948 resultados para geniculate coralline algae
In this study the first measurements of DMSP in six species of corals and ten species of benthic algae collected from four coral reefs in the Great Barrier Reef are reported, together with DMSP measurements made on cultured zooxanthellae. Concentrations ranged from 21 to 3831 (mean=743) fmol DMSP zooxanthellae(-1) in corals, 0.16 to 2.96 nmol DMSP cm(-2) (mean=90) for benthic macroalgae, and 48-285 fmol DMSP zooxanthellae(-1) (mean=153) for cultured zooxanthellae. The highest concentrations of DMSP in corals occurred in Acropora formosa (mean= 371 fmol DMSP zooxanthellae(-1)) and Acropora palifera (mean=3341 fmol DMSP zooxanthellae(-1)) with concentrations in A. palifera the highest DMSP concentrations reported in corals examined to date. As well as inter-specific differences in DMSP, intra-specific variation was also observed. Adjacent colonies of A. formosa that are known to have different thermal bleaching thresholds and morphologically distinct zooxanthellae, were also observed to have different DMSP concentrations, with the zooxanthellae in the colony that bleached containing DMSP at an average concentration of 436 finol zooxanthellae(-1), whilst the non-bleaching colony contained DMSP at an average concentration of 171 finol zooxanthellae(-1). The results of the present study have been used to calculate the area normalized DMSP concentrations in benthic algae (mean=0.015 mmol m(-2)) and corals (mean=2.22 mmol m(-2)) from the GBR. This data indicates that benthic algae and corals are a significant reservoir of DMSP in GBR waters. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
The pre-ingestive selection of microphytobenthic algae by the cockle Cerastoderma edule was studied in comparison with diets containing the pelagic diatom Phaeodactylum tricomutum. Treatments with the different diets covered a range of seston concentrations and organic content similar to field conditions. Rejection rates of C. edule exposed to the different treatments were significantly correlated with the concentration of total particulate matter. No significant differences in total rejection rates were found between pelagic and benthic diets. Organic rejection rate was significantly correlated with particulate organic matter of the treatments and no significant differences were found between both diets. Selection efficiency was significantly correlated with particulate organic matter concentration in both diets and no significant differences were found between the diets. Analysis of the pseudofeces composition by flow cytometry from cockles exposed to a mixed diet of microphytobenthic algae and P. tricornutum, showed a preferential ingestion of the pelagic diatom. Benthic species, such as small pennates and Navicula sp., were preferentially ingested in comparison to larger microphytobenthic species. The largest microphytobenthic species, Cylindrotheca sp., was significantly rejected. In general, C. edule is an opportunistic filter feeder that takes advantage of both pelagic and benthic algal cells.
Copyright © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and AWI 2014.
Specific marine macro algae species abundant at the Portuguese coast (Laminaria hyperborea, Bifurcaria bifurcata, Sargassum muticum and Fucus spiralis) were shown to be effective for removing toxic metals (Cd(II), Zn(II) and Pb(II)) from aqueous solutions. The initial metal concentrations in solution were about 75–100 mg L−1. The observed biosorption capacities for cadmium, zinc and lead ions were in the ranges of 23.9–39.5, 18.6–32.0 and 32.3–50.4 mg g−1, respectively. Kinetic studies revealed that the metal uptake rate was rather fast, with 75% of the total amount occurring in the first 10 min for all algal species. Experimental data were well fitted by a pseudo-second order rate equation. The contribution of internal diffusion mechanism was significant only to the initial biosorption stage. Results indicate that all the studied macro algae species can provide an efficient and cost-effective technology for eliminating heavy metals from industrial effluents.
The treatment efficiency of laboratory wastewaters was evaluated and ecotoxicity tests with Chlorella vulgaris were performed on them to assess the safety of their environmental discharge. For chemical oxygen demand wastewaters, chromium (VI), mercury (II) and silver were efficiently removedby chemical treatments.Areduction of ecotoxicitywas achieved; nevertheless, an EC50 (effective concentration that causes a 50% inhibition in the algae growth) of 1.5% (v/v) indicated still high level of ecotoxicity. For chloride determination wastewaters, an efficient reduction of chromium and silver was achieved after treatment. Regarding the reduction of ecotoxicity observed, EC50 increased from 0.059% to 0.5%, only a 0.02% concentration in the aquatic environment would guarantee no effects. Wastewaters containing phenanthroline/iron (II) complex were treated by chemical oxidation. Treatmentwas satisfactory concerning chemical parameters, although an increase in ecotoxicitywas observed (EC50 reduced from 0.31% to 0.21%). The wastes from the kinetic study of persulphate and iodide reaction were treated with sodium bisulphite until colour was removed. Although they did not reveal significant ecotoxicity, only over 1% of the untreated waste produced observable effects over algae. Therefore, ecotoxicity tests could be considered a useful tool not only in laboratory effluents treatment, as shown, but also in hazardous wastewaters management.
Microbiology (2009), 155, 3476–3490
v.4 (1916-1923)
v.2 (1912)
v.3 (1913)