944 resultados para groundwater flows
This work presents a numerical study of the 4:1 planar contraction flow of a viscoelastic fluid described by the simplified Phan-Thien–Tanner model under the influence of slip boundary conditions at the channel walls. The linear Navier slip law was considered with the dimensionless slip coefficient varying in the range ½0; 4500. The simulations were carried out for a small constant Reynolds number of 0.04 and Deborah numbers (De) varying between 0 and 5. Convergence could not be achieved for higher values of the Deborah number, especially for large values of the slip coefficient, due to the large stress gradients near the singularity of the reentrant corner. Increasing the slip coefficient leads to the formation of two vortices, a corner and a lip vortex. The lip vortex grows with increasing slip until it absorbs the corner vortex, creating a single large vortex that continues to increase in size and intensity. In the range De = 3–5 no lip vortex was formed. The flow is characterized in detail for De ¼ 1 as function of the slip coefficient, while for the remaining De only the main features are shown for specific values of the slip coefficient.
[Excerpt] A large number of constitutive equations were developed for viscoelastic fluids, some empirical and other with strong physical foundations. The currently available macroscopic constitutive equations can be divided in two main types: differential and integral. Some of the constitutive equations, e.g. Maxwell are available both in differential and integral types. However, relevant in tegral models, like K - BKZ, just possesses the integral form. (...)
In this paper we consider the approximate computation of isospectral flows based on finite integration methods( FIM) with radial basis functions( RBF) interpolation,a new algorithm is developed. Our method ensures the symmetry of the solutions. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the solutions have higher accuracy by our algorithm than by the second order Runge- Kutta( RK2) method.
En ambientes fluviales, la interacción del flujo con la geometría del cauce y con los sedimentos del lecho define una dinámica turbulenta compleja en permanente evolución. El nivel de complejidad del flujo aumenta ante la presencia de estructuras hidráulicas (pilas de puentes, protecciones contra erosión, etc.). La mayoría de los ríos, o canales naturales, presentan confluencias y bifurcaciones, en donde se genera una convergencia (o divergencia) del flujo con el resultado de un ambiente hidrodinámico complejo en la cercanía de las uniones (Kenworthy y Rhoads 1995). Bajo estas condiciones no es posible extrapolar las soluciones tradicionales básicas de las ecuaciones de gobierno desarrolladas para canales rectos y uniformes. Algunas investigaciones experimentales realizadas en estos sistemas son las de Best (1988), Rhoads y Sukhodolov (2001), Richardson et al. (1996); Richardson y Thorne (1998, 2001); Parsons et al. (2004); Szupiany et al. (2005).Por otro lado, la zona costera en ambientes marítimos se caracteriza por la existencia de diversos procesos dinámicos, entre los que se destacan la acción de olas, corrientes, interacción olas-corrientes, transporte de sedimentos y cambios batimétricos. Estos se manifiestan en una alteración morfodinámica de la playa generando superficies potenciales de erosión. Así, el diseño de las protecciones costeras (ya sean continuas, como escolleras o muros verticales; o discontinuas como espigones o diques externos) sometidas al clima marítimo bajo distintas condiciones de olas y mareas, alteran los patrones de circulación y de transporte afectando la morfodinámica en su zona de influencia y plantean, por ejemplo, la necesidad de ajustes de los coeficientes de estabilidad y pesos de los bloques de roca de las escolleras. Los problemas generados, son especialmente complejos ya que deben considerarse para su estudio, los niveles de turbulencia, la transmisión del oleaje sobre o a través de la estructura, difracción alrededor de la misma, refracción y shoaling sobre un fondo dinámico, reflexión en la estructura, etc. (Alsina et al., 2007) Revisiones bibliográficas previas muestran que, en ambos ambientes (fluvial y marítimo), es necesario optimizar las técnicas experimentales existentes para que ellas permitan caracterizar con precisión los flujos turbulentos complejos presentes. El objetivo general propuesto en esta investigación es contribuir a mejorar el conocimiento de los procesos hidrodinámicos de flujos turbulentos naturales con y sin la presencia de estructuras hidráulicas que den lugar a formaciones complejas (3D). Para alcanzar este objetivo se propone realizar una recopilación de antecedentes y un análisis crítico detallado de los equipos de ultima generación para mediciones de flujo con alta frecuencia y resolución disponibles en el Laboratorio de Hidráulica (LH) de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC): ADV 3D (Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter de Sontek) y laser PIV 2D (Particle Image Velocimeter de Dantec). A estos equipamientos se le agrega un moderno equipo de generación bidimensional de oleaje con absorción dinámica (adquiridos a HR Ltd. en 2007 por el CAI 085 del FONTAR). Finalmente se prevé utilizar este equipamiento durante el desarrollo de experimentos y mediciones los cuales se realizarán sobre modelos físicos fluviales y costeros diseñados y construidos con y sin estructuras que interactúen con flujo turbulentos complejos. Los resultados obtenidos en este proyecto permitirá alcanzar una mejor comprensión de los procesos hidrodinámicos de los flujos turbulentos complejos, lo cual es necesario y de gran utilidad para realizar un manejo apropiado de los ambientes fluviales y marítimos, teniendo como campo directo de aplicación el correcto diseño de estructuras hidráulicas, asistiendo a la toma de medidas correctivas en sistemas naturales sometidos a procesos erosivos o de sedimentación, y contribuyendo de esta forma al manejo ambientalmente sustentable de los recursos.
Recent studies have shown that septic tank systems are a major source of groundwater pollution. Many public health workers feel that the most cri^cal aspect of the use of septic tanks as a means of sewage disposal is the contamination of private water wells with attendant human health hazards. In this study the movement and attenuation of septic tank effluents in a range of soil/overburden types and hydrogeological situations was investigated. The suitability of a number of chemical and biological tracer materials to monitor the movement of septic tank effluent constituents to groundwater sources was also examined. The investigation was divided into three separate but inteiTelated sections. In the first section of the study the movement of septic tank effluent from two soil treatment systems was investigated by direct measurements of soil nutrient concentrations and enteric bacterial numbers in the soil beneath and downgradient of the test systems. Two sites with different soil types and hydrogeological characteristics were used. The results indicated that the attenuation of the effluent in both of the treatment systems was incomplete. Migration of nitrate, ammonium, phosphate and fecal bacteria to a depth of 50 cm beneath the inverts of the distribution tiles was demonstrated on all sampling occasions. The lateral migration of the pollutants was less pronounced, although on occasions high nutrients levels and fecal bacterial numbers were detected at a lateral distance of 4.0 m downgradient of the test systems. There was evidence that the degree and extent of effluent migration was increased after periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall when the attenuating properties of the treatment systems were reduced as a result of saturation of the soil. The second part of the study examined the contamination of groundwaters downgradient of septic tank soil treatment systems. Three test sites were used in the investigation. The sites were chosen because of differences in the thicknesses and nature of the unsaturated zone available for effluent attenuation at each of the locations. A series of groundwater monitoring boreholes were installed downgradient of the test systems at each of the sites and these were sampled regularly to assess the efficiency of the overburden material in reducing the polluting potential of the wastewater. Effluent attenuation in the septic tank treatment systems was shown to be incomplete, resulting in chemical and microbiological contamination of the groundwaters downgradient of the systems. The nature and severity of groundwater contamination was dependent on the composition and thickness of the unsaturated zone and the extent of weathering in the underlying saturated bedrock. The movement of septic tank effluent through soil/overburdens to groundwater sources was investigated by adding a range of chemical and biological tracer materials to the three septic tank systems used in section two of the study. The results demonstrated that a single tracer type cannot be used to accurately monitor the movement of all effluent constituents through soils to groundwater. The combined use of lithium bromide and endospores of Bacillus globigii was found to give an accurate indication of the movement of both the chemical and biological effluent constituents.
The aim of the project was to determine the extent and quality of the groundwater in Tipperary South Riding with a view to developing a groundwater protection plan which would allow the Local Authority to manage, protect and develop the groundwater as efficiently as possible. The geology of the area varies with topography. The low-lying areas of the county comprise mainly Carboniferous limestones while the elevated regions consist of sandstones and shales of Upper Carboniferous, Devonian and Silurian ages. Deformation of these rocks decreases in magnitude moving northwards over the area; the Southern Synclines having suffered the effects of the Hercynian orogeny and the northern region exhibiting Caledonian orogenic trends. Quaternary (subsoil) deposits are found throughout the area and are of variable thickness and permeability. Till is the most widespread deposit with discontinuous pockets of sand and gravel in various proportions, and some marl, alluvium and peat in places. The principal aquifers of the area are the Kiltorcan sandstone formation and various limestone units within the Carboniferous succession. 50 % of south Tipperary constitutes either regionally or locally important aquifers. Secondary permeabilities created by structural deformation, dolomitisation, karstification and weathering processes create high transmissivities and often have large well yields. Specific baseflow analysis highlighted the complexity of the aquifers and proved that the lower part of the Suir river system is a major groundwater resource region. The hydrochemistry and water quality of the local authority groundwater sources was examined briefly. The majority of south Tipperary is underlain by limestone or Quaternary deposits derived from limestone and, consequently, calcium/magnesium bicarbonate waters predominate. The quality of the groundwater in south Tipperary demonstrates that the main concern originates from the presence of E.coli, and Total coliforms. The primary sources of contamination are from farmyard wastes and septic tanks. The vulnerability of groundwater to diffuse and point sources of pollution has been found to be dependent on the overlying soil, subsoil and the thickness of the unsaturated zone. A conceptual rather than quantitative approach is used and it is found that approximately 60% of south Tipperary is designated as being extremely or highly vulnerable. The groundwater protection plan was devised subsequent to an understanding of the aquifer systems, an assessment of the vulnerability, and a review of the Irish planning system and environmental law. It is recommended that the plan be integrated into the county development plan for legislative purposes. A series of acceptability matrices were devised to restrict potentially polluting activities in vulnerable areas while maintaining a balance between protection of the groundwater resource and the need to site essential developments.
Multiphase flows, hyperbolic model, Godunov method, nozzle flow, nonstrictly hyperbolic
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2012
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2010
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2010
In this paper we carefully link knowledge flows to and from a firms innovation process with this firms investment decisions. Three types of investments are considered: investments in applied research, investments in basic research, and investments in intellectual property protection. Only when basic research is performed, can the firm effectively access incoming knowledge flows and these incoming spillovers serve to increase the efficiency of own applied research.. The firm can at the same time influence outgoing knowledge flows, improving appropriability of its innovations, by investing in protection. Our results indicate that firms with small budgets for innovation will not invest in basic research. This occurs in the short run, when the budget for know-how creation is restricted, or in the long-run, when market opportunities are low, when legal protection is not very important, or, when the pool of accessible and relevant external know-how is limited. The ratio! of basic to applied research is non-decreasing in the size of the pool of accessible external know-how, the size and opportunity of the market, and, the effectiveness of intellectual property rights protection. This indicates the existence of economies of scale in basic research due to external market related factors. Empirical evidence from a sample of innovative manufacturing firms in Belgium confirms the economies of scale in basic research as a consequence of the firms capacity to access external knowledge flows and to protect intellectual property, as well as the complementarity between legal and strategic investments.
We analyse natural resource use dynamics in the Mexican economy during the last three decades. Despite low and uneven economic growth, the extraction and use of materials in the Mexican economy has continuously increased during the last 30 years. In this period, population growth rather than economic growth was the main driving force for biophysical growth. In addition, fundamental changes have taken place in the primary sectors, in manufacturing, and in household consumption and these are reflected in an increasing emphasis on the use of fossil fuels and construction materials. Mexico’s economy has been strongly influenced by international trade since the country commenced competing in international markets. In the 1970s, Mexico mainly exported primary resources. This pattern has changed and manufactured goods now have a much greater importance due to a boom in assembling industries. In contrast with other Latin American countries, Mexico has achieved a diversification of production, moving towards technology-intensive products and a better mix in its export portfolio. However, crude oil exports still represent the single most important export good. Mexico’s material consumption is still well below the OECD average but is growing fast and the current resource use patterns may well present serious social and environmental problems to the medium and long term sustainability of Mexico’s economy and community. Information on natural resource use and resource productivity could provide valuable guidance for economic policy planning in Mexico.