124 resultados para geodésicas


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When registering spectral radiance from surface targets, digital numbers recorded by the imagery sensor may vary. Such variation causes imperfections on the images coming from aerial surveys. Variation in the image brightness related to the distance from the center of the image is known as the vignetting effect. Correcting this effect aims at achieving an homogeneous image brightness. The purpose of this paper is to present a specific methodology to determine a model in order to minimize this vignette effect based on a model fit by Least Squares Method (LSM), using digital numbers (DN) from shadowed regions. The main hypothesis is that the recorded DN of shadow pixels should be suitable to model the vignetting effect. Considering that the vignetting effect could be modeled as a trend of spatial image variation, a trend surface analysis of a sample of pixels from shadowed regions was carried out. Two approaches were adopted to represent the shadow regions of an image. The first one takes into account the components R, G, B of the aerial image within the visible spectral band, and the second one considers the component I of the HSI image. In order to evaluate the methodology, a study case with a color aerial image was carried out. The findings showed that the best results were obtained by applying the model in the RGB components, which allows to conclude that the vignetting effect can be modeled based on trend surfaces fit on shadow regions DN.


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Data from reference stations are widely used in GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning, and can be used in relative positioning or network-based positioning concept. Positioning accuracy will be directly influenced by errors in signals collected in these stations. In this paper, it is aimed at evaluating these data quality using temporal series of multipath index MP1 and MP2. A statistical study of temporal series with 7 years of daily observations related to 7 stations from RBMC (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo) was accomplished. In order to investigate trends and seasonality a linear regression model, correlograms, and Fourier periodograms were used. We also used a harmonic adjust to identify peaks on temporal series. At last, the possible causes of seasonality found in some stations were discussed. It was also possible to identify peaks in MP values of March and October months (mainly in stations located near geomagnetic equator).


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The efficient generation of digital surface model (DSM) from optical images has been explored for many years and the results are dependent on the project characteristics (image resolution, size of overlap between images, among others), of the image matching techniques and the computer capabilities for the image processing. The points generated from image matching have a direct impact on the quality of the DSM and, consequently, influence the need for the costly step of edition. This work aims at assessing experimentally a technique for DSM generation by matching of multiple images (two or more) simultaneously using the vertical line locus method (VLL). The experiments were performed with six images of the urban area of Presidente Prudente/SP, with a ground sample distance (GSD) of approximately 7cm. DSMs of a small area with homogeneous texture, repetitive pattern, moving objects including shadows and trees were generated to assess the quality of the developed procedure. This obtained DSM was compared to cloud points acquired by LASER (Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation) scanning as wells as with a DSM generated by Leica Photogrammetric Suite (LPS) software. The accomplished results showed that the MDS generated by the implemented technique has a geometric quality compatible with the reference models.


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The main topic of this paper is the Ambiguity Dilution of Precision known as ADOP. Basically, ADOP is defined as a diagnostic measure for assessing the precision of the float scalar ambiguities. Among the several possibilities, the ADOP can provide help in predicting the behavior of a baseline or a network of GNSS receivers, concerning the problem of ambiguity resolution, either in real-time (instantaneous) or in the post-processing mode. The main advantage of using ADOP is possibility of the extraction of a closed analytical expression, considering various factors that affect the ambiguity resolution. Furthermore, the ADOP is related to the success rate of ambiguity resolution. The expressions here used, takes into account several factors, for example, a priori information of the measurement precision of GNSS carrier phase and pseudorange, the number of stations and satellites, the number of available frequencies and the behavior of the atmosphere (ionosphere and troposphere). Several scenarios were established so as to analyze the impact of each factor in ambiguities resolution, within the context of some stations of the São Paulo GNSS network (GNSS-SP).


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In-Car Navigation System and Route Guidance (RGNS), commercial or free, have adopted different graphic designs to maps which support the navigation task. This paper aims at evaluating the driver's subjective preference for colors to represent route and arrow direction in maps for these systems. A total of 54 drivers (27 males and 27 females) participated in an experiment which was performed in a parked vehicle. Two cartographic representations were produced to evaluate the route color and other two for the arrow color. The route was symbolized by black or blue color and the arrow direction by green or red hue. The cartographic representations were presented in a seven-inch navigation monitor. The results indicate that most drivers prefer the navigation route in black color. However, drivers who regularly use navigation systems have presented the tendency to prefer the route in blue hue. The direction arrow in green hue was the mostly preferred by the drivers and there was no significant correlation between different individual characteristics. This study concludes that drivers' preference was influenced by different factors, such as grouping by color, shape and proximity, subjective or conventional association, as well as by the level of contrast among the map features. Evaluating the performance of cartographic representations in route following task is recommended, in order to support the influence of graphic designs to maps in usability of route guidance systems.


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Currently, the need of reliable coordinates has been one of the main objectives of the scientific and practice community. Thus, the robustness analysis of a geodetic network, aims, at analyzing if the network is robust or not, based on the maximum undetectable errors. The network will be robust if the influence of these errors is small, otherwise it is weak, or not robust. This analysis is performed with the merger of two techniques, one which deals with the statistical analysis of reliability and the other one with the geometric strength analysis. The reliability analysis will provide the maximum error that cannot be detected by tests, after the adjustment. After finding these errors, the geometric strength analysis will determine the potential strain that the network will have, based on these errors. It is emphasized that the robustness analysis doesn't depend of the datum, reflecting only the geometry of the network and the accuracy of the observations (VANÌCEK et al., 2001). Therefore, this work aims at contributing to the scientific research on geodetic networks, checking the same, based on their geometry and observations.


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Topographical surfaces can be represented with a good degree of accuracy by means of maps. However these are not always the best tools for the understanding of more complex reliefs. In this sense, the greatest contribution of this work is to specify and to implement the architecture of an opensource software system capable of representing TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) based digital terrain models. The system implementation follows the object oriented programming and generic paradigms enabling the integration of various opensource tools such as GDAL, OGR, OpenGL, OpenSceneGraph and Qt. Furthermore, the representation core of the system has the ability to work with multiple topological data structures from which can be extracted, in constant time, all the connectivity relations between the entities vertices, edges and faces existing in a planar triangulation what helps enormously the implementation for real time applications. This is an important capability, for example, in the use of laser survey data (Lidar, ALS, TLS), allowing for the generation of triangular mesh models in the order of millions of points.


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Several countries have been passed by change processes in their fundamental geodesic structure with the focus on the adoption of geocentric reference systems. In Brazil, the adoption of the SIRGAS2000 evolves the coexistence of two realizations from the COrrego Alegre system, two realizations from the SAD69 system and one realization from the SIRGAS2000 system. To make use of products in the old reference systems, methods of coordinate transformation between the existent reference frames are necessary. So, in this paper one solution for the transformation between coordinates from different reference frames, based on Thin-Plate Splines (TPS), that allows the estimation of parameters from one linear transformation and also one non-linear model is presented. The TPS model was developed to work with tridimensional coordinates and in this paper the results and analysis are performed with simulated data and also with data from the official Brazilian Geodetic System (SGB). In the check points from SAD69 stations (realization of 1996 - SAD69/96), the values of RMSE obtained were of 78,2 mm in latitude and 67,5 mm in longitude, before the transformation to the SIRGAS2000. In the comparison between the TPS model and ProGriD (Brazilian software provided by IBGE), the statistical indicators were reduced in 97%, by using the TPS model. Based in the obtained results from real dataset, the TPS model appears to be promising, since it allows improving the quality of transformation process with simultaneous distortion modeling.


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Digital Elevation Model (DEM) validation is often carried out by comparing the data with a set of ground control points. However, the quality of a DEM can also be considered in terms of shape realism. Beyond visual analysis, it can be verified that physical and statistical properties of the terrestrial relief are fulfilled. This approach is applied to an extract of Topodata, a DEM obtained by resampling the SRTM DEM over the Brazilian territory with a geostatistical approach. Several statistical indicators are computed, and they show that the quality of Topodata in terms of shape rendering is improved with regards to SRTM.


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The goal of this paper is to analyze the influence of the intense geomagnetic storms in the ionosphere and GNSS (GPS) positioning. It was analyzed the effects of intense geomagnetic storm of November 20th 2003 using GPS data from RBMC (Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring) located in different sites in the Brazilian region and ionosphere global maps. While analyzing the results, it can be observed an increase in the electron density of the ionosphere in the regions near to the geomagnetic equator in the afternoon on the day of the storm. In the period after the sunset of the storm day, there is an increase in the density of free electrons and ionospheric irregularities in regions furthest from the geomagnetic equator, when compared to geomagnetically quiet days. When the positioning point is analyzed, it is observed high discrepancies values in planimetry and altimetry at the same position for periods of changes that occurred in the ionosphere, especially for the GPS stations located furthest from the geomagnetic equator in the period after the sunset Sun.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)