227 resultados para glycolysis


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Differential protein expression analysis based on modification of selected amino acids with labelling reagents has become the major method of choice for quantitative proteomics. One such methodology, two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE), uses a matched set of fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimidyl (NHS) ester cyanine dyes to label lysine residues in different samples which can be run simultaneously on the same gels. Here we report the use of iodoacetylated cyanine (ICy) dyes (for labelling of cysteine thiols, for 2-D DIGE-based redox proteomics. Characterisation of ICy dye labelling in relation to its stoichiometry, sensitivity and specificity is described, as well as comparison of ICy dye with NHS-Cy dye labelling and several protein staining methods. We have optimised conditions for labelling of nonreduced, denatured samples and report increased sensitivity for a subset of thiol-containing proteins, allowing accurate monitoring of redox-dependent thiol modifications and expression changes, Cysteine labelling was then combined with lysine labelling in a multiplex 2-D DIGE proteomic study of redox-dependent and ErbB2-dependent changes in epithelial cells exposed to oxidative stress. This study identifies differentially modified proteins involved in cellular redox regulation, protein folding, proliferative suppression, glycolysis and cytoskeletal organisation, revealing the complexity of the response to oxidative stress and the impact that overexpression of ErbB2 has on this response.


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Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDAC) are pore-forming proteins found in the outer mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotes. VDACs are known to play an essential role in cellular metabolism and in early stages of apoptosis. In mammals, three VDAC isoforms have been identified. A proteomic approach was exploited to study the expression of VDAC isoforms in rat, bovine, and chicken brain mitochondria. Given the importance of mitochondrially bound hexokinase in regulation of aerobic glycolysis in brain, we studied the possibility that differences in the relative expression of VDAC isoforms may be a factor in determining the species-dependent ratio of type A/type B hexokinase binding sites on brain mitochondria. The spots were characterized, and the signal intensities among spots were compared. VDAC1 was the most abundantly expressed of the three isoforms. Moreover the expression of VDAC1 plus VDAC2 was significantly higher in bovine than in rat brain. Chicken brain mitochondria showed the highest VDAC1 expression and the lowest of VDAC2. Bovine brain mitochondria had the highest VDAC2 levels. We concluded that the nature of hexokinase binding site is not determined by the expression of a single VDAC isoform.


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Here we investigated the effect of lifelong supplementation of the diet with coconut fat (CO, rich in saturated fatty acids) or fish oil (170, rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) on tumor growth and lactate production from glucose in Walker 256 tumor cells, peritoneal macrophages, spleen, and gut-associated lymphocytes. Female Wistar rats were supplemented with CO or FO prior to mating and then throughout pregnancy and gestation and then the male offspring were supplemented from weaning until 90 days of age. Then they were inoculated subcutaneously with Walker 256 tumor cells. Tumor weight at 14 days in control rats (those fed standard chow) and CO supplemented was approximately 30 g. Supplementation of the diet with FO significantly reduced tumor growth by 76%. Lactate production (nmol h(-1) mg(-1) protein) from glucose by Walker 256 cells in the group fed regular chow (W) was 381.8 +/- 14.9. Supplementation with coconut fat (WCO) caused a significant reduction in lactate production by 1.6-fold and with fish oil (WFO) by 3.8-fold. Spleen lymphocytes obtained from W and WCO groups had markedly increased lactate production (553 +/- 70 and 635 +/- 150) when compared to non-tumor-bearing rats (similar to 260 +/- 30). FO supplementation reduced significantly the lactate production (297 +/- 50). Gut-associated lymphocytes obtained from W and WCO groups increased lactate production markedly (280 +/- 31 and 276 +/- 25) when compared to non-tumor-bearing rats (similar to 90 +/- 18). FO supplementation reduced significantly the lactate production (168 +/- 14). Lactate production by peritoneal macrophages was increased by tumor burden but there was no difference between the groups fed the various diets. Lifelong consumption of FO protects against tumor growth and modifies glucose metabolism in Walker tumor cells and lymphocytes but not in macrophages. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase during infusions of glucagon, isoproterenol, or cyanide in isolated liver of fed rats submitted to short-term insulin-induced hypoglycemia (IIH) was investigated. A condition of hyperinsulinemia/hypoglycemia was obtained with an intraperitoneal injection of regular insulin (1.0 U kg(-1)). The control group received ip saline. The experiments were carried out 60 min after insulin (IIH group) or saline (COG group) injection. The rats were anesthetized and after laparotomy, blood was collected from the vena cava for glucose and insulin measurements. The liver was their infused with glucagon (1 nM), isoproterenot (2 mu M), or cyanide (0.5 mM) during 20 min and a sample of the organ was collected for determination of the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase 5 min after starting and 10 min after stopping the infusions. The infusions of cyanide, glucagons, and isoproterenol did not change the activities of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase. However, glycogen catabolism was decreased during the infusions of glucagon and isoproterenol in IIH rats, being more intense with isoproterenol (p < 0.05), than glucagon. It was concluded that short-term IIH promoted changes in the liver responsiveness of glycogen degradation induced by glucagon and isoproterenol without a change in the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) expression in adipose tissue decreases during fasting. In skeletal muscle, we hypothesized that GLUT4 expression might be maintained in a beta-adrenergic-dependent way to ensure energy disposal for contractile function. Herein we investigate beta-blockade or beta-stimulation effects on GLUT4 expression in oxidative (soleus) and glycolytic [extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] muscles of fasted rats. Fasting increased GLUT4 mRNA in soleus (24%) and EDL (40%) but the protein content increased only in soleus (30%). beta 1-beta 2-, and beta 1-beta 2-beta 3-blockade decreased (20-30%) GLUT4 mRNA content in both muscles, although GLUT4 protein decreased only in EDL. When mRNA and GLUT4 protein regulations were discrepant, changes in the mRNA poly(A) tail length were detected, indicating a posttranscriptional modulation of gene expression. These results show that beta-adrenergic activity regulates GLUT4 gene expression in skeletal muscle during fasting, highlighting its participation in preservation of GLUT4 protein in glycolytic muscle. Muscle Nerve 40: 847-854, 2009


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Endurance exercise has been shown to reduce pancreatic islets glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). Anaplerotic/cataplerotic pathways are directly related to GSIS signaling. However, the effect of endurance training upon pancreatic islets anaplerotic enzymes is still unknown. In this sense, we tested the hypothesis that endurance exercise decreases GSIS by reducing anaplerotic/cataplerotic enzymes content. Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to one of the four experimental groups as follows: control sedentary group (CTL), trained 1 day per week (TRE1x), trained 3 days per week (TRE3x) and trained 5 days per week (TRE5x) and submitted to an 8 weeks endurance-training protocol. After the training protocol, pancreatic islets were isolated and incubated with basal (2.8 mM) and stimulating (16.7 mM) glucose concentrations for GSIS measurement by radioimmunoassay. In addition, pyruvate carboxylase (PYC), pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4), ATP-citrate lyase (ACL) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) content were quantified by western blotting. Our data showed that 8 weeks of chronic endurance exercise reduced GSIS by 50% in a dose-response manner according to weekly exercise frequency. PYC showed significant twofold increase in TRE3x. PYC enhancement was even higher in TRE5x (p < 0.0001). PDH and PDK4 reached significant 25 and 50% enhancement, respectively compared with CTL. ACL and GDH also reported significant 50 and 75% increase, respectively. The absence of exercise-induced correlations among GSIS and anaplerotic/cataplerotic enzymes suggests that exercise may control insulin release by activating other signaling pathways. The observed anaplerotic and cataplerotic enzymes enhancement might be related to beta-cell surviving rather than insulin secretion.


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Kinetic and crystallographic studies on the formation of the complex between iodoacetate and the enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Trypanosoma cruzi were conducted in order to investigate the mechanistic and structural basis underlying enzyme inactivation. The crystallographic complex reveal important structural features useful for the design of novel inhibitors.


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Leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis are major causes of morbidity and mortality in both tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The current available drugs are limited, ineffective, and require long treatment regimens. Due to the high dependence of trypanosomatids on glycolysis as a source of energy, some glycolytic enzymes have been identified as attractive targets for drug design. In the present work, classical Two-Dimensional Quantitative Structure -Activity Relationships (2D QSAR) and Hologram QSAR (HQSAR) studies were performed on a series of adenosine derivatives as inhibitors of Leishmania mexicana Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (LmGAPDH). Significant correlation coefficients (classical QSAR, r(2)=0.83 and q(2) =0.81; HQSAR, r(2)=0.91 and q(2) =0.86) were obtained for the 56 training set compounds, indicating the potential of the models for untested compounds. The models were then externally validated using a test set of 14 structurally related compounds and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results (classical QSAR, r(pred)(2) = 0.94; HQSAR, r(pred)(2) = 0.92).


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We have demonstrated previously that the complex bis[(2-oxindol-3-ylimino)-2-(2-aminoethyl)pyridine-N,N`]copper(II), named [Cu(isaepy)(2)], induces AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase)-dependent/p53-mediated apoptosis in tumour cells by targeting mitochondria. In the present study, we found that p38(MAPK) (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase) is the molecular link in the phosphorylation cascade connecting AMPK to p53. Transfection of SH-SY5Y cells with a dominant-negative mutant of AMPK resulted in a decrease in apoptosis and a significant reduction in phospho-active p38(MAPK) and p53. Similarly, reverse genetics of p38(MAPK) yielded a reduction in p53 and a decrease in the extent of apoptosis, confirming an exclusive hierarchy of activation that proceeds via AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53. Fuel supplies counteracted [Cu(isaepy)(2)]-induced apoptosis and AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53 activation, with glucose being the most effective, suggesting a role for energetic imbalance in [Cu(isaepy)(2)] toxicity. Co-administration of 3BrPA (3-bromopyruvate), a well-known inhibitor of glycolysis, and succinate dehydrogenase, enhanced apoptosis and AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53 signalling pathway activation. Under these conditions, no toxic effect was observed in SOD (superoxide dismutase)-overexpressing SH-SY5Y cells or in PCNs (primary cortical neurons), which are, conversely, sensitized to the combined treatment with [Cu(isaepy)(2)] and 3BrPA only if grown in low-glucose medium or incubated with the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor dehydroepiandrosterone. Overall, the results suggest that NADPH deriving from the pentose phosphate pathway contributes to PCN resistance to [Cu(isaepy)(2)] toxicity and propose its employment in combination with 3BrPA as possible tool for cancer treatment.


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There are 3 distinct yet closely integrated processes that operate together to satisfy the energy requirements of muscle. The anaerobic energy system is divided into alactic and lactic components, referring to the processes  involved in the splitting of the stored phosphagens, ATP and  phosphocreatine (PCr), and the nonaerobic breakdown of carbohydrate to lactic acid through glycolysis. The aerobic energy system refers to the combustion of carbohydrates and fats in the presence of oxygen. The anaerobic pathways are capable of regenerating ATP at high rates yet are limited by the amount of energy that can be released in a single bout of intense exercise. In contrast, the aerobic system has an enormous capacity yet is somewhat hampered in its ability to delivery energy quickly. The focus of this review is on the interaction and relative contribution of the energy systems during single bouts of maximal exercise. A particular emphasis has been placed on the role of the aerobic energy system during high intensity exercise.

Attempts to depict the interaction and relative contribution of the energy systems during maximal exercise first appeared in the 1960s and 1970s. While insightful at the time, these representations were based on calculations of anaerobic energy release that now appear questionable. Given repeated reproduction over the years, these early attempts have lead to 2 common misconceptions in the exercise science and coaching professions. First, that the energy systems respond to the demands of intense exercise in an almost sequential manner, and secondly, that the aerobic system responds slowly to these energy demands, thereby playing little role in determining performance over short durations. More recent research suggests that energy is derived from each of the energy-producing pathways during almost all exercise activities. The duration of maximal exercise at which equal contributions are derived from the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems appears to occur between 1 to 2 minutes and most probably around 75 seconds, a time that is considerably earlier than has traditionally been suggested.


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Introduction: Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) ingestion has been shown to increase both muscle glycogenolysis and glycolysis during brief submaximal exercise. These changes may be detrimental to performance during more prolonged, exhaustive exercise. This study examined the effect of NaHCO3 ingestion on muscle metabolism and performance during intense endurance exercise of ~60 min in seven endurance-trained men. Methods: Subjects ingested 0.3 g·kg-1 body mass of either NaHCO3 or CaCO3 (CON) 2 h before performing 30 min of cycling exercise at 77 ± 1% [latin capital V with dot above]O2peak followed by completion of 469 ± 21 kJ as quickly as possible (~30 min, ~80% [latin capital V with dot above]O2peak). Results: Immediately before, and throughout exercise, arterialized-venous plasma HCO3- concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) whereas plasma and muscle H+ concentrations were lower (P < 0.05) in NaHCO3 compared with CON. Blood lactate concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) during exercise in NaHCO3, but there was no difference between trials in muscle glycogen utilization or muscle lactate content during exercise. Reductions in PCr and ATP and increases in muscle Cr during exercise were also unaffected by NaHCO3 ingestion. Accordingly, exercise performance time was not different between treatments. Conclusion: NaHCO3 ingestion resulted in a small muscle alkalosis but had no effect on muscle metabolism or intense endurance exercise performance in well-trained men.


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Impaired glucose uptake is associated with both cardiac hypertrophy and contractile dysfunction, but whether there are common underlying  mechanisms linking these conditions is yet to be determined. Using a ‘gene dose’ Cre-Lox GLUT4-deficient murine model, we examined the effect of suppressed glucose availability on global myocardial gene expression and glycolysis substrate bypass on the function of isolated perfused hearts. Performance of hearts from 22- to 60-week-old male GLUT4 knockout (KO, > 95% reduction in GLUT4), GLUT4 knockdown (KD, 85% reduction in cardiac GLUT4) and C57Bl/6 wild-type (WT) controls was measured ex vivo in Langendorff mode perfusion. DNA microarray was used to profile mRNA expression differences between GLUT4-KO and GLUT4-KD hearts. At 22 weeks, GLUT4-KO hearts exhibited cardiac hypertrophy and impaired contractile function ex vivo, characterized by a 40% decrease in developed pressure. At 60 weeks, dysfunction was accentuated in GLUT4-KO hearts and evident in GLUT4-KD hearts. Exogenous pyruvate (5 mM) restored systolic pressure to a level equivalent to WT (GLUT4-KO, 176.8 ± 13.2 mmHg vs. WT, 146.4 ± 9.56 mmHg) in 22-week-old GLUT4-KO hearts but not in 60-week-old GLUT4-KO hearts. In GLUT4-KO, DNA microarray analysis detected downregulation of a number of genes centrally involved in mitochondrial oxidation and upregulation of other genes indicative of a shift to cytosolic β-oxidation of long chain fatty acids. A direct link between cardiomyocyte GLUT4 deficiency, hypertrophy and contractile dysfunction is demonstrated. These data provide mechanistic insight into the myocardial metabolic adaptations associated with short and long-term insulin resistance and indicate a window of opportunity for substrate intervention and functional ‘rescue’.


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The von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein (pVHL) suppresses tumor formation by binding the alpha subunits of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) responsible for stimulating tumor angiogenesis and glycolysis, targeting them for ubiquitination and proteasomal destruction. Loss of pVHL leads to the development of sporadic renal cell carcinomas (RCCs). In the present study, we sought to determine whether engineered overexpression of pVHL in tumors other than RCC can inhibit tumor growth, either as a monotherapy, or in combination with antisense HIF-1alpha therapy. Intratumoral injection of subcutaneous EL-4 thymic lymphomas with an expression plasmid encoding pVHL resulted in the downregulation of HIF-1alpha and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). There was a concomitant reduction in tumor angiogenesis and increased tumor cell apoptosis due in part to downregulation of Bcl-2 expression. VHL therapy resulted in the complete regression of small (0.1 cm diameter) tumors whereas, in contrast, large (0.4 cm diameter) EL-4 tumors were only slowed in their growth. Nevertheless, large tumors completely regressed in response to intratumoral injection of a combination of antisense HIF-1alpha and VHL plasmids. Combination therapy resulted in increased losses of HIF-1alpha, VEGF, and tumor blood vessels, and increased tumor cell apoptosis. These novel results suggest that synergistic therapies that simultaneously block the expression or function of HIF-1alpha, and enhance the expression or function of VHL may be beneficial in the treatment of cancer.


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Caveolin-1 (CAV1) is a structural protein of caveolae involved in lipid homeostasis and endocytosis. Using newly generated pure Balb/C CAV1 null (Balb/CCAV1−/−) mice, CAV1−/− mice from Jackson Laboratories (JAXCAV1−/−), and CAV1−/− mice developed in the Kurzchalia Laboratory (KCAV1−/−), we show that under physiological conditions CAV1 expression in mouse tissues is necessary to guarantee an efficient progression of liver regeneration and mouse survival after partial hepatectomy. Absence of CAV1 in mouse tissues is compensated by the development of a carbohydrate-dependent anabolic adaptation. These results were supported by extracellular flux analysis of cellular glycolytic metabolism in CAV1-knockdown AML12 hepatocytes, suggesting cell autonomous effects of CAV1 loss in hepatic glycolysis. Unlike in KCAV1−/− livers, in JAXCAV1−/− livers CAV1 deficiency is compensated by activation of anabolic metabolism (pentose phosphate pathway and lipogenesis) allowing liver regeneration. Administration of 2-deoxy-glucose in JAXCAV1−/− mice indicated that liver regeneration in JAXCAV1−/− mice is strictly dependent on hepatic carbohydrate metabolism. Moreover, with the exception of regenerating JAXCAV1−/− livers, expression of CAV1 in mice is required for efficient hepatic lipid storage during fasting, liver regeneration, and diet-induced steatosis in the three CAV1−/− mouse strains. Furthermore, under these conditions CAV1 accumulates in the lipid droplet fraction in wildtype mouse hepatocytes. Conclusion: Our data demonstrate that lack of CAV1 alters hepatocyte energy metabolism homeostasis under physiological and pathological conditions.