123 resultados para fusiform
The study of semantic memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) has raised important questions about the representation of conceptual knowledge in the human brain. It is still unknown whether semantic memory impairments are caused by localized damage to specialized regions or by diffuse damage to distributed representations within nonspecialized brain areas. To our knowledge, there have been no direct correlations of neuroimaging of in vivo brain function in AD with performance on tasks differentially addressing visual and functional knowledge of living and nonliving concepts. We used a semantic verification task and resting 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in a group of mild to moderate AD patients to investigate this issue. The four task conditions required semantic knowledge of (1) visual, (2) functional properties of living objects, and (3) visual or (4) functional properties of nonliving objects. Visual property verification of living objects was significantly correlated with left posterior fusiform gyrus metabolism (Brodmann's area [BA] 37/19). Effects of visual and functional property verification for non-living objects largely overlapped in the left anterior temporal (BA 38/20) and bilateral premotor areas (BA 6), with the visual condition extending more into left lateral precentral areas. There were no associations with functional property verification for living concepts. Our results provide strong support for anatomically separable representations of living and nonliving concepts, as well as visual feature knowledge of living objects, and against distributed accounts of semantic memory that view visual and functional features of living and nonliving objects as distributed across a common set of brain areas.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether autistic subjects show a different pattern of neural activity than healthy individuals during processing of faces and complex patterns. METHODS: Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes accompanying visual processing of faces and complex patterns were analyzed in an autistic group (n = 7; 25.3 [6.9] years) and a control group (n = 7; 27.7 [7.8] years). RESULTS: Compared with unaffected subjects, autistic subjects demonstrated lower BOLD signals in the fusiform gyrus, most prominently during face processing, and higher signals in the more object-related medial occipital gyrus. Further signal increases in autistic subjects vs controls were found in regions highly important for visual search: the superior parietal lobule and the medial frontal gyrus, where the frontal eye fields are located. CONCLUSIONS: The cortical activation pattern during face processing indicates deficits in the face-specific regions, with higher activations in regions involved in visual search. These findings reflect different strategies for visual processing, supporting models that propose a predisposition to local rather than global modes of information processing in autism.
Pure alexia is an acquired reading disorder characterized by a disproportionate prolongation of reading time as a function of word length. Although the vast majority of cases reported in the literature show a right-sided visual defect, little is known about the contribution of this low-level visual impairment to their reading difficulties. The present study was aimed at investigating this issue by comparing eye movement patterns during text reading in six patients with pure alexia with those of six patients with hemianopic dyslexia showing similar right-sided visual field defects. We found that the role of the field defect in the reading difficulties of pure alexics was highly deficit-specific. While the amplitude of rightward saccades during text reading seems largely determined by the restricted visual field, other visuo-motor impairments-particularly the pronounced increases in fixation frequency and viewing time as a function of word length-may have little to do with their visual field defect. In addition, subtracting the lesions of the hemianopic dyslexics from those found in pure alexics revealed the largest group differences in posterior parts of the left fusiform gyrus, occipito-temporal sulcus and inferior temporal gyrus. These regions included the coordinate assigned to the centre of the visual word form area in healthy adults, which provides further evidence for a relation between pure alexia and a damaged visual word form area. Finally, we propose a list of three criteria that may improve the differential diagnosis of pure alexia and allow appropriate therapy recommendations.
Music is an intriguing stimulus widely used in movies to increase the emotional experience. However, no brain imaging study has to date examined this enhancement effect using emotional pictures (the modality mostly used in emotion research) and musical excerpts. Therefore, we designed this functional magnetic resonance imaging study to explore how musical stimuli enhance the feeling of affective pictures. In a classical block design carefully controlling for habituation and order effects, we presented fearful and sad pictures (mostly taken from the IAPS) either alone or combined with congruent emotional musical excerpts (classical pieces). Subjective ratings clearly indicated that the emotional experience was markedly increased in the combined relative to the picture condition. Furthermore, using a second-level analysis and regions of interest approach, we observed a clear functional and structural dissociation between the combined and the picture condition. Besides increased activation in brain areas known to be involved in auditory as well as in neutral and emotional visual-auditory integration processes, the combined condition showed increased activation in many structures known to be involved in emotion processing (including for example amygdala, hippocampus, parahippocampus, insula, striatum, medial ventral frontal cortex, cerebellum, fusiform gyrus). In contrast, the picture condition only showed an activation increase in the cognitive part of the prefrontal cortex, mainly in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Based on these findings, we suggest that emotional pictures evoke a more cognitive mode of emotion perception, whereas congruent presentations of emotional visual and musical stimuli rather automatically evoke strong emotional feelings and experiences.
Strategies of cognitive control are helpful in reducing anxiety experienced during anticipation of unpleasant or potentially unpleasant events. We investigated the associated cerebral information processing underlying the use of a specific cognitive control strategy during the anticipation of affect-laden events. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we examined differential brain activity during anticipation of events of unknown and negative emotional valence in a group of eighteen healthy subjects that used a cognitive control strategy, similar to "reality checking" as used in psychotherapy, compared with a group of sixteen subjects that did not exert cognitive control. While expecting unpleasant stimuli, the "cognitive control" group showed higher activity in left medial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex areas but reduced activity in the left extended amygdala, pulvinar/lateral geniculate nucleus and fusiform gyrus. Cognitive control during the "unknown" expectation was associated with reduced amygdalar activity as well and further with reduced insular and thalamic activity. The amygdala activations associated with cognitive control correlated negatively with the reappraisal scores of an emotion regulation questionnaire. The results indicate that cognitive control of particularly unpleasant emotions is associated with elevated prefrontal cortex activity that may serve to attenuate emotion processing in for instance amygdala, and, notably, in perception related brain areas.
Wishful thinking (WT) implies the overestimation of the likelihood of desirable events. It occurs for outcomes of personal interest, but also for events of interest to others we like. We investigated whether WT is grounded on low-level selective attention or on higher level cognitive processes including differential weighting of evidence or response formation. Participants in our MRI study predicted the likelihood that their favorite or least favorite team would win a football game. Consistent with expectations, favorite team trials were characterized by higher winning odds. Our data demonstrated activity in a cluster comprising parts of the left inferior occipital and fusiform gyri to distinguish between favorite and least favorite team trials. More importantly, functional connectivities of this cluster with the human reward system were specifically involved in the type of WT investigated in our study, thus supporting the idea of an attention bias generating WT. Prefrontal cortex activity also distinguished between the two teams. However, activity in this region and its functional connectivities with the human reward system were altogether unrelated to the degree of WT reflected in the participants' behavior and may rather be related to social identification, ensuring the affective context necessary for WT to arise.
OBJECTIVES Widespread sensory deficits occur in 20-40% of chronic pain patients on the side of pain, independent of pain aetiology, and are known as nondermatomal sensory deficits (NDSDs). NDSDs can occur in absence of central or peripheral nervous system lesions. We hypothesised that NDSDs were associated with cerebral grey matter changes in the sensory system and in pain processing regions, detectable with voxel-based morphometry. METHODS Twenty-five patients with NDSDs, 23 patients without NDSDs ("pain-only"), and 29 healthy controls were studied with high resolution structural MRI of the brain. A comprehensive clinical and psychiatric evaluation based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual was performed in all patients. RESULTS Patients with NDSDs and "pain-only" did not differ concerning demographic data and psychiatric diagnoses, although anxiety scores (HADS-A) were higher in patients with NDSDs. In patients with NDSDs, grey matter increases were found in the right primary sensory cortex, thalamus, and bilaterally in lateral temporal regions and the hippocampus/fusiform gyrus. "Pain-only" patients showed a bilateral grey matter increase in the posterior insula and less pronounced changes in sensorimotor cortex. CONCLUSIONS Dysfunctional sensory processing in patients with NDSDs is associated with complex changes in grey matter volume, involving the somatosensory system and temporal regions.
The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) receives auditory information via the auditory nerve coming from the cochlea. It is responsible for much of the integration of auditory information, and it projects this auditory information to higher auditory brain centers for further processing. This study focuses on the DCN of adult Rhesus monkeys to characterize two specific cell types, the fusiform and cartwheel cell, based on morphometric parameters and type of glutamate receptor they express. The fusiform cell is the main projection neuron, while the cartwheel cell is the main inhibitory interneuron. Expression of AMPA glutamate receptor subunits is localized to certain cell types. The activity of the CN depends on the AMPA receptor subunit composition and expression. Immunocytochemistry, using specific antibodies for AMPA glutamate receptor subunits GluR1, GluR2/3 and GluR4, was used in conjunction with morphometry to determine the location, morphological characteristics and expression of AMPA receptor subunits in fusiform and cartwheel cells in the primate DCN. Qualitative as well as quantitative data indicates that there are important morphological differences in cell location and expression of AMPA glutamate receptor subunits between the rodent DCN and that of primates. GluR2/3 is widely expressed in the primate DCN. GluR1 is also widely expressed in the primate DCN. GluR4 is diffusely expressed. Expression of GluR2/3 and GluR4 in the primate is similar to that of the rodent. However, expression of GluR1 is different. GluR1 is only expressed by cartwheel cells in the rodent DCN, but is expressed by a variety of cells, including fusiform cells, in the DCN of the primate.
To perceive a coherent environment, incomplete or overlapping visual forms must be integrated into meaningful coherent percepts, a process referred to as ?Gestalt? formation or perceptual completion. Increasing evidence suggests that this process engages oscillatory neuronal activity in a distributed neuronal assembly. A separate line of evidence suggests that Gestalt formation requires top-down feedback from higher order brain regions to early visual cortex. Here we combine magnetoencephalography (MEG) and effective connectivity analysis in the frequency domain to specifically address the effective coupling between sources of oscillatory brain activity during Gestalt formation. We demonstrate that perceptual completion of two-tone ?Mooney? faces induces increased gamma frequency band power (55?71 Hz) in human early visual, fusiform and parietal cortices. Within this distributed neuronal assembly fusiform and parietal gamma oscillators are coupled by forward and backward connectivity during Mooney face perception, indicating reciprocal influences of gamma activity between these higher order visual brain regions. Critically, gamma band oscillations in early visual cortex are modulated by top-down feedback connectivity from both fusiform and parietal cortices. Thus, we provide a mechanistic account of Gestalt perception in which gamma oscillations in feature sensitive and spatial attention-relevant brain regions reciprocally drive one another and convey global stimulus aspects to local processing units at low levels of the sensory hierarchy by top-down feedback. Our data therefore support the notion of inverse hierarchical processing within the visual system underlying awareness of coherent percepts.
Long-term visual memory performance was impaired by two types of challenges: a diazepam challenge on acquisition and a sensory challenge on recognition. Using positron-emission tomography regional cerebral blood flow imaging, we studied the effect of these challenges on regional brain activation during the delayed recognition of abstract visual shapes as compared with a baseline fixation task. Both challenges induced a significant decrease in differential activation in the left fusiform gyrus, suggesting that this region is involved in the automatic or volitional comparison of incoming and stored stimuli. In contrast, thalamic differential activation increased in response to memory challenges. This increase might reflect enhanced retrieval attempts as a compensatory mechanism for restoring recognition performance.
The central nervous system (CNS) effects of mental stress in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) are unexplored. The present study used positron emission tomography (PET) to measure brain correlates of mental stress induced by an arithmetic serial subtraction task in CAD and healthy subjects. Mental stress resulted in hyperactivation in CAD patients compared with healthy subjects in several brain areas including the left parietal cortex [angular gyrus/parallel sulcus (area 39)], left anterior cingulate (area 32), right visual association cortex (area 18), left fusiform gyrus, and cerebellum. These same regions were activated within the CAD patient group during mental stress versus control conditions. In the group of healthy subjects, activation was significant only in the left inferior frontal gyrus during mental stress compared with counting control. Decreases in blood flow also were produced by mental stress in CAD versus healthy subjects in right thalamus (lateral dorsal, lateral posterior), right superior frontal gyrus (areas 32, 24, and 10), and right middle temporal gyrus (area 21) (in the region of the auditory association cortex). Of particular interest, a subgroup of CAD patients that developed painless myocardial ischemia during mental stress had hyperactivation in the left hippocampus and inferior parietal lobule (area 40), left middle (area 10) and superior frontal gyrus (area 8), temporal pole, and visual association cortex (area 18), and a concomitant decrease in activation observed in the anterior cingulate bilaterally, right middle and superior frontal gyri, and right visual association cortex (area 18) compared with CAD patients without myocardial ischemia. These findings demonstrate an exaggerated cerebral cortical response and exaggerated asymmetry to mental stress in individuals with CAD.
There are defined medullary, mesencephalic, hypothalamic, and thalamic functions in regulation of respiration, but knowledge of cortical control and the elements subserving the consciousness of breathlessness and air hunger is limited. In nine young adults, air hunger was produced acutely by CO2 inhalation. Comparisons were made with inhalation of a N2/O2 gas mixture with the same apparatus, and also with paced breathing, and with eyes closed rest. A network of activations in pons, midbrain (mesencephalic tegmentum, parabrachial nucleus, and periaqueductal gray), hypothalamus, limbic and paralimbic areas (amygdala and periamygdalar region) cingulate, parahippocampal and fusiform gyrus, and anterior insula were seen along with caudate nuclei and pulvinar activations. Strong deactivations were seen in dorsal cingulate, posterior cingulate, and prefrontal cortex. The striking response of limbic and paralimbic regions points to these structures having a singular role in the affective sequelae entrained by disturbance of basic respiratory control whereby a process of which we are normally unaware becomes a salient element of consciousness. These activations and deactivations include phylogenetically ancient areas of allocortex and transitional cortex that together with the amygdalar/periamygdalar region may subserve functions of emotional representation and regulation of breathing.
To compare neural activity produced by visual events that escape or reach conscious awareness, we used event-related MRI and evoked potentials in a patient who had neglect and extinction after focal right parietal damage, but intact visual fields. This neurological disorder entails a loss of awareness for stimuli in the field contralateral to a brain lesion when stimuli are simultaneously presented on the ipsilateral side, even though early visual areas may be intact, and single contralateral stimuli may still be perceived. Functional MRI and event-related potential study were performed during a task where faces or shapes appeared in the right, left, or both fields. Unilateral stimuli produced normal responses in V1 and extrastriate areas. In bilateral events, left faces that were not perceived still activated right V1 and inferior temporal cortex and evoked nonsignificantly reduced N1 potentials, with preserved face-specific negative potentials at 170 ms. When left faces were perceived, the same stimuli produced greater activity in a distributed network of areas including right V1 and cuneus, bilateral fusiform gyri, and left parietal cortex. Also, effective connectivity between visual, parietal, and frontal areas increased during perception of faces. These results suggest that activity can occur in V1 and ventral temporal cortex without awareness, whereas coupling with dorsal parietal and frontal areas may be critical for such activity to afford conscious perception.
GD25 cells lacking β1 integrins or expressing β1A with mutations of conserved cytoplasmic tyrosines (Y783, Y795) to phenylalanine have poor directed migration to platelet-derived growth factor or lysophosphatidic acid when compared with GD25 cells expressing wild-type β1A. We studied the effects of v-src on these cells. Transformation with v-src caused tyrosine and serine phosphorylation of wild-type β1A but not of Y783/795F doubly mutated β1A. v-src-transformed cells had rounded and/or fusiform morphology and poor assembly of fibronectin matrix. Adhesion to fibronectin or laminin and coupling of focal contacts to actin-containing cytoskeleton were preserved in transformed Y783/795F cells but lost on transformation when β1A was wild type. Transformed Y783/795F cells also retained ability, albeit limited, to migrate across filters, whereas transformed cells with wild-type β1A were unable to transverse filters. Studies of single tyrosine mutants showed that the more important tyrosine for retaining ability to adhere, assemble focal contacts, and migrate is Y783. These results suggest that overactive phosphorylation of cytoplasmic residues of β1A, particularly Y783, accounts in part for the phenotype of v-src-transformed cells.
Remembering an event involves not only what happened, but also where and when it occurred. We measured regional cerebral blood flow by positron emission tomography during initial encoding and subsequent retrieval of item, location, and time information. Multivariate image analysis showed that left frontal brain regions were always activated during encoding, and right superior frontal regions were always activated at retrieval. Pairwise image subtraction analyses revealed information-specific activations at (i) encoding, item information in left hippocampal, location information in right parietal, and time information in left fusiform regions; and (ii) retrieval, item in right inferior frontal and temporal, location in left frontal, and time in anterior cingulate cortices. These results point to the existence of general encoding and retrieval networks of episodic memory whose operations are augmented by unique brain areas recruited for processing specific aspects of remembered events.