calor, um circuito de água de arrefecimento do condensador da bomba de calor e um circuito de água residual quente para o aquecimento do evaporador da bomba de calor. O ensaio decorreu durante um período de 84 dias, durante o qual foram registadas as temperaturas em vários pontos dos circuitos e os caudais de circulação. A evolução temporal da quantidade de calor transferida no evaporador, assim como, a comparação do coeficiente global de transferência de calor em condições ideias e experimentais, permitiu verificar que a razão U/U0 para o evaporador da bomba de calor não teve um comportamento decrescente ao longo do período de ensaio, permitindo concluir que, nas condições operatórias da experiência, não ocorreu sujamento na superfície do evaporador. No estudo de corrosão do cobre quando exposto à água residual em questão, obteve-se, para a velocidade de corrosão, o valor de 1,56 mg/(dm2 .dia), indicando assim que a corrosão do cobre naquele meio é praticamente inexistente.
When underground mines close they often fill with water from ground and surface sources; each mine can contain millions to billions of gallons of water. This water, heated by the Earth’s geothermal energy, reaches temperatures ideal for heat pumps. The sheer scale of these flooded underground mines presents a unique opportunity for large scale geothermal heat pump setups which would not be as economically, socially, and environmentally feasible anywhere else. A literature search revealed approximately 30 instances of flooded underground mines being used to heat and cool buildings worldwide. With thousands of closed/abandoned underground mines in the U.S. and a million estimated globally, why hasn’t this opportunity been more widely adopted? This project has found perception and lack of knowledge about the feasibility to be key barriers. To address these issues, this project drafted a guidebook for former mining communities titled A Community Guide to Mine Water Geothermal Heating and Cooling.
År 2006 införde Boverket, som lyder under regeringen krav för specifik energianvändning (kWh/m2år) för byggnader i syfte att minska energianvändningen för bostäder och lokaler. För att följa Boverkets krav för specifik energianvändning är det därför relevant att bygga mer energieffektiva byggnader. Naturmuseet Vänern är en byggnad i Karlstad som befinner sig vid Vänern. Byggnaden är omgiven av en naturskön miljö och dess verksamhet är huvudsakligen ett museum. Som helhet är Naturmuseet Vänern högt i tak och har stora fönsterytor vilket leder till att byggnaden behöver kylas på grund av den stora mängden solinstrålning. För att hålla sig till en låg specifik energianvändning är det därför relevant att hitta ett hållbart kylsystem. För att en byggnad ska bli energieffektiv i ett klimat såsom det i Sverige krävs ett byggnadsmaterial med lågt U-värde samt väl anpassade systemlösningar för värme, ventilation och kyla. Utifrån datorprogrammet VIP-Energy har en energianalys gjorts för Naturmuseet Vänern, vilket legat som grund för byggnadens utformning samt valet av byggnadsmaterial och kylsystem. Resultatet har utöver hur byggandes klimatskal ska se ut även landat i systemhandlingar i form av ritningar, driftstrategi och materialspecifikation för kylsystemet. Den lägsta specifika energianvändningen för Naturmuseet Vänern är 37 kWh/m2år, vilket fås då bergkyla väljs som kylsystem.
Accounting for around 40% of the total final energy consumption, the building stock is an important area of focus on the way to reaching the energy goals set for the European Union. The relatively small share of new buildings makes renovation of existing buildings possibly the most feasible way of improving the overall energy performance of the building stock. This of course involves improvements on the climate shell, for example by additional insulation or change of window glazing, but also installation of new heating systems, to increase the energy efficiency and to fit the new heat load after renovation. In the choice of systems for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), it is important to consider their performance for space heating as well as for domestic hot water (DHW), especially for a renovated house where the DHW share of the total heating consumption is larger. The present study treats the retrofitting of a generic single family house, which was defined as a reference building in a European energy renovation project. Three HVAC retrofitting options were compared from a techno-economic point of view: A) Air-to-water heat pump (AWHP) and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR), B) Exhaust air heat pump (EAHP) with low-temperature ventilation radiators, and C) Gas boiler and ventilation with MVHR. The systems were simulated for houses with two levels of heating demand and four different locations: Stockholm, Gdansk, Stuttgart and London. They were then evaluated by means of life cycle cost (LCC) and primary energy consumption. Dynamic simulations were done in TRNSYS 17. In most cases, system C with gas boiler and MVHR was found to be the cheapest retrofitting option from a life cycle perspective. The advantage over the heat pump systems was particularly clear for a house in Germany, due to the large discrepancy between national prices of natural gas and electricity. In Sweden, where the price difference is much smaller, the heat pump systems had almost as low or even lower life cycle costs than the gas boiler system. Considering the limited availability of natural gas in Sweden, systems A and B would be the better options. From a primary energy point of view system A was the best option throughout, while system B often had the highest primary energy consumption. The limited capacity of the EAHP forced it to use more auxiliary heating than the other systems did, which lowered its COP. The AWHP managed the DHW load better due to a higher capacity, but had a lower COP than the EAHP in space heating mode. Systems A and C were notably favoured by the air heat recovery, which significantly reduced the heating demand. It was also seen that the DHW share of the total heating consumption was, as expected, larger for the house with the lower space heating demand. This confirms the supposition that it is important to include DHW in the study of HVAC systems for retrofitting.
Within the aging building stock of Europe, there is great potential of saving energy through renovation and upgrading to modern standards, and to thereby approach the internationally set goals of lower energy use. This paper concerns the planned renovation of the building envelope and HVAC systems in a multi-family house in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Five systemic HVAC solutions were compared, with special focus on two systems: A) Balanced ventilation with HRC + Micro heat pump, and B) Forced exhaust ventilation + Heat pump with exhaust air HRC + Ventilation radiators. Given the predicted heating demand and ventilation rate of the house after renovation, the performance of the two systems was compared, alongside three common systems for reference. Calculations were made using TMF Energi, a tool developed by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden. Both systems A and B were found to have the lowest electrical energy use together with the ground source heat pump system for the assumed conditions. For other assumptions, including different climate and degree of insulation, some differences between these three systems were noted. Most significant is the increased electrical use of system B for higher heating loads due to limitations in the power available from the heat source, exhaust air, which is dependent on the ventilation rate.
In this paper, dynamic simulation was used to compare the energy performance of three innovativeHVAC systems: (A) mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) and micro heat pump, (B) exhaustventilation with exhaust air-to-water heat pump and ventilation radiators, and (C) exhaust ventilationwith air-to-water heat pump and ventilation radiators, to a reference system: (D) exhaust ventilation withair-to-water heat pump and panel radiators. System A was modelled in MATLAB Simulink and systems Band C in TRNSYS 17. The reference system was modelled in both tools, for comparison between the two.All systems were tested with a model of a renovated single family house for varying U-values, climates,infiltration and ventilation rates.It was found that A was the best system for lower heating demand, while for higher heating demandsystem B would be preferable. System C was better than the reference system, but not as good as A or B.The difference in energy consumption of the reference system was less than 2 kWh/(m2a) betweenSimulink and TRNSYS. This could be explained by the different ways of handling solar gains, but also bythe fact that the TRNSYS systems supplied slightly more than the ideal heating demand.
In the last years, the European countries have paid increasing attention to renewable sources and greenhouse emissions. The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have established ambitious targets for the next years. In this scenario, biomass plays a prominent role since its life cycle produces a zero net carbon dioxide emission. Additionally, biomass can ensure plant operation continuity thanks to its availability and storage ability. Several conventional systems running on biomass are available at the moment. Most of them are performant either in the large-scale or in the small power range. The absence of an efficient system on the small-middle scale inspired this thesis project. The object is an innovative plant based on a wet indirectly fired gas turbine (WIFGT) integrated with an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) unit for combined heat and power production. The WIFGT is a performant system in the small-middle power range; the ORC cycle is capable of giving value to low-temperature heat sources. Their integration is investigated in this thesis with the aim of carrying out a preliminary design of the components. The targeted plant output is around 200 kW in order not to need a wide cultivation area and to avoid biomass shipping. Existing in-house simulation tools are used: They are adapted to this purpose. Firstly the WIFGT + ORC model is built; Zero-dimensional models of heat exchangers, compressor, turbines, furnace, dryer and pump are used. Different fluids are selected but toluene and benzene turn out to be the most suitable. In the indirectly fired gas turbine a pressure ratio around 4 leads to the highest efficiency. From the thermodynamic analysis the system shows an electric efficiency of 38%, outdoing other conventional plants in the same power range. The combined plant is designed to recover thermal energy: Water is used as coolant in the condenser. It is heated from 60°C up to 90°C, ensuring the possibility of space heating. Mono-dimensional models are used to design the heat exchange equipment. Different types of heat exchangers are chosen depending on the working temperature. A finned-plate heat exchanger is selected for the WIFGT heat transfer equipment due to the high temperature, oxidizing and corrosive environment. A once-through boiler with finned tubes is chosen to vaporize the organic fluid in the ORC. A plate heat exchanger is chosen for the condenser and recuperator. A quasi-monodimensional model for single-stage axial turbine is implemented to design both the WIFGT and the ORC turbine. The system simulation after the components design shows an electric efficiency around 34% with a decrease by 10% compared to the zero-dimensional analysis. The work exhibits the system potentiality compared to the existing plants from both technical and economic point of view.
Osmotic treatments are often applied prior to convective drying of foods to impart sensory appeal aspects. During this process a multicomponent mass flow, composed mainly of water and osmotic agent, takes place. In this work, a heat and mass transfer model for the osmo-convective drying of yacon was developed and solved by the Finite Element Method using COMSOL Multiphysics®, considering a 2-D axisymmetric geometry and moisture dependent thermophysical properties. Yacon slices were osmotically dehydrated for 2 hours in a solution of sucralose and then dried in a tray dryer for 3 hours. The model was validated by experimental data of temperature, moisture content and sucralose uptake (R²> 0.90).
Cryosorption pump is the only solution for pumping helium and hydrogen in fusion reactors. It is chosen because it offers highest pumping speed as well as the only suitable pump for the harsh environments in a tokamak. Towards the development of such cryosorption pumps, the optimal choice of the right activated carbon panels is essential. In order to characterize the performance of the panels with indigenously developed activated carbon, a cryocooler based cryosorption pump with scaled down sizes of panels is experimented. The results are compared with the commercial cryopanel used in a CTI cryosorption (model: Cryotorr 7) pump. The cryopanel is mounted on the cold head of the second stage GM cryocooler which cools the cryopanel down to 11K with first stage reaching about similar to 50K. With no heat load, cryopump gives the ultimate vacuum of 2.1E-7 mbar. The pumping speed of different gases such as nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, helium are tested both on indigenous and commercial cryopanel. These studies serve as a bench mark towards the development of better cryopanels to be cooled by liquid helium for use with tokamak.
A kilowatt diode-pumped solid state heat capacity laser is fabricated with a double-slab Nd:YAG. Using the theoretical model of heat capacity laser output laser characteristics, the relationships between the output power, temperature and time are obtained. The slab is 59 x 40 4.5mm(3) in size. The average pump power is 11.2kW, the repetition rate is 1kHz, and the duty cycle 20%. During the running time of 1s, the output energy of the laser has a fluctuation with the maximal output energy at 2.06J, and the maximal output average power is 2.06kW. At the end of the second, the output energy declines to about 50% compared to the beginning. The thermal effects can be improved with one slab cooled by water. The experimental results are consistent with calculation data.
A Nd:GdVO4 crystal is pumped directly into its emitting level at 913 nm for the first time to the best of our knowledge. 3.35 W output laser emitting at 1063 nm is achieved in a 1.1 at.% Nd-doped Nd:GdVO4. The crystal absorbs pumping light of 4.30 W at 913 nm and produces a very low quantity of heat with the opto-optic conversion efficiency of 77.2%. The average slope efficiency is 81.2% from 0.21 W, at the threshold, to 4.30 W of absorbed pump power. Because of the very weakly thermal effect, the near-diffraction-limit beam is easily obtained with beam quality factor of M-2 approximate to 1.1.