969 resultados para healthy weight


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The study objectives were to (i) Describe the frequency and priority of family meals, (ii) Compare the family mealtime environment by gender and SES, (iii) Examine the association between family meals and weight status among adolescents living in New Delhi, India, (iv) Examine the association between family meals and eating patterns (healthy/unhealthy) among adolescent boys and girls living in New Delhi, India. Survey and anthropometric data were collected from 8th and 10th grade students (n=1818) from four Government (public) schools and four private schools who participated in the HRIDAY study. Chi-square tests were used to evaluate if the distributions of outcomes and exposure varied by gender and SES groups. Logistic regression models were used to obtain the association of weight status (underweight / normal weight Vs overweight / obese) with frequency of family meals as the main exposure. Overall the prevalence of obesity was more among the mid- high SES group and in boys. Over half of the participants had 7 or more family meals in the past week. There was no statistically significant association seen between family meals and weight status. Majority of the participants believed that eating healthy food and maintaining a healthy weight was important and eating at least one family meal was important. Majority of the participants who ate more than 3 or more family meals eat healthy food and also ate fast food. Intervention strategies should focus on the high risk group. Private schools are appropriate settings for interventions. Eating with families should be encouraged and future research should examine family meal patterns.^


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Habitual consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) has been reliably linked to obesity in adolescents. A wide variety of beverages sweetened with sugar are available to this population. The objective of this secondary data analysis was to assess the consumption of SSB by category and to identify behaviors that occur concurrently with the consumption of soda, sport drinks and fruit-flavored drinks in high school students. The analysis used self-reported survey data from 97 adolescents ages 14 to 18. SSB categories considered in the consumption analysis included regular soda, sports drinks, fruit-flavored drinks (FFD), iced tea, coffee drinks and energy drinks. The mean weekly sweetened beverage load in this population, calculated from the frequency and amount of consumption, was 145 ounces when all categories were considered. When SSB categories were considered independently, sports drinks (45 oz.) had the highest contribution to the mean sweetened beverage load followed by FFD (41 oz.), iced tea (27 oz.), soda (26 oz.) coffee drinks (15 oz.) and energy drinks (2 oz.). Sweetened beverage load was higher in boys (151 oz.) than girls (138 oz.) and was highest in Hispanics (159 oz.) followed by whites (152 oz.), blacks (137 oz.) and others (104 oz.). Behaviors that occurred on a usual basis during SSB consumption included watching TV, eating a family meal, eating salty and fried foods, being on the computer and hanging out with friends. Activities concurrent with sports drink consumption included physical activity behaviors whereas soda and FFD did not. Sports drink and FFD consumption commonly co-occurred with fruit consumption. Multiple SSB categories contribute to the total SSB consumption and the common dietary and activity behaviors are distinct between categories. Several of the concurrent behaviors point to the importance of home beverage availability, and to the influence that parents and peers have on SSB consumption. Identifying and assessing intervention strategies targeted to specific beverage categories could be an important step in behavioral intervention research aimed at reducing added sugar consumption, and ultimately, promote a healthy weight in adolescents. ^


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Introdução: A obesidade é um dos grandes problemas de Saúde Pública e atinge níveis epidêmicos em grande parte do mundo. A maioria dos indivíduos com excesso de peso são mulheres, no Brasil o tamanho desta população também é expressivo, as em idade fértil são as que apresentam maior risco para o desenvolvimento da obesidade, o que está associado ao ganho de peso excessivo durante a gestação e a retenção de peso após o nascimento. O excesso de peso materno está relacionado a desfechos negativos para saúde materno-infantil. Objetivo: Analisar o peso gestacional e desfechos perinatais em mulheres da região sudeste do Brasil. Método: estudo transversal, com a utilização de dados provenientes de uma coorte nacional, com base hospitalar denominada: Nascer no Brasil: Inquérito Nacional sobre Parto e Nascimento, inquérito realizado no período de 2011 e 2012.Partindo da amostra inicial total do Sudeste composta por 10.154 mulheres entrevistadas e considerando os fatores de inclusão e exclusão para esta pesquisa, chegou-se a uma amostra de 3.405 binômios (mãe /recém-nascido).As variáveis estudadas foram ganho de peso, idade materna, peso pré-gestacional, Índice de Massa Corporal inicial e final, idade gestacional, tipo de parto e peso ao nascer. Análise foi realizada através das medidas de tendência central. Foi utilizado teste de Mann-Whitney para dados de distribuição normal e coeficiente de Pearson para variáveis contínuas. Foram considerados como significante os resultados com um p a 0,05. Resultados: A maioria das participantes apresentou faixa etária entre 21 e 30 anos, os nascimentos ocorreram entre a 38ª e 39ª semana gestacional, e seus recém-nascidos tiveram peso mediano de 3.219 g. Grande parte das pesquisadas (61,04 por cento ) iniciaram a gestação com um estado nutricional considerado adequado e 31,51 por cento apresentavam excesso de peso anterior à gestação. O ganho de peso excessivo ocorreu em todas as categorias de IMC pré-gestacional representando 49,6 por cento da população total estudada. O peso anterior à gestação apresentou elevada correlação com ganho de peso total ao final da gestação. Também foi observada influência do ganho de peso na gestação com a via de parto, idade gestacional e peso do bebê ao nascer. Conclusão: A maioria da população iniciou a gestação com estado nutricional adequado, porém, houve ganho de peso excessivo considerável em todas as categorias de IMC, este influenciou na via de parto onde a maioria aconteceu por operação cesariana e no peso ao nascer. O estado nutricional inicial influencia fortemente o estado nutricional ao final da gestação. Por isto, é importante que os programas de intervenção atuem em todas as etapas deste período, inclusive na conscientização da importância de um peso adequado anterior a concepção. Além de promover ações que auxiliem nos cuidados quanto ao ganho de peso na gestação.


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Objective: To describe the population prevalence of key cancer risk behaviours in Queensland. Methods: The Queensland Cancer Risk Study was a population-based survey of 9,419 Queensland residents aged 20-75 years. Information was collected through an anonymous, computer-assisted telephone interview between February and November 2004. Outcome measures included tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, sun-tanning and sunburn, obesity physical inactivity and poor diet, weighted by age, gender and geographic region. Results: Prevalence of current smoking was 25.2% for males and 20.8% for females and was highest in the 20-39 year age group and in rural/remote areas. Two-thirds of participants regularly drank alcohol; of these, 63% consumed excessive amounts of alcohol. Excessive sun exposure is still a problem; 70% of Queenslanders reported an episode of sunburn and 12% reported attempting to get a suntan in the past year. More than half of the respondents (53.9%) were above the healthy weight range, and 17.1% of males and 18.4% of females were obese. Just over 40% of Queensland adults reported having insufficient levels of physical activity. Fewer than half of the participants met recommended levels of fruit or vegetable consumption. Conclusions and implications: The majority of Queensland adults exhibit known, modifiable cancer risk behaviours. These results suggest that continuing efforts to reduce the prevalence of these risk factors are warranted. Specifically, significant gains could be made by targeting behaviour change programs at younger Queenslanders (aged 20-39 years), men, and those living in remote/ very remote areas of Queensland.


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This Q and A style briefing paper provides an overview of the use of body mass index (BMI) for the measurement of obesity. BMI is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in metres. It is one of the most commonly used ways of estimating whether a person is overweight and hence more likely to experience health problems than someone with a healthy weight. It is used to measure population prevalence of overweight and obesity. It is also a relatively easy, cheap and non-invasive method for establishing weight status. However, BMI is only a proxy for body fatness. Factors such as fitness, ethnic origin and puberty can alter the relation between BMI and body fatness and must be taken into consideration. Other measurements such as waist circumference and skin thickness can be collected to indicate a person’s weight status or body fatness. None of these is as widely used as BMI.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the oral hygiene status in pediatric obese patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from 2011 to 2012, which evaluated 180 Brazilian pediatric patients, 6-14 years old, girls and boys, recruited according to two Body Mass Index (BMI) categories: obese and non-obese (healthy weight). For the evaluation the oral hygiene status, the study used Oral Hygiene Index (OHI) and Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI). Results: According to the total sample, 5/60 obese (8.3%) and 57/120 non-obese (47.5%) had good OHI, while 23/60 obese (38.4%) and 3/120 non-obese (2.5%) were classified in a low level of OHI, with a significance between the groups (p < 0.001), even after sorting by age. According to the classification of GBI, 60/60 obese (100.0%) and 89/120 non-obese (74.2%) had GBI 1 (bleeding gingiva), and 0/60 obese and 31/120 non-obese (25.8%) were classified as GBI 0 (healthy gingiva), with a significance between the groups (p < 0.001), even after sorting by age. Conclusions: This study indicated that OHI and GBI were significantly higher in the obese children group.


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Obesity rates have increased dramatically in recent decades, and it has proven difficult to treat. An attentional bias towards food cues may be implicated in the aetiology of obesity and influence cravings and food consumption. This review systematically investigated whether attentional biases to food cues exist in overweight/obese compared with healthy weight individuals. Electronic database were searched for relevant papers from inception to October 2014. Only studies reporting food-related attentional bias between either overweight (body mass index [BMI] 25.0-29.9kgm-2) or obese (BMI≥30) participants and healthy weight participants (BMI 18.5-24.9) were included. The findings of 19 studies were reported in this review. Results of the literature are suggestive of differences in attentional bias, with all but four studies supporting the notion of enhanced reactivity to food stimuli in overweight individuals and individuals with obesity. This support for attentional bias was observed primarily in studies that employed psychophysiological techniques (i.e. electroencephalogram, eye-tracking and functional magnetic resonance imaging). Despite the heterogeneous methodology within the featured studies, all measures of attentional bias demonstrated altered cue-reactivity in individuals with obesity. Considering the theorized implications of attentional biases on obesity pathology, researchers are encouraged to replicate flagship studies to strengthen these inferences.


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In 2008, The Council of Australian Governments set a target to increase by 5% the proportion of Australian adults at a healthy body weight by 2017, over a 2009 baseline. Target setting is a critical component of public health policy for obesity prevention; however, there is currently no context within which to choose such targets. We analyzed the changes in current weight gain that would be required to meet Australian targets. By using transition-based multistate life tables to project obesity prevalence, we found that meeting national healthy weight targets by 2017 will require a 75% reduction in current 5-year weight gain. A reliable model of future body weight prevalence is critical to set, evaluate, and monitor national obesity targets.


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Binge eating is a significant problem in both eating disordered and community populations alike. Extensive support exists for the dual pathway model of binge eating in both adolescent and adult clinical and nonclinical populations. However, the restrained eating pathway to binge eating in particular has failed to be confirmed in some studies. In particular, the dual pathway model may not be applicable to overweight binge eaters. The current study examined the applicability of the dual pathway model in a sample of healthy and overweight binge eaters. A total of 260 (115 healthy weight; 145 overweight or obese) adult binge eaters completed an online survey. Mediation analyses indicated support for both the dietary restraint and negative affect pathways in the healthy weight sample but only the latter pathway was supported in the overweight sample. Therefore, the full dual pathway model may only be applicable to healthy weight binge eaters.


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BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity in children and adults is a major public health concern. Emerging evidence suggests dietary sodium intake may be associated with obesity. This systematic review and meta-analysis will aim to (i) assess the relation between dietary sodium intake and measures of adiposity in children and adults and (ii) examine the relation between sodium intake and sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption, which is a known risk factor for obesity. METHODS/DESIGN: An electronic search will be conducted using Medline Complete, CINAHL, Scopus, Embase and Cochrane central register of controlled trials (CENTRAL). The search strategy will identify published peer-reviewed articles that report on dietary sodium and either a marker of adiposity or SSB consumption. Only human studies (ages >1 year) in English will be included, and no limits will be placed on publication date. No restrictions will be placed on the method of sodium intake assessment. Cross-sectional, prospective studies, and randomised controlled trials with a duration of ≥ 3 months will be included. Studies with participants with renal disease, cancer, type 1 diabetes or heart failure or who are pregnant will be excluded. To assess the quality of studies, the Cochrane's Collaboration tool for assessing risk of bias in randomised trials will be used for randomised controlled trials (RCTs), and the modified Newcastle-Ottawa Scale will be used for cross-sectional and prospective studies. Meta-analysis will be used to assess the relation of sodium intake with two primary outcomes: (i) BMI and body weight in adults and BMI z-score in children and (ii) weight category (i.e. healthy weight vs. overweight/obese). For any outcomes in which meta-analysis is not possible, we will present data as a systematic review. Findings will be grouped and reported separately for children and adolescents (ages 1-17 years) and adults (ages >18 years). DISCUSSION: This review and meta-analysis will provide insight into the relation between dietary sodium intake and overweight and obesity. This information can be used to inform public health policies which target population sodium consumption.


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This research investigated nutritional risk in older adults living in the community. A key finding was that a different healthy weight range should be applied to older adults, which has important implications for nutritional assessment. Recommending a higher BMI for older adults has now been incorporated into some National nutritional guidelines.


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Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue relacionar la etapa en el cambio en el comportamiento frente a la actividad física y el estado nutricional en escolares entre 9 y 17 años de Bogotá- Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Método: Se trata de un estudio transversal, en 6.606 niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 años, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas, de Bogotá-Colombia. Se aplicó de manera auto-diligenciada el cuestionario de cambio de comportamiento en función a la intensión de realizar actividad física (CCC-Fuprecol) y se midió el peso y la estatura para determinar el estado nutricional con el índice de masa corporal (IMC). Resultados: El porcentaje de respuesta fue 94% y se consideraron válidos 6,606 registros, siendo 58.3 % (n=3.850) niñas con un promedio de edad de 12,7±2,3 años. En la población general, el 5,3 % de los escolares se encontraban en etapa de pre-contemplación, 31,8 % en contemplación, el 26,7 % en acción y el 36,2 % en etapa de mantenimiento. Al comparar la etapa de cambio con el estado nutricional por IMC, los escolares clasificados en obesidad mostraron mayor frecuencia de respuesta en la etapa de pre-contemplación, mientras que los escolares con peso saludable acusaron mayores porcentajes en la etapa de mantenimiento. Conclusión: En escolares de Bogotá, Colombia, se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre a la intensión de realizar actividad con el estado nutricional medido con el IMC. Fomentar la promoción de la actividad física y monitorear el estado nutricional, deberá ser una prioridad en las agendas y políticas públicas dentro del ámbito escolar.


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Objective: In the majority of exercise intervention studies, the aggregate reported weight loss is often small. The efficacy of exercise as a weight loss tool remains in question. The aim of the present study was to investigate the variability in appetite and body weight when participants engaged in a supervised and monitored exercise programme. ---------- Design: Fifty-eight obese men and women (BMI = 31·8 ± 4·5 kg/m2) were prescribed exercise to expend approximately 2092 kJ (500 kcal) per session, five times a week at an intensity of 70 % maximum heart rate for 12 weeks under supervised conditions in the research unit. Body weight and composition, total daily energy intake and various health markers were measured at weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12. ---------- Results: Mean reduction in body weight (3·2 ± 1·98 kg) was significant (P < 0·001); however, there was large individual variability (−14·7 to +2·7 kg). This large variability could be largely attributed to the differences in energy intake over the 12-week intervention. Those participants who failed to lose meaningful weight increased their food intake and reduced intake of fruits and vegetables. ---------- Conclusion: These data have demonstrated that even when exercise energy expenditure is high, a healthy diet is still required for weight loss to occur in many people.


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his case study aims to describe how general parenting principles can be used as part of parent-led, family-focused child weight management that is in line with current Australian Clinical Practice Guidelines. A parent-led, family-focused child weight management program was designed for use by dietitians with parents of young children (five- to nine-year-olds). The program utilises the cornerstones of overweight treatment: diet, activity, behaviour modification and family support delivered in an age-appropriate, family-focused manner. Parents participate in 16 sessions (4 parenting-focused, 8 lifestyle-focused and 4 individual telephone support calls) conducted weekly, fortnightly then monthly over six months. This case study illustrates how a family used the program, resulting in reduced degree of overweight and stabilised waist circumference in the child over 12 months. In conclusion, linking parenting skills to healthy family lifestyle education provides an innovative approach to family-focused child weight management. It addresses key Australian Clinical Practice Guidelines, works at the family level, and provides a means for dietitians to easily adopt age-appropriate behaviour modification as part of their practice.