857 resultados para geometrically growing sequence
Monocrotaline is a pyrrolizidine alkaloid known to cause toxicity in humans and animals. Its mechanism of biological action is still unclear although DNA crosslinking has been suggested to a play a role in its activity. In this study we found that an active metabolite of monocrotaline, dehydromonocrotaline (DHM), alkylates guanines at the N7 position of DNA with a preference for 5'-GG and 5'-GA sequences; In addition, it generates piperidine- and heat-resistant multiple DNA crosslinks, as confirmed by electrophoresis and electron microscopy. On the basis of these findings, we propose that DHM undergoes rapid polymerization to a structure which is able to crosslink several fragments of DNA.
Liver samples from rabbits killed by RHDV, collected from five States in Australia in 1996 and 1997 were analysed by RT-PCR. A 398 bp fragment of the capsid protein (VP60) gene was amplified by PCR and directly sequenced. The alignment of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences and their comparison with the original strain of the virus released in Australia indicated genetic changes after two years have been small with 98.2% to 100% identity. The constructed phylogenetic tree suggests slight differences in nucleotide substitutions in various States but there is no clear evidence of clustering of sequences according to their geographic origin. In practical terms, sequencing of viral RNA provides a means of testing the efficacy of further releases and subsequent spread of the virus if such a strategy is employed as a means of enhancing RHD as a biological control of the wild rabbit in Australia.
Isolations from black stem lesions of sunflower growing in south-eastern Queensland yielded fungi putatively identified as species of Phoma. Pathogenicity assays showed that these isolates were capable of killing sunflower plants under glasshouse conditions. The isolates were compared with authentic cultures of Phoma macdonaldii and other isolates of Phoma taken from sunflower from around the world. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis showed that all the Australian isolates examined were very similar to the holotype culture of Phoma macdonaldii from Canada. Sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer regions also revealed the relatedness of the Australian isolates to the holotype. This is the first official record of P. macdonaldii in Australia.
Background: The ornamental tobacco Nicotiana alata produces a series of proteinase inhibitors (Pls) that are derived from a 43 kDa precursor protein, NaProPl. NaProPl contains six highly homologous repeats that fold to generate six separate structural domains, each corresponding to one of the native Pls. An unusual feature of NaProPl is that the structural domains lie across adjacent repeats and that the sixth Pl domain is generated from fragments of the first and sixth repeats. Although the homology of the repeats suggests that they may have arisen from gene duplication, the observed folding does not appear to support this. This study of the solution structure of a single NaProPl repeat (aPl1) forms a basis for unravelling the mechanism by which this protein may have evolved, Results: The three-dimensional structure of aPl1 closely resembles the triple-stranded antiparallel beta sheet observed in each of the native Pls. The five-residue sequence Glu-Glu-Lys-Lys-Asn, which forms the linker between the six structural domains in NaProPl, exists as a disordered loop in aPl1. The presence of this loop in aPl1 results in a loss of the characteristically flat and disc-like topography of the native inhibitors. Conclusions: A single repeat from NaProPl is capable of folding into a compact globular domain that displays native-like Pl activity. Consequently, it is possible that a similar single-domain inhibitor represents the ancestral protein from which NaProPl evolved.
To investigate the influence of physical activity on bone mineral accrual during the adolescent years, we analyzed 6 years of data from 53 girls and 60 boys. Physical activity, dietary intakes, and anthropometry were measured every 6 months and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans of the total body (TB), lumbar spine (LS), and proximal femur (Hologic 2000, array mode) were collected annually. Distance and velocity curves for height and bone mineral content (BMC) were fitted for each child at several skeletal sites using a cubic spline procedure, from which ages at peak height velocity (PHV) and peak BMC velocity (PBMCV) were identified. A mean age- and gender-specific standardized activity (Z) score was calculated for each subject based on multiple yearly activity assessments collected up until age of PHV. This score was used to identify active (top quartile), average (middle 2 quartiles), or inactive (bottom quartile) groups. Two-way analysis of covariance, with height and weight at PHV controlled for, demonstrated significant physical activity and gender main effects (but no interaction) for PBMCV, for BMC accrued for 2 years around peak velocity, and for BMC at 1 year post-PBMCV for the TB and femoral neck and for physical activity but not gender at the LS (all p < 0.05). Controlling for maturational and size differences between groups, we noted a 9% and 17% greater TB BMC for active boys and girls, respectively, over their inactive peers 1 year after the age of PBMCV. We also estimated that, on average, 26% of adult TB bone mineral was accrued during the 2 years around PBMCV.
Conventionally, protein structure prediction via threading relies on some nonoptimal method to align a protein sequence to each member of a library of known structures. We show how a score function (force field) can be modified so as to allow the direct application of a dynamic programming algorithm to the problem. This involves an approximation whose damage can be minimized by an optimization process during score function parameter determination. The method is compared to sequence to structure alignments using a more conventional pair-wise score function and the frozen approximation. The new method produces results comparable to the frozen approximation, but is faster and has fewer adjustable parameters. It is also free of memory of the template's original amino acid sequence, and does not suffer from a problem of nonconvergence, which can be shown to occur with the frozen approximation. Alignments generated by the simplified score function can then be ranked using a second score function with the approximations removed. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Two Gram-positive, non-motile, non-spore-forming, strictly aerobic, pigmented cocci, strains Ben 107(T) and Ben 108(T), growing in aggregates were isolated from activated sludge samples by micromanipulation. Both possessed the rare type A3 gamma' peptidoglycan. Major menaquinones of strain Ben 107(T) were MK-9(H-4) and MK-7(H-2), and the main cellular fatty acid was 12-methyltetradecanoic acid (ai-C-15:0). In strain Ben 108(T), MK-9(H-4), MK-9(H-2) and MK-7(H-4) were the menaquinones and again the main fatty acid was 12-methyltetradecanoic acid (ai-C-15:0). Polar lipids in both strains consisted of phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidyl glycerol and diphosphatidyl glycerol with two other unidentified glycolipids and phospholipids also present in both. These data, together with the 16S rDNA sequence data, suggest that strain Ben 107(T) belongs to the genus Friedmanniella which presently includes a single recently described species, Friedmanniella antarctica. Although the taxonomic status of strain Ben 108(T) is far less certain, on the basis of its 16S rRNA sequence it is also adjudged to be best placed in the genus Friedmanniella, The chemotaxonomic characteristics and DNA-DNA hybridization data support the view that Ben 107(T) and Ben 108(T) are novel species of the genus Friedmanniella. Hence, it is proposed that strain Ben 107(T) (=ACM 5121(T)) is named as Friedmanniella spumicola sp. nov. and strain Ben 108(T) (=ACM 5120(T)) as Friedmanniella capsulata sp. nov.
A new species of the genus Gluconacetobacter, for which the name Gluconacetobacter sacchari sp. nov. is proposed, was isolated from the leaf sheath of sugar cane and from the pink sugar-cane mealy bug, Saccharicoccus sacchari, found on sugar cane growing in Queensland and northern New South Wales, Australia, The nearest phylogenetic relatives in the alpha-subclass of the Proteobacteria are Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens and Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, which have 98.8-99.3% and 97.9-98.5% 16S rDNA sequence similarity, respectively, to members of Gluconacetobacter sacchari. On the basis of the phylogenetic positioning of the strains, DNA reassociation studies, phenotypic tests and the presence of the Q10 ubiquinone, this new species was assigned to the genus Gluconacetobacter. No single phenotypic characteristic is unique to the species, but the species can be differentiated phenotypically from closely related members of the acetic acid bacteria by growth in the presence of 0.01% malachite green, growth on 30% glucose, an inability to fix nitrogen and an inability to grow with the L-amino acids asparagine, glycine, glutamine, threonine and tryptophan when D-mannitol was supplied as the sole carbon and energy source. The type strain of this species is strain SRI 1794(T) (= DSM 12717(T)).
A previously unknown chemolithoautotrophic arsenite-oxidizing bacterium has been isolated from a gold mine in the Northern Territory of Australia. The organism, designated NT-26, was found to be a gram-negative motile rod with two subterminal flagella. In a minimal medium containing only arsenite as the electron donor (5 mM), oxygen as the electron acceptor, and carbon dioxide-bicarbonate as the carbon source, the doubling time for chemolithoautotrophic growth was 7.6 h. Arsenite oxidation was found to be catalyzed by a periplasmic arsenite oxidase (optimum pH, 5.5). Based upon 16S rDNA phylogenetic sequence analysis, NT-26 belongs to the Agrobacterium/Rhizbium branch of the alpha-Proteobacteria and may represent a new species. This recently discovered organism is the most rapidly growing chemolithoautotrophic arsenite oxidizer known.
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is a widely used method for measuring bone mineral in the growing skeleton. Because scan analysis in children offers a number of challenges, we compared DXA results using six analysis methods at the total proximal femur (PF) and five methods at the femoral neck (FN), In total we assessed 50 scans (25 boys, 25 girls) from two separate studies for cross-sectional differences in bone area, bone mineral content (BMC), and areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and for percentage change over the short term (8 months) and long term (7 years). At the proximal femur for the short-term longitudinal analysis, there was an approximate 3.5% greater change in bone area and BMC when the global region of interest (ROI) was allowed to increase in size between years as compared with when the global ROI was held constant. Trend analysis showed a significant (p < 0.05) difference between scan analysis methods for bone area and BMC across 7 years. At the femoral neck, cross-sectional analysis using a narrower (from default) ROI, without change in location, resulted in a 12.9 and 12.6% smaller bone area and BMC, respectively (both p < 0.001), Changes in FN area and BMC over 8 months were significantly greater (2.3 %, p < 0.05) using a narrower FN rather than the default ROI, Similarly, the 7-year longitudinal data revealed that differences between scan analysis methods were greatest when the narrower FN ROI was maintained across all years (p < 0.001), For aBMD there were no significant differences in group means between analysis methods at either the PF or FN, Our findings show the need to standardize the analysis of proximal femur DXA scans in growing children.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization of a tile path of DNA subclones has previously enabled the cytogenetic definition of the minimal DNA sequence which spans the FRA16D common chromosomal fragile site, located at 16q23.2. Homozygous deletion of the FRA16D locus has been reported in adenocarcinomas of stomach, colon, lung and ovary. We have sequenced the 270 kb containing the FRA16D fragile site and the minimal homozygously deleted region in tumour cells. This sequence enabled localization of some of the tumour cell breakpoints to regions which contain AT-rich secondary structures similar to those associated with the FRA10B and FRA16B rare fragile sites. The FRA16D DNA sequence also led to the identification of an alternatively spliced gene, named FOR (fragile site FRA16D oxidoreductase), exons of which span both the fragile site and the minimal region of homozygous deletion. In addition, the complete DNA sequence of the FRA16D-containing FOR intron reveals no evidence of additional authentic transcripts. Alternatively spliced FOR transcripts (FOR I, FOR II and FOR III) encode proteins which share N-terminal WW domains and differ at their C-terminus, with FOR III having a truncated oxidoreductase domain. FRA16D-associated deletions selectively affect the FOR gene transcripts. Three out of five previously mapped translocation breakpoints in multiple myeloma are also located within the FOR gene. FOR is therefore the principle genetic target for DNA instability at 16q23.2 and perturbation of FOR function is likely to contribute to the biological consequences of DNA instability at FRA16D in cancer cells.
Two small RNAs regulate the timing of Caenorhabditis elegans development(1,2). Transition from the first to the second larval stage fates requires the 22-nucleotide lin-4 RNA(1,3,4), and transition from late larval to adult cell fates requires the 21-nucleotide let-7 RNA 2. The lin-4 and let-7 RNA genes are not homologous to each other, but are each complementary to sequences in the 3' untranslated regions of a set of protein-coding target genes that are normally negatively regulated by the RNAs1,2,5,6. Here we have detected let-7 RNAs of similar to 21 nucleotides in samples from a wide range of animal species, including vertebrate, ascidian, hemichordate, mollusc, annelid and arthropod, but not in RNAs from several cnidarian and poriferan species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli or Arabidopsis. We did not detect lin-4 RNA in these species. We found that let-7 temporal regulation is also conserved: let-7 RNA expression is first detected at late larval stages in C. elegans and Drosophila, at 48 hours after fertilization in zebrafish, and in adult stages of annelids and molluscs. The let-7 regulatory RNA may control late temporal transitions during development across animal phylogeny.
A modelling framework is developed to determine the joint economic and environmental net benefits of alternative land allocation strategies. Estimates of community preferences for preservation of natural land, derived from a choice modelling study, are used as input to a model of agricultural production in an optimisation framework. The trade-offs between agricultural production and environmental protection are analysed using the sugar industry of the Herbert River district of north Queensland as an example. Spatially-differentiated resource attributes and the opportunity costs of natural land determine the optimal tradeoffs between production and conservation for a range of sugar prices.