913 resultados para glioblastoma, WIF1, senescence, autophagy, Wnt pathway


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Background Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the leading form of dementia worldwide. The Aß-peptide is believed to be the major pathogenic compound of the disease. Since several years it is hypothesized that Aß impacts the Wnt signaling cascade and therefore activation of this signaling pathway is proposed to rescue the neurotoxic effect of Aß. Findings Expression of the human Aß42 in the Drosophila nervous system leads to a drastically shortened life span. We found that the action of Aß42 specifically in the glutamatergic motoneurons is responsible for the reduced survival. However, we find that the morphology of the glutamatergic larval neuromuscular junctions, which are widely used as the model for mammalian central nervous system synapses, is not affected by Aß42 expression. We furthermore demonstrate that genetic activation of the Wnt signal transduction pathway in the nervous system is not able to rescue the shortened life span or a rough eye phenotype in Drosophila. Conclusions Our data confirm that the life span is a useful readout of Aß42 induced neurotoxicity in Drosophila; the neuromuscular junction seems however not to be an appropriate model to study AD in flies. Additionally, our results challenge the hypothesis that Wnt signaling might be implicated in Aß42 toxicity and might serve as a drug target against AD.


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Protection against reinfection is mediated by Ag-specific memory CD8 T cells, which display stem cell-like function. Because canonical Wnt (Wingless/Int1) signals critically regulate renewal versus differentiation of adult stem cells, we evaluated Wnt signal transduction in CD8 T cells during an immune response to acute infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Whereas naive CD8 T cells efficiently transduced Wnt signals, at the peak of the primary response to infection only a fraction of effector T cells retained signal transduction and the majority displayed strongly reduced Wnt activity. Reduced Wnt signaling was in part due to the downregulation of Tcf-1, one of the nuclear effectors of the pathway, and coincided with progress toward terminal differentiation. However, the correlation between low and high Wnt levels with short-lived and memory precursor effector cells, respectively, was incomplete. Adoptive transfer studies showed that low and high Wnt signaling did not influence cell survival but that Wnt high effectors yielded memory cells with enhanced proliferative potential and stronger protective capacity. Likewise, following adoptive transfer and rechallenge, memory cells with high Wnt levels displayed increased recall expansion, compared with memory cells with low Wnt signaling, which were preferentially effector-like memory cells, including tissue-resident memory cells. Thus, canonical Wnt signaling identifies CD8 T cells with enhanced proliferative potential in part independent of commonly used cell surface markers to discriminate effector and memory T cell subpopulations. Interventions that maintain Wnt signaling may thus improve the formation of functional CD8 T cell memory during vaccination.


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Summary : The canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays key roles in the maintenance of self-renewing tissues, like the gut or the skin. In contrast, the role of this pathway in hematopoiesis remains poorly defined. Wnt ligands transmit signals through ß-catenin which activates gene transcription upon its association with Lymphoid Cell Enhancer/T Cell Factor (LEF/TCF). Currently, v-catenin is the only alternative factor known to transduce canonical Wnt signals. The ß-/γ-catenin bindiná domain in TCF-1 is required to partly rescue thymopoiesis and NK cell development in TCF-1-deficient mice. However, T cell development and hematopoiesis w-as normal in mice deficient of ß-catenin, or of γ-catenin. Surprisingly we found that hematopoiesis and thymopoiesis was also normal in the combined absence of ß- and γ-catenin. Reporter assays showed that double-deficient lymphocytes were still able to transduce canonical wnt signals. These data provided evidence that hematopoietic cells can transduce canonical Wnt signals in the combined absence of ß- and γ-catenin. There exist numerous TCF-1 isoforrns including those that harbor the N-terminal ß-/y-catenin binding domain or that contains a C-terminal CRARF domain whose role in vivo has not been previously tested. We found that the CRARF domain influences lymphocyte development in conjunction with the N-treminal ß-/γ-catenin binding. The presence of the two domains directs thymocytes to the CD8+ T cell lineage whereas NK cell development is abolished. Roles of the canonical Wnt/TCF-1 pathway for lymphocyte function have not been defined. We demonstrate that TCF-1 deficient CDBT T cells mount a normal primary response to viral infection but these T cells fail to expand upon restimulation. The failure of CD8+ T cells to respond to IL-2 during primary infection seems to account for this phenotype. Thus, TCF-1 is essential for programming functional CD8+ T cell memory. Collectively, these data provide significant new insights into the role of Wnt/TCF-1 pathway for lymphocyte development and function and suggest a novel mechanism of Wnt signal transuction in hematopoietic cells. Résumé : La voie de signalisation canonique Wnt joue un rôle prépondérant dans le renouvellement de tissus, comme l'intestin ou la peau. Son rôle dans l'hématopoïèse est quant à lui mal défini. Le ligand Wnt transmet le signal via la ß-catenin qui active la transcription de gènes cibles quand il est associé avec Lymphoid Cell Enhancer,~T Cell Factor (LEF/TCF). Actuellement, la γ-catenin est le seul autre facteur connu pouvant se substituer à la fonction de la ß-catenin. Un variant de TCF-1 contenant le domaine liant ß-/,~-catenin est capable de restaurer le développement des lymphocytes T et NK en l'absence de TCF-1. Cependant la thymopoïèse et l'hématopoïèse sont normales dans les souris déficientes pour la ß-catenin ou la γ-catenin. De façon surprenante, nous avons trouvé que l'hématopoïèse et le développement des lymphocytes sont normaux lors de l'absence combinée de ß-/γ-catenin. De plus, la transduction des signaux de la voie de signalisation Wnt est maintenue dans des lymphocytes déficients pour ß-/γ-catenin. Ces résultats démontrent que les cellules hématopoïétiques peuvent transmettre les signaux de la voie canonique Wnt lors de l'absence combinée de la ß et la γ -catenin. Il existe de nombreuses isofonnes de TCF-1, y compris certaines qui comprennent un domaine qui lie ß-/γ-catenin du côté N-terminus ou qui contiennent un domaine CRARF du côté C-terminus. Nous montrons ici que le domaine CRARF influence le développement des lymphocytes en conjonction avec le domaine liant ß-/γ-catenin. La présence des deux domaines dirige les thymocytes vers la lignée de cellules T CD8, alors que le développement des cellules NK est aboli. Au-delà de sa fonction sur le développement des lymphocytes, le rôle de la soie de signalisation canonique Wnt/TCF-1 lors d'une infection n'a pas été défini. Nous avons montré que les cellules T CD8, déficientes pour TCF-1, développent une réponse primaire normale à une infection virale, mais qu'elles ne s'accumulent pas après restimulation. L'incapacité des cellules TCD8 à répondre à l'IL-2 durant la réponse primaire peut expliquer ce phénotype. Ainsi; TCF-1 est essentiel pour la programmation de cellules T CD8 mémoires fonctionnelles. L'ensemble de ces résultats fournit de nouveaux aperçus du rôle de la voie de signalisation Wnt/TCF-1 pour le développement et la fonction des lymphocytes et suggèrent un nouveau mécanisme de transduction du signal Wnt dans les cellules hématopoïétiques.


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The association of trans-acting T cell factors (TCFs) or lymphoid enhancer factor 1 (LEF-1) with their coactivator beta-catenin mediates transient transcriptional responses to extracellular Wnt signals. We show here that T cell maturation depends on the presence of the beta-catenin--binding domain in TCF-1. This domain is necessary to mediate the survival of immature CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive (DP) thymocytes. Accelerated spontaneous thymocyte death in the absence of TCF-1 correlates with aberrantly low expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-x(L). Increasing anti-apoptotic effectors in thymocytes by the use of a Bcl-2 transgene rescued TCF-1-deficient DP thymocytes from apoptosis. Thus, TCF-1, upon association with beta-catenin, transiently ensures the survival of immature T cells, which enables them to generate and edit T cell receptor (TCR) alpha chains and attempt TCR-mediated positive selection.


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Autophagy is an essential recycling pathway implicated in neurodegeneration either as a pro-survival or a pro-death mechanism. Its role after axonal injury is still uncertain. Axotomy of the optic nerve is a classical model of neurodegeneration. It induces retinal ganglion cell death, a process also occurring in glaucoma and other optic neuropathies. We analyzed autophagy induction and cell survival following optic nerve transection (ONT) in mice. Our results demonstrate activation of autophagy shortly after axotomy with autophagosome formation, upregulation of the autophagy regulator Atg5 and apoptotic death of 50% of the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) after 5 days. Genetic downregulation of autophagy using knockout mice for Atg4B (another regulator of autophagy) or with specific deletion of Atg5 in retinal ganglion cells, using the Atg5(flox/flox) mice reduces cell survival after ONT, whereas pharmacological induction of autophagy in vivo increases the number of surviving cells. In conclusion, our data support that autophagy has a cytoprotective role in RGCs after traumatic injury and may provide a new therapeutic strategy to ameliorate retinal diseases.


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The effects of dark-induced stress on the evolution of the soluble metabolites present in senescent soybean (Glycine max L.) nodules were analysed in vitro using (13)C- and (31)P-NMR spectroscopy. Sucrose and trehalose were the predominant soluble storage carbons. During dark-induced stress, a decline in sugars and some key glycolytic metabolites was observed. Whereas 84% of the sucrose disappeared, only one-half of the trehalose was utilised. This decline coincides with the depletion of Gln, Asn, Ala and with an accumulation of ureides, which reflect a huge reduction of the N(2) fixation. Concomitantly, phosphodiesters and compounds like P-choline, a good marker of membrane phospholipids hydrolysis and cell autophagy, accumulated in the nodules. An autophagic process was confirmed by the decrease in cell fatty acid content. In addition, a slight increase in unsaturated fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acids) was observed, probably as a response to peroxidation reactions. Electron microscopy analysis revealed that, despite membranes dismantling, most of the bacteroids seem to be structurally intact. Taken together, our results show that the carbohydrate starvation induced in soybean by dark stress triggers a profound metabolic and structural rearrangement in the infected cells of soybean nodule which is representative of symbiotic cessation.


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In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field.


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Initiation and progression of most colorectal cancers (CRCs) are driven by hyper-activation of the canonical Wnt/ß-catenin/TCF signaling pathway. However, a basal level of activation of this pathway is necessary for intestinal cell homeostasis; thus only CRC-specific effectors of this pathway could be exploited as potential clinical targets. PROX1 is an evolutionary conserved transcription factor with multiple roles in several tissues in embryogenesis, and increasing relevance in cancer. PROX1 is a colon cancer-specific Wnt target in the intestine, thus it might represent a therapeutic target. The role of PROX1 in promoting the transition from early to highly-dysplastic adenoma was previously described [1], Importantly, tumor metastasis is a leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Frequently, micrometastases are already present in patients at the time of diagnosis, therefore better understanding of the mechanisms regulating growth of macrometastatic lesions is important for the development of novel treatment approaches. In this study we showed that PROX1 is expressed in colon cancer stem cell and promotes the outgrowth of metastatic lesions. Firstly, we analyzed the expression of PROX1 in advanced CRCs and their metastases. We found that PROX1 over-expression is a feature of microsatellite stable tumors (~85% of microsatellite stable (MSS) CRCs), which generally have worse prognosis in comparison to microsatellite unstable CRCs. Analysis of primary CRCs and corresponding metastatic lesions showed that PROX1 expression is conserved, or increased in metastases. Further bioinformatics analysis of tumor and metastases gene expression profiles showed that PROX1 is co- expressed with stem cell and progenitor markers. Moreover, in inducible ApcmLgr5-EGFP-lres-CreERT2 model, Prox1+ cells marked a sub-population of Lgr5+ stem cells and subsequent transient amplifying cell population. Orthotopic model of CRC and lung colonization assays in mice demonstrated that PROX1 promotes tumor cell outgrowth in metastatic lesions, while it has no effect on primary tumor growth, invasion, and survival in circulation or cell extravasation. In vitro, PROX1 expressing tumor cells demonstrated strongly increased capacity to form spheroids, and increased survival and proliferation under hypoxic or nutrient-deprivation conditions. By monitoring cellular respiration under these conditions, we found that PROX1 expressing cells exhibit a better metabolic adaptation to changes in fuel source. Autophagy inhibitors, prevented growth both in vitro and in vivo of PROX1 expressing cells. Importantly, conditional inactivation of PROX1 after the establishment of metastases prevented further growth of macroscopic lesions resulting in stable disease. In summary, we identified a novel mechanism underlying the ability of metastatic colon cancer stem and progenitor cells to survive and grow in target organs through metabolic adaptation. Our results establish PROX1 as a key factor of CRC metastatic disease where it promotes survival of metastatic colon cancer stem-like cells, through their metabolic adaptation in sub-optimal microenvironments - L'initiation et la progression de la plupart des cancers colorectaux (CRC) sont entraînées par une hyper-activation de la voie métabolique Wnt/ß- caténine/TCF. Toutefois, un niveau d'activation minimal de Wnt est nécessaire pour l'homéostasie des cellules intestinales ; ainsi seuls des effecteurs spécifiques du CRC- de cette voie pourraient être exploités comme des cibles cliniques potentielles. PROX1 est un facteur de transcription évolutif conservé avec de multiples rôles dans plusieurs tissus durant l'embryogenèse et une pertinence croissante dans le cancer. PROX1 est une cible Wnt spécifique dans le cancer de l'intestin, donc il pourrait représenter une cible thérapeutique. Le rôle de PROX1 durant l'évolution de la maladie d'un stade précoce jusqu'à l'adénome hautement dysplasique a été décrit précédemment. Surtout, la métastase des tumeurs est une cause majeure de mortalité liée au cancer. Souvent, les micro-métastases sont déjà présentes chez les patients au moment du diagnostic, c'est pourquoi une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes régulant la croissance des lésions macrométastatiques est importante pour le développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons prouvé que PROX1 est exprimé dans les cellules souches du cancer du côlon et favorise l'apparition de lésions métastatiques. Nous avons d'abord analysé l'expression de PROX1 dans des CRC avancés ainsi que dans leurs métastases. Nous avons constaté que la surexpression de PROX1 est une caractéristique des tumeurs stables microsatellites (~85% du MSS CRC), qui ont généralement un pronostic défavorable par rapport aux microsatellites CRC instables. L'analyse des CRC primaires et de leurs métastases liées a montré que l'expression de PROX1 est conservée, voire augmentée dans les métastases. A l'aide d'une base de données de tumeurs et métastases, nous avons observé une co- régulation de PROX1 entre cellules souches et marqueurs de progéniteurs mais pas avec des cellules différenciées. De plus, en utilisant un modèle Apcm Lgr5-EGFP-IRES-CreERT2 inductible, les cellules Prox1+ ont marqué une sous-population de cellules LGR& capable de produire une lignée. Un modèle orthotopique de cancer colorectal et des essais de colonisation du poumon chez la souris ont démontré que PROX1 favorise l'excroissance des cellules tumorales dans les lésions métastatiques, alors qu'il n'a aucun effet sur la croissance tumorale primaire, l'invasion ou une extravasation des cellules. In vitro, les cellules tumorales exprimant PROX1 ont démontré une forte augmentation de leur capacité à former des sphéroïdes, ainsi qu'une augmentation de la survie et de la prolifération dans des conditions hypoxiques ou lors de privation de nutriments. En contrôlant la respiration cellulaire dans ces conditions, nous avons constaté que les cellules exprimant PROX1 présentent une meilleure adaptation métabolique à l'évolution des sources de carburant. Des inhibiteurs de l'autophagie, suggérant une approche thérapeutique potentielle, ont tué à la fois in vitro et in vivo les cellules exprimant PROX1. Surtout, l'inactivation conditionnelle de PROX1 après l'apparition de métastases a empêché la croissance des lésions macroscopiques résultant en une maladie stable. En résumé, nous avons identifié un nouveau mécanisme mettant en évidence la capacité des cellules souches du cancer du côlon métastatique à survivre et à se développer dans les organes cibles grâce à l'adaptation métabolique. Nos résultats définissent PROX1 comme un facteur clé du cancer colorectal métastatique en favorisant la survie des cellules souches métastatiques apparentées au cancer du colon grâce à leur adaptation métabolique aux microenvironnements défavorables.


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The pathogenesis of androgenetic alopecia (AGA, male-pattern baldness) is driven by androgens, and genetic predisposition is the major prerequisite. Candidate gene and genome-wide association studies have reported that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at eight different genomic loci are associated with AGA development. However, a significant fraction of the overall heritable risk still awaits identification. Furthermore, the understanding of the pathophysiology of AGA is incomplete, and each newly associated locus may provide novel insights into contributing biological pathways. The aim of this study was to identify unknown AGA risk loci by replicating SNPs at the 12 genomic loci that showed suggestive association (5 × 10(-8)<P<10(-5)) with AGA in a recent meta-analysis. We analyzed a replication set comprising 2,759 cases and 2,661 controls of European descent to confirm the association with AGA at these loci. Combined analysis of the replication and the meta-analysis data identified four genome-wide significant risk loci for AGA on chromosomes 2q35, 3q25.1, 5q33.3, and 12p12.1. The strongest association signal was obtained for rs7349332 (P=3.55 × 10(-15)) on chr2q35, which is located intronically in WNT10A. Expression studies in human hair follicle tissue suggest that WNT10A has a functional role in AGA etiology. Thus, our study provides genetic evidence supporting an involvement of WNT signaling in AGA development.


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Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) represent a powerful model system with which to study glutamatergic synapse formation and remodeling. Several proteins have been implicated in these processes, including components of canonical Wingless (Drosophila Wnt1) signaling and the giant isoforms of the membrane-cytoskeleton linker Ankyrin 2, but possible interconnections and cooperation between these proteins were unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the heterotrimeric G protein Go functions as a transducer of Wingless-Frizzled 2 signaling in the synapse. We identify Ankyrin 2 as a target of Go signaling required for NMJ formation. Moreover, the Go-ankyrin interaction is conserved in the mammalian neurite outgrowth pathway. Without ankyrins, a major switch in the Go-induced neuronal cytoskeleton program is observed, from microtubule-dependent neurite outgrowth to actin-dependent lamellopodial induction. These findings describe a novel mechanism regulating the microtubule cytoskeleton in the nervous system. Our work in Drosophila and mammalian cells suggests that this mechanism might be generally applicable in nervous system development and function.


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Glioblastoma are rapidly proliferating brain tumors in which hypoxia is readily recognizable, as indicated by focal or extensive necrosis and vascular proliferation, two independent diagnostic criteria for glioblastoma. Gene expression profiling of glioblastoma revealed a gene expression signature associated with hypoxia-regulated genes. The correlated gene set emerging from unsupervised analysis comprised known hypoxia-inducible genes involved in angiogenesis and inflammation such as VEGF and BIRC3, respectively. The relationship between hypoxia-modulated angiogenic genes and inflammatory genes was associated with outcome in our cohort of glioblastoma patients treated within prospective clinical trials of combined chemoradiotherapy. The hypoxia regulation of several new genes comprised in this cluster including ZNF395, TNFAIP3, and TREM1 was experimentally confirmed in glioma cell lines and primary monocytes exposed to hypoxia in vitro. Interestingly, the cluster seems to characterize differential response of tumor cells, stromal cells and the macrophage/microglia compartment to hypoxic conditions. Most genes classically associated with the inflammatory compartment are part of the NF-kappaB signaling pathway including TNFAIP3 and BIRC3 that have been shown to be involved in resistance to chemotherapy.Our results associate hypoxia-driven tumor response with inflammation in glioblastoma, hence underlining the importance of tumor-host interaction involving the inflammatory compartment.


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BACKGROUND: Several studies have established Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) prognostic and predictive models based on age and Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), while very few studies evaluated the prognostic and predictive significance of preoperative MR-imaging. However, to date, there is no simple preoperative GBM classification that also correlates with a highly prognostic genomic signature. Thus, we present for the first time a biologically relevant, and clinically applicable tumor Volume, patient Age, and KPS (VAK) GBM classification that can easily and non-invasively be determined upon patient admission. METHODS: We quantitatively analyzed the volumes of 78 GBM patient MRIs present in The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) corresponding to patients in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) with VAK annotation. The variables were then combined using a simple 3-point scoring system to form the VAK classification. A validation set (N = 64) from both the TCGA and Rembrandt databases was used to confirm the classification. Transcription factor and genomic correlations were performed using the gene pattern suite and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. RESULTS: VAK-A and VAK-B classes showed significant median survival differences in discovery (P = 0.007) and validation sets (P = 0.008). VAK-A is significantly associated with P53 activation, while VAK-B shows significant P53 inhibition. Furthermore, a molecular gene signature comprised of a total of 25 genes and microRNAs was significantly associated with the classes and predicted survival in an independent validation set (P = 0.001). A favorable MGMT promoter methylation status resulted in a 10.5 months additional survival benefit for VAK-A compared to VAK-B patients. CONCLUSIONS: The non-invasively determined VAK classification with its implication of VAK-specific molecular regulatory networks, can serve as a very robust initial prognostic tool, clinical trial selection criteria, and important step toward the refinement of genomics-based personalized therapy for GBM patients.


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Glucose is an important metabolic substrate of the retina and diabetic patients have to maintain a strict normoglycemia to avoid diabetes secondary effects, including cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, neuropathy and retinopathy. Others and we recently demonstrated the potential role of hypoglycemia in diabetic retinopathy. We showed acute hypoglycemia to induce retinal cell death both in vivo during an hyperinsulinemic/hypoglycemic clamp and in vitro in 661W photoreceptor cells cultured at low glucose concentration. In the present study, we showed low glucose to induce a decrease of BCL2 and BCL-XL anti-apoptotic proteins expression, leading to an increase of free pro-apoptotic BAX. In parallel, we showed that, in retinal cells, low glucose-induced apoptosis is involved in the process of autophagosomes formation through the AMPK/RAPTOR/mTOR pathway. Moreover, the decrease of LAMP2a expression led to a defect in the autophagosome/lysosome fusion process. Specific inhibition of autophagy, either by 3-methyladenine or by down-regulation of ATG5 or ATG7 proteins expression, increased caspase 3 activation and 661W cell death. We show that low glucose modifies the delicate equilibrium between apoptosis and autophagy. Cells struggled against low nutrient condition-induced apoptosis by starting an autophagic process, which led to cell death when inhibited. We conclude that autophagy defect is associated with low glucose-induced 661W cells death that could play a role in diabetic retinopathy. These results could modify the way of addressing negative effects of hypoglycemia. Short-term modulation of autophagy could be envisioned to treat diabetic patients in order to avoid secondary complications of the disease.


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Cancer is one of the world's leading causes of death with a rising trend in incidence. These epidemiologic observations underline the need for novel treatment strategies. In this regard, a promising approach takes advantage of the adaptive effector mechanisms of the immune system, using T lymphocytes to specifically target and destroy tumour cells. However, whereas current approaches mainly depend on short-lived, terminally differentiated effector T cells, increasing evidence suggests that long lasting and maximum efficient immune responses are mediated by low differentiated memory T cells. These memory T cells should display characteristics of stem cells, such as longevity, self-renewal capacity and the ability to continuously give rise to further differentiated effectors. These stem celllike memory T (TSCM) cells are thought to be of key therapeutic value as they might not only attack differentiated tumour cells, but also eradicate the root cause of cancer, the cancer stem cells themselves. Thus, efforts are made to characterize TSCM cells and to identify the signalling pathways which mediate their induction. Recently, a human TSCM cell subset was described and the activation of the Wnt-ß-catenin signalling pathway by the drug TWS119 during naive CD8+ T (TN) cell priming was suggested to mediate their induction. However, a precise deciphering of the signalling pathways leading to TSCM cell induction and an in-depth characterization of in vitro induced and in vivo occurring TSCM cells remain to be performed. Here, evidence is presented that the induction of human and mouse CD8+ and CD4+ TSCM cells may be triggered by inhibition of mechanistic/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 with simultaneously active mTOR complex 2. This molecular mechanism arrests a fraction of activated TN cells in a stem cell-like differentiation state independently of the Wnt-ß-catenin signalling pathway. Of note, TWS119 was found to also inhibit mTORCl, thereby mediating the induction of TSCM cells. Suggesting an immunostimulatory effect, the acquired data broaden the therapeutic range of mTORCl inhibitors like rapamycin, which are, at present, exclusively used due to their immunosuppressive function. Furthermore, by performing broad metabolic analyses, a well-orchestrated interplay between intracellular signalling pathways and the T cells' metabolic programmes could be identified as important regulator of the T cells' differentiation fate. Moreover, in vitro induced CD4+ TSCM cells possess superior functional capacities and share fate-determining key factors with their naturally occurring counterparts, assessed by a first-time full transcriptome analysis of in vivo occurring CD4+ TN cell, TSCM cells and central memory (TCM) cells and in vitro induced CD4+ TSCM cells. Of interest, a group of 56 genes, with a unique expression profile in TSCM cells could be identified. Thus, a pharmacological mechanism allowing to confer sternness to activated TN cells has been found which might be highly relevant for the design of novel T cell-based cancer immunotherapies.


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Wnt and Notch signaling have long been established as strongly oncogenic in the mouse mammary gland. Aberrant expression of several Wnts and other components of this pathway in human breast carcinomas has been reported, but evidence for a causative role in the human disease has been missing. Here we report that increased Wnt signaling, as achieved by ectopic expression of Wnt-1, triggers the DNA damage response (DDR) and an ensuing cascade of events resulting in tumorigenic conversion of primary human mammary epithelial cells. Wnt-1-transformed cells have high telomerase activity and compromised p53 and Rb function, grow as spheres in suspension, and in mice form tumors that closely resemble medullary carcinomas of the breast. Notch signaling is up-regulated through a mechanism involving increased expression of the Notch ligands Dll1, Dll3, and Dll4 and is required for expression of the tumorigenic phenotype. Increased Notch signaling in primary human mammary epithelial cells is sufficient to reproduce some aspects of Wnt-induced transformation. The relevance of these findings for human breast cancer is supported by the fact that expression of Wnt-1 and Wnt-4 and of established Wnt target genes, such as Axin-2 and Lef-1, as well as the Notch ligands, such as Dll3 and Dll4, is up-regulated in human breast carcinomas.