957 resultados para gastrointestinal nematodes


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The idea that microbes induce disease has steered medical research toward the discovery of antibacterial products for the prevention and treatment of microbial infections. The twentieth century saw increasing dependency on antimicrobials as mainline therapy accentuating the notion that bacterial interactions with humans were to be avoided or desirably controlled. The last two decades, though, have seen a refocusing of thinking and research effort directed towards elucidating the critical inter-relationships between the gut microbiome and its host that control health/wellness or disease. This research has redefined the interactions between gut microbes and vertebrates, now recognizing that the microbial active cohort and its mammalian host have shared co-evolutionary metabolic interactions that span millennia. Microbial interactions in the gastrointestinal tract provide the necessary cues for the development of regulated pro- and anti-inflammatory signals that promotes immunological tolerance, metabolic regulation and other factors which may then control local and extra-intestinal inflammation. Pharmacobiotics, using nutritional and functional food additives to regulate the gut microbiome, will be an exciting growth area of therapeutics, developing alongside an increased scientific understanding of gut-microbiome symbiosis in health and disease.


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16.1. Agents to control acidity 16.1.1 Antacids 16.1.2 Proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics for Helicobacter pylori 16.1.3 Histamine H2 receptor antagonists 16.1.4 Misoprostol 16.1.5 Sucralfate 16.2. Prokinetics and emetics 16.2.1 Introduction to prokinetics 16.2.2 Prokinetic agents 16.2.3 Emesis with cytotoxic drugs and drugs for 16.2.4 Motion sickness and drugs for 16.2.5 Drugs for post-operative emesis 16.3. Agents used for diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome 16.3.1 Treatment for diarrhea 16.3.2 Treatment for constipation 16.3.3 Treatment for opioid-induced constipation 16.4. Drugs for inflammatory bowel disease 16.4.1 Mesalazine 16.4.2 Glucocorticoids 16.4.3 Infliximab


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Background: Mitomycin C and etoposide have both demonstrated activity against gastric carcinoma. Etoposide is a topoisomerase II inhibitor with evidence for phase-specific and schedule-dependent activity. Patients and method. Twenty-eight consecutive patients with advanced upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma were treated with intravenous (i.v.) bolus mitomycin C 6 mg/m2 on day 1 every 21 days to a maximum of four courses. Oral etoposide capsules 50 mg b.i.d. (or 35 mg b.i.d. liquid) were administered days 1 to 10 extending to 14 days in subsequent courses if absolute neutrophil count >1.5 x 109/l on day 14 of first course, for up to six courses. Results: Twenty-six patients were assessed for response of whom 12 had measurable disease and 14 evaluable disease. Four patients had a documented response (one complete remission, three partial remissions) with an objective response rate of 15% (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 4%-35%). Eight patients had stable disease and 14 progressive disease. The median survival was six months. The schedule was well tolerated with no treatment-related deaths. Nine patients experienced leucopenia (seven grade II and two grade III). Nausea and vomiting (eight grade II, one grade III), fatigue (eight grade II, two grade III) and anaemia (seven grade II, two grade III) were the predominant toxicities. Conclusion: This out-patient schedule is well tolerated and shows modest activity in the treatment of advanced upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma. Further studies using protracted schedules of etoposide both orally and as infusional treatment should be developed.


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Arachidonic acid metabolism through cyclooxygenase (COX) pathways leads to the generation of biologically active eicosanoids. Eicosanoid expression levels vary during development and progression of gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies. COX-2 is the major COX-isoform responsible for G.I. cancer development/progression. COX-2 expression increases during progression from a normal to cancerous state. Evidence from observational studies has demonstrated that chronic NSAID use reduces the risk of cancer development, while both incidence and risk of death due to G.I. cancers were significantly reduced by daily aspirin intake. A number of randomized controlled trials (APC trial, Prevention of Sporadic Adenomatous Polyps trial, APPROVe trial) have also shown a significant protective effect in patients receiving selective COX-2 inhibitors. However, chronic use of selective COX-2 inhibitors at high doses was associated with increased cardiovascular risk, while NSAIDs have also been associated with increased risk. More recently, downstream effectors of COX-signaling have been investigated in cancer development/progression. PGE 2, which binds to both EP and PPAR receptors, is the major prostanoid implicated in the carcinogenesis of G.I. cancers. The role of TXA 2 in G.I. cancers has also been examined, although further studies are required to uncover its role in carcinogenesis. Other prostanoids investigated include PGD 2 and its metabolite 15d-PGJ2, PGF 1α and PGI 2. Targeting these prostanoids in G.I. cancers has the promise of avoiding cardiovascular toxicity associated with chronic selective COX-2 inhibition, while maintaining anti-tumor reactivity.A progressive sequence from normal to pre-malignant to a malignant state has been identified in G.I. cancers. In this review, we will discuss the role of the COX-derived prostanoids in G.I. cancer development and progression. Targeting these downstream prostanoids for chemoprevention and/or treatment of G.I. cancers will also be discussed. Finally, we will highlight the latest pre-clinical technologies as well as avenues for future investigation in this highly topical research field. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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The aim of this review is to identify current chemotherapy treatment for tumours of the oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, and liver. The role of both neoadjuvant, adjuvant, and palliative chemotherapy regimens will be discussed. This review will be of interest to oncologists in clarifying current issues regarding chemotherapy, and to physicians in other medical specialties, to increase their general understanding of benefits and drawbacks of chemotherapy in this patient group.


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A prospective design that included a survey tool, nursing care records, and telephone interview was used to determine postprocedural effects experienced by children and families following gastrointestinal endoscopy performed as a day procedure. One hundred twenty-one children attending a pediatric gastroenterology unit for endoscopy under general anesthesia participated in the study. Physical symptoms, day care/school attendance, behavioral issues, and economic factors in the 72 hours post procedure were identified. Over half the children (n = 69, 57%) experienced pain in the hospital post procedure. Pain was reported by 73 children (60%) at home on the day of the procedure, by 55 children (45%) on Day 1 post procedure, and by 37 children (31%) on Day 2 post procedure. The throat was the most common site of pain. Nausea or vomiting was experienced by 37 children (31%) at some time following their procedure but was not associated with procedure type, age, or fasting time. Over half the children (n = 53, 51%) who usually attended day care or school did not attend the day following their procedure. Twenty-four parents (40%) who would normally have worked on the day after the procedure did not attend employment. These findings have been used to improve the preprocedural information and discharge management of patients treated in a pediatric gastroenterology ambulatory setting. © The Society of Gastroenterology Nurses & Associates 2007. All Rights Reserved.


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Metabolic programming during the perinatal period as a consequence of early nutrition is an emerging area of great interest. This concept is known as the "fetal origins of adult disease" theory (1). Numerous epidemiological studies published over the past 20 years or so have suggested that small body size at birth and during infancy and, more specifically, intrauterine growth retardation are associated later in life with lowered cognitive performance and increased rates of coronary heart disease and its major biological risk factors, ie, raised blood pressure, insulin resistance, coronary artery disease, and abnormalities in lipid metabolism. The molecular mechanisms that govern this phenomenon in humans, however, are unknown and need to be elucidated.


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The membrane-bound ceruloplasmin homolog hephaestin plays a critical role in intestinal iron absorption. The aims of this study were to clone the rat hephaestin gene and to examine its expression in the gastrointestinal tract in relation to other genes encoding iron transport proteins. The rat hephaestin gene was isolated from intestinal mRNA and was found to encode a protein 96% identical to mouse hephaestin. Analysis by ribonuclease protection assay and Western blotting showed that hephaestin was expressed at high levels throughout the small intestine and colon. Immunofluorescence localized the hephaestin protein to the mature villus enterocytes with little or no expression in the crypts. Variations in iron status had a small but nonsignificant effect on hephaestin expression in the duodenum. The high sequence conservation between rat and mouse hephaestin is consistent with this protein playing a central role in intestinal iron absorption, although its precise function remains to be determined.


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The safety, effectiveness and capabilities of therapeutic upper fibreoptic endoscopy in children undergoing therapeutic endoscopic procedures (n = 443) was studied. Therapy for gastrointestinal bleeding formed the major group (injection sclerotherapy for varices, n = 197 procedures; thermocoagulation for haemorrhagic gastritis, n = 1; and photocoaulation for Dieulafoy's disease, n = 1). Sclerotherapy was 97% effective in controlling acute bleeding and 84% effective in obliterating varices with no serious complications or deaths. Oesophageal dilatations for surgical, caustic, congenital and peptic strictures and achalasia (n = 193) were performed with no oesophageal perforations or deaths. Foreign bodies were retrieved (n = 34) with no failures or complications. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy was performed (n = 11) with one failure, proceeding to an unsuccessful surgical gastrostomy. Miscellaneous procedures included endoscopic transpyloric tube placement (n = 5) and endoscopic diathermy of pyloric web (n = 1). Therapeutic fibreoptic endoscopy is therefore concluded to be safe and effective in children, replacing rigid oesophagoscopy and some traditional surgical approaches.


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Behçet's syndrome is very rare in children, especially those under 10 years of age. Clinical and radiological features are described in 4 children, including 2 under the age of 5 years, with the syndrome. As in other pediatric cases reported, the incomplete form of Behçet's syndrome was present in each case. All 4 patients had oral and genital mucosal effects, arthritis and gastrointestinal and dermatological manifestations. Ophthalmological symptoms occurred in only 1 patient. Radiologically, the 4 cases demonstrated the spectrum of gastrointestinal involvement, from minimal irregularity and thickening of the terminal ileum to gross irregularity and deformity of the terminal ileum and cecum. Because of the difficulty in differentiating Behçet's syndrome from other forms of inflammatory bowel disease it is suggested that in children with gastrointestinal involvement, 3 major criteria be present before the diagnosis of Behçet's syndrome is made.


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Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are obligate, sedentary endoparasites that infect many plant species causing large economic losses worldwide. Available nematicides are being banned due to their toxicity or ozone-depleting properties and alternative control strategies are urgently required. We have produced transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants expressing different dsRNA hairpin structures targeting a root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) putative transcription factor, MjTis11. We provide evidence that MjTis11 was consistently silenced in nematodes feeding on the roots of transgenic plants. The observed silencing was specific for MjTis11, with other sequence-unrelated genes being unaffected in the nematodes. Those transgenic plants able to induce silencing of MjTis11, also showed the presence of small interfering RNAs. Even though down-regulation of MjTis11 did not result in a lethal phenotype, this study demonstrates the feasibility of silencing root-knot nematode genes by expressing dsRNA in the host plant. Host-delivered RNA interference-triggered (HD-RNAi) silencing of parasite genes provides a novel disease resistance strategy with wide biotechnological applications. The potential of HD-RNAi is not restricted to parasitic nematodes but could be adapted to control other plant-feeding pests.


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Plant-parasitic nematodes are important pests of horticultural crops grown in tropical and subtropical regions of Australia. Burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis) is a major impediment to banana production and root-knot nematodes (predominantly Meloidogyne javanica and M. incognita) cause problems on pineapple and a range of annual vegetables, including tomato, capsicum, zucchini, watermelon, rockmelon, potato and sweet potato. In the early 1990s, nematode control in these industries was largely achieved with chemicals, with methyl bromide widely used on some subtropical vegetable crops, ethylene dibromide applied routinely to pineapples and non-volatile nematicides such as fenamiphos applied up to four times a year in banana plantations. This paper discusses the research and extension work done over the last 15 years to introduce an integrated pest management approach to nematode control in tropical and subtropical horticulture. It then discusses various components of current integrated pest management programs, including crop rotation, nematode monitoring, clean planting material, organic amendments, farming systems to enhance biological suppression of nematodes and judicious use of nematicides. Finally, options for improving current management practices are considered.


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Two species of root-lesion nematode (predominantly Pratylenchus thornei but also P. neglectus) are widespread pathogens of wheat and other crops in Australia's northern grain belt, a subtropical region with deep, fertile clay soils and a summer-dominant rainfall pattern. Losses in grain yield from P. thornei can be as high as 70% for intolerant wheat cultivars. This review focuses on research which has led to the development of effective integrated management programs for these nematodes. It highlights the importance of correct identification in managing Pratylenchus species, reviews the plant breeding work done in developing tolerant and resistant cultivars, outlines the methods used to screen for tolerance and resistance, and discusses how planned crop sequencing with tolerant and partially resistant wheat cultivars, together with crops such as sorghum, sunflower, millets and canaryseed, can be used to reduce nematode populations and limit crop damage. The declining levels of soil organic matter in cropped soils are also discussed with reference to their effect on soil health and biological suppression of root-lesion nematodes.


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Root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei Sher and Allen and P. neglectus (Rensch) Filipijev and Schuurmans Stekhoven) cause substantial yield loss to wheat crops in the northern grain region of Australia. Resistance to P. thornei for use in wheat breeding programs was sought among synthetic hexaploid wheats (2n= 6x = 42, AABBDD) produced through hybridisations of Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn (2n= 4x = 28, AABB) with Aegilops tauschii Coss. (2n= 2x = 14, DD). Resistance was determined for the synthetic hexaploid wheats and their durum and Ae. tauschii parents from the numbers of nematodes in the roots of plants grown for 16 weeks in pots of pasteurised soil inoculated with P. thornei. Fifty-nine (32%) of 186 accessions of synthetic hexaploid wheats had lower numbers of nematodes than Gatcher Selection 50a (GS50a), a partially resistant bread wheat. Greater frequencies of partial resistance were present in the durum parents (72% of 39 lines having lower nematode numbers than GS50a) and in the Ae. tauschii parents (55% of 53 lines). The 59 synthetic hexaploids were re-tested in a second experiment along with their parents. In a third experiment, 11 resistant synthetic hexaploid wheats and their F-1 hybrids with Janz, a susceptible bread wheat, were tested and the F(1)s were found to give nematode counts intermediate between the respective two parents. Synthetic hexaploid wheats with higher levels of resistance resulted from hybridisations where both the durum and Ae. tauschii parents were partially resistant, rather than where only one parent was partially resistant. These results suggest that resistance to P. thornei in synthetic hexaploid wheats is polygenic, with resistances located both in the D genome from Ae. tauschii and in the A and/or B genomes from durum. Five synthetic hexaploid wheats were selected for further study on the basis of (1) a high level of resistance to P. thornei of the synthetic hexaploid wheats and of both their durum and Ae. tauschii parents, (2) being representative of both Australian and CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre) durums, and (3) being representative of the morphological subspecies and varieties of Ae. tauschii. These 5 synthetic hexaploid wheats were also shown to be resistant to P. neglectus, whereas GS50a and 2 P. thornei-resistant derivatives were quite susceptible. Results of P. thornei resistance of F(1)s and F(2)s from a half diallel of these 5 synthetic hexaploid wheats, GS50a, and Janz from another study indicate polygenic additive resistance and better general combining ability for the synthetic hexaploid wheats than for GS50a. Published molecular marker studies on a doubled haploid population between the synthetic hexaploid wheat with best general combining ability (CPI133872) and Janz have shown quantitative trait loci for resistance located in all 3 genomes. Synthetic hexaploid wheats offer a convenient way of introgressing new resistances to P. thornei and P. neglectus from both durum and Ae. tauschii into commercial bread wheats.