153 resultados para gadamer


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In a recent Gadamerian hermeneutic study, photographyand in-depth interviews were used as key methods to explicate the phenomenon of hope. Whilst using photography within qualitative research has become increasingly popular over the last decade, little has been written about how to introduce photographs as conversation enhancers or how photographs have the capacity to unleash both conceptual and linguistic metaphors.This article gives insights into the experience of using photographs to illuminate the phenomenon of hope and identifies metaphors that were revealed through the participants' photographs.


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Aim. The aim of this paper is to report the findings of a phenomenological study that explored hope in 10 young people in Australia.

Background. Evidence suggests many Australian young people are in crisis. Examination of key reports that detail the incidence of suicide, early drug-taking behaviours, homelessness, self-harm behaviours, joblessness, depressive disorders, crime statistics and alcohol abuse suggest that many of today's young people have lost resilience as well as vital connections to their community.

Method. Two methods were employed to encourage the participants to reflect on their experiences of hope – what it is and what it meant to them. The first was to supply participants with a disposable colour film camera and ask them to take pictures that, in their view, showed hope. The second was participation in an in-depth interview that was prompted in part, by their photographs. Interview audiotapes were transcribed verbatim and analysis of the text used the Turner method. The data were collected in 2002.

Findings. Four horizons of hope were revealed: at-one-with; a driving force; having choices; and connecting and being connected. These horizons are discussed, showing how, or if, the literature treats these dimensions of hope. Perspectives are offered on how they might be considered by nurses who are charged with caring for today's young people.

Conclusion. Registered Nurses who work with young people must understand the phenomenon of hope from their unique perspective before they can offer appropriate hope-facilitating strategies.


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This paper engages the constitutive as well as the representative role of metaphor in research. Metaphors are understood to provide possibilities for representations and conceptualisations. The use of metaphorical redescription permits us to 'use familiar words in unfamiliar ways' (Rorty, 1989, p. 18) and provides new language that deters the use of repeated ways of knowing. It invites us to see things differently and to act differently. Lakoff and Johnson (1980) argue that metaphor does more than represent: 'New metaphors have the power to construct a new reality' (p. 145). I have drawn on both these understandings of metaphor. In qualitative research, metaphorical analysis has a well-established history. Researchers analyse metaphors used by research participants and apply metaphors to participant actions and understandings (Koro-Ljungberg, 2001; Gregory & Noblit, 1998). Researchers also use metaphors to reflect or represent their methodological decision-making (Richardson, 2003; Gadamer, 1989). In this article, I have nudged the conceptual boundaries of methodology. I have argued the constructive nature of metaphor in methodological positioning and decision making. I use the writing of a doctoral thesis to argue this role of metaphor. There, the metaphor of hair braiding constructed and communicated my methodological decision-making and my researcher stance as a braider.


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The paper critically engages with contemporary theories of cross-cultural understanding and cross-cultural subjectivity found in the areas of intercultural hermeneutics, intercultural social theory and the discourse on the stranger. Drawing on Gadamerian hermeneutics the paper takes some preliminary steps in formulating an alternative conception of the in-between subject and cross-cultural interpretation that incorporates the ambivalence of boundaries, the enabling dimension of essentialism and acknowledges the role that fore-meanings and fore-structures have on cross-cultural understanding. In contrast to existing theories I conclude that the cross-cultural subject is situated within the intercultural encounter rather than dwelling above it.


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In this study I explored the phenomenon of hope, seen through the eyes often Australian youth. Specifically, the participants of this study were self-identified Spirit-filled Christian youth residing in Melbourne and youth who were marginalised and disenfranchised from main stream society and receiving care and supportive services within an outreach organisation located in another state in Australia at the time of their interview. The rationale for the selection of these youth for inclusion in this study is contained in this thesis in Chapter 4, The Study Method A phenomenological study, using the philosophical underpinnings of Hans Georg Gadamer (1989), was selected to explicate the meaning of and to distil the essence of hope seen through the eyes of these participants, and is the main aim of this study.


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In this special edition of the journal, attention is being given to the two dimensions of spirituality and physicality. In this particular paper I argue that there is an unhelpful divide that is often assumed to exist between these two dimensions and that this divide can be transcended or healed' through a holistic and hermeneutic approach to education. Rather than give our focus to narrower concerns such as spiritual education and physical education, we ought instead to pursue education in such a way that it is understood to necessarily be inclusive of both the physical and the spiritual simultaneously. That is, our spirituality is necessarily embodied in the physical. In order to make this argument, references to holistic education shall mainly draw upon the works of Dewey and Gadamer.


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BACKGROUND: Society and some healthcare professionals often marginalise pregnant women who take illicit substances. Likewise the midwives who care for these women are often viewed as working on the edge of society. The aim of this research was to examine the lived world of these midwives to gain insight into the world of their work.

DESIGN: A phenomenological study informed by Heidegger, Gadamer and Merleau-Ponty was chosen to frame these lived experiences of the midwives. Using face-to-face phenomenological interviews data were collected from 12 midwives whose work is only caring for women who take illicit drugs.

RESULTS: The 3 fundamental themes that emerged from the study were: making a difference, establishing partnerships: and letting go and refining practice. Conclusions and impetus for this paper: Lived experiences are unique and can be difficult for researchers to grasp. The stories told by participants are sometimes intangible and often couched in metaphor. This paper aims to discuss lived experience and suggests that like an onion, several layers have to be peeled away before meaning can be exposed; and like peeling onions, each cover reveals another layer beneath that is different from before and different from the next. Exemplars from this midwifery study are used to explain lived experiences.


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A ética na educação: uma perspectiva psicanalítica é uma pesquisa teórica que pretende constituir um espaço de discussão entre psicanálise e educação no que diz respeito ao campo da ética, apresentando o que estes campos trazem de argumentação para sua ética. O diálogo entre estes saberes distintos é inspirado no horizonte da hermenêutica filosófica, já que a mesma, em sua base epistemológica, propicia condições para realizar tal intento. Tendo em vista que nossa realidade é marcada por fatos como a pluralidade das ações valorativas, a fragmentação dos sentidos frente a queda dos ideais e, conseqüentemente, a exacerbação do individualismo e do narcisismo que, de uma maneira ampla e específica, atinge a ação educativa é que trazemos a discussão sobre a ética na psicanálise, no sentido de contribuir para um alargamento da reflexão ética no campo da educação. Nosso referencial teórico parte da psicanálise freudo-lacaniana, centrando-se em dois grandes teóricos: Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan. Fizemos uso da hermenêutica filosófica de Gadamer como pano de fundo na pesquisa justamente por colocar a linguagem como solo, ou seja, que só pensamos dentro e a partir da linguagem, e que se relacionar com o mundo significa ter linguagem. A psicanálise, com a descoberta do inconsciente e sua aposta no desejo, permite uma articulação do estatuto do objeto que se caracteriza de uma forma distinta de outros saberes. A especificidade deste objeto está em retrair-se a qualquer objetivação exatamente por se tratar do objeto causa de desejo. Ao apontar para a questão do desejo no direcionamento na ação humana e seu correlato à falta produz-se uma abertura, não sem conseqüências na reflexão ética sobre a educação, já que esta tem nas suas bases a intenção de abrir possibilidades para o pensar e refletir sobre a problemática da formação.


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Based on the presupposition that the arts in the West always counted on resources, supports, and devices pertaining to its time context, an reflection is intended regarding the scenic compositions mediated by digital technologies do. Such technologies are inserted in the daily routine, also composing artistic experiments, thus playing a dialogical role with the art/technology intersection. Therefore, the proposal is to investigate what relationships are established in the contemporary theatrical scene from the contagion by digital technologies, aiming at establishing this parallel through a dialogue with the authors discussing the subject, and also based on the group practices having technological resources as a determinant factor in their plays. Furthermore, a reflection should be made on the scene that incorporates or is carried out in intermediatic events, analyzing how digital technologies (re)configure compositional processes of the plays by GAG Phila7, in the city of São Paulo/SP. For such, the dissertation is organized in three sections comprising four moments, to wit: brief overview of the field, contextualization, poetic analysis and synthesis. Qualitative methods are used as the methodological proposal: semi-structure interview, note and document taking (program, website, playing book, disclosure material for advertising text, photographs, and videos). Within the universe of qualitative research, it works with the epistemological perspective of the Gadamer philosophical hermeneutics. The possibilities allowed by the double virtual (Internet/web) generated a type of theater with another material basis and new forms of organization and structure, being possible to perceive that such technological advances and the arts are mutually contaminated, generating a dislocation in the logics of theatrical composition, movement beginning with the artistic vanguards, gradually intensified, thus offering new possibilities of constructions and hybridization of the of the most different possible types. Experiment ―Profanações_superfície de eventos de construção coletiva‖, idealized by Phila7 is inserted in this perspective. Object of the discussion of such research, the experiment works with possible poetics arising from the intersection with the digital technologies, aiming at identifying and problematizing the challenges from the technological evolution and expansion in a scenic context


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The aim of this study is to understand the perceptions of pregnant women, mothers and health professional about preeclampsia and the relation between professional and patient. A qualitative approach was chosen, together with semi-structured interviews, participative observation and Test of Free Association of Words (TFAW). The data were collected in February and June 2007 at Maternidade-Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC), Natal, RN, Brazil with 61 pregnant women and 87 professionals, 20 of each group were interviewed. An interpretative and understanding perspective was used similar to that of Gadamer s hermeneutics and with the construction of themes and empirical categories. The pregnant women showed fear preeclampsia and its consequences, and to know very little about the subject and also a desire to know more. The changes that occurred with the illness were more related to the emotional order than to the healthy lifestyle they have adopted. Some lack of preparation of the basic units was observed, in order to meet and guide the pregnant women to the reference unit. Professionals knew the customers characteristics, about their fear and about their little knowledge on this illness. Nevertheless, they did not include them in the treatment. It was observed the absence of conversation over the illness between professionals and patients and also the inability of the former to deal with emotional issues. A new way of looking into the preeclampsia assistance is necessary. A way that focuses on the collective construction of intervention and approach strategies; one which includes subjective aspects in an hermeneutic perspective of health


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La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objeto de estudio la visión epistemológica de Paulo Freire y como punto central su comprensión del acto pedagógico como un acto gnoseológico e sus consecuencias para la praxis docente. La tesis original afirma, que en la obra de Freire hay una comprensión sobre el conocimiento ubicando el acto pedagógico como una situación gnoseológica, comprensión esta, indispensable a una praxis educacional libertadora. Para identificar esa comprensión, la presente investigación de carácter bibliográfica y cualitativa fue realizada a partir de indicaciones del propio Paulo Freire sobre el acto de leer/estudiar y del abordaje hermenéutico de Hans-Georg Gadamer, utilizando el diálogo con los textos del autor, buscando los sentidos capaces de responder a las cuestiones desarrolladas en la tesis. El trabajo presenta, además de una pre-comprensión del tema, los resultados de los ejercicios dialógicos mantenidos con los textos de Freire sobre el conocimiento y la educación como situación gnoseológica. Oportunamente fueron construidos mapas conceptuales de los hallados de la autora, para una mejor visualización espacial del lector, así como de los diálogos con tres estudiosos del pensamiento de Paulo Freire. El pensamiento de Freire sobre el conocimiento y la educación como situación gnoseológica abarca las siguientes dimensiones, aparte de la dimensión epistemológica propiamente dicha: dimensión históricofilosófica; dimensión político-ideológica; dimensión comunicativa y dialógica; dimensión ética y estética; dimensión pedagógico-cultural; y dimensión institucional y de gestión. La comprensión por el educador de esas dimensiones bien como sobre el Ciclo de Enseñar y Aprender pueden contribuir de modo significativo para una praxis docente capaz de recorrer el camino del diálogo problematizador, aquel que puede tornar el acto pedagógico un acto verdaderamente gnoseológico, capaz de auxiliar hombres y mujeres en su proceso de humanización


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La recherche presentée, realisée sur le domaine de la méthaphysique, s´agit de rassembler des pressupositions pour une fondamentation ontologique de la technologie de l´Information, basé sur la philophie de Martin Heidegger; foncièrement, sur l´analytique existentiel du Dasein dans l´ouvrage Être et Temps. À partir de la pensée sur ce qui est aujourd´hui , il s´agit d´investiguer sur quels fondaments la Nouvelle Tecnologie se fut érigée de façon a que nous sommes engajés au projet de numérisation des étants que en même temps que destine l´homme a l´oubli de l´Être, l´offre la possibilité de transformation. Le rapport entre la question de l´Être et la question de la technique est analysé comme des chemins croisés et dans ce carrefour il devient possible penser ce qui est technique, ce qui est information pour Heidegger et de quel façon les modes existentiels du Dasein sont prêtes pour caractériser l ´homme au sein de la tecnologie de l´information. Par cette appropriation, il reste penser comment c´est possible l´ouverture d´une perspective de reconduction de l´homme à la vérité de l´Être. Finalement, la structuration des fondements rends possible la réflexion discursive général: avec qui nous nous ocuppons, comme nous sommes, dans quelle direction nous nous acheminons, les thèmes générales, respectivement, des trois chapitres. Les points d´investigation du premier chapitre son: a) La caractérisation précise du Dasein, appuyé sur des considerations de Benedito Nunes, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jacques Derrida et Rüdiger Safränski; b) Le concept de technique et son essence chez Heidegger; c) la distinction entre technique et technologie, appuyé sur le pensée de J. Ellul, Michel Séris, Otto Pöggeler, Michel Haar, Dominique Janicaud; c) Le concept de cibernetique chez Heidegger et chez Norbert Wiener; d) La caractérisation preliminaire d´information, l´analyse étimologique e philosophique, l´avis de Heidegger te les théories de Rafael Capurro; f) L´Analyse du phénomène de la numérisation des étants, des considérations de Virilio, et l´analyse d´un concept de virtuel avec Henri Bergson et Gilles Deleuze. Dans le deuxième chapitre, l´analyse des existentiels du Dasein vers le sommaire des fondements de base pour la caractérisation de la technologie de l´information comme un problème philosophique. Finalement, aprés avoir presenté les concepts introdutoires que délimitent le questionement, suivi par les indications et pressupositions ontologiques trouvés sur Être et Temps, le troisième chapitre disserte sur le péril, ce qui sauve et la sérénité, les trois mots-clés de la pensée heideggerienne sur la technique que permettent l´approche conclusif de la question


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Ayant comme opérateur cognitif le livre Les Voyages de Gulliver, de Jonathan Swift, la thése, écrite au format d'un journal de bord, suit dévoilant des indices pour une archéologie de la compréhension, au-delà de problématiser les interconexions entre communication et compréhension à l'actuel procés de planétarism. En suite, réalise quelques essais qui problématisent l'éthique, la science, et la condition humaine, sous l'inspiration du Parlément des Choses, suggéreé par Bruno Latour, où sont présents, symétriquement, les sciences, les scientists, les politiques, les natures, les cultures, et les sociétés. Pour une telle aventure, sont agencées des ideas de penseurs de diverses domaines de la connaissance, comme Edgar Morin, Henri Atlan, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Isabelle Stengers, David Bohm, Maria da Conceição de Almeida, Cremilda Medina, María Zambrano, Michel Serres, Boris Cyrulnik, dentre autres. Lettres de musique, registres littéraires et cinématographiques servent de points d'appuy pour la contextualization du récit de ce voyage qui ne comporte pas seulement la compréhension de la compléxité de l'être-humain, mais aussi, la compréhension des conditions dans lequelles sont forgées les mentalités et pratiques les actions. Ainsi, toule compréhension est un voyage sans fin: arrive à quelques ports, se ré-approvisionne et part à nouveau. Toute compréhension est ponctuelle, parcielle, provisoire, lacunaire et inachevée.